A P P E N D I X  D

Uninstalling SBM Components

This appendix provides instructions for uninstalling Sun StorageTek Backup Manager components. It contains the following sections:

Uninstalling Preinstallation Components

You can uninstall individual SBM components in one of the following ways:

If you run the program from the/opt/sbm directory, you will need to delete the /opt/sbm directory structure after the De-Installer program removes the software.

Running the Uninstall Script

1. Log in as root on the server where the SBM components are installed.

2. Insert the SBM pre-installation CD into a local drive.

If the compressed installation files do not appear in a directory window:

a. Change to the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0

b. Display the contents of the CD:

ls -l

3. To initiate the De-Installer program, type:


The "De-Installation Menu" is displayed.

Please select component(s) to de-install.  Select [0] to de-install All Components.
Select [15] once you are done with selection and de-installation will begin.
        [0] [ ] All Components
        [1] [ ] Pre-Req Components
                [2] [ ] Postgresql database server  [INSTALLED]
                [3] [ ] GlassFish web application server  [INSTALLED]
        [4] [ ] SBM Components
                [5] [ ] Database instance and schema  [INSTALLED]
                [6] [ ] Web application
                [7] [ ] All Infrastructure and Device Agents
                        [8] [ ] SBM Agent Util package 
                        [9] [ ] SBM Routing Agent package 
                        [10] [ ] SBM Aggregator package 
                        [11] [ ] SBM ACSLS Agent package 
                        [12] [ ] SBM Legato Agent package 
                        [13] [ ] SBM Netbackup Agent package 
                        [14] [ ] SBM STK Agent package 
        [15] [ ] Done Selection
        [16] [ ] Quit the de-installation.
=================================== MENU HELP ===============
[ [X] indicates selected option. ]
[ [INSTALLED] indicates the item is already installed on system. ]
[ To toggle on/off option press the selected number again. ]
[ Press [0] to select All Components. ]
[ Press [1] to select All Pre-req Components. ]
[ Press [4] to select All SBM Components. Press [7] to select All SBM sub-agent components. ]
=================================== ERROR/WARNING ==========

Each line is written in the following format:

[Menu #] [Selection Status] Component Name [Install Status]

The Selection Status field (indicated by the brackets [ ] ) is empty if a component is not installed or has been uninstalled].

4. To select a component you want to uninstall, type the corresponding number.

If you want to uninstall...

Type this...

All components


All Pre-Req Components


PostgreSQL Database Server


GlassFish web application server


5. Press Return.

An "[X]" is displayed beside the selected component.

6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for each component you want to uninstall.

Deselect a component by reyping its number.

7. (Optional) To exit the script without uninstalling any components, type 16.

8. When you finish selecting components, type 16 and press Return.

Result: The software initiates the De-Installer process and displays a message indicating that the process has completed. The De-Installation Menu displays
"[ ]" after the name of each component currently not installed.

Verifying Prerequisites Components Are Removed

You must verify that each of the components was uninstalled successfully.

PostgreSQL Database

TABLE D-1 describes how to verify the SBM database was uninstalled successfully.

TABLE D-1 PostgreSQL Database De-Installer Verification Procedure





Uninstall package ran successfully and the database server is running.

To display the PostgreSQL status, type:

# svcs postgresql:sbm

Web Application Server

TABLE D-2 describes how to verify the SBM database was uninstalled successfully.

TABLE D-2 Web Application Server De-Installer Verification Procedure





Uninstall package ran successfully.

From a browser, verify the web server Admin site is not accessible by typing:


Uninstalling Installation Components

You can uninstall individual SBM components from the Solaris platform.

Running the Uninstall Script

1. Log in as root on the server where the SBM components are installed.

2. Insert the SBM installation CD into a local drive.

If the compressed installation files do not appear in a directory window:

a. Change to the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0

b. Display the contents of the CD:

ls -l

3. To initiate the De-Installer program, type:


The "De-Installation Menu" is displayed.

Please select component(s) to de-install.  Select [0] to de-install All Components.
Select [15] once you are done with selection and de-installation will begin.
        [0] [ ] All Components
        [1] [ ] Pre-Req Components
                [2] [ ] Postgresql database server  [INSTALLED]
                [3] [ ] GlassFish web application server  [INSTALLED]
        [4] [ ] SBM Components
                [5] [ ] Database instance and schema  [INSTALLED]
                [6] [ ] Web application
                [7] [ ] All Infrastructure and Device Agents
                        [8] [ ] SBM Agent Util package 
                        [9] [ ] SBM Routing Agent package 
                        [10] [ ] SBM Aggregator package 
                        [11] [ ] SBM ACSLS Agent package 
                        [12] [ ] SBM Legato Agent package 
                        [13] [ ] SBM Netbackup Agent package 
                        [14] [ ] SBM STK Agent package 
        [15] [ ] Done Selection
        [16] [ ] Quit the de-installation.
=================================== MENU HELP ===============
[ [X] indicates selected option. ]
[ [INSTALLED] indicates the item is already installed on system. ]
[ To toggle on/off option press the selected number again. ]
[ Press [0] to select All Components. ]
[ Press [1] to select All Pre-req Components. ]
[ Press [4] to select All SBM Components. Press [7] to select All SBM sub-agent components. ]
=================================== ERROR/WARNING ==========

