C H A P T E R  2

Installing the Adapter

This chapter describes how to install the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter in your system and verify that it has been installed correctly. The chapter then describes how to install the driver software using the automated script. Finally, this chapter describes how to edit the network host files after installing the adapter on your system.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Note - If you are installing the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter in a machine running the Solaris x86 Operating System Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) is not supported.

Important Driver and Platform Support Information

A new Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X ixgb driver is bundled with the first release of Solaris 10 and later OSs. The ixgb driver supports x86 or x64 platforms only.

caution icon Caution - The ixgedriver is not bundled with the Solaris OS. The ixgedriver is required for SPARC platforms. You must download and install the ixgedriver for SPARC platforms if you upgrade to Solaris 10 or later. Do not use the ixgbdriver on SPARC platforms.

To download and install the ixge driver for SPARC platforms, go to:


Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic Reconfiguration in x86/x64 (ixgb) or SPARC (ixge) Platforms

caution icon Caution - If your are installing the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter into a machine running Solaris 10, you mustinstall the software beforeyou install the hardware. Failure to install the software before installing the hardware will allow the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter to attach to an older version of the software. See Using the Installation Script.

procedure icon  To Install the Adapter

The following instructions describe the basic tasks required to install the adapter. Refer to your system installation or service manual for detailed PCI adapter installation instructions.

1. Halt and power off your system.

2. Power off all of the peripherals connected to your system.

3. Open the system unit.

4. Attach the antistatic wrist strap to yourself and to the system.

Attach the adhesive copper strip of the antistatic wrist strap to the metal casing of the power supply. Wrap the other end twice around your wrist, with the adhesive side against your skin.

5. Holding the PCI adapter by the edges, unpack it and place it on an antistatic surface.

6. Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the PCI filler panel from the slot in which you want to insert the PCI adapter.

Save the filler panel screw for Step 9.

7. Insert the adapter into the PCI opening.

Holding the PCI adapter by the edges, align the adapter edge connector with a 66 MHz PCI slot or a PCI-X slot. Slide the adapter face plate into the small slot at the end of the PCI opening.

8. Applying even pressure at both corners of the adapter, push the PCI adapter until it is firmly seated in the slot.

caution icon Caution - Do not use excessive force when installing the adapter into the PCI slot. You might damage the adapter’s PCI connector. If the adapter does not seat properly when you apply even pressure, remove the adapter and carefully reinstall it.

9. Secure the adapter to the PCI slot using the screw you removed in Step 6.

10. Close the system.

Note - Green LEDs do not light until the correct driver is installed.

procedure icon  To Install the Optical Transceiver

The Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter requires an optical transceiver to create and Ethernet connection. The optical transceiver Part Number: 135-1172-01 is available from Sun Microsystems.

Note - The 10 GbE Short Reach Transceiver (X5558A) and 10 GbE Long Reach Transceiver (X5560A-z) are available on the Web at: http://www.sun.com/products/networking/ethernet/10gigabitethernet/index.xml

1. Pull the white locking handle into the full horizontal position.

You will feel the handle click into position when it is fully opened.

2. Holding the optical transceiver by the edges, align the transceiver with the slot in the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-Xadapter and slide it into the opening.

3. Applying even pressure at both corners of the transceiver, push the transceiver until it is firmly seated in the slot.

4. Push the handle closed to lock the optical transceiver in place.

5. Detach the wrist strap.

caution icon Caution - If you pull the locking handle down when the optical transceiver is installed, remove the optical transceiver entirely and reinstall it. The handle operates an internal lock. Pulling the handle down can disconnect the optical transceiver, even though it might appear to be connected.

6. Connect the Ethernet cable.

procedure icon  To Verify Hardware Installation on a SPARC Platform

After you have installed the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet adapter, but before you boot your system, perform the following tasks to verify the installation. Refer to the your Solaris documentation for the detailed instructions.

Note - Verification is not required if your system supports dynamic reconfiguration (DR). Verification is not supported if your system is running Solaris x86 software.

1. Power on the system, and when the banner appears, press the Stop-A key sequence to interrupt the boot process and display the OpenBoot (ok) prompt.

