C H A P T E R  5

SAS Domain Access Configuration Commands for JBOD Arrays

This chapter describes the sscs commands and their options for SAS domain access configuration on Sun JBOD arrays, including Sun Storage J4200, J4400, and J4500 arrays, Sun Storage F5100 Flash Array, and the Sun Blade 6000 disk module.

For monitoring and administration commands for all Sun arrays, see Chapter 3. For configuration and other commands that apply only to arrays with RAID controllers, see Chapter 4.

This chapter begins with an overview of using the CLI to perform access configuration tasks, followed by the individual commands and their details:

Overview of Access Configuration
with the CLI

This section provides a brief overview of using the CLI to perform SAS domain access configuration tasks. For detailed information concerning access configuration, see the Sun Storage Common Array Manager Software Installation and Setup Guide.

The following topics are discussed:

Viewing Discovered SAS Domains

To view a list of SAS domains, issue the following command:

sscs list sas-domain

This will provide a brief summary of all SAS domains known to the management station. To obtain detailed information for a specific SAS domain or multiple domains, issue the following command:

sscs list sas-domain [sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]]

To obtain detailed SAS domain information with SAS port-centric output, issue the following command:

sscs list [-p [sas-port-name,[sas-port-name,...]]] sas-domain [sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]]

For detailed information on these commands, including examples, see list sas-domain.

Changing the Domain Name

When a SAS domain has been discovered by the management station, its name defaults to the domain’s SAS ID. After viewing the list of discovered SAS domains, if you would like to rename a domain to something more identifiable or meaningful, issue the following command:

sscs modify -n <sas-domain-name> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Note that the first instance of sas-domain-name is the new name you choose for the domain, while the second instance is the current domain name.

For detailed information on this command, including alternate variations which change other SAS domain properties, see modify sas-domain.

Configuring Access

Access between initiators and disks within a SAS domain can be configured manually, with a factory pre-configured template, or with a user-configured template. These options are descibed below.

Manual Configuration

Access configurations can be created manually with one of two variants:

Note that each variant must be exectuted separately (i.e. it is not possible to create an access configuration between initiators, SAS ports, and disks within the same command). The two variants are described below.

Manual Configuration: Initiators to Disks

To configure initiator to disk access manually, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain, then issue the following command:

modify -A -i <initiator-address[,initiator-address...]> -d <disk-name[,disk-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

This will associate specified initiators with specified disks to create an access configuration. You can associate one or multiple initiators with one or multiple disks. Note that disk SAS addresses are also acceptable for the -d option.

For detailed information on this command, including alternate variations which change other SAS domain properties, see modify sas-domain.

Manual Configuration: SAS Ports to Disks

To configure SAS port to disk access manually, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain, then issue the following command:

modify -A -p <sas-port-name[,sas-port-name...]> -d <disk-name[,disk-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

This will associate specified SAS ports with specified disks to create an access configuration. You can associate one or multiple SAS ports with one or multiple disks. Note that disk SAS addresses are also acceptable for the -d option.

For detailed information on this command, including alternate variations which change other SAS domain properties, see modify sas-domain.

Factory Template Configuration

The Common Array Manager software includes factory default templates which represent common SAS domain access configuration options. TABLE 5-1 lists the available factory templates.

TABLE 5-1 List of Factory Default Templates

Template Name



Allocate equal numbers of disks to each of two hosts. For use with a single enclosure.


Allocate equal numbers of disks to each of four hosts. For use with a single enclosure.


Allocate equal numbers of disks to each of two hosts. Supports cascade depth of four devices.


Allocate equal numbers of disks to each of two hosts. Supports cascade depth of four devices.


Allocate equal numbers of disks to each of two hosts. Supports cascade depth of three devices.


Allocate equal numbers of disks to each of four hosts. Does not support cascading.


Split all current disks evenly across all current initiators.


Split all unassigned disks evenly across all current initiators.

TABLE 5-1 shows a list of factory default templates.

Once you have chosen the best template for your configuration, use the list template command to obtain valid anchor point and candidate values for that template. Then, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain and issue the following command:

import -t <template-name> -A <anchorPoint-name[,anchorPoint-name...]> -c <candidate-name[,candidate-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

The factory template configuration will then be applied to the specified SAS domain. For detailed information on this command, including examples, see import sas-domain.

User Template Configuration

In addition to the factory default templates, you can create your own templates to save access configurations for future use.

