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Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide 

Appendix C  
High Availability (HA) Configuration Worksheets

To plan a high availability (HA) configuration for Sun Java™ System Calendar Server, use the following worksheets:



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Calendar Server HA Configuration Worksheet

Table C-1   Calendar Serve HA Configuration Worksheet


Value and Comments

File-system mount point

For example: /global/cal


Your value: _______________________________________________

Logical Host Name

For example: cal-logical-host


Your value: _______________________________________________

Logical Host Name IP Address


Your value: _______________________________________________

Nodes in the Cluster

For example: cal-node-1 and cal-node-2


Your value: _______________________________________________

Calendar Resource Group Name

For example: cal-resource-group


Your value: _______________________________________________

Calendar Server Storage Resource

For example: cal-resource-group-store


Your value: _______________________________________________

Calendar Server Resource

For example: cal-resource


Your value: _______________________________________________


Calendar Server Installation Worksheet

Table C-2 lists the values you set when you install Calendar Server using the Sun Java Enterprise System installer.

Table C-2   Calendar Server Installation Worksheet 


Description and Comments

Calendar Server Installation Directory

Default value: opt/

For example: global/cal/opt/r


Your value: _______________________________________________


Calendar Server Configuration Worksheet

Table C-3 lists the values you set when you run the Calendar Server configuration program (

Table C-3   Calendar Server Configuration Worksheet 


Description and Comments

LDAP Server Host Name

For example:


Your value: _______________________________________________

LDAP Server Port

Port number that the LDAP server listens on.

Default: 389.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Directory Manager DN

User name that can make changes in the directory server schema.

Default: cn=Directory Manager.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Directory Manager Password

Password of the Directory Manager DN.

Default: None

Your value: _______________________________________________

Administrator User ID

User ID of the Calendar Server administrator. This user must be a user in the above LDAP directory server.

Default: calmaster.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Administrator Password

Password of the Calendar Server administrator.

Default: None

Your value: _______________________________________________

Email Alarms

Specifies whether Calendar Server should send an email alarm message to a Calendar Server administrator in case a server problem occurs.

Default: Enabled.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Administrator Email Address

Email address of the Calendar Server administrator who will receive the email alarm messages.

Default: None.

Your value: _______________________________________________

SMTP Host Name

Host name of the SMTP server where email alarm messages should be sent.

Default: Current host.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Service Port

Port number that Calendar Server listens on to provide Web (HTTP) access to users.

Default: 80.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Maximum Sessions

Maximum number of Calendar Server sessions.

Default: 5000.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Maximum Threads

Maximum number of Calendar Server threads.

Default: 20.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Number of Server Processes

Maximum number of Calendar Server processes.

Default: Number of CPUs on the server where you are installing Calendar Server.

Your value: _______________________________________________

Runtime User ID

Default value: icsuser

For an HA configuration, add to /etc/passwd on all nodes in the cluster.


Your value: _______________________________________________

Runtime Group ID

Default value: icsgroup

For an HA configuration, add to /etc/group on all nodes in the cluster.


Your value: _______________________________________________

Calendar Server Startup

Start after successful installation.

Default: Checked.

Your value: For an HA configuration, do not check this option.

Start on system startup.

Default: Checked.

Your value: For an HA configuration, do not check this option.

Database Directory

Default: var/opt/SUNWics5/csdb

For example: /global/cal/var/opt/SUNWics5/csdb

Your value: _______________________________________________

Logs Directory

Default: var/opt/SUNWics5/logs

For example: /global/cal/var/opt/SUNWics5/logs


Your value: _______________________________________________

Temporary Files Directory

Default: var/opt/SUNWics5/tmp

For example: /global/cal/var/opt/SUNWics5/tmp


Your value: _______________________________________________


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Part No: 819-0024-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.