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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 11

This chapter contains the following sections


The pdeploy is a command line tool that can be used to deploy and undeploy the portlet web application into the portal server.

The pdeploy command requires:

Some of the default settings used by the pdeploy command to deploy portlet applications are available in the file. This file is installed into the /etc/opt/SUNWps/portlet directory.

When the pdeploy command deploys the portlet application, it refers to the following parameters in the file:


By default, the log level is set to SEVERE. Valid values are ALL, OFF, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE.

logger.file.dir=/var/op t/SUNWam/debug

This parameter specifies the directory where the log file for the deployed portlet application is stored.


This parameter specifies whether schema validation should be performed during deployment.


This section describes the pdeploy command syntax.

Short-Named Format

pdeploy deploy -u uid -w password {-g|-d dn} -p webcontainerpassword -V -r rolesfile -f userinfofile -v -l warfile

pdeploy undeploy -u uid -w password {-g|-d dn} -p webcontainerpassword -V -v -l warfile

Long-Named Format

pdeploy deploy --runasdn uid --password password {--global|--dn dn} --wc_password webcontainerpassword --rolesfile rolesfile --userinfofile userinfofile --verbose --locale warfile

pdeploy deploy --help

pdeploy deploy --version

pdeploy undeploy --runasdn uid --password password {--global|--dn dn} --wc_password password --verbose --locale portletwebapp

pdeploy undeploy --help

pdeploy undeploy --version


The pdeploy command takes these subcommands:


deploys the portlet application


removes the portlet application



If the subcommand is deploy, the pdeploy command deploys the portlet web application into the portal server. After this command completes, you can create channels based on the portlets defined in the deployed portlet web application.


pdeploy deploy -u uid -w password {-g|-d dn} -p webcontainerpassword warfile

pdeploy deploy -h|--help


The following table, which describes what options are supported, contains two columns: the first column lists the possible options for the deploy subcommand; the second column gives a brief description.

-v or --verbose

Generates debug messages.

-d or --dn

Specifies the distinguished name in the LDAP node to access the display profile document. The -d or -g option is required.

-f or --userinfofile

Specifies the file containing the user information mapping information.

-g or --global

Specifies the global level node in LDAP to access the display profile document. The -d or -g option is required.


Prints help message to stdout.

-l or --locale

Prints the locale information.

-p or --wc_password

Specifies the web container password This option is required.

-r or --rolesfile

Specifies the file containing the Sun Java System Access Manager software and portlet application role mapping information.

-u or --runasdn

Specifies the distinguished name of the user to use to bind to the Sun Java System Directory Server. This option is required.

-V or --version

Generates version information.

-w or --password

Specifies the password of the distinguished name of the user used to bind to the Directory Server. This option is required.

The following table contains two columns. The first column lists the operands for the deploy subcommand; the second column gives a brief description.


Specifies the path to the WAR file.


Example 1    

In the following example, the pdeploy command deploys the /tmp/SamplePortletApp.war into the portal server.

pdeploy deploy -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,,o=isp" -w admin -p sunone -g /tmp/SamplePortletApp.war

Example 2    

Sometimes the portlet application defines logical roles in the portlet.xml file. During deployment, the logical roles need to be mapped to the actual roles defined in the system. To accomplish this, supply a role mapping file.

The role mapping file is expected to contain ActualRole=LogicalRole entries. The file supplied must follow Java™ property file format. For example:



The following pdeploy command will provide the role mapping file for deploying the SamplePortletApp.war file into the portlet application.

pdeploy deploy -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w admin -p sunone -r /tmp/RoleMaps -g /tmp/SamplePortletApp.war

Example 3    

Sometimes the portlet application will need access to the information associated with each user. During deployment, logical user information entry name must be mapped to the actual user information entry name defined in the system. To accomplish this during deployment, a user information entry map can be supplied.

The user information file is expected to contain ActualEntryName=LogicalEntryName entries. For example:



The following deploy command will provide the user information file for deploying the SamplePortletApp.war file into the portlet application.

pdeploy deploy -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w admin -p sunone -f /tmp/UserInfoMaps -g /tmp/SamplePortletApp.war



The undeploy subcommand removes the portlet application from the portal server. However, it does not remove all the channel definitions already created for portlets defined in the portlet web application. All channels associated with the portlet web application (being removed) must be manually removed.


pdeploy undeploy -u uid -w password {-g|-d dn} -p webcontainerpassword -v portletwebapp

pdeploy undeploy -h|--help


The following table describes what options are supported and contains two columns: the first column lists the possible options for the undeploy subcommand; the second column gives a brief description.

-v or --verbose

Generates debug messages.

-d or --dn

Specifies the distinguished name in the LDAP node to access the display profile document. The -d or -g option is required.

-g or --global

Specifies the global level node in LDAP to access the display profile document. The -d or -g option is required.


Prints the help message to stdout.

-l or --locale

Provides locale information.

-p or --wc_password

Specifies the web container password This option is required.

-u or --runasdn

Specifies the distinguished name of the user to use to bind to the Directory Server. This option is required.

-V or --version

Generates version information.

-w or --password

Specifies the password of the distinguished name of the user used to bind to the Directory Server. This option is required.

The following table describes what operands are supported and contains two columns: the first column lists the possible operands for the undeploy subcommand; the second column gives a brief description.


Specifies the name of the deployed portlet web application. Typically, it is the same name as the war file name without the .war extension.


The following pdeploy command undeploys the portlet web application named SamplePortletApp from the portal server.

pdeploy undeploy -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=People,,o=isp" -w admin -g

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.