A P P E N D I X  B

Uninstalling the Software

This appendix tells you how to uninstall the Sun StorEdge QFS Linux Client software and the File System Manager software. It contains the following topics:

For instructions on uninstalling the Sun StorEdge QFS packages, see Removing Existing Sun StorEdge QFS Software.

Uninstalling the Sun StorEdge QFS Linux Client Software

single-step bulletTo uninstall the Linux client software, use the uninstall script that resides in the /var/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

caution icon

Caution - Do not use other processes, such as rpm -e, to uninstall the software. They can cause unexpected results and problems with uninstalling or reinstalling the software.

Uninstalling the File System Manager Software

1. Log in to the server on which the File System Manager software is installed.

This is the host on which you ran the fsmgr_setup script at installation time.

2. Become superuser.

3. Issue the following command to remove the File System Manager software and all the applications that were installed with it:

# /var/sadm/samqfsui/fsmgr_uninstall

This script prompts you to confirm removal of the Tomcat Web Server, JRE packages, and information pertaining to administrator and user accounts.