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Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide 

Chapter 14
Administering Users and Resources

This chapter describes how to use the Calendar Server utilities to manage users and resources. This chapter contains the following sections:

Two User Management Tools

Calendar users and resources can be administered using either of the following user management tools:

See also the command-line utility reference in this guide, Appendix D, "Calendar Server Command-Line Utilities Reference".


In certain cases, even if you are using Schema 2 and the Delegated Administrator utility, you will need to use some of the Calendar Server command-line utilities to perform special functions. When this is necessary, task oriented documentation in this guide will tell you which utility to use.

Creating Users and Resources

This section provides the following information about managing new Calendar Server users and resources:

To Create New Users in Schema 2

Use the commadmin utility user create command. For example, to add user jdoe in the domain:

commadmin user create -D calmaster -F John -n -k hosted -l jdoe -w calmasterpassword -W jdoepassword -L Doe -S cal -B -E

For details on all the available options for the commadmin utility, refer to the Sun Java System Communications Systems Delegated Administrator Guide.

To Create New Users For Schema 1

Use the csuser utility. For example, to add user jdoe in the domain:

csuser -m email -d create jdoe

To Create New Resources for Schema 2

User the commadmin utility rescource create command. For example, to add the conference room Conference_Room_100, whose owner is jdoe, use the following command:

commadmin resource create -D calmaster -w calmasterpassword -n -o jdoe -c room100 -N Conference_Room_100

To Create New Resources for Schema 1

Use the csresource utility. For example, to add a projector, P101, use the following command:

csresource -c p101 create P101

To Add the Required mail Attribute

Calendar Server requires users and resources to have the mail attribute. This enables people to search for calendars and resources using an email address or a calid. When you create new users with the Delegated Administrator utility (commadmin), it adds the mail attribute automatically.

However, if your users and resources were added in an earlier version of Calendar Server (when the mail attribute was not required), you may have to add the mail attribute to your existing user and resource entries.

This section covers the following procedures:

To Check if the mail Attribute Has Been Set

To check if the attribute has been set, use the csattribute list command with the -v (verbose) option:

csattribute -v list Room100

The output tells if the mail attribute is present:

cn=Room 100,ou=conferenceRooms,dc=sesta,dc=com has mail:

To Add the Mail Attribute to Existing Schema 1 Users and Resources

To add the mail attribute to existing Schema 1 users and resources, use the Calendar Server csattribute utility. You can also add the attribute directly to the LDAP entry using ldapmodify.

The following example adds the LDAP mail attribute for an existing conference room named “Room100” on the server:

csattribute -a add Room100


Adding the mail attribute does not enable email notifications.

To enable email notification for user calendars, add these two attributes to the user’s LDAP entry:

icsExtendedUserPrefs: ceNotifyEnable=1

Calendar does not support email notifications for resource calendars.

Administering Users

After your users are created, use the csuser utility to perform the following administrative tasks:

To Display User Information

To list all calendar users or to display the calendar attributes of a specified user, use the csuser utility list command.

For example, to display all users enabled for calendaring:

csuser list

To display all of the calendar attributes of a single user such as jsmith:

csuser -v list jsmith

To Disable a User

To prevent a user from logging into Calendar Server, use one of the two user management utilities:

commadmin user delete

To prevent a user from accessing calendar services, remove the service from the user’s LDAP entry, as shown in the example that follows:

commadmin user delete jsmith -S cal

csuser disable

The disable command prohibits a user from accessing calendar data, but it does not remove the user’s information from the LDAP entry or the Calendar Server database.

For example, to disable jsmith from accessing Calendar Server:

csuser disable jsmith

If jsmith is currently logged into Calendar Server, jsmith retains access to calendar data until he logs off.

To Enable a User

To enable a user, use one of the following utilities:

commadmin user create

When creating a user, enable the user for calendar services, as illustrated in the example that follows:

commadmin user create jsmith -S cal

If you did not enable the user for calendar services when the user was created, you can add calendar services to the user later, using a modify command, as illustrated in the following example:

commadmin user modify jsmith -S cal

csuser enable

If you used csuser create when you created the user entry, the user is automatically enabled.

If a user sends a request to another user who has not been enabled for calendaring (that is, the user does not have a default calendar), Calendar Server returns the “Calendar not found” error to the user sending the request.

