Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Release Notes

Sun Java™ System Messaging Server
Release Notes

Version 6 2005Q1

Part Number 819-0104-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1. New features and enhancements, known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using Messaging Server 6 2005Q1.

The Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 release includes the following products and tools:

These release notes contain the following sections:

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.


Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

February 4, 2005

Revenue release of Sun Java Enterprise System Messaging Server

June 17, 2005

Documented general release updates as well as a high priority bug: 6261357

August 1, 2005

Updated list of web browsers supported on various platforms. See Table 3.

About Messaging Server 6 2005Q1

Messaging Server is a high-performance, highly secure messaging platform that can scale from thousands to millions of users. It provides extensive security features that help ensure the integrity of communications through user authentication, session encryption, and the appropriate content filtering to prevent spam and viruses. With Messaging Server, enterprises and service providers can provide secure, reliable messaging services for entire communities of employees, partners, and customers.

Messaging Server provides a powerful and flexible solution to the email needs of enterprises and messaging hosts of all sizes by using open Internet standards.

This section includes:

New Features and Enhancements

The following new features and enhancements were added to the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 release:

Messaging Server has introduced additional features and updates described in the sections that follow.

MTA Enhancements

New MTA features include the following:

Deprecated Features

Support for the following features may be eliminated in a future release:

Messenger Express and Calendar Express

Going forward, no new features will be added to the Messenger Express and Calendar Express user interfaces. They have been deprecated in favor of the new Communications Express user interface. Sun Microsystems, Inc. will announce an end-of-life time line for Messenger Express and Calendar Express at a future date.

Administration Console

The Sun Java System Administration Console has been deprecated and will be removed from the Messaging Server product in a future release.

Netscape Browser Support

Firefox browser support will replace Netscape browser support at some point.


This section describes the following platform, client product, and additional software requirements for this release of Messaging Server:

Important Patch Information

For the current list of required patches for Sun Java System Messaging Server go to and select either “Patches” or “Patch Portal”. As operating system patch requirements change and patches to Java Enterprise System components become available, updates will be made available on SunSolve, initially in the form of recommended patch clusters.

Supported Platforms

This release supports the following platforms:

For detailed information about Solaris and Linux requirements, including required upgrade patches and kernel versions, see the
Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide ( and
Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes (

For a list of the Messaging Server packages, see “Appendix E: List of Installable Packages,” in the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide (


The Java Enterprise System installer checks for required platform patches. You must install all required patches or the installation process will not continue.


The performance of your messaging server depends on many factors, including CPU power, available memory, disk space, file system performance, usage patterns, network bandwidth, and so on. For example, throughput is directly related to file system performance. If you have questions about sizing and performance, contact your Sun Java System representative.

Required Shared Component Patch

In addition to the Messaging Server packages described in the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide, the International Components for Unicode (ICU) patch shown in Table 2 is required for Messaging Server 6 2005Q1:

Table 2  ICU Patch Required for Messaging Server

Patch ID



Revision no. -06 or higher

International Components for Unicode (ICU)

Solaris 8 SPARC

Revision no. -08 or higher

International Components for Unicode (ICU)

Solaris 9 SPARC

Revision no. -06 or higher

International Components for Unicode (ICU

Solaris 8 x86

Revision no. -08 or higher

International Components for Unicode (ICU

Solaris 9 x86

Client Software Requirements

Communications Express access for Messaging Server requires a JavaScript-enabled browser. For optimal performance, Sun recommends the browsers listed in Table 3:

Table 3  Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Supported Client Software Web Browsers 


Solaris 8 for Sparc, Solaris 9 for Sparc, and X86

Windows 98

Windows 2000

Windows XP

Red Hat Linux 7.2

Macintosh OS X

Netscape™ Communicator







Internet Explorer

Not Supported

6.0 SP1 or later

6.0 SP1 later

6.0 SP2

Not Supported

Not Supported



1.5 or later

1.5 or later

1.5 or later

1.5 or later

1.5 or later


Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

1.2 or later

Product Version Compatibility Requirements

Messaging Server is compatible with the product versions listed in Table 4:

Table 4  Product Version Compatibility Requirements 



Sun Cluster


Veritas Cluster Server

1.3, 2.0, 3.5

Sun Java System Directory Server

5.1, 5.2

Sun Java System Access Manager (formerly called Identity Server)

6.1 (Command-line Interface Only)

Sun Java System Web Server

6.1 (but 6.0 Service Pack 5 if you are using iPlanet Delegated Admin)

NSS Version Requirements

Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 requires the use of the shared security component NSS version 3.9.3.