Saving a User Configuration

To save a configuration, issue the following command:

export -t <filename> [ -D <template-description> ] sas-domain <sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]>

Replace <filename> with a template name of your choice. If desired, replace <template-description> with a description of your choice. Replace <sas-domain-name> with the name of the SAS domain whose configuration you want to save. The new template will then be included in the list of available templates. For detailed information on this command, including examples, see export sas-domain.

Note - For backup purposes, templates should be exported periodically in case of hardware failure. Current SAS domain access configuration data is auto-saved, however, when any access configuration change has been made by the user. This auto-save data is stored in a template file and can be used to recover a previous configuration. By default, a maximum of two auto-save template files are stored. When a new auto-save file is created for a SAS domain, it replaces the oldest file stored for that SAS domain.

Restoring a User Configuration

To restore a user template access configuration, use the list template command to obtain valid anchor point and candidate values for that template. Then, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain and issue the following command:

import -t <template-name> -A <anchorPoint-name[,anchorPoint-name...]> -c <candidate-name[,candidate-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
The user template configuration will then be applied to the specified SAS domain. For detailed information on this command, including examples, see import sas-domain.

Administering Access Configuration Passwords

Access configuration passwords are stored in both the Sun Storage Common Array Manager Array Registration Database and JBOD Array SAS Expander, and must match in order to allow modification operations on a SAS domain. Passwords can be administered in three ways, each using a variation of the modify sas-domain command. See modify sas-domain for complete details.

Clearing the Password

To clear the access configuration password in the Array Registration Database, issue the following command:

modify -c sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

This will erase the password on the specified SAS domain and reset it to the factory default of no password.

Changing the Password

To change (or set) the access configuration password in both the Array Registration Database and Array SAS Expander, issue the following command:

modify -C -P <old-password> -N <new-password> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Use this command to update the password in the Array Registration Database and Array SAS Expander at the same time. If setting a new password after it has been previously cleared, substitute "" for <old-password>, making sure to escape each quote mark (\"\").

Synchronizing the Password

To change the access configuration password in the Array Registration Database only, issue the following command:

modify -s -N <new-password> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Use this command to synchronize the Array Registration Database password with the Array SAS Expander password.

Configuring Storage Cascading

The CLI can be used to perform two functions in the overall storage cascading process:

For full details concerning these functions and storage cascade configuration in general, see the Sun Storage Common Array Manager Software Installation and Setup Guide.

Prepare for Storage Cascading

To prepare a storage system (i.e. JBOD) for cascading, issue the following command:

modify -p sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

This will clear any previous access configurations on the specified SAS domain.

Synchronize Cascaded Array Access Configurations

To synchronize the access configurations of cascaded arrays, issue the following command:

modify -y sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

This will synchronize the merged SAS domain in the cascaded storage (synchronizes access configurations and initializes the connections between arrays).

disable sas-domain

Disables SAS zoning for a specified SAS domain.


disable sas-domain <sas-domain-name>


Disables SAS zoning for a specified SAS domain.


disable sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Disables the specified SAS domain.


disable sas-domain HowiesPlace

enable sas-domain

Enables SAS zoning for a specified SAS domain.


enable sas-domain <sas-domain-name>


Enables SAS zoning for a specified SAS domain.


enable sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Enables the specified SAS domain.


enable sas-domain HowiesPlace

export sas-domain

Copies the configuration of a specified SAS domain to a specified template file.


export -t <filename> [ -D <template-description> ] sas-domain <sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]>


Copies the configuration of a specified SAS domain to a specified template file.

Note - For backup purposes, templates should be exported periodically in case of hardware failure. Current SAS domain access configuration data is auto-saved, however, when any access configuration change has been made by the user. This auto-save data is stored in a template file and can be used to recover a previous configuration. By default, a maximum of two auto-save template files are stored. When a new auto-save file is created for a SAS domain, it replaces the oldest file stored for that SAS domain.


-D,--template-description <template-description>

Specifies an optional template description.

-t,--template <filename>

Specifies the name of the XML file to which the SAS domain configuration information is saved.

sas-domain <sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]>

Specifies the SAS domain from which configuration information is exported.


Export current configuration for SAS domain PikesPlace to a new template file named test_template:

export -t test_template sas-domain PikesPlace

import sas-domain

Restores specified SAS domain configuration information from a specified template.


import -t <template-name> -A <anchorPoint-name[,anchorPoint-name...]> -c <candidate-name[,candidate-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>


Restores specified SAS domain configuration from a specified template file.

caution icon Caution - Before executing this command, stop all I/O operations to any disk within the specified SAS domain.


