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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 14

This chapter contains the following sections:


The rwadmin command enables the administrator to manage the Rewriter data available in the Sun Java System Access Manager Rewriter service.


The rwadmin command syntax is described in this section.

Short Named Format

rwadmin list -u uid -w password [-l locale] [-b] [-h]

rwadmin store -u uid -w password [-l locale] [-b] [-h] filename

rwadmin get -r rulesetname -u uid -w password [-l locale] [-b] [-h] [filename]

rwadmin remove -r rulesetname -u uid -w password [-l locale] [-b] [-h]

Long Named Format

rwadmin list --runasdn uid --password password [--locale locale] [--verbose] [--version] [--help]

rwadmin store --runasdn uid --password password [--locale locale] [--verbose] [--version] [--help] filename

rwadmin get --rulesetid rulesetname --runasdn uid --password password [--locale locale] [--verbose] [--version] [--help] [filename]

rwadmin remove --rulesetid rulesetname --runasdn uid --password password [--locale locale] [--verbose] [--version] [--help]


These subcommands are supported:



This subcommand lists all the available ruleset names.


rwadmin list -u|--runasdn uid -w|--password password


In the following example, the command displays names of all available rulesets.

rwadmin list -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,,o=isp" -w joshua



This subcommand stores the Rules available in the local file system into Access Manager. If you want to store the DefaultRuleSet, use the following command:

rwadmin store -u uid -w password /resources/DefaultRuleSet.xml

where /resources/DefaultRuleSet.xml is the location of RuleSet stored in rewriter.jar file. Note that when this command is executed, if a ruleset with the same ID already exists, no new data is stored. Delete the existing ID and try again.


rwadmin store -u|--runasdn uid -w|--password password filename


In the following example, the command stores the Rules available at /opt/data/ExampleRuleSet.xml into the Access Manager.

rwadmin store -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,,o=isp" -w joshua /opt/data/ExampleRuleSet.xml



This subcommand gets the RuleSet from Access Manager. If the filename is provided, the retrieved RuleSet is stored in the specified file, or else it is displayed on stdout (or the console).


rwadmin get -r|--rulesetid ruleset -u|--runasdn uid -w|--password password [filename]


Example 1    

In the following example, the command retrieves the RuleSet named ExampleRuleSet from Access Manager and displays it on the console.

rwadmin get -r "ExampleRuleSet" -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,,o=isp" -w joshua

Example 2    

In the following example, the command retrieves the RuleSet named ExampleRuleSet from Access Manager and saves it in the file abc.xml in the /tmp directory.

rwadmin get -r "ExampleRuleSet" -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,,o=isp" -w joshua /tmp/abc.xml



This subcommand deletes the RuleSet from Access Manager. This command deletes the RuleSet without any warning.


rwadmin remove -r|--rulesetid ruleset -u|--runasdn uid -w|password password


In the following example, the command deletes the RuleSet whose name is ExampleRuleSet from Access Manager.

rwadmin remove -r "ExampleRuleSet" -u "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,,o=isp" -w joshua


The following table contains a summary of the rwadmin command options. It contains two columns: the first column lists the possible options; the second column gives a brief description of the corresponding option. The rwadmin command supports the following options (listed in alphabetical order):

-b or --verbose

Specify this argument to rwadmin to provide detailed information on what is happening when the command is executed


Specify this option with the store subcommand to indicate the file to get the RuleSet data from when importing into the Access Manager software. Specify this with the get subcommand to indicate the file in which the retrieved RuleSet data should be stored.

-h or --help

Specify this option to rwadmin to print out a brief help page to standard output. If no subcommand is present, a generic help page for rwadmin is printed. If one of the rwadmin subcommands is present, then a brief help page that is specific to the subcommand is printed.

-l or --locale

Use this option to have all output messages localized in the specified locale. If not specified, it defaults to system locale.

-r or --rulesetid

Use this option to specify the name of the RuleSet to operate upon

-u or --runasdn

Specify this option with the distinguished name of the user to use to bind to the Directory Server.


Specify this option to rwadmin to print descriptive information about the utility, such as its version, legal notices, and other similar information to standard output. Any subcommand and all other arguments are ignored when this option is present.

-w or --password

Specify this option with the password of the distinguished name of the user used to bind to the Directory Server.

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.