Note that the preceding release, Messaging Server 6 2004Q2, requires NSS version 3.3.9.

Messaging Server 6 2003Q4 requires NSS version 3.3.5.

For more details about product version dependencies, see the
Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide ( and
Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes (

Messaging Server Use of Administration Server

Messaging Server uses Administration Server for the following purposes:

Additional Software Requirements

A high quality caching DNS server on the local network is a requirement for a production deployment of Messaging Server. Messaging Server depends heavily on the responsiveness and scalability of the DNS server.

Additionally, ensure in your setup that DNS is properly configured and that it is clearly specified how to route to hosts that are not on the local subnet:

If your Internet host table in your /etc/hosts file looks like:


123.456.78.910 budgie loghost mailhost

change it so that there is only one line for the IP address of the host. Be sure the first host name is a fully qualified domain name. For example:

123.456.78.910 budgie loghost mailhost

File System

The following file systems are recommended for message stores:

The NFS (Network File System) is recommended in the following situation:

Though NFS is not supported on machines with message stores, you can use this file system on MTA relay machines, particularly if LMTP is enabled, or for autoreply histories and message defragmentation. (See the Sun Java™ System Messaging Server Administration Guide ( for more information on autoreply). In addition, NFS can be supported on BSD-style mailboxes (/var/mail/).

Bugs Fixed in This Release

Table 5 describes the bugs fixed in the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 release that were documented as known issues in previous Messaging Server Release Notes.

For a complete list of bugs fixed in this release, see the README file delivered with the Messaging Server core software patch.

Table 5  Fixed Bugs in Messaging Server 6 2005Q1

Bug Number



Delegated Administrator: On Linux, the file references the wrong path for the da.log.file.


Delegated Administrator: Service-package filter causes logout.


VOL imsimport hangs when quotawarn is exceeded during import.


watcher log reports "process dump overflow" and servers won't restart


imapd terminates abnormally and creates a core file at shutdown


MS dependency on jaf/javamail fails to install those components


No administration server mode: cannot proceed with GUI configure; panels are unreadable


reconstruct -m -p partition checks every user in quota.db and lright.db


imsrestore creates folders with parent folder's ACL


Clicking on email-address of a contact from the "View Contact" page, pops up a blank page


activation.jar and mail.jar ownership is changed to mail server user and group


S/MIME: RFE: global option in smime.conf to enable applet logging


S/MIME: Fail during Forward of Outlook message with attachment whose name is multibyte


job_controller terminates abnormally and creates a core file when a 'start' command is done in qm.


PasswordPanel displays a null pointer exception during silent install


When we delete a message in Outlook, it still exists in Communications Express.


internationalization: Layout of configurator must be adapted to various text length


Plain text messages that are valid HTML snippets get rendered as HTML


S/MIME: Fix regression due to bug 6185692 where UTF-8 content-type is missing


S/MIME: "MIME Parts" pop-up error when there is no error


S/MIME: HTTP connection error when sending S/MIME Communications Express


Messaging Server: configure organization DN for default email domain screen can't enter dn unless it is resized


Messaging Server silent install does not ignore lost+found directory


MS ACI needs to allow the Delegated Administrator Organization administrator to modify his own attributes


"expunge" messages are not deleted from local disk


S/MIME: HTML message display wrong


S/MIME: Shared library reload conflict in Java


Must return -2 when no quota attribute is present


When used with Legato version 7.1.1, the imsasm utility uses an incorrect path for the nsrfile


S/MIME: Forward fails: inline disposition without filename null pointer


need to add -Djava.awt.headless=true if -nodisplay is specified


S/MIME: Certificate processed incorrectly: Distribution point field wrong object-type


S/MIME: Forward message trash: content-type lost in headers


Configure displays exception using JDK 1.4.2 in console mode with no DISPLAY in password panel


Abnormal termination and core file from smtp_client program in LDAPS mode


Unable to list mailboxes when is enabled


msg.conf file has wrong ownership or permission after patch application


Messenger Express charset upload problem from 2nd access - Internet Explorer specific


Solaris 10: local.conf is owned by root


Log reason for disconnection in LMTP


De-selected the signed certificate from options frame, sent Signed & Encrypted message OK.


Compose Mail Spell check: Multiple lines converted to a single line when switched to plain text


Delegated Administrator: The Organization Administrator (OA) of an organization with a name that uses non-ASCII characters sees a null pointer exception (NPE).


