Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Widget Consumer Portlet

This procedure describes how to copy the code snippet for a web widget from the web site and use it on the Widget Consumer portlet.

  1. Log in to Sun GlassFish Web Space Server as the admin user.

  2. Choose Add Application from the Welcome menu and add the Widget Consumer portlet to your page.

  3. Copy the code snippet to embed a web widget.

    In this example, copy the code snippet to embed a web widget from the site

    Figure 4–14 Copying the Code Snippet to Embed a Widget

    Copying the Code Snippet to Embed a Widget

  4. Click the Configuration button on the portlet.

  5. Paste the widget code into the text box.

  6. Click Save.

    You can view the widget from the Widget Consumer portlet.