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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.0 Deployment Overview 

Appendix B  
Enabling Internationalization

This document provides information on configuring Identity Manager to use multiple languages or display a language other than English.

Architectural Overview

Table B-1  Components of Identity Manager Internationalization




Default message file. Located in $WSHOME/idm/web/WEB-INF/classes/com/waveset/msgcat. Shipped as part of the idmcommon.jar file.

Displays message text in English and loads by default unless you’ve customized your IDM installation to behave otherwise.


Located in $WSHOME/config. Edit to enable support for multiple languages. (Set Internationalization.enabled to true.)

System Configuration Object


Specify custom message catalog.

additional message file for each supported language


Additional supported languages each require its own message, where xx represents the language and XX represents the country. For example, contains messages in American English. Each international catalog has its own .jar.

Additional notes:

Typical Entry

Messages are contained in key/text pairs and contains three parts:

Each line in the resource array contains two strings. Translate the second quoted string on each line.

Certain strings to be translated contain special codes for data that will be inserted into the string when it is displayed. For example, if you have the following string to translate:

UI_USER_CONNECT={0}, connected at 100 mbs

the rendered version could appear as jfaux, connected at 100 mb

Translations typically appear inside a browser, so it is appropriate to add HTML tags to format the string, as shown below:

_FM_ACCOUNT_ID_HELP=<b>Account ID</b><br>Enter a name for this user. This field is required.

Enabling Support for Multiple Languages

To enable support for multiple language catalogs, follow these steps, which are described in created detail below:

Step One: Download and Install Localized Files

Before You Install

Perform the following tasks before you install localized files:

  1. Install Identity Manager. See Identity Manager Installation for detailed installation procedures.
  2. Make sure the following locales on the application server have been set to UTF-8.
    • Application server instance
    • Database
    • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Refer to the documentation for these products for information about setting the locale.

Download Message Catalog Files

Download the appropriate msgcat jar and place it in WEB-INF/lib. The Identity Manager Image Server website provides the following ZIP files that contain localized product files and documentation.

Table B-2  Message Catalog Files

File Name (.zip)










French (France and Canada)












Brazilian Portuguese



Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese


Download the ZIP file to a temporary location. By default, the contents of the ZIP file are extracted to the FileName\IDM_5_0_l10n directory, where FileName matches the name of the downloaded file, minus the ZIP extension.

Zip File Contents

Every extracted ZIP file contains the following:

Most extracted ZIP files contain the following:

Additional translated publications might also be available.

Install Localized Files

Use the following steps to install localized files on your application server.

  1. Copy the JAR file from the temporary location to the IdentityManagerInstallation/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Step Two: Edit the Waveset.Properties File

  1. Open the IdentityManagerInstallation/config/
    file with a text editor.
  2. Change the Internationalization.enabled property to true.
  3. Save your changes and close the file.
  4. Either restart Identity Manager or select Debug > Reload Properties for this change to take effect.

Creating Links for Multiple Languages on the Login Page

To display links for multiple languages on the login page, first confirm the following:

To create the links on the login page:

  1. Using the Identity Manager IDE, open the System Configuration object and update the LoadedLanguages attribute with the names of the relevant language packages.
  2. Log out of Identity Manager and restart the application server.
  3. Code Example B-1  Updating the LoadedLanguages Attribute

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

    <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>


    <ImportCommand class='com.waveset.session.SystemConfigurationUpdater'>


      <Attribute name='LoadedLanguages'>


        <Object name='en_US'>

         <Attribute name='lang' value='en'/>

         <Attribute name='cntry' value='US'/>


        <Object name='fr_CA'>

         <Attribute name='lang' value='fr'/>

         <Attribute name='cntry' value='CA'/>







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Part No: 819-6126-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.