A P P E N D I X  A

dsstat and Storage Cache Statistics

This appendix describes the operation of the dsstat utility. The dsstat utility collects and reports I/O statistics for the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software components.

The /usr/sbin/dsstat command displays I/O statistics for the Remote Mirror, Point-in-Time Copy, and Cache software. See the dsstat man page for more information.

Unless you specify otherwise, all fields displayed show per-second averages based on the data collected during the interval. For example, if you specify 5-second intervals, the data displayed is a per-second average of the data collected during the last 5-second interval.


dsstat -m mode [-r report-options][-d display-options][-s volume-sets] [-f |-F]
[-z] [interval [count]]

See TABLE A-1 for the dsstat the command options.


TABLE A-1 dsstat Options



-m mode

Specifies the statistics reporting mode, where mode is:

  • cache
  • ii
  • sndr

This option determines the options you can use with the
-r report-option. You cannot use the -r report-option if you specify
-m cache.

If -m is not specified, the default is for the statistics for all modes to be displayed.

You can enter a comma-separated list of modes as well as multiple -m switches. The following commands are equivalent:

# dsstat -m sndr,ii

# dsstat -m sndr -m ii

-r report-options

No report-options are available for the -m cache mode.

  • If you specify -m ii, you can use this option as follows. If you do not specify -r report-options, the default display is -r msbo.

-r m show master volume information

-r s show shadow volume information

-r b show bitmap volume information

-r o show overflow volume information (if this volume type is attached)


  • If you specify -m sndr, you can use this option as follows. If you do not specify -r report-options, the default display is -r bn.

-r b show bitmap volume information (this command shows only the bitmap of the host you are issuing the command from)

-r n show network volume information

-d display-options

Specifies the types of information to show. You can specify one or more of the following options on the command line. (If you specify -d t, then the r and w options are ignored.)


  • If you specify -m cache, the available options are as follows. If you do not specify this option, the default display is -d sf.

-d r detailed read information

-d w detailed write information

-d d destaged data information

-d c cancelled write information

-d s summary of information

-d f cache behavior flags


  • If you specify -m sndr or -m ii, the available options are as follows. If you do not specify this option, the default display for -m ii is -d sf and for -m sndr is -d spf.

-d r detailed read information

-d w detailed write information

-d t timing information

-d s summary of information

-d f volume type and status flags

-d p (-m sndr only) percentage of volume requiring a synchronization

-d a (-m sndr only) shows the secondary volume names

-s volume-set

Shows information about the specified volume-set only. volume-set can also be a comma-delimited list of volume names.


Displays a field header for every report cycle.

Displays a field header once, when reporting begins.


Do not report or display lines that have a value of zero (indicates no activity)

interval [count]

interval specifies how often the report is updated. The default interval is one second.

count specifies how many reports to display. If count is not specified, report output continues at the specified interval time until you interrupt it by a break (^C).

If you do not specify interval and count, the command shows a single report for a one-second interval.

Unless you specify otherwise, all fields displayed show per-second averages based on the data collected during the interval. For example, if you specify 5-second intervals, the data displayed is a per-second average of the data collected during the last 5-second interval.


TABLE A-2 describes the fields displayed.

Report cache statistics

Note - Only the trailing sixteen characters of a volume name appear in a report. For example: /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0 is displayed as ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0.

 # dsstat -m cache -d rw -s /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0 5
                            - read -             - write -
     volume             ckps   dkps    hit   ckps   dkps    hit
     ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0      0      0   0.00      0      0   0.00
     ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0      3   2396   0.13    983    763 100.00
     ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0   2399    799  75.00   2815   2686 100.00
     ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0   3200    800  80.00   2755   2908 100.00
     ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0   3999    799  83.33   2809   2868 100.00
     ev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0   4800    800  85.71   2867   2931 100.00

Report Master and Shadow Volume Point-in-Time Copy Software Statistics

Report Network Statistics for the Remote Mirror Software


TABLE A-2 dsstat Display Fields



set name

Volume set specified by -s option


Volume type for Remote Mirror volumes:

P primary host volume

S secondary host volume

Volume type for the Point-in-Time Copy volumes:

I independent shadow volume set

D dependent shadow volume set

Valid cache modes

C cache reads and writes

D disk reads and writes


Volume status for the Remote Mirror software:

L volume is in logging mode; changes are being logged

R replicating changes to secondary

SY forward synchronization is in progress

RS reverse synchronization is in progress

SN forward synchronization needed

RN reverse synchronization needed

VF volume failed

BF bitmap failed

Volume status for the Point-in-Time Copy volumes:

C copy in progress

- no copy in progress


Percentage of volume requiring sync


Number of reads


Kilobytes read


Number of writes


Kilobyes written


Service time per operation


Sum of rtps and wtps


Sum of rkps and wkps


Cache read behavior


Cache write behavior


Kilobytes read from cache


Kilobytes read from disk


Read hits during interval


Kilobytes destaged from cache


Number of write cancellations