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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide 

Chapter 16
Administering the Subscriptions Service

This chapter contains the following sections:


The Subscriptions service enables users to create a profile of interest covering many sources of information. In this release, the sources of information supported include categories, discussions, and searchable documents. The profile is updated with the latest information every time the user accesses the Subscriptions channel. The Subscriptions channel summarizes the number of hits (relevant information) that matches each profile entry the user defined for categorized document and/or discussions.

The Search service is used to:

The result is displayed as a link that shows the number of matching information to the profile entry. This link redirects the user to a more detailed view of the match itself.

In case of a category subscription, the link redirects the user to the search channel where the specific documents of interest are summarized in a standard category search result format. The Subscriptions channel acts as the doorway to a more detailed view for the user.

The Profiler function provides e-mail notifications when the content of specified interests has changed. The Profiler obtains subscription details for users from the Access Manager, fetches the results from the Search service, and sends e-mail notifications to the users. The Profiler can be scheduled to run at a specific time at the organization level.

Administering the Subscriptions Service

The administrator can enable or disable subscriptions service. The Subscriptions service can be administered at the:

Root Level

Administering the Subscriptions service at the Root level sets the system wide default maximum number of subscriptions per type (that is, for categories, discussions, and for saved searches). See To Define the Subscriptions Service at the Root Level for information on defining Subscriptions service at root level.

Organization level

Administering the Subscriptions service at the Organization level overwrites the system wide default maximum number of subscription per type (that is, for categories, discussions, and for saved searches). See To Define the Subscriptions Service at the Organization Level for information on defining Subscriptions service at organization level.

Organization User level

Administering the Subscriptions service at the Organization User level edits user’s Subscriptions service settings. The administrator can maintain the user’s service data, such as:

See To Manage the Subscriptions Service for the User for information on administering Subscriptions service for a user.

To Define the Subscriptions Service at the Root Level

  1. Log into the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console and select the Service Configuration tab.
  2. Select the Subscriptions service from the list in the left pane.
  3. Modify the default values for:
    • Maximum number of Categories subscriptions specifies the maximum number of categories that a user can subscribe to.
    • Maximum number of Discussion subscriptions specifies the maximum number of discussions that a user can subscribe to.
    • Maximum number of Saved searches specifies the maximum number of searches that can be saved.
  4. Select:
    • Save to save your values.
    • Reset to reset the values if you modified them.

To Define the Subscriptions Service at the Organization Level

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console and select Services from the View pull-down menu for your organization.
  2. Select the Subscriptions service from the list in the left pane.
  3. Select the time (hour and minutes) and days to start the profiler.
  4. Select the time (hour and minutes) and days to stop the profiler.
  5. Modify the default values for:
    • Conflict Resolution Level can be set to Highest, Higher, High, Medium, Low, Lower, and Lowest.
    • Maximum number of Categories subscriptions specifies the maximum number of categories that a user can subscribe.
    • Maximum number of Discussion subscriptions specifies the maximum number of discussions that a user can subscribe.
    • Maximum number of Saved searches specifies the maximum number of searches that can be saved.
  6. Select:
    • Save to save your values.
    • Reset to reset the values if you modified them.
    • Delete.

To Manage the Subscriptions Service for the User

  1. Log in to the administration console and select Users from the View pull-down menu for your organization.
  2. Select the User.
  3. The user information is displayed on the right pane.

  4. Select Subscriptions from the View pull-down menu.
  5. A page to edit the user’s subscriptions is displayed.

  6. Edit the subscriptions definition
  7. For each type of subscription, add or remove subscriptions. The format of:

    • Category subscription is:
    • label | target category | scope | lapsed time



      Refers to a logical reference given to the edited subscription and it must be a string. This is a required field.

      target category

      Must be of the string format ABC:DEF:GHI


      Refers to a search query and it must be of a string format that is a valid search string, including search operators.

      lapsed time

      Must be one of the following numbers:

      • 0=forever
      • 7=since last week
      • 30=since last month
      • 180=since last 6 months
      • 365=since last year

    • Discussions subscriptions is:
    • label | target discussion RD’s URL | scope | lapsed time | minimum rating



      Refers to a logical reference given to the edited subscription and it must be a string. This is a required field.

      target discussion RD’s URL

      Must be of string format matching the Discussion’s URL. This cannot be edited by the user using the subscriptions channel for editing the discussion.


