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Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide 

Chapter 18
Administering the Delete Log Database

Calendar Server includes the Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db) to store deleted events and todos (tasks).

In early releases, Calendar Server did not maintain a database of deleted events and tasks. Users were forced to save the unique identifiers (uid) or recurrence identifiers (rid) of events or todos (tasks) to determine which components had been deleted. This limitation directly affected installations that used WCAP commands to develop a client user interface (UI). To solve this limitation, the delete log database was created.

This chapter describes:

Creation of the Delete Log Database

Calendar Server automatically creates the Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db) in the csdb directory along with the other Calendar Server database files. Calendar Server writes events and todos to the Delete Log database as follows:

Querying the Delete Log Database

To return entries from the Delete Log database, use the fetch_deletedcomponents WCAP command in either Expanded Mode or Compressed Mode:

For more about WCAP commands, see the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Developer’s Guide.

Purging the Delete Log Database

Calendar Server provides both the Automatic Purge of the Delete Log Database and the Manual Purge of the Delete Log Database.

Automatic Purge of the Delete Log Database

If you wish, you can have Calendar Server automatically purge entries in the Delete Log database.

Table 18-1 describes the parameters in the ics.conf file that control the automatic purge.

Table 18-1  Configuration Parameters for Automatic Purge of the Delete Log Database 




Enables ("yes") or disables ("no") the automatic purge of Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db) entries.

The default is "no".


Specifies the interval time in seconds to automatically purge entries in the Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db).

The default is 60 seconds.


Specifies a time in seconds before which to purge entries in the Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db).

The default is 86400 seconds (1 day).

For example, to have Calendar Server automatically purge Delete Log database entries every five minutes (600 seconds) that are more than 2 days old (172800 seconds), set parameters in Table 18-1 as follows:


After you set these parameters, restart Calendar Server for the new values to take effect.

Manual Purge of the Delete Log Database

To manually purge entries in the Delete Log database (ics50deletelog.db), use the cspurge utility:

cspurge -e endtime -s starttime

where endtime and starttime specify the ending and starting times in Zulu time (also referred to as GMT or UTC).

To run cspurge, you must be logged in as the user and group under which Calendar Server is running (defaults are icsuser and icsgroup) or as root.

For example, to purge entries from July 1, 2003 through July 31, 2003:

cspurge -e 20030731T235959Z -s 20030701T120000Z

For more information, see cspurge in Appendix D, "Calendar Server Command-Line Utilities Reference"

Using Calendar Server Utilities for the Delete Log Database

Table 18-2 lists the Calendar Server utilities that support the delete log database (ics50deletelog.db):

Table 18-2  Utilities that Support the Delete Log Database




Allows the manual purge of entries in the Delete Log database.

csbackup and csrestore

Supports the backup and restore of the Delete Log database.


Reports Delete Log database statistics.


Supports the rebuild, recover, and check operations on the Delete Log database.


Lists (read-only) the number of entries in the Delete Log database.

For more information, including the syntax for these utilities, see Appendix D, "Calendar Server Command-Line Utilities Reference"

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Part No: 819-0024-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.