-A,--anchor-point <anchorPoint-name[,anchorPoint-name...]>

Specifies the name of a sample JBOD configuration found within the specified template. This sample configuration is then applied to an actual JBOD in your live configuration. Anchor points and candidates must be specified when performing a template import, and those specified must agree with the output provided from the list template command.

-c,--candidates <candidate-name[,candidate-name...]>

Specifies the name of an actual JBOD in your live configuration to be configured using values specified by the specified anchor point. Anchor points and candidates must be specified when performing a template import, and those specified must agree with the output provided from the list template command.

-t,--template <template-name>

Specifies the name of the template file from which SAS domain configuration information is imported.

sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Specifies the SAS domain to which imported configuration information is copied.


Import template Simple-zone-split to SAS domain PikesPlace using anchor point Array1 and candidate storage system CAM_Demo_Rocky1:

import -t Simple-zone-split -A Array1 -c CAM_Demo_Rocky1 sas-domain PikesPlace

list host-agent

List host-agents in a specified SAS domain or the details for specified host-agents in a specified SAS domain.


list [ -d <sas-domain> ] host-agent [<host-agent-name[,host-agent-name...]>]


Lists the host-agents in a specified SAS domain or the details for specified host-agents in a specified SAS domain.


-d,--sas-domain <sas-domain>

Specifies the SAS domain for which host-agents will be listed.

host-agent [<host-agent-name[,host-agent-name...]>]

If no host agent names are provided, lists host-agents in a specified SAS domain. If host agent names are provided, lists details for specified host-agents in a specified SAS domain.


List host-agents in a specified SAS domain:

list host-agent
Name: cam-buffalo
Name: rocky

List details for specified host-agents in a specified SAS domain:

list host-agent cam-buffalo
Name: 								cam-buffalo
Host IP:
Host ID: 							0bba236c
OS Type: 							SunOS x86
OS Version: 							5.10
CAM Version:
Registered Arrays
Name: 							5080020000592B80
Health: 							Degraded
Type: 							F5100
Total Capacity: 							68.663 GB
Available Capacity:0.000 MB
Firmware Version:
SAS Domains
Name:							508002000046743f.508002000046747f
Entry SAS Address:							508002000046743f.508002000046747f
No. of Expanders:							2
No. of End Devices:							7
Name: 							5080020000592bbf
Entry SAS Address:							5080020000592bbf
No. of Expanders: 							1
No. of End Devices:							5
SAS Address:							500605b000809e40
SAS Address:							500605b000809e44

list sas-domain

Lists SAS domains or the details of specified SAS domains.


list [-p [sas-port-name,[sas-port-name,...]]] sas-domain [sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]]


Lists SAS domains or the details of specified SAS domains.


-p,--port [sas-port-name,[sas-port-name,...]]

Specifies to list SAS domains with SAS port-centric output. This option has the following variants:

sas-domain [<sas-domain-name[,sas-domain-name...]>]

If no SAS domain names are provided, lists all SAS domains. If SAS domain names are provided, lists the details of the specified SAS domains. If multiple SAS domains are specified, the output is grouped by SAS domain.


EXAMPLE 1: List SAS domains:

list sas-domain
Name: 508002000046743f
Name: 5080020000592bbf

EXAMPLE 2: List details of a specified SAS domain:

Note - For reference, in the following output, “Group” is the current zone group, while “Groups” lists the other zone groups that have permission to view the current group.

