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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 37
JSPs in the sampleportal Directory

This chapter contains the following sections:

FrameTabContainer JSPs

FrameTabContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/FrameTabContainer directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Contains the required JavaScript™ and the body tag for the right frame of the frame tab container.


Contains the HTML source for frames of the frameset container.


Is the main JSP for the frame tab container and throws out the requested content for each frame based on the request parameters from the frameset JSP.


Displays the Edit page for the frame tab container where new pages can be added, removed, or renamed.


Displays the left frame for the frame tab container that has the list of available pages and links to them.


Displays the product banner that is used by the frame tab container.


Provides the content for the Make New Page part of the Sections page in the frame tab container.


Provides the content for each of the page topics in the Make New Page.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Tabs, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


Displays the remove, rename, and start links for each of the selected pages of the frame tab container in the Current Tab Settings page.


Displays the Start Page, Tab, and Actions part of the Current Tab Settings page for the frame tab container.


Displays the content for the right frame of the frame tab container.

JSPContentContainer JSPs

The JSPContentContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPContentContainer directory. These JSPs are used for the content view when the Content link is selected in a JSP-based table container.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the content Edit page.

JSPCreateChannelContainer JSPs

The JSPCreateChannelContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPCreateChannelContainer directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


These JSPs are used for the User Defined Channel page on the Desktop.







JSPCustomThemeContainer JSPs

JSPCustomThemeContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPCustomThemeContainer directory. These JSPs are used when the Custom Theme link is selected in the Themes page.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Processes the result from the Custom Theme page.


Displays the Custom Theme Edit page.


Displays the preview view of the Custom Theme page.

JSPDynamicSingleContainer JSPs

The JSPDynamicSingleContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPDynamicSingleContainer directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Used by the DynamicSingleContainer to display the channel specified in the request parameter. This JSP uses the Desktop theme.

JSPEditContainer JSPs

The JSPEditContainer JSP is located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPEditContainer directory. These JSPs are used when the Edit icon is selected in a channel title bar inside a JSP- based container. Channels that have the editType defined as EDIT_SUBSET use these JSPs. The difference between this JSP and the one from default directory is that this includes the Desktop theme style.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the Edit view of a channel. Also provides a wrapper around the actual Edit view for a given channel.

JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs

The JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider JSP is located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider directory.

JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs are mainly used by the user created pages in the frame tab container. When the user creates a new page from the Sections page in the frame tab container, a new table container is created dynamically. The following JSPs are used by the user created table containers. The difference between this JSP and the one from default directory is that this includes the Desktop theme style.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the content for the newly created page (table container) from the Sections page.

JSPLayoutContainer JSPs

The JSPLayoutContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPLayoutContainer directory. These JSPs are used to display the Layout view when the Layout link is selected in a JSP-based table container.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the Layout Edit page.

JSPPopupContainer JSPs

The JSPPopupContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPPopupContainer directory. These JSPs were used to detach a channel from a JSP-based Desktop. However, this container is no longer used by the sample portal. The detached windows in sample portal are now drawn by the popup.jsp, popupmenubar.jsp, and providerwrapper.jsp in JSPTableContainer. These JSPs are present for backward compatibility only.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the contents of the channel inside the detached window.


Displays the Update, Close, and Logout links inside the popup window.


Combines the above JSPs.

JSPPresetThemeContainer JSPs

The JSPPresetThemeContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPPresetThemeContainer directory. These JSPs are used when the Preset Themes link is selected in the Themes page.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Processes the result from the Preset Theme page.


Displays the Preset Theme Edit page.


This file exists for backward compatibility and shows that the theme changes apply to a channel only.

JSPSingleContainer JSPs

The JSPSingleContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPSingleContainer directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that is used by the Single Container page.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Tabs, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


Displays the content for JSPSingleContainerProvider.

