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J2EE Policy Agents Guide

Appendix B
Sample Application Scenario

This appendix is divided into two broad sections:

The sample application presented in this section consists of a web module and an EJB Module.

The web module consists of the following two servlets:

The EJB Module consists of a single EJB with two methods:

Standard Deployment Descriptors

The following deployment descriptors are common to all J2EE servers:


Code Example B-1  web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"


<web-app id="WEBAPP_REPORT">

   <display-name>Sample Report Application</display-name>

   <description>Sample Report Application to illustrate J2EE Security</description>

   <filter id="filter_agent">


      <filter-class>Filter Class</filter-class>






   <servlet id="Servlet_SummaryReport">




   <servlet id="Servlet_DetailedReport">




































   <security-role id="ID_MANAGER_ROLE">



   <security-role id="ID_EMPLOYEE_ROLE">





Concerning the Filter Class in the web.xml File

  • The filter class for Sun ONE Application Server 7.0, BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 SP2, BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2, BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 and Macromedia JRun 4 is as follows: com.sun.identity.agents.filter.AmAgentFilter.
  • The following filter class applies to both IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0 and 5.1: com.sun.identity.agents.websphere.AmWAS50AgentFilter.


Concerning the Dispatcher Element in the web.xml File

If you are using Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 as your application server, be aware that this application server supports the Java Servlet Specification version 2.4, which requires you to update the standard deployment descriptors for the Agent for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1.

A new dispatcher element has been added to the filter-mapping element in servlet 2.4. The agent filter requires the dispatcher element with values REQUEST, FORWARD, INCLUDE, and ERROR in the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Agent. See the Post Installation Tasks section, specifically "Agent for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1" for more information.

The following is a sample Servlet 2.4 compliant web.xml descriptor with the <filter>, <filter-mapping>, and <dispatcher> elements added:

<web-app version="2.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
     <description>Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent Filter </description>
   <filter-mapping id="FilterMapping_PolicyAgent">


Code Example B-2  ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN"


<ejb-jar id="ID_ejb_jar">


      <session id="Session_ReportEJB">










      <security-role id="ID_MANAGER_ROLE">



      <security-role id="ID_EMPLOYEE_ROLE">

























Code Example B-3  application.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC

"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN"

"" >

<application id="APP_REPORTAPP">

   <display-name>Sample Report Application</display-name>

   <description>Sample Report Application to illustrate J2EE    Security</description>

   <module id="em_reportapp">



   <module id="wm_reportapp">






   <security-role id="ID_MANAGER_ROLE">



   <security-role id="ID_EMPLOYEE_ROLE">




Assembly Descriptors

This section provides samples of descriptors for:

Sun ONE Application Server 7.0

The following are samples of deployment descriptors to support Declarative (at Web and EJB tier) and Programmatic security for Sun One Application Server 7.0:

These samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to Sun ONE Application Server reference documentation to learn the details on how these descriptors may be edited to create the role-to-principal mappings:


Code Example B-4  sun-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 Servlet 2.3//EN' ''>

<!-- Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. -->












Code Example B-5  sun-ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 EJB 2.0//EN' ''>




         <ejb-name>ReportEJB </ejb-name>

         <jndi-name>ReportEJB </jndi-name>





Code Example B-6  sun-application.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-application PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 J2EE Application 1.3//EN' ''>











BEA WebLogic 6.1 SP2

The following are samples of deployment descriptors to support declarative (at Web and EJB tier) and programmatic security for BEA WebLogic 6.1SP2.

These samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to the BEA WebLogic 6.1SP2 reference documentation to learn the details on how these descriptors may be edited to create the role-to-principal mappings:


Code Example B-7  weblogic.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 6.0//EN" "">


   <description>WebLogic Descriptor</description>











Code Example B-8  weblogic-ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN' ''>



      <ejb-name>ReportEJB </ejb-name>

      <jndi-name>ReportEJB </jndi-name>











IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0/5.1

The following are samples of deployment descriptors to support declarative (at Web and EJB tier) and programmatic security for IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0/5.1:

These samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to the IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0/5.1 reference documentation to learn how these descriptors may be edited to create the role-to-principal mappings:


Code Example B-9  bm-web-bnd.xmi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<webappbnd:WebAppBinding xmi:version="2.0"






   <webapp href="WEB-INF/web.xml#WEBAPP_REPORT"/>



Code Example B-10  ibm-web-ext.xmi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<webappext:WebAppExtension xmi:version="2.0"





   <webApp href="WEB-INF/web.xml#WEBAPP_REPORT"/>

   <extendedServlets xmi:id="Servlet_SummaryReport_Ext">

      <extendedServlet href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_SummaryReport"/>


   <extendedServlets xmi:id="Servlet_DetailedReport_Ext">

      <extendedServlet href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_DetailedReport"/>




Code Example B-11  ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ejbbnd:EJBJarBinding xmi:version="2.0"





   <ejbJar href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ID_ejb_jar"/>

   <ejbBindings xmi:id="Session_ReportEJB_Bnd" jndiName="ReportEJB">

      <enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:Session"