LMTP Z records lack error information


S/MIME: unprocessed MIME Parts cause no message display


msprobe reports MMP configuration parse error if tab used as option delimiter


Mail User Interface puts you at the start of the message list


Make Purify happier; note where it cannot be satisfied


Linux patch has conflicts with native_option


Domain map debug output is incorrect


Messenger Express causes corruption in attachment downloads


Memory problem when store.partition.*.messagepath is configured


imquotacheck ldap_search timeout is too small


AService.cfg file ownership is not set correctly when created by MMP


Dispatcher incorrectly determines Solaris 10 version


tcp_lmtp_server should log messages in "imta" not "tcp_lmtp_server"


S/MIME: Separate LDAP credentials for URLs in smime.conf and CRLmapping


Additional fix for new config_load support


ACCESS_ORCPT logic inverted


config_load should return error rather than exit


IMAP hangs when configured with SSL on Linux


S/MIME: Secure receipts not displayed properly


Need MMP probing


SmtpProxy SmtpRelays parameter removes leading smtp


Install should disable MTA schedules for MMP only installation


Logging: IMAP does not print correct file number


spamfilter failure syslog logging


Bad login log message in IMAP should show submitted userID


The *.jar files are not updated or replaced when patch-install or install-newconfig are updated.


Messenger Express allows lines longer than SMTP can process in outgoing messages


Sending email to a user/group defined in Personal Address Book results in a Javascript error.


Log back-end server IP and port for all services


fileinto folder 'trash' will automatically create a folder name 'initialvalueuse




Messaging Server Runtime Configuration failed


Using Back/Next keys in MS configurator causes screen to be skipped


Allow for spam filter-specific error messages


Authentication info access in spam filters


Clicking on Add Addresses displays JavaScript error


imapd unexpectedly terminates in status command


Various problems with head-of-household and sieve fileinto


msprobe errors if stored is not running under MTA-only configuration


Fix admin ID detection


RError in Messenger Express log


Linux fails due to missing errno.h reference


msuserpurge should honor inetuserstatus


tcp_smtp_server core dump on 6.2 branch


Connection log enhancements


Automatic cnbuild at startup


imsimport uses UTC rather than local time for internaldate


DISPLAY variable must be set even the configuration is done in CLI mode


start-msg starts stored when only Messenger Express Multiplexor is used


Dispatcher doesn't reload itself upon imsimta reload


msuserpurge -g 0 ignores deletions in the current second


/opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/configure causes error on console scroll bar


Refcount problem on expression hash table


Forward inline says null if message body is blank


Attaching more than 1 file repeats the attachment 4 times


mboxutil should reset folder ACL to target user


subscr.db contains bogus records


MMP LDAP time out error not passed to higher level


RFC1896 (text/enriched) support has been added to Messenger Express and Communications Express.


Mail: Signature is not getting added to messages


Insert Hyperlink tool option in Compose Message is missing


Unable to send Mail through Netscape & Mozilla


UI behaves unusually when clicking Browser Refresh


Messaging Server supports Veritas Cluster Server 4.0 for high availability configurations.


Extend MMP third-party authentication to support any SASL mechanism such as Kerberos


-sender switch for imsimta test -rewrite


MMP doesn't support domainUIDSeparator domain attribute


Abnormal termination and core file creation when shutting down MTA components


Compose window showing undefined


T log records can get lost

5067944 is missing and hence msstart returns non-zero


Individual service time outs, and warning threshholds for msprobe


Client-based SSL authentication does not work for users in hosted domains


The commadmin user create command fails for mail services or calendars services.


Change default for Content-Length in native channel delivery to UNIX mailbox file


(msprobe) The default timeout for server response is too small.


Put single quotes in LOG_FILTER output in the right place when using the counted log file format


Initial message tracing


Differentiate bad login reasons


'imsimta process_hold' command has been superseded by 'imsimta qm release'


AUTH_REWRITE enhancements


Need support for referrals in user sieve rules


Feature to disconnect SMTP server after X bad RCPT TOs


Feature to disconnect SMTP server after X bad commands


B records for SMTP commands with bad parameters


Log bad SMTP commands


LOG_INTERMEDIATE option to allow logging of initial and intermediate addresses


Cannot initialize cert mapping library, general warning should not appear in log


Include more entries in LOG_FILTER in mail.log (such as reject).


Enhance LOG_FILTER mail.log field


Log failed AUTH attempts


Message creation date and times may be misreported.