list sas-domain 50016360000514ff
Name : 50016360000514ff
Id : 50016360000514ff
Array Name(s) : CAM_Demo_Rocky
Zoning state : Enabled
End Device Count : 9
Expander Count : 1
Expanders : 50016360000514ff
Endpoint Count : 45
Initiator Count : 1
Initiator : 500605b000809694:4,5,6,7 cam-beast.East.Sun.COM:hba:cambeast.
ZPSDS : 50016360000514ff
Connectors :
Connector : CAM_Demo_Rocky.SIM.00.Host_Or_SIM_Link_In
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x8
Connector : CAM_Demo_Rocky.SIM.00.Host_Out
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Connector : CAM_Demo_Rocky.SIM.00.SIM_Link_Out
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 1
Groups : 1, 8, 10, 127
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:8
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 8
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:9
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 9
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:10
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 10
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:11
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 11
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:12
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 12
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:13
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 13
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:14
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 14
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:15
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 15
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:16
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 16
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:17
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 17
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:18
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 18
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:19
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 19
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:20
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 20
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:21
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 21
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:22
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 22
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:23
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 23
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:24
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.SIM Link Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:25
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.SIM Link Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:26
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.SIM Link Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:27
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.SIM Link Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:28
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:29
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:30
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:31
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:36
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Virtual SSP (SES) Target ->
sas.endpoint.type.VIRTUAL 50016360000507fd:0
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:37
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Virtual STP Target
Group : 8
Groups : 1, 8
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:32,33,34,35
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Or SIM Link In -> Initiator
500605b000809694:4,5,6,7 cam-beast.East.Sun.COM:hba:cambeast.
Group : 10
Groups : 1, 10
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:7
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 7 -> Target 5000c50007bb233e:1
Group : 127
Groups : 1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:0
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 0 -> Target 5000c50007bb58a6:1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:1
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 1 -> Target 5000c50007bb245e:1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:2
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 2 -> Target 5000c50007bb5902:1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:3
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 3 -> Target 5000c50007bb4cda:1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:4
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 4 -> Target 5000c50007bb65ee:1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:5
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 5 -> Target 5000c50007bb6482:1
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:6
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 6 -> Target 5000c50007bb66ba:1
/opt/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs list sas-domain 50016360000514ff, 0


EXAMPLE 3: List all ports of the specified SAS domain(s) with disks visible through them:

list -p sas-domain 50016360000514ff
Connectors :
Connector : CAM_Demo_Rocky.SIM.00.Host_Or_SIM_Link_In
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x8
Connector : CAM_Demo_Rocky.SIM.00.Host_Out
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Connector : CAM_Demo_Rocky.SIM.00.SIM_Link_Out
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 50016360000514ff.0x1
Group : 10
Groups : 1, 10
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:31
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:7
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 7 -> Target 5000c50007bb233e:1


EXAMPLE 4: List a single specified port of the specified SAS domain(s) with disks visible through it:

list -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_Out sas-domain 50016360000514ff
Connectors :
Group : 10
Groups : 1, 10
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:31
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:7
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 7 -> Target 5000c50007bb233e:1


EXAMPLE 5: List multiple specified ports of the specified SAS domain(s) with disks visible through them:

list -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_Out, CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_In sas-domain 50016360000514ff
Connectors :
Group : 10
Groups : 1, 10
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:31
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host Out
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:7
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 7 -> Target 5000c50007bb233e:1
Group : 11
Groups : 1, 11
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:31
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host IN
Member : Expander 50016360000514ff:7
CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Disk Slot 7 -> Target 5000c50007bb233e:1

list sas-zone

Provides a list of all SAS access configuration (zone) groups and details of those groups.


list sas-zone


Provides a list of all SAS access configuration (zone) groups and their details.


Note - The following example output is truncated. Actual output is often much longer than what is represented here.

list sas-zone
SAS Zone Groups:
Group:  1
 Group With Permission To Id:  1
 Key:       50800200004696bf.50800200004696ff.0x1
 ZpsdsKey:  50800200004696bf.50800200004696ff
SAS Address:     50800200004696ff
 Type:           EXPANDER
 Key:            50800200004696ff:28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
 SES Reference:  j4500:J4500-2-bottom-test2:sasexpander
 Attach Point:   50800200004696bf:28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
 Capacity:       null
 Model:          j4500
 Device Name:    J4500-2-bottom-test2
 Component Name:
 Class:          sasexpander
SAS Address:     50800200004696bf
 Type:           EXPANDER
 Key:            50800200004696bf:28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
 SES Reference:  j4500:J4500-2-bottom-test2:sasexpander
 Attach Point:   50800200004696ff:28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
 Capacity:       null
 Model:          j4500
 Device Name:    J4500-2-bottom-test2
 Component Name:
 Class:          sasexpander
SAS Address:     50800200004696bf
 Type:           EXPANDER
 Key:            50800200004696bf:36
 SES Reference:  j4500:J4500-2-bottom-test2:sasexpander
 Attach Point:   50800200004696bd:0
 Capacity:       null
 Model:          j4500
 Device Name:    J4500-2-bottom-test2
 Component Name:
 Class:          sasexpander

list template

Lists a summary of SAS domain templates or details of specified templates.


list [-d <sas-domain-name>] template [<template-name[,template-name...]>]


Lists a summary of all SAS domain templates known by the current management station, a summary of templates in a specified SAS domain, or details of specified templates. Use this command to obtain valid anchor point and candidate values for a specified template when executing the import sas-domain command.


