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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 73
Provider-Specific Desktop Template Tags

This chapter contains the following sections:


The tags described below are used by AddressBookProvider and providers who extend this provider (such as LotusNotesAddressBookProvider and MSExchangeAddressBookProvider).

[tag:ab-display-clientURL-ap pURL]

Used to display the application launch link


Used as a placeholder to put in all of the address book entries

[tag:ab-display-entry-firstn ame]

Displays first name

[tag:ab-display-entry-lastna me]

Displays last name

[tag:ab-display-entry-common name]

Displays common name


Displays email

[tag:ab-display-entry-email- link]

Displays email as a link


Displays error message

[tag:ab-display-summary-entr ies]

Displays a summary of the entries


Displays summary


Displays entries




The tags described below are used by AppProvider.


JavaScript variable default for launching Bookmark windows (taken from preferences)


List of bookmark links


Number of bookmarks


Name of the bookmark


URL of the bookmark


Checkable list of bookmarks for Edit page in table format


Default for checkboxes of how the bookmark should be opened (new window, existing window, and so on)


Used to reference the URLs in the edit page


Name of Bookmark used on edit page


URL for bookmark used on edit page


The value for this is either CHECKED or “” based on the window preference specified in edit page


Localized string from resource bundle displaying the text for window options on the edit page.


The value for this is either CHECKED or “” based on the window preference selected in edit page


Localized string from resource bundle displaying the text for window options on the edit page.


The value for this is either CHECKED or “” based on the window preference selected in edit page


Localized string from resource bundle displaying the text for window options on the edit page.


URL for bookmark used for constructing the channel content.


Name of bookmark used in the channel content.


The tags described below are used by CalendarProvider and providers who extend this provider (such as LotusNotesCalendarProvider and MSExchangeCalendarProvider).

Table 73-1  

[tag:calendar-display-client -uri]

Used to display the application launch link

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-startHourOfDay0]

start hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-startHourOfDay1]

start hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-startHour0]

start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-startHour1]

start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event- endHourOfDay0]

end hour for 0 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-endHourOfDay1]

end hour for 1 based 24-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-endHour0]

end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-startHour2]

start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-dueHour2]

end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-pendHour2]

hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event- startMinute]

minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-startAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-endAmPm]


[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-dueAmPm]


[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-pendAmPm]


[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-endHour2]

end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-dueMinute]

minutes of the due time

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-endMinute]

minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-description-seperator]

description separator specified by the resource bundle ‘seperatorDescription’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-description]

event description

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-location]

event location

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-summary]

event summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-event-allDay]

if the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ‘CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-summary]

task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-description]

task description

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-overdueTask-description]


[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-d ueHour1]

hour of task for 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-d ueMonth]

month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-dueDay]

day of the month the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-dueYear]

year the task was due

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-overdueTask-summary]

overdue task summary

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-pendMinute]

minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-location]

task location

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-task-complete-start]

start time of completed task

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-dayOfWeek]

today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-month]

today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-day]

today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-year]

today’s year

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-taskList]

task list content

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-eventList]

event list content

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-otherTaskList]

other tasks list content

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-overdueTaskNum]

number of overdue tasks for today

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-overdueTaskList]

overdue task list content

[tag:display-dayView-dueTask -Header]

If tasks exist, then the task header is identified by the resource bundle ‘dueTasks’ value

[tag:display-dayView-overdue Task-Hea der]

if overdue tasks exist, then the overdue task header is identified by the resource bundle ‘overdueTasks’ value

[tag:display-dayView-dueEven t-Header]

If events exist, then the event header is identified by the resource bundle ‘dueEvents’ value

[tag:display-dayView-otherTa sk-Header]

If other tasks exist, then the other tasks header is identified by the resource bundle ‘otherTasks’ value

[tag:calendar-display-event- conflict]

If the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ‘conflict’ value.


error message

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek0]

day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek1]

day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek2]

day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek3]

day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek4]

day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek5]

day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek6]

day of week 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-endHour1]

end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-startHour2]

start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-startMinute]

minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-startAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-endHour2]

end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-endMinute]

minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-endAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-summary]

event summary

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-event-allDay]

If the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ‘CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-task-pendHour2]

hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-task-pendAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-task-pendMinute]

minutes of the task

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-task-summary]

task summary

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day0]

day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day1]

day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day2]

day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day3]

day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day4]

day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day5]

day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-day6]

day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList0]

events for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList0]

tasks for day in month 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList1]

events for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList1]

tasks for day in month 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList2]

events for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList2]

tasks for day in month 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList3]

events for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList3]

tasks for day in month 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList4]

events for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList4]

tasks for day in month 4

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList5]

events for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList5]

tasks for day in month 5

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-eventList6]

events for day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-taskList6]

tasks for day in month 6

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-currentDayOfWeek]

today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-currentMonth]

today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-currentDay]

today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-currentYear]

today’s year

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-dayOfWeek]

day of week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-weekView0]

week content for week 0

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-weekView1]

week content for week 1

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-weekView2]

week content for week 2

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-weekView3]

week content for week 3

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew-weekView4]

week content for week 4

[tag:calendar-display-summar y-events]

event summary information

[tag:calendar-display-summar y-tasks]

task summary information

[tag:calendar-display-summar y-events]

event summary

[tag:calendar-display-summar y-tasks]

task summary

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-currentDayOfWeek]

today’s day of week

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-currentMonth]

today’s month

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-currentDay]

today’s day in month

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-currentYear]

today’s year

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-startHour1]

start hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-endHour1]

end hour for 0 based 12-hour clock

[tag:calendar-display-event- conflict]

if the event is in conflict, then it is identified by the resource bundle ‘conflict’ value.

