C H A P T E R  2

Software Utilities

This chapter discusses software utility troubleshooting issues.

The following topics are included:

dsbitmap - Data Services Bitmap Volume Sizing

The dsbitmap utility is used by a system administrator in sizing an Availability Suite bitmap volume to be used with either the Point-in-Time Copy software or the Remote Mirror software. A bitmap volume is not only dependent on the size of the master or primary volume being configured, but it is also dependent on the configuration features used.

For Point-In-Time Copy, a different sized bitmap is needed if one is using an independent (iiadm -e ind) shadow, or a dependent shadow (iiadm -e dep), or a compact dependent shadow (one where the size of the shadow volume is smaller then the master volume).

For Remote Mirror, a different sized bitmap is needed if you are using a memory queue, a disk queue, or a disk queue needing 32-bit refcount.

The system administration guides for either the Point-in-Time Copy software or the Remote Mirror software contain details for bitmap volume sizing; the dsbitmap utility was provided as a convenience to assist in making the initial configuration process easier.

dscfg - Data Services Configuration Database

The dscfg utility is used to control the Availability Suite configuration database, the database used to persistently store configuration data. The dscfg database contains both metadata and data; therefore the only means to initialize, save, restore or view the records within the database is by using the dscfg utility.

Every Solaris node where the Availability Suite software has been enabled (dscfgadm -e) contains a dscfg database at /etc/dscfg_local.

Every Sun Cluster operating environment (OE) where the Availability Suite software has been enabled (dscfgadm -e), contains a shared dscfg database contained within a single partition (slice) on a Sun Cluster-controlled DID device. The location of the shared dscfg database is stored in the file /etc/dscfg_cluster. Therefore, in a Sun Cluster OE of four nodes, there is one shared dscfg cluster database, plus four (one per node), dscfg local databases.

Non-Cluster Environments

This section explains how to use dscfg in non-cluster environments.

To View the Contents of the Local Configuration Database

To view the contents of the local configuration database, run dscfg -l. You may wish to archive the output as a human-readable record of the Remote Mirror and Point-in-Time Copy sets in your configuration.

To Save a Backup Configuration Database

If you wish to save a backup version of the configuration database, do the following:

# cp /etc/dscfg_local /your/backup/file

To Restore a Backup Configuration Database

For information on backing up the local configuration database, refer to the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 4.0 Software Installation and Configuration Guide.

Cluster Environments

This section explains how to use dscfg in cluster environments.

To View the Contents of the Cluster Configuration Database

To view the contents of the cluster configuration database, perform the following steps:

1. Run dscfgadm -i to obtain the path to the cluster configuration database.

# dscfgadm -i
SERVICE         STATE           ENABLED        
nws_scm         online          true           
nws_sv          online          true           
nws_ii          online          true           
nws_rdc         online          true           
nws_rdcsyncd    online          true           
Availability Suite Configuration:
Local configuration database: valid
cluster configuration database: valid
cluster configuration location: /dev/did/rdsk/d3s4

2. Run dscfg -l -s on the cluster configuration database.

# dscfg -l -s /dev/did/rdsk/d3s4 | grep -v "^#"
scm: 128 64 - - - - - - - 83185345
scm: 128 64 - - - - - - - 808a6171
scm: 128 64 - - - - - - - 808a3e55

To Save a Backup Cluster Configuration

If you wish to save a backup version of the Sun Cluster configuration database, do the following:

1. If you don't know the DID path to your cluster-specific configuration file, run dscfgadm -i to determine the path. See To View the Contents of the Cluster Configuration Database for an example.

2. Run dd to copy the contents of the cluster configuration file.

# dd if=<cluster-specific DID partition> \of=/your/backup/cluster_file bs=512k count=11

To Restore a Backup Cluster Configuration

If you wish to restore a backup version of the Sun Cluster configuration database, do the following:

1. Run dscfgadm -i to determine the path, if you don't know the path to your cluster-specific configuration file.

See To View the Contents of the Cluster Configuration Database for an example).