2. List the network devices on your system.

ok show-devs

The output from this command is extensive. Look for ethernet@ and network@ to see the network devices. In this example, the ethernet@1 device is the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet adapter, shown in bold italics for ease of use.

ok show-devs

/pci@9,600000/ethernet@1 identifies the 10-gigabit Ethernet port.

Note - If you do not see the device listed, check that the adapter is properly seated. If necessary, reinstall the adapter.

3. View the device that you installed.

Using the previous example, type:

cd /pci@9,600000/ethernet@1

4. View the .properties file for a list of device properties.

The .properties command displays the specific information about the installed adapter. If you are using the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet adapter, your output will be similar to the following:

ok cd /pci@9,600000/ethernet@1
ok .properties
assigned-addresses       83000810 00000000 00100000 00000000 00008000
                         81000820 00000000 00000300 00000000 00000020
reg                      00000800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
                         03000810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00008000
                         01000820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000020
compatible               70 63 69 38 30 38 36 2c 31 30 34 38 2e 38 30 38
name                     ethernet
devsel-speed             00000001
class-code               00020000
interrupts               00000001
latency-timer            00000040
cache-line-size          00000010
max-latency              00000000
min-grant                000000ff
subsystem-id             00007036
subsystem-vendor-id      0000108e
revision-id              00000002
device-id                00001048
vendor-id                00008086

5. Type the following when you finish looking at the .properties values:

ok device-end

Rebooting the System

After verifying the adapter installation, use the boot -r command to perform a reconfiguration boot on your system.

ok boot -r

procedure icon  To Verify Hardware Installation on an x86 or x64 Platform

single-step bullet  After the Solaris OS boots, execute the prtconf -pv command:

# prtconf -pv
compatible: ’pci8086,1048.108e.a11f.2’ + ’pci8086,1048.108e.a11f’ + ’pci108e,a11f’ + ’pci8086,1048.2’ + ’pci8086,1048’ + ’pciclass,020000’ + ’pciclass,0200’
vendor-id: 00008086 

Installing the Adapter With Dynamic Reconfiguration on SPARC Platforms

If you have a Sun Enterprisetrademark system that supports dynamic reconfiguration (DR), you do not have to reboot your system after installing the adapter.

The process of adding and configuring an adapter with DR involves connecting the attachment point and configuring its occupant. In most cases, the cfgadm(1M) command can perform both steps at once.

Note - If you have a Sun Enterprise system that supports dynamic reconfiguration (DR), refer to the Sun Enterprise Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide and your system’s documentation for further information about dynamic reconfiguration. DR is not supported in the Solaris x86 operating system.

Using the Installation Script

The Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet CD provides automated installation for the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X driver software. In most cases, you can use the following procedure and execute the installation script. If you have any problems, see Appendix C for manual installation procedures.

The script first checks to ensure that the software driver package has already been installed. If the package is installed, the script verifies the patch level and updates the driver with the updated patch if necessary. If the packages are not installed on Solaris 9 or 10 software, the installation script installs the latest prepatched packages. If the system does not require updating because the patch level is at or beyond the current installed version, the script exits with an appropriate message.

procedure icon  To Install the Software Using the Installation Script on a SPARC Platform

1. At the system console, become superuser (root).

2. Insert the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter CD into a CD-ROM drive that is connected to your system.

Note - If you are installing the software from the download site, follow the online download instructions.

3. Change to the directory were the installation script resides:

# cd /media-path/


4. Execute the installation script:

# ./install 

Note - After the installation script runs, you see a summary of the software package or patch that was installed. You can also find a log of the installation in /var/tmp. The log file information is displayed when the installation completes unless the software meets or exceeds the required package or patch level.