      Refers to a search query and if must be of a string format that is a valid search string, including search operators.

      lapsed time

      Must be one of the following numbers:

      • 0=forever
      • 7=since last week
      • 30=since last month
      • 180=since last 6 months
      • 365=since last year

      minimum rating

      Refers to a filter base on a minimum rating.

    • Saved searches is:
    • label | target category | scope | lapsed time



      Refers to a logical reference given to the edited subscription and it must be a string. This is a required field.

      target category

      Must be of the string format ABC:DEF:GHI


      Refers to a search query and if must be of a string format that is a valid search string, including search operators.

      lapsed time

      Must be one of the following numbers:

      • 0=forever
      • 7=since last week
      • 30=since last month
      • 180=since last 6 months
      • 365=since last year

Using the Subscriptions Channel

The Subscriptions channel shows subscriptions by types which can be category subscriptions, discussion subscriptions, and saved searches. For each type of subscription, the following is displayed:

An end user can update all the subscriptions and unsubscribe via the subscriptions channel Edit button. End user alerts for matching subscriptions is grouped in the Subscriptions channel. The alerts are generated upon the subscriptions channel’s refresh time. The administrator can set the refreshTime property for the channel that make the actual rendering of the content cache for a certain period of time. When the end user tries to refresh the content of the subscriptions channel more than once within less time than the refreshTime parameter, then the content would be read from the cache instead of being generated from the actual data. The refreshTime channel property value can be specified in seconds.

An end user is alerted of a new document when the document:

To Subscribe to a Category

  1. Log in to the sample Desktop.
  2. You can subscribe to categories via:

    • Browse categories - this includes a Subscribe link
    • Search results that show categories - this includes a Subscribe link
    • Results of search within a category - this includes a Subscribe to Category link
  3. Select the subscribe link next to the category you wish to subscribe.
  4. The page to specify subscription information is displayed.

  5. Specify:
    • Subscription Name - A name for the category
    • Target Category- Name of the category
    • Scope of Search- A query string, similar to the Search text field
    • Since - Amount of time you wish to be subscribed to the specified category. It can forever, since last week, since last month, since last 6 months, since last year
  6. Select the Finished button.
  7. The category is added to your list of subscriptions.

To Subscribe to a Discussion

  1. Log in to the sample Desktop.
  2. You can subscribe to discussions via the view discussions link - this includes a Subscribe link.

  3. Select the subscribe link for the discussion you wish to subscribe.
  4. The page to specify subscription information is displayed.

  5. Specify:
    • subscription name - A name for the category
    • target category - Name of the category
    • scope of search - A query string, similar to the Search text field
    • since - Amount of time you wish to be subscribed to the specified category. It can forever, since last week, since last month, since last 6 months, since last year.
    • rating - Threshold rating above which subscription is valid
  6. Select the Finished button.
  7. You are now subscribed to the discussion.

To Save a Search

  1. Log in to the sample Desktop.
  2. Access the Search tab and search for a document.
  3. The search result page is displayed.

  4. Select the subscribe link at the top of the result list.
  5. The page to specify subscription information is displayed.

  6. Specify:
    • Label - Save search label
    • Scope of Search- A query string, similar to the Search text field
    • Since - Amount of time you wish to save the specified search result. It can be forever, since last week, since last month, since last 6 months, since last year.
  7. Select the Finished button.
  8. Your search result is now saved.


This section contains the following:

Discussions Overview

Discussions are tied to topics and specific documents. It is a powerful way for people to add and talk about existing documents or create their own. It provides an easy way to share information about specific documents or new topics.

The Sun Java System Portal Server software discussions feature includes discussion threads, starting discussions based on documents or new topics, searching discussions, and rating discussions. By default, the Discussions channel is available on the sample portal for anonymous users. However, an anonymous user cannot subscribe to a discussion or edit the Discussion channel.

