Sun Java System Identity Server 2004Q2 API

Packages Provides the classes for implementing Console Event Listener. Provides the classes to be used for User/Identity Management. Provides utility classes for use by other IS SDK and custom applications accessing IS SDK. Provides the classes for implementing services and applications serving multiple clients to Sun Java System Identity Server.
com.iplanet.sso Provides classes for accessing the Single Sign On Service.
com.sun.identity.authentication Provides interfaces and classes for writing a Remote Java client application to authenticate into Sun Java System Identiry Server.
com.sun.identity.authentication.spi Provides interfaces and classes for writing a supplemental authentication module to plug into Sun Java System Identity Server. Defines common classes used by liberty service components Provides interface for Web Service Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile. Provides interface to manage liberty discovery service. Provides interface to manage liberty ID-WSF Data Service Template. Provides classes to support Liberty Interaction RequestRedirect Profile. Provides interfaces common to all liberty services. Provides classes for web application to construct and process PAOS request and response. Provides interface to manage liberty ID-WSF security mechanisms.
com.sun.identity.log Provides the classes and interfaces of core logging and auditing facilities.
com.sun.identity.log.spi Provides means for plugging in support for authorization and other security related aspects of logging.
com.sun.identity.password.plugins Provides interfaces for writing custom plugins for Password Reset Notification and Random Password Generator.
com.sun.identity.password.ui.model Provides a class for throwing exception if unable to reset user's password.
com.sun.identity.policy Provides classes for policy administration and evaluation.
com.sun.identity.policy.client Provides classes necessary for a remote client to evaluate policies.
com.sun.identity.policy.interfaces Provides interfaces for writing custom Policy plugins for Conditons, Subjects, Referrals and Resources.
com.sun.identity.policy.jaas Provides classes for performing policy evaluation against Identity Server using JAAS ( Java Authentication and Authorization) framework.
com.sun.identity.saml Provides interface to manage SAML (version 1.0) Assertions and Profiles.
com.sun.identity.saml.assertion Provides interface to construct and process SAML Assertions.
com.sun.identity.saml.common Defines common SAML utilities and constants.
com.sun.identity.saml.plugins Defines pluggable interface for Identity Server SAML implementation.
com.sun.identity.saml.protocol Provides interface to construct and process SAML request-response protocol.
com.sun.identity.saml.xmlsig Provides a pluggable interface for XML digital signature implementation. Provides the classes to be used for performing privileged operations (like getting the IS admin's DN and password) Provides classes for accessing the Service Management Service (SMS).
com.sun.liberty Provides interface for Liberty Federation Framework (version 1.1).