Each line is written in the following format:

[Menu #] [Selection Status] Component Name [Install Status]

The Selection Status field (indicated by the brackets [ ] ) is empty if a component is not installed or has been uninstalled].

4. To select a component you want to uninstall, type the corresponding number.

If you want to uninstall...

Type this...

All components


All SBM components


Database instance and schema


Web application


All Infrastructure and Device Agents


SBM Agent Util package


SBM Routing Agent package


SBM Aggregator package


SBM ACSLS Agent package


SBM Legato Agent package


SBM NetBackup Agent package


SBM STK Agent package


5. Press Return.

An "[X]" is displayed beside the selected component.

6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for each component you want to uninstall.

You can deselect a component by typing its number again.

7. (Optional) To exit the script without uninstalling any components, type 16.

8. When you finish selecting components, type 16 and press Return.

Result: The software initiates the De-Installer process and displays a message indicating that the process has completed. The De-Installation Menu displays
"[ ]" after the name of each component currently not installed.

You will be asked the following questions during the De-Installer process.


Explanation / Action...

The following package is currently installed:
SUNWsbmutils Sun Backup Manager utilities (sparc) prod-1.0.11-qa
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]

Displays for each Agent you are uninstalling.

  • To uninstall the agent, type y.
  • To exit the De-Installer process, type n.
  • To receive more information, type ?. The following message displays:
To respond in the affirmative, enter y, yes, Y, or YES. To respond in the negative, enter n, no, N, or NO.
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
  • To quit the De-Installer process, type q. The following message displays:
1 package was not processed!
This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package.
Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q]

Displays for each agent you are uninstalling.

  • To continue to uninstall the Agent, type y.
  • To exit the De-Installer process, type n.
  • To receive more information, type ?. The following message displays:
During the removal of this package, certain scripts provided with the
package will execute with super-user permission. These scripts may modify 
or otherwise change your system without your knowledge. If you are certain 
of the origin of the package being removed and trust it worthiness, answer 
'y' to continue the package removal process.
Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q]
  • To quit the De-Installer process, type q. The following message displays:

1 package was not processed!

9. If you ran the De-Installer program from the/opt/sbm directory, remove the /opt/sbm directory structure.

Verifying the SBM Components Are Removed

You must verify that each of the components was uninstalled successfully.

SBM Database

TABLE D-3 describes how to verify the SBM database was uninstalled successfully.

TABLE D-3 SBM Database De-Installer Verification Procedure





Uninstall package ran successfully and the database server is not running.

Review uninstall output and verify the following message is displayed:

    executing deinstall_opt_5 is done... 

SBM Web Application

TABLE D-4 describes how to verify the web application server was uninstalled successfully.

TABLE D-4 SBM Web Application De-Installer Verification Procedure





Uninstall package ran successfully.

From a browser, verify the SBM GUI Interface is not accessible by typing:



TABLE D-5 describes how to verify the individual SBM Agent packages were uninstalled successfully.

TABLE D-5 SBM Agent Package De-Installer Verification Procedure





Agents were uninstalled on the local host.


svcs -a | grep sbm\/agent

Uninstalling the TSM Agent

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) agent can only be uninstalled from the Windows platform.

1. From the Windows desktop, click Start.

2. Open the Control Panel and click Add or Remove Programs.

3. Scroll through the list of Currently installed programs and select the "Sun Microsystems TSM Agent" program.

4. Click Remove.

5. Click Yes.

Result: The Install process begins. Once completed the Sun Microsystems TSM Agent program is removed and the Uninstall progress is now complete.

Verifying the TSM Agent Is Removed

1. Ensure the TSM Agent software does not exist in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Sun Microsystems\SBM\Agents\Sun TSM Agent

2. Ensure the Sun TSM Agent service is not in the list of services.

a. From the Windows desktop, click Start.

b. Open the Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools.

c. Select Services.

d. Scroll down the list of services to verify the "Sun TSM Agent" is not in the list.

e. Close the Services dialog box.