JSPTabContainer JSPs

The JSPTabContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPTabContainer directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that is used by the Tab Container page. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Tabs, Theme, Help, and Logout links. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the tab image for the current selected tab in the tab container.


Is the main JSP for the tab container. It draws the content page for the tab container. (Dynamically includes header.jsp and menubar.jsp.)


Displays the Edit page for the tab container where new pages can be added, removed, or renamed.


Generates the available tabs and the links for them to be activated on the Desktop.

JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider JSPs

The JSPTabCustomTableContainer JSPs is located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the table container’s content view.

JSPTableContainerProvider JSPs

The JSPTableContainer JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/JSPTableContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that includes the user reference links for the table container.


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a frame tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container that is the top most container in the Desktop. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)

Miscellaneous JSPs

Miscellaneous JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal directory. These JSPs are used by more than one channel, and are also used as a default if the named JSP is not found in the provider or channel subdirectory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


This JSP is used to draw the banner on the edit page of a JSR 168 portlet when the edit button is clicked on the portlet.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar on the edit page of a JSR 168 portlet when the edit button is clicked on the portlet.


Displays the default product banner that includes the user reference links.


Displays the default menubar that includes the user reference links.


Displays the product banner that is used by the frame tab containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the frame tab containers.


Displays the search box that are used in the desktop header area.


Displays the product banner that is used by the single containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the single containers.


Displays the product banner that is used by the tab containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the tab containers.


Displays the product banner that is used by the table containers.


Displays the menubar that is used by the table containers.


The PredefinedFrontPageFramePanelContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/PredefinedFrontPageFramePanelContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that includes the user reference links for the table container.


Displays the detached windows that are detached from the table container. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the channel command buttons and links, such as Remove, Minimize/Maximize, Edit, and Help.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a frame tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container that is the top most container in the Desktop. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


The PredefinedFrontPageTabPanelContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/PredefinedFrontPageTabPanelContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that includes the user reference links for the table container.


Displays the detached windows that are detached from the table container. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the channel command buttons and links, such as Remove, Minimize/Maximize, Edit, and Help.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a frame tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container that is the top most container in the Desktop. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


The PredefinedSamplesFramePanelContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/PredefinedSamplesFramePanelContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that includes the user reference links for the table container.


Displays the detached windows that are detached from the table container. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the channel command buttons and links, such as Remove, Minimize/Maximize, Edit, and Help.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a frame tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container that is the top most container in the Desktop. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


The PredefinedSamplesTabPanelContainerProvider JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/PredefinedSamplesTabPanelContainerProvider directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the product banner that includes the user reference links for the table container.


Displays the detached windows that are detached from the table container. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the content view for each channel inside the table container.


Displays the menubar that has the Home, Theme, Help, and Logout links.


This JSP is used to draw the content in the detached window for the channel in the detached mode.


This JSP is used to draw the menubar in the detached window for a detached channel.


Displays the channel command buttons and links, such as Remove, Minimize/Maximize, Edit, and Help.


This JSP is used to draw the wrapper containing the attach, edit, and help links around the channel displayed in the detached window.


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a frame tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Handles the left, center and right columns of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Handles the channel in the maximized state on the Desktop front page. This JSP is used to draw the HTML around the channel displayed in the maximized state.


Handles the top and bottom channels of a table. (Dynamically included.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container inside a tab container. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)


Displays the table container’s content view, which is used by the table container that is the top most container in the Desktop. (Dynamically includes launchPopup.jsp, tablecolumn.jsp, and tabletopbottom.jsp.)

SampleJSP JSPs

The SampleJSP JSPs are located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/SampleJSP directory. These JSPs are used by the SampleJSP channel.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the contents of the Sample JSP channel. This JSP uses of the Desktop theme, and is used as an example of the channelHighlightColor attribute.

SampleSimpleWebService JSPs

The SampleSimpleWebService JSP is located in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal/SampleSimpleWebService directory.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the file name; column two provides a brief description.


Displays the Content view of the simple web service channels.

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.