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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.0 Deployment Overview 


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Chapter 1   Working with Attributes
Related Chapters
What are Attributes?
Types of Attributes
Working with Identity Attributes
Why Use Identity Attributes?
Architectural Overview

Chapter 2   Dataloading and Synchronization
Types of Data Loading
Active Sync
Summary of Data Loading Types
Managing Reconciliation
Reconciliation Policy
Resource Scheduling
Reconcile Configuration Object
Managing Active Sync
How Active Sync-Enabled Adapters Work
Using Forms

Chapter 3   Dataloading Scenario
Assessing Your Environment
Choosing the First Resource
Choosing the First Data Loading Process
Load from File
Load from Resource
Create Bulk Actions
Preparing for Data Loading
Configuring an Adapter
Setting Account ID and Password Policies
Creating a Data Loading Account
Assigning User Forms
Linking to Accounts on Other Resources
Defining Custom Correlation Keys
Creating Custom Rules
Manually Linking Accounts
Example Scenarios
Active Directory, SecurID, and Solaris
LDAP, PeopleSoft, and Remedy
Expedited Bulk Add Scenario

Chapter 4   Configuring User Actions
Adding Custom Tasks
Setting Up Custom Task Authorization
Adding a Task to the Repository
Configuring User Actions
Configure User Actions

Chapter 5   Private Labeling of Identity Manager
Private Labeling Tasks
Architectural Features
Style Sheets
Default Text
Text Attributes
Default Style Settings
Customized File
JSP Files File
Customizing Headers
Changing Header Appearance
Customizing Identity Manager Pages
Customizing the Home Page
Changing Default Information Displayed in the Identity Manager User Interface Home Page
Changing the Appearance of the User Interface Navigation Menus
Changing Font Characteristics
Sample Labeling Exercises
Replacing the Identity Manager Logo with a Custom Logo
Changing Masthead Appearance
Changing Navigation Tabs
Changing Tab Panel Tabs
Changing Sorting Table Header
Changing User / Resource Table Component
Changing Identity Manager Behavior on Commonly Used Pages

Chapter 6   Customizing Message Catalogs
Advantages of Custom Message Catalogs
How Identity Manager Retrieves Message Catalog Entries
Message Catalog Format
Creating a Customized Message Catalog

Appendix A   Editing Configuration Objects
About Configuration Objects
Viewing and Editing Configuration Objects
UserUIConfig Object
Attribute Types
Object Attributes

Appendix B   Enabling Internationalization
Architectural Overview
Typical Entry
Enabling Support for Multiple Languages
Step One: Download and Install Localized Files
Step Two: Edit the Waveset.Properties File
Creating Links for Multiple Languages on the Login Page

Appendix C   Assigning Multiple Accounts per User to a Resource
Why Assign Multiple Accounts Per User per Resource?
Configuring Types of Accounts
Assigning Types of Accounts
Removing Account Types
Multiple Accounts per User and Reconciliation
Account Types and User-Oriented Views

Appendix D   Sun Communications Services Deployment Scenario
Loading and Configuring the Scenario
Step 1: Set Up Directory Server
Step 2: Configure Messaging Server
Step 3: Load the Scenario
Step 4: Configure the Sun Communications Services Resource Adapter
Step 5: Configure Email Templates
Sample Directory Overview
Creating and Configuring Identity Manager Objects
Sun JSCS Resource Attributes
Admin Roles
Object Groups
Login Application and Login Module Group
General Configuration
Creating User Accounts
Using Reconciliation to Create Users
Using ActiveSync to Create Users
Using Identity Manager to Create Users
Updating User Accounts
Updates Discovered by Reconciliation
Updates Discovered by ActiveSync
Updates Performed with Identity Manager
Implementing Changes to the User Interface
Setting Answers to Authentication Questions
Changing Account Attributes
Manager Editing Subordinate Data
Requesting Access to Resources
Implementing Changes to the Administrator Interface
Modifying the Approval Page
Modifying the Find User Form

Appendix E   HR Database/Active Directory Deployment Scenario
Sample Contents
Loading and Configuring the Scenario
Configure Active Directory
Configure PeopleSoft
Configure Identity Manager
Verify Deployment
Create and Propagate Users
Modify Users
Configure Auditing
Verify Linking


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Part No: 819-6126-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.