Code Example B-12  ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ejbext:EJBJarExtension xmi:version="2.0"





   <ejbExtensions xmi:type="ejbext:SessionExtension"



      <enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:Session"



   <ejbJar href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#ID_ejb_jar"/>



Code Example B-13  ibm-application-bnd.xmi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<applicationbnd:ApplicationBinding xmi:version="2.0"






   <authorizationTable xmi:id="AuthorizationTable_1">

      <authorizations xmi:id="RoleAssignment_1">

         <role href="META-INF/application.xml#ID_EMPLOYEE_ROLE"/>

         <groups xmi:id="Group_1" name="employee"/>


      <authorizations xmi:id="RoleAssignment_2">

         <role href="META-INF/application.xml#ID_MANAGER_ROLE"/>

         <groups xmi:id="Group_2" name="manager"/>



   <application href="META-INF/application.xml#APP_REPORTAPP"/>



Code Example B-14  ibm-application-ext.xmi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<applicationext:ApplicationExtension xmi:version="2.0"





   <moduleExtensions xmi:type="applicationext:EjbModuleExtension"



      <module xmi:type="application:EjbModule"



   <moduleExtensions xmi:type="applicationext:WebModuleExtension"



      <module xmi:type="application:WebModule"



   <application href="META-INF/application.xml#APP_REPORTAPP"/>


BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2 and BEA WebLogic Server 8.1

The following are samples of deployment descriptors to support declarative (at Web and EJB tier) and programmatic security for BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 SP2 or BEA WebLogic Server 8.1:

These samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to the BEA WebLogic Server reference documentation to learn how these descriptors may be edited to create the role-to-principal mappings.

BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 related documentation:

BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 related documentation


Code Example B-15  weblogic.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 7.0//EN" "">


   <description>WebLogic Descriptor</description>











Code Example B-16  weblogic-ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB//EN' ''>



      <ejb-name>ReportEJB </ejb-name>

      <jndi-name>ReportEJB </jndi-name>











Apache Tomcat Server 4.1.27

The following is a sample of deployment descriptors to support Declarative and Programmatic security for Apache Tomcat Server 4.1.27.

Tomcat Server 4.1.27 does not include an EJB Container hence there is no support for EJBs. All security constraints and role-to-principal mappings are contained within the web application descriptor file. A separate role-to-principal mapping file is not needed for Tomcat Server. These samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to the standard J2EE security guide at the following location for additional details.


Code Example B-17  web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">


   <servlet id="SampleServlet">



      <description>A Sample Servlet</description>














   <!-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -->




   <security-role id="MANAGER-ROLE">

      <description> The role that is required to access this sample       application </description>




Macromedia JRun 4

The standard deployment descriptors defined in the section Standard Deployment Descriptors to support Declarative and Programmatic security will work for Macromedia JRun 4 and a separate role-to-principal mapping file is not required.

Oracle 9iAS R2 and Oracle 10g

The following are samples of deployment descriptors to support declarative (at Web and EJB tier) and programmatic security for Oracle 9iAS R2 and Oracle 10g.

These samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to Oracle documentation to learn the details on how these descriptors may be edited to create the role-to-principal mappings:


Code Example B-18  orion-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD Orion Web Application 2.3//EN" "">

<orion-web-app deployment-version=""






Code Example B-19  orion-ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE orion-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 runtime//EN" "">



      <session-deployment name="ReportEJB" location="ReportEJB" />




Code Example B-20  orion-application.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application runtime 1.2//EN" "">

<orion-application deployment-version="">

   <web-module id="WebTestSuite" path="War_File_Name.war" />

   <ejb-module id="EJBTestSuite" path="EJB_File_Name.jar" />

   <security-role-mapping name="MANAGER-ROLE">

      <group name="manager" />


   <security-role-mapping name="EMPLOYEE-ROLE">

      <group name="employee" />


   <persistence path="persistence"/>

   <user-manager class="">



      <file path="application.log"/>




         <namespace-resource root="">

            <security-role-mapping name="&lt;jndi-user-role>">

               <group name="administrators"/>





         <namespace-resource root="">

            <security-role-mapping name="&lt;jndi-user-role>">

               <group name="administrators"/>







If the user does not add the custom User Manager tag, it will be added by default when deploying the application through Enterprise Manager.

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

The following are samples of deployment descriptors to support Declarative (at Web and EJB tier) and Programmatic security for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1:

Update the DTD files in each of these deployment descriptors for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1. Keep in mind, that these samples are not exhaustive and the user should refer to Sun Java System Application Server Developer’s Guide to learn the details of how these descriptors can be edited to create the role-to-principal mappings.


Code Example B-21  sun-web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.1 Servlet 2.4//EN' ''>

<!-- Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. -->












Code Example B-22  sun-ejb-jar.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
Application Server 8.1 EJB 2.1//EN'




         <ejb-name>ReportEJB </ejb-name>

         <jndi-name>ReportEJB </jndi-name>





Code Example B-23  sun-application.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-application PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.1 J2EE Application 1.4//EN' ''>











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