To Set Up Email Aliases

If you need to setup email aliases for a calendar user, use the LDAP mailalternateaddress attribute. The LDAP mail attribute provides the primary mail address, and the LDAP mailalternateaddress attribute is used for email aliases. Both attributes map the mail addresses to the user’s calendar ID (calid).

For example, to add the mailalternateaddress attribute for a user named John Smith with these values:

Use these Calendar Server utility commands:

csattribute -a add johnsmith
csattribute -a add johnsmith



To enable these changes, you might also need to rebuild alias tables or configurations. Refer to the documentation for Messaging Server (or your email product) as well as your site's own documentation and procedures regarding changes to mail services. Messaging Server documentation is available on this at:

To Check if a User is Enabled for Calendaring

To determine if a specific user exists in your directory server and is enabled to access Calendar Server data, use the csuser utility check command.

For example, to check if jsmith is enabled for calendaring:

csuser check jsmith

If the check command indicates that a user does not exist in your LDAP directory server, you must create a directory server entry for the user.

To Delete a User

To delete a user, use one of the following utilities:

commadmin user delete

To completely delete a user using the Delegated Administrator Utility, commadmin, you must perform three steps:

  1. Mark a user entry for deletion, which changes the user’s icsStatus attribute to deleted, as shown in the following example:
  2. commadmin user delete -D chris -n -w bolton -l jsmith

    In this example, the user jsmith is marked for deletion. There is no undelete command. However, you can reset the icsStatus attribute to active by directly changing the user’s LDAP entry (using ldapmodify).

  3. Use csclean to remove all calendars belonging to all deleted users in one or all domains, as shown in the following example:
  4. csclean clean

    In this example, all calendars belonging to all deleted users in the domain will be removed. To perform this function for all domains, use the following command:

    csclean clean “*”

    If you inadvertently run purge (shown in Step 3) before deleting the calendars for a user, you can use the cscal utility to remove the calendars, as described in To Remove All Calendars of a User Deleted with csuser.

  5. Purge the domain of all users with an icsStatus of deleted, as shown in the following example:
  6. commadmin domain purge -D chris -d -n -w bolton

    In this example, all users in that are marked as deleted will be purged, that is, permanently removed.


    Run this utility manually from time to time to clean up your LDAP directory. For more information about this command, see the Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q1 Delegated Administrator Guide.

csuser delete

This utility removes the specified user’s LDAP entry and the user’s default calendar. For example, to delete the LDAP entry and the default calendar for user jsmith use the following command:

csuser delete jsmith

If you wish to remove any other calendars the user might have, you must use cscal as described in To Remove All Calendars of a User Deleted with csuser.


There is no undelete command. You can only recover the LDAP server information if you have specifically backed it up.

To Reset a User’s Attributes

To restore the default settings of all calendar LDAP attributes for a specific user, use the csuser utility reset command.

For example, to reset all calendar attributes of jsmith to the default configuration settings:

csuser reset jsmith


After a calendar user has been reset, all of the calendar attributes are removed from the user’s LDAP entry, including icsCalendarUser (object class), icsSubscribed, icsCalendarOwned, icsCalendar, and icsDWPHost (if in the LDAP CLD setup). A Calendar Server administrator will not be able to create calendars on the user’s behalf.

These attributes are restored in the user’s LDAP entry when:

  • The user logs back into Calendar Server, or
  • The Calendar Server administrator issues a csuser enable command for the user (although in this case, the icsDWPHost attribute is not restored).

To Rename a User

If one or more user IDs need to be changed, run the csrename utility. This utility performs the following steps:

For instructions on how to run the csrename utility, see Appendix D, "Calendar Server Command-Line Utilities Reference".

To Disable Users from Having Publicly Writable Calendars

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission to change the configuration.
  2. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWics5/cal/config directory.
  3. Save your old ics.conf file by copying and renaming it.
  4. Edit the following ics.conf parameter as shown in Table 14-1

    Table 14-1  ics.conf Parameters Used To Configure Publicly Writable Calendars


    Description and Default Value


    Enables users to have publicly writable calendars. This is enabled by default (set to “yes”).