The DiscussionLite channel and the Discussions channel are based on the DiscussionProvider. Similar to the search channel JSPs, they have a query portion, a display portion, and use Desktop themes.


The DiscussionProvider is JSP provider that uses the Desktop themes. It retrieves data from the backend Search service using search tag libraries and API. The discussions and comments are stored as different Resource Descriptors (RDs) in the discussion database. The DiscussionProvider supports:

Display Profile XML Fragment for DiscussionProvider

Code Example 16-1 shows the DiscussionProvider provider XML fragment in the display profile.

Code Example 16-1  DiscussionProvider Provider Display Profile XML Fragment  

<Provider name="DiscussionProvider" class="com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider">


        <String name="title" value="*** Discussions Provider ***"/>

        <String name="description" value="*** DESCRIPTION ***"/>

        <String name="refreshTime" value="0" advanced="true"/>

        <String name="helpURL" value="en/desktop/discussions.htm" advanced="true"/>

        <String name="fontFace1" value="Sans-serif"/>

        <String name="productName" value="Sun Java System Portal Server"/>

        <String name="contentPage" value="discussionContent.jsp"/>

        <String name="editPage" value="discussionEdit.jsp"/>

        <String name="processPage" value="discussionDoEdit.jsp"/>

        <Boolean name="isEditable" value="true" advanced="true"/>

        <String name="editType" value="edit_subset" advanced="true"/>

        <Boolean name="showExceptions" value="false"/>

        <Boolean name="showErrors" value="true"/>

        <String name="width" value="thick"/>

        <String name="column" value="2"/>

        <String name="searchServer" value=""/>

        <String name="dbname" value=""/>

        <Integer name="viewHits" value="8"/>

        <String name="defaultDiscussionDisplay" value="Threaded"/>

        <String name="defaultFilter" value="Irrelevant"/>

        <String name="defaultExpansionThreshold" value="Collapse all"/>

        <Boolean name="viewDiscussionWindow" value="false"/>

        <String name="anonymousAuthor" value="anonymous"/>

        <Boolean name="displaySearch" value="true"/>

        <Boolean name="showDescription" value="false"/>

        <String name="ratingText" value="Irrelevant,Routine,Interesting,Important,Must Read"/>



Administering the DiscussionProvider

The DiscussionProvider administration is distributed between:

DiscussionLite Channel

The DiscussionLite channel displays the top twenty discussion titles (which can be reconfigured) and the date. The discussions are sorted by creation date (last modified) and the newest discussion is displayed first. The DiscussionLite channel view has links to view each discussion, view all discussions which target the Discussions Channel, and start a discussion. By default, the channel is displayed in a single container and all links are brought up in a JSPDynamicSingleContainer.

Properties can be configured from the administration console. By default, there are no user editable properties for this channel.

Discussions are stored in the discussion database specified in the dbname property in the display profile. Search server host (searchServer property), database name (dbname property), and the number of discussions to be displayed (viewHits property) can be configured in the display profile (see Code Example 16-2.)

Code Example 16-2  DiscussionLiteProvider Channel Display Profile XML Fragment  

<Channel name="DiscussionLite" provider="DiscussionProvider">


        <String name="title" value="Recent Discussions"/>

        <String name="description" value="This is a DiscussionLite provider example"/>

        <String name="contentPage" value="discussionLiteContent.jsp"/>

        <String name="editPage" value=""/>

        <String name="processPage" value=""/>

        <String name="width" value="thin"/>

        <String name="searchServer" value=""/>

        <String name="db" value="discussion"/>

        <Integer name="viewHits" value="20"/>



The following JSPs are used by the DiscussionLite channel:


JSP content page.


Sets and executes search query.


Displays results.


Displays exceptions and error messages.

Discussions Channel

The Discussions channel includes a full view that:

The Discussions channel properties can be configured from the Sun Java System administration console.

Discussions are stored in the discussion database specified in the dbname property in the display profile. Search server host (searchServer property), database name (dbname property), and the number of discussions to be displayed (viewHits property) can be configured in the display profile (see Code Example 16-3.)

