

aborting copies or updates, 1

attaching overflow volumes, 1


bitmap management, 1

bitmap sizing

dsbitmap utility, 1

bitmap volumes, 1



command modifiers, 1

command options, 1

copy and update operations, 1

clock ticks, 1

command modifiers


iiadm -C, 1


iiadm -g, 1

command option

aborting copies or updates

usage, 1

attaching overflow volumes

usage, 1

copying volume sets

usage, 1

detaching overflow volumes

usage, 1

disabling volume sets

usage, 1

displaying help text

usage, 1

displaying software versions

usage, 1

displaying volume set status

usage, 1

enabling dependent volume sets

usage, 1

enabling independent volume sets

usage, 1

exporting shadow volumes

usage, 1

initializing overflow volumes

usage, 1

listing I/O groups

usage, 1

listing overflow volume status

usage, 1

listing overflow volumes

usage, 1

listing volume sets

usage, 1

moving volume sets

usage, 1

resetting volume sets

usage, 1

setting copy parameters

usage, 1

waiting for copies or updates

usage, 1

command options


syntax, 1

attaching overflow volumes

syntax, 1


syntax, 1

detaching overflow volumes

syntax, 1

disabling volume sets

syntax, 1

displaying command usage

syntax, 1

displaying overflow volume status

syntax, 1

displaying volume set status

syntax, 1

enabling volume sets

syntax, 1

exporting shadow volumes

syntax, 1


iiadm -h, 1

importing shadow volumes

syntax, 1

initializing overflow volumes

syntax, 1

joining shadow volumes

syntax, 1

listing I/O groups

syntax, 1

listing overflow volumes

syntax, 1

listing volume sets

syntax, 1

moving volume sets

syntax, 1

printing software versions

syntax, 1

resetting I/O groups

syntax, 1

resetting volume sets

syntax, 1

setting copy parameters

syntax, 1

updating volume sets

syntax, 1

waiting for copies or updates

syntax, 1


dsstat, 1

compact dependent shadow volumes, 1

and overflow volumes, 1

overflow volumes for, 1

configuration parameters, 1

ii_Bitmap, 1

ii_debug, 1

ii_throttle_delay, 1

ii_throttle_units, 1


wait for completion, 1

copy and update operations

Using the CLI for, 1

copy data

master volume to shadow volume, 1

shadow volume to master volume, 1

copy operation

aborting, 1, 2

copy operations

dependent, 1

independent, 1

copy parameters, 1

getting and setting, 1

copying volumes, 1


data service I/O stack

interaction in, 1

data services logging file, 1

delay units function, 1

dependent copy operations, 1

dependent shadow volume

accessing, 1

creating, 1

dependent volume set

enabling, 1

dependent volume sets, 1

detaching overflow volumes, 1

disabling volume sets, 1

displaying command usage, 1

displaying help, 1

displaying overflow volume status, 1, 2

displaying software versions, 1

displaying volume set status, 1, 2

dsbitmap utility, 1

dsstat command, 1


Enable, Copy, and Update Operations, 1

enabling volume sets, 1

encapsulated volumes, 1

shadowing, 1

export shadow, 1


SAN-accessible shadow volumes, 1

exporting shadow volumes, 1


failovers, 1



displaying, 1


information, 1


I/O groups

listing, 1

I/O stack

interaction in, 1

ii, 1

iiadm -A command, 1

iiadm -a command, 1

iiadm -c command, 1

iiadm CLI, 1

iiadm -D command, 1

iiadm -d command, 1

iiadm -E command, 1

iiadm -e command, 1

iiadm -h command, 1

iiadm -I command, 1

iiadm -i command, 1

iiadm -J command, 1

iiadm -L command, 1

iiadm -l command, 1

iiadm -m command, 1

iiadm -O command, 1

iiadm -P command, 1

iiadm -Q command, 1

iiadm -R command, 1

iiadm -u command, 1

iiadm -v command, 1

iiadm -w command, 1

importing shadow volumes, 1

independent copy operations, 1

independent shadow volume

accessing, 1

creating, 1

independent volume set

enabling, 1

independent volume sets, 1

initializing overflow volumes, 1


joining shadow volumes, 1



volume sets in I/O group, 1

listing I/O groups, 1

listing overflow volumes, 1

listing volume sets, 1


master volume

copy data to shadow volume, 1

quiescing, 1

updating from shadow volume, 1

mounted volumes

copies of, 1

moving shadow volume sets, 1

moving volume sets, 1


nsctl framework, 1


operating the Point-in-Time Copy software, 1

operational notes, 1

overflow volume, 1

attaching, 1

attaching to shadow volume sets, 1

detaching from shadow volume sets, 1

display status, 1

initializing, 1

overflow volumes, 1


parameters, 1

performance considerations, 1

performing full copy operations, 1

PID locking a shadow volume set, 1

PID unlocking a shadow volume set, 1

point-in-time copy, 1, 2

Point-in-Time Copy Operations, 1

Point-in-Time Copy software

using with Remote Mirror software, 1

point-in-time snapshot, 1, 2

printing software versions, 1


quiescing, 1

quiescing a master volume, 1


RAID-1, 1

RAID-5, 1

raw volumes, 1

resetting volume groups, 1

resetting volume sets, 1


master volume to shadow volume, 1

shadow and master volumes, 1

shadow volume to master volume, 1

root file system

shadowing, 1


scoreboarding, 1

setting copy parameters, 1

shadow and master volumes

resynchronizing, 1, 2

shadow volume

copy data to master volume, 1

Exporting, Importing, Joining in standalone environment, 1

Exporting, Importing, Joining in Sun Cluster environment, 1

updating from master volume, 1

shadow volume set

disabling, 1

display status, 1

PID locking, 1

PID unlocking, 1

resetting, 1

resetting master volume, 1

to back up Remote Mirror resync, 1

shadow volume sets, 1, 2

listing, 1

moving into I/O groups, 1

multiple, 1

shadow volumes

compact dependent, 1

SAN accessible, 1

shadowing encapsulated volumes, 1

shadowing the root file system, 1

shutdown, 1

Software version numbers

displaying, 1

Solstice DiskSuite, 1

startup, 1

storage volume limit

increasing, 1

Sun Cluster

Point-in-Time copy set considerations, 1

using Point-in-Time Copy software with, 1

svadm, 1

System, 1

system startup and shutdown, 1


tags, 1

throttled copies, 1



wait for completion, 1

update operation

aborting, 1, 2

updating volume sets, 1


VERITAS Volume Manager, 1

volume names, 1

length of, 1

volume sets

creating and configuring, 1

enabling, 1

grouping, 1

volume sizing

using with Remote Mirror software, 1

volume sizing requirements, 1

volumes listing, 1

VTOC information, 1


waiting for copies or updates, 1