2. Run dd to overwrite the cluster configuration file.

# dd if=/your/backup/cluster_file of= \<cluster-specific DID partition> bs=512k count=11

For more information on backing up the cluster-specific configuration database, refer to the "Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 4.0 Software Installation and Configuration Guide.'

dscfgadm - Data Services Configuration and Administration

The dscfgadm utility controls both the setup of Availability Suite configuration database location or locations and associated data services. This single utility provides the means to enable or disable all Availability Suite data services on a single node. The dscfgadm utility provides a -x option, which enables verbose logging of the script as it is running.

dsstat - Data Services I/O Statistics Reporting

The dsstat utility collects and reports I/O statistics for the Availability Suite services. By collecting and coalescing relevant information as it pertains to one or more Point-in-Time Copy or Remote Mirror sets, a system administrator is better equipped to diagnose or monitor performance than with the kstat(1M) or iostat(1M) statistics.

iiadm - Point-in-Time Copy Administration

The iiadm utility is used to configure, control, and monitor the Point-in-Time Copy software. Please refer to the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 4.0 Point-In-Time Copy Software Administration Guide for additional information.

iiboot - Point-in-Time Copy Start and Stop

The iiboot utility is used internally by the Availability Suite software's scripts for starting and stopping of the Point-in-Time Copy sets. Both the Solaris Service Management Facility, smf(5), and the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager, scha_cmds(1HA), indirectly invoke the iiboot utility to suspend and resume individual or entire collections of Point-in-Time Copy sets.

iicpbmp - Point-in-Time Copy Bitmap Renaming

The iicpbmp is used to copy an Availability Suite Point-in-Time Copy bitmap volume, rewriting the bitmap header and Availability Suite dscfg configuration so that it is consistent with the new bitmap volume names. Usage of this command is required when the physical storage of associated with a bitmap volume needs to be changed, such as converting it from RAID-5 to RAID-1 storage, or from a raw device partition to a Solaris-supported volume manager.

iicpshd - Point-in-Time Copy Shadow Volume Renaming

The iicpshd utility is used to copy an Availability Suite Point-in-Time Copy shadow volume, updating the bitmap header and Availability Suite configuration to reflect the new shadow volume. Usage of this command is required when the physical storage associated with a bitmap volume changes, such as converting it from RAID-5 to RAID-1 storage or iicpshd - Point-in-Time Copy Shadow Volume Renaming from a raw device partition to a Solaris supported volume manager, or on exportable storage, for usage with the Export, Import, Join functionality.

sndradm - Remote Mirror Administration

The sndradm utility is used to configure, control, and monitor the Remote Mirror software. Please refer to the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 4.0 Remote Mirror Software Administration Guide for further information.

sndrboot - Remote Mirror Start and Stop

The sndrboot utility is used internally by the Availability Suite software's scripts for suspending or resuming indivdual or entire collections of Point-in-Time Copy sets. Both the Solaris Service Management Facility, smf(5), and the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager, scha_cmds(1HA), indirectly invoke the sndrboot utility to suspend and resume individual or entire collections of Point-in-Time Copy sets.

scmadm - StorageTek Cache Manager Administration

The scmadm utility is used internally by the Availability Suite software's scripts for starting and stopping of the device cache. The Solaris Service Management Facility, smf(5), indirectly invoke the scmadm utility to enable and disable the cache. Additionally, the scmadm utility supports options for controlling and gathering information about a storage device cache.

nscadm - Network Storage Control Administration

The nscadm utility is used by system administrators to freeze, check if frozen, and unfreeze Availability Suite I/O access to configured volumes, without disabling the configured set, or shutting down the entire Solaris system.

svadm - Storage Volume Administration

The svadm utility controls the Storage Volume (SV) driver by providing options to enable and disable the SV driver for specified volumes. The svadm usage is no longer required by the Availability Suite services, as they are provided with an internal feature called auto-SV, which does the enabling and disabling of volumes as deemed necessary by the Point-in-Time Copy or Remote Mirror software.

svboot - Storage Volume Start and Stop

The svboot utility is used internally by the Availability Suite software's scripts for starting and stopping of the storage volumes configured on behalf of both the Point-in-Time Copy and Remote Mirror software. Both the Solaris Service Management Facility, smf(5), and the Sun Cluster Resource Group Manager, scha_cmds(1HA), indirectly invoke the svboot utility to suspend and resume individual or entire collections of volumes.