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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 55
Robot Application Functions - Generation Functions

This chapter contains the following functions:


The following functions are used in the Generate stage of filtering. Generation functions can generate information that goes into a resource description. In general, they either extract information from the body of the resource itself or copy information from the resource’s metadata.


The extract-full-text function extracts the complete text of the resource and adds it to the resource description.


The extract-full-text function should be used with caution, because it can significantly increase the size of the resource description, thus causing database bloat and overall negative impact on network bandwidth.


The following table lists the parameters used with the extract-full-text function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


The maximum number of characters to extract from the resource.


Name of the schema item that will receive the full text.


Generate fn=extract-full-text


The extract-html-meta function extracts any <META> or <TITLE> information from an HTML file and adds it to the resource description. A content-type may be specified to restrict the kind of URLs that are generated.


The following table lists the parameters used with the extract-html-meta function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


The maximum number of bytes to extract.


Optional parameter. If omitted, it will generate all URLs.


Generate fn=extract-html-meta truncate=255 type=text/html


The extract-html-text function extracts the first few characters of text from an HTML file, excluding the HTML tags, and adds the text to the resource description. This permits the first part of a document’s text to be included in the RD. A content-type may be specified to restrict the kind of URLs that are generated.


The following table lists the parameters usedwith the extract-html-text function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


The maximum number of bytes to extract.


Set to true to ignore any HTML headers that occur in the document.


Optional parameter. If omitted, it will generate all URLs.


Generate fn=extract-html-text truncate=255 type=text/html skip-headings=true


The extract-html-toc function extracts the table-of-contents from the HTML headers and add it to the resource description.


The following table lists the parameters used with the extract-html-toc function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


The maximum number of bytes to extract.


Maximum HTML header level to extract. This parameter controls the depth of the table of contents.


Generate fn=extract-html-toc truncate=255 level=3


The extract-source function extracts the specified values from the given sources and adds them to the resource description.


The following table lists the parameter used with the extract-source function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


List of source names; you can use the -> operator to define a new name for the RD attribute, for example, type->content-type would take the value of the source named type and save it in the RD under the attribute named content-type.


Generate fn=extract-source src="md5,depth,rd-expires,rd-last-modified"


The harvest-summarizer function runs a Harvest summarizer on the resource and adds the result to the resource description.

To run Harvest summarizers, you must have $HARVEST_HOME/lib/gatherer in your path before you run the robot.


The following table lists the parameter used with the harvest-summarizer function. The table contains two columns. The first column lists the parameter, and the second column provides a description.


Name of the summarizer program.


Generate fn-harvest-summarizer summarizer=HTML.sum

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.