You’ll see the following output:

CODE EXAMPLE 2-1 Typical Install Script Output

# ./install
10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver for sparc Installation.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
*** Checking for correct version of 10-Gigabit Ethernet Driver Packages...
*** Checking for correct version of VLAN Utility Driver Packages..
*** Checking for correct version of VLAN Utility Driver Patches...
The following optional supporting driver(s) can be used with 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver:
     VLAN Utility Driver software (Installed)
This script is about to take the following actions:
- Install 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver packages.
- Install VLAN Ethernet Utility Patch: 114600-04.
Press return to continue, or 'Q' followed by a return to quit:
*** Installing patch 114600-04 for Solaris 9...
Checking installed patches...
Verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)...
Installing patch packages...
Patch number 114600-04 has been successfully installed.
See /var/sadm/patch/114600-04/log for details
Patch packages installed:
*** Installing Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet  packages...
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
System configuration files modified but ixge driver not loaded or attached.
Installation of <SUNWixged> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWixgedu> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWixgea> was successful.
Installation completed.
 10-Gigabit Ethernet Driver packages have been installed.
Optional VLAN Utility has been updated using  114600-04. It
 may be necessary to reboot the system to reload the updated
A log of this Install can be found at:

5. Reboot the system to load the driver:

# reboot -r

6. Verify the installation to ensure that the driver installed and loaded properly.

Verifying the Software Installation

Unless you have the latest version of the driver software installed, the green LEDs on the adapter will not go on. For ixge, ensure that you have version 1.30 or later installed.

procedure icon  To Verify Software Installation on SPARC Platforms

single-step bullet  Use the modinfo command to verify that you have the current driver (v1.30 or later) installed.

If you type grep IXGE, using uppercase letters, you will get only the specific driver information:

# modinfo | grep IXGE
267  1331c11  11e0e 271   1  ixge (IXGE 10Gb Ethernet Driver v1.30)

procedure icon  To Verify Software Installation on x86 or x64 Platforms

single-step bullet  Use the modinfo command to verify that you have the current driver installed.

If you type grep IXGB, using uppercase letters, you will get only the specific driver information:

# modinfo | grep IXGB
267  1331c11  11e0e 271   1  ixgb 

Configuring the Network Host Files for SPARC Platforms

After installing the driver software, you must create a hostname.ixgenumber file where number = the instance number of the ixge interface.) for the adapter’s Ethernet interface. You must also create both an IP address and a host name for its Ethernet interface in the /etc/hosts file.

caution icon Caution - Ensure that the optical transceiver is correctly seated beforeconfiguring the interface.

1. At the command line, use the grep command to search the /etc/path_to_inst file for ixge interfaces.

# grep ixge /etc/path_to_inst
"/pci@9,600000/ethernet@1" 0  "ixge" 

In the example above, the device instance is from a Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter. For clarity, the instance number is in bold italics.

2. Use the ifconfig command to set up the adapter’s ixge interface.

Use the ifconfig command to assign an IP address to the network interface. Type the following at the command line, replacing ip-address with the adapter’s IP address:

# ifconfig ixge0  plumb ip-address up

caution icon Caution - If the optical transceiver is unplugged after the interface has been configured using the ifconfigcommand, you mustunconfigure and reconfigure the interface.

On Solaris operating systems, use the following commands to unconfigure and reconfigure the interface:

# ifconfig ixge0 down
# ifconfig ixge0 unplumb
# ifconfig ixge0 plumb ip-address up

On Linux operating systems, use the following commands:

ifconfig ethnumber down
ifconfig ethnumber up

Where number corresponds to the device instance of the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter you plan to configure.

Refer to the ifconfig(1M) man page and the Solaris or Linux documentation for more information.

To use the adapter’s ixge interface in the Step 1 example, create an
/etc/hostname.ixge0 file, where 0 is the number of the ixge interface. If the instance number were 1, the filename would be

The following example shows the /etc/hostname.ixgenumber file required for a system called zardoz that has a Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet adapter (zardoz-11).

# cat /etc/hostname.hme0
# cat /etc/hostname.ixge0

3. Create an appropriate entry in the /etc/hosts file for each active ixge interface.

For example:

# cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
#     localhost zardoz    loghost zardoz-11

Configuring the Network Host Files for x86 or x64 Platforms

After installing the driver software, you must create a hostname.ixgbinstance file (where instance is the instance number of the ixgb interface) for the adapter’s Ethernet interface. You must also create both an IP address and a host name for its Ethernet interface in the /etc/hosts file.

procedure icon  To Configure Network Host Files for x86 or x64 Platforms

1. At the command line, execute the prtconf -D command to find the ixgb interfaces.

2. Execute the ifconfig command to set up the adapter’s ixgb interface.

3. Create an appropriate entry in the /etc/hosts file for each active ixgb interface.