
Definitions obtained from the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Dictionary are indicated with "(SNIA)" at the end. For the complete SNIA Dictionary, go to


The component of the system monitoring and diagnostic software that collects health and asset information about the array.


A type of event that requires service action. See also event.


A subtype of an event that requires user intervention. The term actionable event often describes an alert. See also event.


Multiple disk drives that function as a single storage device. A high-availability (HA) array configuration has redundant controllers and expansion trays of disk drives.

array hot-spare

A disk that serves as a hot-spare within an array as part of the storage pool; a reserve disk that can be made available to all virtual disks within an array. See also hot-spare.


The amount of data sent or received by the host per I/O operation; the size of a data unit.


The amount of storage you must allocate to storage elements, including volumes, pools, and virtual disks. Capacity planning should include allocations for volume snapshots and volume copies.

control path

The route used for communication of system management information, usually an out-of-band connection.

customer LAN

See site LAN.


See direct attached storage (DAS).

data host

Any host that uses the system for storage. A data host can be connected directly to the array (direct attach storage, or DAS) or can be connected to an external switch that supports multiple data hosts (storage area network, or SAN). See also host.

data path

The route taken by a data packet between a data host and the storage device.

direct attached storage (DAS)

A storage architecture in which one or two hosts that access data are connected physically to a storage array.


A physical drive component that stores data.


A notification of something that happened on a device. There are many types of events, and each type describes a separate occurrence. See also alarm and alert.


A set of contiguous blocks with consecutive logical addresses on a physical or virtual disk.

failover and recovery

The process of changing the data path automatically to an alternate path.

fault coverage

The percentage of faults detected against all possible faults or against all faults of a given type.


See Fibre Channel (FC).

Fibre Channel (FC)

A set of standards for a serial I/O bus capable of transferring data between two ports at up to 100 megabytes/second, with standards proposals to go to higher speeds. Fibre Channel supports point to point, arbitrated loop, and switched topologies. Fibre Channel was completely developed through industry cooperation, unlike SCSI, which was developed by a vendor and submitted for standardization after the fact. (SNIA)

Fibre Channel switch

A networking device that can send packets directly to a port associated with a given network address in a Fibre Channel storage area network (SAN). Fibre Channel switches are used to expand the number of servers that can connect to a particular storage port. Each switch is managed by its own management software.


See host bus adapter (HBA).


A representation of a data host that is mapped to initiators and volumes to create a storage domain. See also data host, initiator.

host bus adapter (HBA)

An I/O adapter that connects a host I/O bus to a computer's memory system. (SNIA) See also initiator.

host group

A group of hosts with common storage characteristics that can be mapped to volumes. See also host.


The drive used by a controller to replace a failed disk. See also array hot-spare.

in-band traffic

System management traffic that uses the data path between a host and a storage device. See also out-of-band traffic.


A system component that initiates an I/O operation over a Fibre Channel (FC) network. If allowed by FC fabric zoning rules, each host connection within the FC network has the ability to initiate transactions with the storage array. Each host in the FC network represents a separate initiator, so if a host is connected to the system through two host bus adapters (HBAs), the system identifies two different initiators (similar to multi-homed, Ethernet-based hosts). In contrast, when multipathing is used in round-robin mode, multiple HBAs are grouped together, and the multipathing software identifies the group of HBAs as a single initiator.


A measure of transaction speed, representing the number of input and output transactions per second.


Local area network.

logical unit number (LUN)

The SCSI identifier for a volume as it is recognized by a particular host. The same volume can be represented by a different LUN to a different host.


See logical unit number (LUN).

MAC address

See media access control (MAC) address.

management host

A Solaris host serving the configuration, management, and monitoring software for the Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager. The software on the station can be accessed with a browser to run the browser interface or with a remote scripting command-line interface (CLI) client to access the SSCS CLI commands.

master / alternate master

A design for reliability that uses redundant configuration. Array configurations share master/alternate master configurations: each array configuration has two controller trays that are grouped as one host. In each case, the master component uses the IP address and name. If the master fails, the alternate master assumes the IP address and name and takes over the master's functions.

media access control (MAC) address

The physical address identifying an Ethernet controller board. The MAC address, also called an Ethernet address, is set at the factory and must be mapped to the IP address of the device.