-d,--sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Specifies the SAS domain for which a template summary is requested.

template [<template-name[,template-name...]>]

If no specific template names are specified, a summary of templates will be listed. If specific template names are specified, details for those templates will be listed.


List all templates:

sscs list template
Name: F5100-dual-host
Name: F5100-quad-host
Name: J4200-dual-host
Name: J4400-dual-host
Name: J4500-dual-host
Name: J4500-quad-host
Name: Simple-zone-split
Name: Unassigned-zone-split

List templates within a specified SAS domain:

sscs list -d SAS_Breckenridge template
Name: F5100-dual-host
Name: F5100-quad-host
Name: J4200-dual-host
Name: J4400-dual-host
Name: J4500-dual-host
Name: J4500-quad-host
Name: Simple-zone-split
Name: Unassigned-zone-split


List details of a specified template:

sscs list template “Simple-zone-split”
Name: Simple-zone-split
 Description: A template that splits all current disks evenly across all current initiators.
 Anchor Points
   Description:SAS JBOD Array

modify sas-domain

Modifies specified properties of a SAS domain. There are ten variations of this command:


modify -n <new-sas-domain-name> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -c sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -C -P <old-password> -N <new-password> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -s -N <new-password> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -A -i <initiator-name[,initiator-name...]> -d <disk-name[,disk-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -D -i <initiator-name[,initiator-name...]> -d <disk-name[,disk-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -z sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -y sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -A -p <sas-port-name[,sas-port-name...]> -d <disk-name[,disk-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>
modify -D -p <sas-port-name[,sas-port-name...]> -d <disk-name[,disk-name...]> sas-domain <sas-domain-name>


This command modifies specified properties of a SAS domain.


-A,--associate (in conjunction with -i,--initiator and -d,--disk)

Associates specified initiators and disks in a SAS domain (i.e. defines an access configuration). Disk common names (e.g., CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01) or SAS addresses (e.g., 5000c50001b9c83d) are used in place of <disk-name>. Initiator common names or SAS addresses are used in place of <initiator-name>. Association of initiators and disks in combination with ports and disks is not possible within a single command. Both variants of -A must be executed separately. When creating a new initiator-disk association (i.e. access configuration), note the following two conditions:

caution icon Caution - Before executing the above command, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain.

-A,--associate (in conjunction with -p,--port and -d,--disk)

Associates specified ports and disks in a SAS domain (i.e. defines an access configuration). Disk common names (e.g., CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01) or SAS addresses (e.g., 5000c50001b9c83d) are used in place of <disk-name>. Association of ports and disks in combination with initiators and disks is not possible within a single command. Both variants of -A must be executed separately. When creating a new port-disk association (i.e. access configuration), note the following two conditions:

caution icon Caution - Before executing the above command, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain.


Modifies the access configuration password in the Array Registration Database and the Array SAS Expander so both passwords match. The password can be a maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters. If setting a new password after it has been previously cleared, substitute "" for <old-password>, making sure to escape each quote mark (\"\").


Clears the access configuration password in the Array Registration Database and resets it to the factory default of no password.

Note - If the password in the Array SAS Expander is also not set to the default, modification operations on the SAS domain will be prevented.

-D,--dissociate (in conjunction with -i,--initiator and -d,--disk)

Dissociates specified initiators and disks in a SAS domain (i.e. defines an access configuration). Disk common names (e.g., CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01) or SAS addresses (e.g., 5000c50001b9c83d) are used in place of <disk-name>. Initiator common names or SAS addresses are used in place of <initiator-name>. Dissociation of initiators and disks in combination with ports and disks is not possible within a single command. Both variants of -D must be executed separately.

caution icon Caution - Before executing the above command, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain.

-D,--dissociate (in conjunction with -p,--port and -d,--disk)

Dissociates specified ports and disks in a SAS domain. Disk common names (e.g., CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01) and SAS addresses (e.g., 5000c50001b9c83d) are used in place of <disk-name>. Dissociation of ports and disks in combination with initiators and disks is not possible within a single command. Both variants of -D must be executed separately.

caution icon Caution - Before executing the above command, stop all I/O operations to any disks within the specified SAS domain.