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-startHour2]

start hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-startMinute]

minutes of the start time

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-startAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-endHour2]

end hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-endMinute]

minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-endAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-summary]

event summary

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-allDay]

If the event is an All Day event, then it is identified by the resource bundle ‘CalendarProvider-allDayEvent’ value

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-event-summary]

event summary

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-task-pendHour2]

hour based on user preference of 12 or 24 hour clock format

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-task-pendMinute]

minutes of the end time

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-task-pendAmPm]

am or pm identifier

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-task-summary]

task summary

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-currentDayHeader]

today’s date information

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek0]

day of week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek1]

day of week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek2]

day of week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek3]

day of week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek4]

day of week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek5]

day of week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-dayOfWeek6]

day of week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day0]

day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day1]

day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day2]

day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day3]

day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day4]

day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day5]

day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-day6]

day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList0]

events for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList0]

tasks for day in week 0

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList1]

events for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList1]

tasks for day in week 1

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList2]

events for day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList2]

tasks for day in week 2

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList3]

events for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList3]

tasks for day in week 3

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList4]

events for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList4]

tasks for day in week 4

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList5]

events for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList5]

tasks for day in week 5

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-eventList6]

events for day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew-taskList6]

tasks for day in week 6

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w-summary]

summary content

[tag:calendar-display-dayVie w]

day content

[tag:calendar-display-weekVi ew]

week content

[tag:calendar-display-monthV iew]

month content

[tag:calendar-display-client URL]

client application URL


The tags described below are used by LoginProvider.


Inserts the persistent cookie template


Inserts the libertyLogin.Template


Help link for login


Inserts the liberty preLogin URL. The value is specified in the channel property preLoginURL which is typically of the form: tal/dt


The tags described below are used by MailCheckProvider.


Contains error messages if the user has not filled in correct values for the IMAP Server Name, IMAP User and IMAP Password.


Displays the result of connecting to the given server with the user ID and password. The message could be “Mail Server is alive, 0 unread message(s).”


Name of the IMAP mail server


user ID


Password for the mail server


The tags described below are used by MailProvider and providers who extend this provider (such as LotusNotesMailProvider and MSExchangeMailProvider).

[tag:mail-display-clientURL- uri]

Used to display application launch link


Display error message

[tag:mail-display-headers-me ssage-subject]

mail subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-me ssage-mailto]

Mail senders

[tag:mail-display-headers-me ssage-name]

Mail sender’s name

[tag:mail-display-headers-me ssage-date]

Date message received

[tag:mail-display-headers-me ssage-status]

Message status

[tag:mail-display-headers-su bject]

Displays subject

[tag:mail-display-headers-fr om]

Displays From

[tag:mail-display-headers-da te]

Displays Date

[tag:mail-display-headers-st atus]

Displays status

[tag:mail-display-summary-un read]

displays number of unread messages

[tag:mail-display-summary-to tal]

displays total number of messages


Displays the summary info


displays the messages headers


displays the application launch URL


The tags described below are used by TemplateTabContainerProvider and providers who extend this provider.


Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table


Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%


Checkbox list of available thin providers to add to desktop


Checkbox list of available wide providers to add to desktop


Checkbox list of available full width providers to add to desktop


List that shows left column channels


List that shows right column channels


List that shows center column channels


Channels for left column


Channels for center column


Channels for right column


Percentage of total width for left column


Percentage of total width for center column


Percentage of total width for right column


The content generated by the full-bottom channel

[tag:fullbottomUserProviderL ist]

List of Full Width (Bottom) Channels to move

[tag:fulltopUserProviderList ]

List of Full Width (Top) Channels to move

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 1.gif]

Icon for thin-wide layout

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 2.gif]

Icon for wide-thin layout

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 3.gif]

Icon for thin-wide-thin layout


Makes Radio button for layout one the default.


Makes Radio button for layout two the default.


Makes Radio button for layout three the default.

[surl:/desktop/images/layout 4.gif]

Icon for thin-thin-thin layout


Makes Radio button for layout four the default.


The top level container name for the TemplateTabContainer


The tags described below are used by TemplateTableContainerProvider and providers who extend this provider.


Size of border (CELLPADDING) around provider HTML table


Table width (WIDTH), fixed at 100%


Checkbox list of available thin providers to add to desktop


Checkbox list of available wide providers to add to desktop


Checkbox list of available full width providers to add to desktop


Inserts layoutFullTop.template into this template


Inserts layoutFullBottom.template into this template


List that shows left column channels


List that shows right column channels


List that shows center column channels

[tag:fullbottomUserProviderL ist]

List of Full Width (Bottom) Channels to move

[tag:fulltopUserProviderList ]

List of Full Width (Top) Channels to move


Makes Radio button for layout one the default.


Makes Radio button for layout two the default.


Makes Radio button for layout three the default.


Makes Radio button for layout four the default.


Provider/channel content (HTML) inserted here


The content generated by the full-bottom channel


Channels for right column


Channels for center column


Channels for left column


Percentage of total width for left column


Percentage of total width for center column


Percentage of total width for right column


The tags described below are used by UserInfoProvider.


User’s greeting


User’s common or full name




Time left in user’s session


Maximum idle time


List of time zones


List of available locales


Inserts netmailSettings.template into this page to get the following information: IMAP server name, SMTP server name, IMAP user ID and IMAP password


Inserts passwordHandler-Membership.template (if available) to change membership password

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-imap -server-name]

IMAP server name

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-smtp -server-name

SMTP server name

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-imap -userid]

IMAP user ID

[tag:iplanet-ps-netmail-imap -password]

IMAP password

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