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Sun Java System Identity Server 2004Q2 Administration Guide 

Chapter 40  
SOAP Binding Service Attributes

The SOAP Binding Service attributes are global attributes. The values applied to them are carried across the Sun Java System Identity Server configuration and inherited by every configured organization. (They can not be applied directly to roles or organizations as the goal of global attributes is to customize the Identity Server application.)

The SOAP Binding Service attributes are as follows:

Request Handler List

This attribute stores information about a Web Service Provider (WSP) deployed in Identity Server. It lists entries that contain a key/value pair (separated by “|”). For example:

key=disco||soa pActions=sa1 sa2 sa2

To add a new request handler, click the add button. The key and class parameters are required. The parameters are:

Web Service Authenticator

This attribute defines the implementation class for the WebServiceAuthenicator interface, which authenticates and generates a credential for a Web Service Consumer (WSC), based on the request.

Supported Authentication Mechanisms

This attribute specifies the authentication mechanisms supported by the SOAP endpoint. By default, all of the mechanisms are selected. If an authentication mechanism is not selected, and a WSC sends a request using that authentication mechanism, the request will be rejected by the SOAP layer without passing it to the corresponding WSP.

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