  5. Save the file as ics.conf.
  6. Restart Calendar Server.
  7. cal_svr_base/SUNWics5/cal/sbin/start-cal

Managing Resources

After your resources are added, you can administer them using csresource:

To List Resources

  1. Change to the sbin directory.
  2. Use the csresource list command to list one or all resources. For example, list all the information about all the resources:
  3. ./csresource -v list

To Enable Resources

  1. Change to the sbin directory.
  2. Use the csresource enable command to enable one or more resources. For example, to enable the ConfRm12 resource:
  3. ./csresource -v enable ConfRm12

To Disable Resources

  1. Change to the sbin directory.
  2. Use the csresource disable command to disable one or more resources. For example, to disable the ConfRm12 resource:
  3. ./csresource -v disable ConfRm12

To Delete Resources

  1. Change to the sbin directory.
  2. Use the csresource delete command to delete one or more resources. For example, to delete the ConfRm12 resource:
  3. ./csresource -v delete ConfRm12

To Set Up a Bitbucket Channel for Resource Email

This section contains directions for setting up a bitbucket channel for both Messaging Server and Sendmail. The bitbucket channel is a way to discard the email generated for resource calendars. These examples use a resource named “Room100” on the server. If you don’t set up the bitbucket channel (or equivalent), you will need to periodically delete the email messages sent to the resource calendar.

This section contains the following procedures:

To Set up the Messaging Server Bitbucket Channel

  1. Ensure the bitbucket channel is defined in the imta.cnf file.
  2. To direct messages to the bitbucket channel, create the email address for the resource using the csattribute utility:
  3. csattribute -a add Room100

To Set up a Sendmail Bitbucket Channel

  1. In the /etc/aliases file on the appropriate host, add an entry such as:
  2. Resource/Conference room aliases
    Room100: /dev/null

  3. Add the email address for the resource to the LDAP directory using the csattribute utility:
  4. csattribute -a add Room100

Managing User and Resource LDAP Attributes

Manage LDAP attributes used by Calendar Server, with the csattribute utility, or ldapmodify. Attributes can be listed, added, or deleted with csattribute. To modify an attribute, use ldapmodify. This section contains the following topics:

To List LDAP Entry Attributes

  1. Log in as the user or group under which Calendar Server is running (such as icsuser and icsgroup) that was specified during installation, or as root
  2. Change to the sbin directory.
  3. Use the csattribute list command to list the attributes for a user or a resource. For example, to list the attributes for, issue the following command:
  4. ./csattribute -t user -d list tchang

To Add an LDAP Entry Attribute

  1. Log in as the user or group under which Calendar Server is running (such as icsuser and icsgroup) that was specified during installation, or as root
  2. If you want this attribute change to be recognized immediately, stop Calendar Server. Otherwise, you do not have to stop Calendar Server.
  3. Change to the sbin directory.
  4. Use the csattribute add command to add an attribute to a user or a resource. For example, to add the LDAP attribute icsCalendar with the value Conference_Schedule to the user tchang:
  5. ./csattribute -a icsCalendar=Conference_Schedule add

To Delete an LDAP Entry Attribute

  1. Log in as the user or group under which Calendar Server is running (such as icsuser and icsgroup) that was specified during installation, or as root
  2. If you want this attribute change to be recognized immediately, stop Calendar Server. Otherwise, you do not have to stop Calendar Server.
  3. Change to the sbin directory.
  4. Use the csattribute delete command to delete an attribute from a user or a resource. For example, to delete the LDAP attribute icsCalendar with the value Conference_Schedule from the user tchang:
  5. ./csattribute -a icsCalendar=Conference_Schedule -t user -d delete tchang

To Modify an LDAP Entry Attribute

To modify an LDAP entry attribute, use ldapmodify. For example, to change the status of user with uid=tchang, use ldapmodify as shown:

changetype: modify
add: objectclass
objectClass: icsCalendarUser
add: icsStatus
icsStatus: active


If your site is using the LDAP CLD plug-in, do not attempt to move a user’s calendars from one back-end host to another by changing the value of icsDWPHost, using csattribute. Modifying icsDWPHost does not cause the calendar to be moved to the new back-end host. For instruction on how to move a calendar from one back-end server to another, see To Move a User Calendar to a Different Back-End Server.

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Part No: 819-0024-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.