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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 30
Display Profile Properties: Service Provider Properties

Service providers are providers who provide a service, such as search service. The Sun Java System Portal Server software includes the following service providers:


SearchProvider supplies the search function using the Sun Java System Portal Server software Search Engine. SearchProvider is a JSP-based provider. The resultant channel has three interfaces:

Basic search    

Enables users to search within the default document database or discussion database. Document and category matches are then displayed.

Advanced search    

Enables users to search for documents based on author, title, URL within the default document database or discussion database, discussion, and/or comment. Users can also search on the last-modified date of a document. Advanced search is a more complex user interface, and supports customization. See Chapter 14, “Customizing the Service Providers” for more information.


Enables users to browse the category tree and search within categories.

Search results are displayed based on the categorySearch and viewHits properties. The following is a list of the properties specific to SearchProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="contentPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the channel content (by using the getContent() method).

String name="editPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the Edit page content (by using the getEdit() method).

String name="processPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to process the results of an Edit page (by using the processEdit() method).

Boolean name="showExceptions"

If true, makes SearchProvider show exceptions generated while processing the JSP as the channel output for the getContent() and getEdit() methods. This can be useful for developing and troubleshooting your portal, and for debugging the Search provider.

String name="searchServer"

Specifies the Search server’s URL.

Integer name="viewHits"

Specifies the number of hits that should be displayed per page. The maximum desirable number is 25. (The Edit page specifies to choose a number between 1 and 100.) This property is user editable. Edit page displays allowable values as 5, 8, 10, 16.

Boolean name="basicSearchDefault"

If true, specifies that the default search mode should be basic. (Users can set this to advanced if desired.)

String name="defaultMode"

Specifies the default search mode. Allowable values are basic, advanced, or browse.

Boolean name="categorySearch"

Specifies the category search to be displayed by default. If set to false, category matches are not displayed.


The DiscussionsProvider is JSPProvider based and uses the Desktop themes. It retrieves data from the back end Search service using search taglibs and API. The discussions and comments are stored as separate Resource Descriptors (RDs) in the discussion database. Discussion RDs require special schema. See schema.rdm file in the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-psserver/portal/config/ directory.

Discussions are stored in the discussion database specified in the dbname property in the display profile. Search server host (searchServer property) and database name (dbname property) are advanced properties that can be configured in the display profile.

The following is a list of properties specific to DiscussionsProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Specifies the path to the search server. By default, the value is portal/search.


Specifies the discussion database where discussions are stored. Any valid database can be specified.


Specifies the number of discussions to display on the main discussion page (full view).


Determines how the comment subtree is displayed. It can be set to flat or threaded to allow the comment subtree to be displayed as flat or threaded.


Specifies the filter for searching and displaying discussions and this controls display of the subtree. It can be based on ratings such as irrelevant, routine, interesting, important, or must read. By default, its value is irrelevant; so all comments rated irrelevant and above are displayed. The Must read filter will highlight the highly rated comments.


It can be set to expand all or collapse all. By default, its value is set to collapse all. If set to expand all, it will expand all the filtered comments, show description, rating menu, and allow user to post reply via links.


A user configurable property. If set to true, the discussion link gets displayed on an entire page; that is, JSPDynamicSingleContainer is invoked. If set to false, the discussion gets displayed within the channel within the tab.


An anonymous user can submit comments. Default author value for an anonymous user is picked from this property. Default value is anonymous. For example, it can be set to unknown author.


Enable or disable Search in discussions.


Specifies whether or not to show a description of the discussion.


Specifies the type of rating that can be done on a discussion. By default, discussions can be rated as irrelevant, routine, interesting, important, or must read. This property is not used in this release.


SubscriptionsProvider provides subscriptions service to users. The Subscriptions service enables users to create a set of profile of interest over a source of information. The source of information supported are categories, discussions, and searchable documents. The profile is updated with the latest information every time the user accesses the Subscriptions channel. The Subscriptions channel summarizes the number of hits (relevant information) that matches each profile entry the user defined for categorized document and/or discussions.

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.