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Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook 7 2005Q1 User's Guide 

Chapter 1
Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook Overview

Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook enables Sun Java System Messaging Server and Sun Java System Calendar Server features and functionality to be available through Microsoft Outlook.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

What is Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook?

Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook enables Outlook to be used as a desktop client with Sun Java Enterprise System.

Connector for Microsoft Outlook is an Outlook plug-in that must be installed on the end-user’s desktop. Connector for Microsoft Outlook queries the Sun Java System Messaging Server for folder hierarchies and email messages. It converts the information into Messaging API (MAPI) properties that Outlook can display. Similarly, it uses WCAP to query the Sun Java System Calendar Server for events and tasks which are then converted into MAPI properties. With this model, Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook builds an end-user Outlook view from two separate information sources: mail from Messaging Server and calendar information from Calendar Server.

When users create and modify items through Outlook, Connector for Microsoft Outlook passes the new message along to the appropriate server depending on its message type. It sends new outgoing e-mail to an SMTP mail server for delivery, and sends modified e-mail messages back to the user’s IMAP folder for storage. New calendar events and tasks are converted into a standard format to be stored in the Calendar Server database.

Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook 7 2005Q1 includes support for address book service. This allows a user to have their personal address book accessible from both Outlook and Sun Java System Communications Express.

Where to Find Other Information

The Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook documentation can be found at as part of the Calendar Server documentation collection ( or Messaging Server documentation collection (

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Part No: 819-0030-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.