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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.0 Release Notes 

Identity Manager 7.0 Features

What’s New in This Release

Sun Identity Manager 7.0 merges three products: Identity Manager, Identity Manager SPE, and Identity Auditor into the single product Sun Java System Identity Manager 7.0. This integrated solution gives a consistent and scalable means to apply identity-based controls across provisioning and auditing processes.

Other new features include:

The Features Summary section provides additional information about new features provided in Identity Manager 7.0.

Features Summary

This section summarizes the new features in Identity Manager 7.0.

Installation and Update

Administrator and User Interfaces



Periodic Access Review provides the facility to automate the gathering and attestation to user's current access rights to critical systems and applications. This feature allows records to be created that contain the current access a user has to one or more systems and applications. Each of these records can be automatically attested by policy rules, or routed to the appropriate person for manual attestation. (ID-9719)

Access Review is typically performed on a regular basis to ensure that users have not accrued excessive access to critical systems. By keeping user access data for multiple systems and applications in a single record, the reviewers have a complete understanding of the user, which enhances their ability to make an accurate judgement. The automated process is supported by tracking tools that indicate how much work the review has completed, how much is left, and who is responsible for the remaining work. The review process is integrated with traditional audit policy scanning such that reviews can perform both compliance checking (audit policy scanning) and access review (reporting and attestation).

Access Review can be customized to provide additional automation, including:

Separation of Duties reporting is also new to Auditor, providing the means to capture specific access conflicts that allow a user to bypass internal safeguards. (ID-12716) These conflicts are most serious in ERP and Financial systems where a conflict violation can result in financial errors. Auditor captures such conflicts with a violation record that indicates the user, system/application, and specific conflict including exact account settings that infer the conflict. Auditor Separation of Duties can detect conflicts with account settings on a single system/application or across multiple systems.

These conflicts are summarized in a conflict matrix report, with details available as drill-down information behind each cell in the matrix.


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Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The Identity Manager Integrated Development Environment (Identity Manager IDE) is Java application that enables you to view, customize, and debug Identity Manager objects in your deployment.

Major features of the Identity Manager IDE include:

The Identity Manager IDE is a fully integrated NetBeans plugin that was designed to replace Identity Manager’s Business Process Editor (BPE) application. For more information about installing and using the Identity Manager IDE, refer to the chapter titled Using the Identity Manager IDE in Identity Manager Deployment Tools.

Identity Manager SPE










Bugs Fixed in This Release

This section describe the bugs fixed in Identity Manager 7.0.

Installation and Update

Administrator and User Interfaces


Identity Auditor

Identity Manager SPE










With the merging of the Identity Auditor features and Service Provider Edition features into Identity Manager for this release, the following publications have been deprecated:

These publications have been consolidated with the Identity Manager Administration guide.

Additional Defects Fixed

10475, 11052, 12452, 13434, 14178

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