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Sun Java(TM) System Directory Server 5.2 2005Q1 Plug-In Developer's Reference 


This reference covers the data types and structures, functions and parameter block data that make up the public Directory Server plug-in API. Refer to it as you develop server plug-ins to extend Directory Server functionality.

For information about how to access Sun™ documentation and how to use Sun documentation, see the following sections:


Table 1 describes the typeface conventions used in this document.

Table 1 Typeface Conventions 






API and language elements, HTML tags, web site URLs, command names, file names, directory path names, on-screen computer output, sample code.

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

% You have mail.


(Monospace bold)

What you type, as contrasted with on-screen computer output.

% su




Book titles.

New words or terms.

Words to be emphasized.

Command-line variables to be replaced by real names or values.

Read Chapter 6 in the Developer's Guide.

These are called class options.

You must be superuser to do this.

The file is located in the ServerRoot directory.

Table 2 describes placeholder conventions used in this guide.

Table 2 Placeholder Conventions 





Placeholder for the directory prefix under which software binaries reside after installation.

The default install-dir prefix on Solaris systems is /.

The default install-dir prefix on Red Hat systems is /opt/sun.


Placeholder for the directory where server instances and data reside.

You can manage each server under a ServerRoot remotely through your client-side Server Console. The Server Console uses the server-side Administration Server to perform tasks that must execute directly on the server-side system.

The default ServerRoot directory is /var/opt/sun/serverroot.


Placeholder for the directory where a specific server instance resides under the ServerRoot and its associated data resides by default.

The default serverID is the host name.

Table 3 describes the symbol conventions used in this book.

Table 3 Symbol Conventions 





[ ]

Contain optional command options.


\x7f O4, \x7f O

{ }


Contain a set of choices for a required command option.

Separates command option choices.


\x7f dy


Joins simultaneous keystrokes in keyboard shortcuts that are used in a graphical user interface.




Joins consecutive keystrokes in keyboard shortcuts that are used in a graphical user interface.




Indicates menu selection in a graphical user interface.


File > New

File > New > Templates

Table 4 describes the shell prompt conventions used in this book.

Table 4 Shell Prompts



C shell


C shell superuser


Bourne shell and Korn shell


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser


Input and output of Directory Server commands are usually expressed using the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) [RFC 2849]. Lines are wrapped for readability.

Related Books

The following books can be found in HTML and PDF at

Directory Server Books

Directory Server Release Notes

Directory Server Technical Overview

Directory Server Deployment Planning Guide

Directory Server Installation and Migration Guide

Directory Server Performance Tuning Guide

Directory Server Administration Guide

Directory Server Administration Reference

Directory Server Plug-in Developer's Guide

Directory Server Plug-in Developer's Reference

Directory Server Man Page Reference

Administration Server Books

Administration Server Release Notes

Administration Server Administration Guide

Administration Server Man Page Reference

Directory Proxy Server Books

Directory Proxy Server Release Notes

Directory Proxy Server Administration Guide

Related Java Enterprise System Books

Java Enterprise System Installation Guide

Java Enterprise System Upgrade and Migration Guide

Java Enterprise System Glossary

Documentation, Support, and Training

Table 5 provides links to Sun documentation, support, and training information.

Table 5 Documentation, Support, and Training links





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