A form of storage - also called RAID Level 1, independent copy, and real-time copy - whereby two or more independent, identical copies of data are maintained on separate media. Typical mirroring technologies enable the cloning of data sets to provide redundancy for a storage system.


A design for redundancy that provides at least two physical paths to a target.

out-of-band traffic

System management traffic outside of the primary data path that uses an Ethernet network. See also in-band traffic.


See storage pool.


See storage profile.


The process of allocation and assignment of storage to hosts.


An acronym for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, a family of techniques for managing multiple disks to deliver desirable cost, data availability, and performance characteristics to host environments. (SNIA)

remote monitoring

Monitoring of the functions and performance of a hardware system from a location other than where the hardware resides.

remote scripting CLI client

A command-line interface (CLI) that enables you to manage the system from a remote management host. The client communicates with the management software through a secure out-of-band interface, HTTPS, and provides the same control and monitoring capability as the browser interface. The client must be installed on a host that has network access to the system.


See storage area network (SAN).

site LAN

The local area network at your site. When the system is connected to your LAN, the system can be managed through a browser from any host on the LAN.


An copy of a volume's data at a specific point in time.


Sun Storage Command System. The command-line interface (CLI) that can be used to manage the array.

storage area network (SAN)

An architecture in which the storage elements are connected to each other and to a server that is the access point for all systems that use the SAN to store data.

storage domain

A secure container that holds a subset of the system's total storage resources. Multiple storage domains can be created to securely partition the system's total set of storage resources. This enables you to organize multiple departments or applications into a single storage management infrastructure.

storage pool

A container that groups physical disk capacity (abstracted as virtual disks in the browser interface) into a logical pool of available storage capacity. A storage pool's characteristics are defined by a storage profile. You can create multiple storage pools to segregate storage capacity for use in various types of applications (for example, high throughput and online transaction-processing applications).

storage profile

A defined set of storage performance characteristics such as RAID level, segment size, dedicated hot-spare, and virtualization strategy. You can choose a predefined profile suitable for the application that is using the storage, or you can create a custom profile.

storage tray

An enclosure containing disks. A tray with dual RAID controllers is called a controller tray; a tray without controllers is called an expansion tray.

stripe size

The number of blocks in a stripe. A striped array's stripe size is the stripe depth multiplied by the number of member extents. A parity RAID array's stripe size is the stripe depth multiplied by one less than the number of member extents. See also striping.


Short for data striping; also known as RAID Level 0 or RAID 0. A mapping technique in which fixed-size consecutive ranges of virtual disk data addresses are mapped to successive array members in a cyclic pattern. (SNIA)


The system component that receives a SCSI I/O command. (SNIA)

thin-scripting client

See remote scripting CLI client.


See storage tray.

virtual disk

A set of disk blocks presented to an operating environment as a range of consecutively numbered logical blocks with disk-like storage and I/O semantics. The virtual disk is the disk array object that most closely resembles a physical disk from the operating environment's viewpoint.(SNIA)


A logically contiguous range of storage blocks allocated from a single pool and presented by a disk array as a logical unit number (LUN). A volume can span the physical devices that constitute the array, or it can be wholly contained within a single physical disk, depending on its virtualization strategy, size, and the internal array configuration. The array controller makes these details transparent to applications running on the attached server system.

volume snapshot

See snapshot.


World Wide Name. A unique 64-bit number assigned by a recognized naming authority such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) that identifies a connection (device) or a set of connections to the network. The World Wide Name (WWN) is constructed from the number that identifies the naming authority, the number that identifies the manufacturer, and a unique number for the specific connection.