Code Example 16-3  Discussions Channel Display Profile XML Fragment  

<Channel name="Discussions" provider="DiscussionProvider">


        <String name="title" value="Discussions"/>

        <String name="description" value="This is a Discussion provider example"/>

        <String name="searchServer" value=""/>

        <String name="dbname" value="discussions"/>

        <Integer name="viewHits" value="8"/>



The following JSPs are used by Discussions channel:


JSP content page


The edit page


The process edit page




Extracts the display profile data


handles the full view presentation


User interface for the all discussions page


Search form displayed on the all discussions page


View discussion


Center horizontal bar with all the filters on the view discussion page


User interface for the view discussion page


Header comment display on the view discussion page


Navigation bar displayed above and below the header on the view discussion page


Provides comment, feedback, and rating functionality


Displays the feedback


Provides the feedback form


Processes the feedback


Displays exceptions and error messages


Formats and executes the search query


Provides pagination

Managing and Using the Channels

Administering the DiscussionProvider Channel

Administration of the DiscussionProvider channel is distributed between the Desktop display profile and the Search service in the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console. Provider specific information is stored in the display profile. Discussion document and database related administration must be done in the Search service.

Discussions are stored in the discussion database. The discussion database expects a specific schema for discussions and comments. New schema fields have been added for this feature in theschema.rdm file.The search CLI rdmgr can be used for database management and debugging. For example, to dump all the comments, type:

./run-cs-cli rdmgr -y discussion

The sample DiscussionProvider channels are configured to use the default search server. Some sample discussions which are imported in the discussion database and channel is ready for use.

The samples are located at PortalServer-base/SUNWps/samples/discussions/ directory. They are:


A sample SOIF file loaded in the discussion database.


Contains the discussion channel display profile XML fragments.


Contains the discussion provider display profile XML fragments.


Contains XML fragment for the authlessanonymous user, loaded at sample portal install time.

Access to discussions can be controlled (to read only or totally hidden) by the administrator.

To Create a Channel from DiscussionProvider

  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console and select Services from the View pull-down menu.
  2. The list of services is displayed in the left frame.

  3. Select Desktop and Channel and Container Management.
  4. Note that the Manage Channels and Container link is available in the right frame.

  5. Select the New button under Channels.
  6. The page to specify the type of channel to add is displayed.

  7. Specify a name for the channel in the Channel Name text box and select DiscussionProvider from the Provider pull-down menu.
  8. Select OK.
  9. This action creates a channel based on the specified provider. The Cancel button returns you to the Channel and Container Management page without creating any new channels.

  10. Select the Edit link next to the newly created channel in the Channels table.
  11. The page to edit the default values of the channel is displayed.

  12. Edit the properties and select the Save button to save the modified values.
  13. The following display profile properties are specific to this provider:


    Path to the search server. By default, portal/search.


    Any valid database.


    Number of discussions to display.


    This can be set to flat or threaded to allow the comment subtree to be displayed as flat or threaded.


    Filter for searching and displaying discussions and control display of the subtree. It can be based on ratings such as irrelevant, routine, interesting, important, or must read. By default, its value is irrelevant; so all comments rated irrelevant and above are displayed. The Must read filter will highlight the highly rated comments.


    This can be set to expand all or collapse all. By default, its value is set to collapse all. If set to expand all, it will expand all the filtered comments, show description, rating menu, and allow user to post reply via links.








    For the Discussions channel, this is configurable.


    By default, discussions can be rated at irrelevant, routine, interesting, important, or must read.

Using the DiscussionProvider Sample Channels

To Start a New Discussion

  1. Log in to the sample Desktop.
  2. To start a new discussion from the:
    • Channel, select the Collaborations tab and select the link to Start A New Discussion.
    • Search channel, select the Start A New Discussion link next to the document.
  3. Specify:
    • Title - A title for the discussion
    • Message - Content for discussion
    • Rating - Rate the discussion. It can be routine, interesting, important, or must read.
  4. Select Submit Feedback button.

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