-d,--disk <disk-name[,disk-name...]>

Specifies the common names of the disks. Disk SAS addresses can also be used. If using this option, a value must be supplied or else an error message will be returned.

-i,--initiator <initiator-address[,initiator-address...]>

Specifies the SAS addresses of the initiators. Initiator common names cannot be used. If using this option, a value must be supplied or else an error message will be returned.

-N,--new-password <new-password>

Specifies a new access configuration password.

-n,--new-name <new-sas-domain-name>

Specifies a new name for the specified SAS domain.

-P,--old-password <old-password>

Specifies the existing access configuration password in the Array Registration Database. If setting a new password after it has been previously cleared, substitute "" for <old-password>, making sure to escape each quote mark (\"\").


Clears any previous access configurations on the specified SAS domain in preparation for storage cascading. Refer to the procedures in the Sun Storage Common Array Manager Software Installation and Setup Guide for information about configuring cascaded arrays.

-p,--port <sas-port-name[,sas-port-name...]>

Specifies the SAS port names to be used when associating or dissociating ports and disks.


Modifies the access configuration password stored in the Array Registration Database only. The password can be a maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters.

Note - If the password in the Array SAS Expander does not match, modification operations on the SAS domain will be prevented.


Synchronizes the merged SAS domain in cascaded storage. This action synchronizes the zoning permissions and initializes the connections between arrays. Refer to the procedures in the Sun Storage Common Array Manager Software Installation and Setup Guide for information about configuring cascaded arrays.


These examples use the following sample data:

Current SAS domain name (SAS Address):


New SAS domain name:


Current access configuration password:


New access configuration password:


Initiator-1 SAS address:


Initiator-2 common name:


Disk-1 common name:


Disk-2 common name:


Disk-3 common name:


Disk-3 SAS address:


Port-1 name:


Port-2 name:


Port-3 name:


The above table lists the sample data used in the following examples.

Note - When using special characters, such as “!” used in these example passwords, you must escape them or else the shell will misinterpret the command. The password key!stone would thus be entered key\!stone.

Example 1: Rename a SAS Domain

modify -n SAS_Breckenridge sas-domain 50016360000514ff

Example 2: Clear Password

modify -c sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 3: Change Password

modify -C -P key!stone -N colo!rado sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 4: Synchronize Passwords

modify -s -N colo!rado sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 5: Associate Initiators and Disks

Single initiator to multiple disks:

modify -A -i 500605b0008085d4 -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02,5000c50001b9c83d sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Multiple initiators to a single disk:

modify -A -i 500605b0008085d4,CAM_Demo_Rocky.mpt:3:0_1_2_3 -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01 sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Multiple initiators to multiple disks:

modify -A -i 500605b0008085d4,CAM_Demo_Rocky.mpt:3:0_1_2_3 -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02,5000c50001b9c83d sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 6: Dissociate Initiators and Disks

Multiple initiators from a single disk:

modify -D -i 500605b0008085d4,CAM_Demo_Rocky.mpt:3:0_1_2_3 -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02 sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Dissociate multiple initiators from multiple disks:

modify -D -i 500605b0008085d4,CAM_Demo_Rocky.mpt:3:0_1_2_3 -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02,5000c50001b9c83d sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 7: Prepare for Storage Cascading

modify -z sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 8: Synchronize Cascade

modify -y sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge

Example 9: Associate Ports and Disks

Multiple disks to a single port:

modify -A -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_In -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.03 sas-domain 50016360000514ff

Multiple ports to a single disk:

modify -A -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_In,CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_Out -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02 sas-domain 50016360000514ff

Multiple ports to multiple disks:

modify -A -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_In,CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_Out -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.03 sas-domain 50016360000514ff

Example 10: Dissociate Ports

Multiple ports from a single disk:

modify -D -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_In,CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_Out,CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.SIMLink_Out -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01 sas-domain 50016360000514ff

Multiple disks from multiple ports:

modify -D -p CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_In,CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.Host_Out,CAM_Demo_Rocky:port:SIM.00.SIMLink_Out -d CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.01,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.02,CAM_Demo_Rocky:disk:Disk.03 sas-domain 50016360000514ff

reset sas-domain

Returns the specified SAS domains to their default settings.

caution icon Caution - Carefully review the below command description before executing this command.


reset sas-domain <sas-domain-name>


Upon execution, this command performs the following:


sas-domain <sas-domain-name>

Specifies the SAS domain to reset to default settings.


reset sas-domain SAS_Breckenridge