Should be possible to configure LDAP Schema 2 without installing Identity Server


When a message store process (such as mshttpd) unexpectedly terminates, no core file is created.


BU-2687: Java Exception shown during configuration


Directory server root wrong in on Linux platforms


Incorrect vacation message displayed when Delegated Administrator messages are in LDAP.

Messaging Server 5.x users could use Delegated Administrator to add more than one language-tagged autoreply vacation message. In Messaging Server 6.x, Messenger Express removed the language-tagged message, but only for the preferred language. As a result, the vacation message could be displayed in the wrong language.

The code that removes language-tagged messages has been removed. The MTA can now display users’ language-tagged autoreply vacation messages.


Source-address-specific conversion tags


RFE: configuration option to bypass mailhost check


Install Messaging Server without Administration Server


The msg-admin-xxx user created by the installer does not have the right to modify the mailuserstatus or maildomainstatus attribute.


Execution of cfgdir.ldif: Bad Parameters sent to LDAP routine


Messenger Express daemon does not always sent HTTP reason phrase back to client


SSL breaks when the certificate database is edited using the latest Mozilla browser.


Need better errors when LDAP lookups fail


The domain administrator can add and delete services to the domain and can modify domain attributes.


Unable to open index file should not be logged 'store critical'


If Directory Server is running in a clustered environment, the command does not wait for stop-slapd to finish properly.


msgalarm_refreshhandle is not working


counterutil countoverthreshold is incorrect


Problem with Personal Address Book in multimaster directory setup


Cannot configure Messaging Server in High Availability environment


If you deploy commadmin with Application Server, additional steps are needed to configure commadmin after you run the configuration program, config-iscli


The configurator will no longer permit root to be the owner of the MTA processes. (Also applies to 2081599.)


configure is stopping with wrong error message when state filename is not issued


A malformed pabURI attribute causes abnormal termination of mshttpd.


Need imsbackup to exclude a given folder


imquotacheck[mboxutil -q] does not work for fully qualified userID


imsched cannot schedule tasks longer than 49 days


MMP no longer requires full path names in configuration


Session buildup when using SSO


NOOP confuses MMP's HELO handling


SunONE_MsgSvr script echos unnecessary -n


Patch fails on inactive node of a cluster which was configured with useconfig.


Use canonicalized domains in internal and external autoreply text determination


When using Messenger Express through Netscape Browser 4.78 and 7.0, there is no option for Text/HTML.


Mail filters: Should not accept invalid message size value


imsimta cache -walk -debug=15 issues an error message.


LMTP does not work in conjunction with a conversions mapping.


Messenger Express does not check remote MTA support DSN


Output from return_debug=1 missing.


Show login page and errors in site language if no browser language


Default input field size for Contact entry window is not wide enough


Administrator password is echoed back in CLI mode during configuration


Cohabitation problem between Directory and Messaging Server in High Availability environment


JavaScript error is displayed while using search in address book.


Job Controller restart breaks ETRN for current SMTP servers


External members cannot be added to or removed from groups passing the -M option to the group modify command.


Add LDAP Schema 2 support to MMP client certificate lookup


Configuration option to lock a POP mail drop


Messenger Express should have a selection box for forward format


imsrestore unable to restore linked message when changing names


MMP client certificate lookup supports LDAP Schema 1 but not LDAP Schema 2.


Folder view in Messenger Express: read/unread counts for each folder


Return localized errors on POP retrieval failure


Support for variables in IMAP overquota message


Method to delete accounts based on last-accessed date


Fix LDAP over SSL for users and groups


Work around ldapsdk unexpected termination in ldap_get_lderror

Installation Notes

These installation notes pertain to the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 release:

Installation Overview for Messaging Server

Use the Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installer to install Messaging Server.

For installation instructions, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installation Guide

Next, you must configure Messaging Server by

For configuration instructions, see “Chapter 1: Post-install Tasks and Layout,” in the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide (

Upgrade Instructions for Messaging Server

If you are upgrading to Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 from an earlier release, follow the upgrade instructions in the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Upgrade Guide.

Checking the /etc/hosts file entry

If you are installing Messaging Server for the first time or upgrading from an earlier version of Messaging Server, ensure that you have the following entry in /etc/hosts file on your Solaris system:

Installation Overview for Delegated Administrator

To install Delegated Administrator, use the Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installer to install the following components:

The Delegated Administrator software is installed together with Access Manager.

For installation instructions, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installation Guide

Next, you must configure Delegated Administrator by

For post-installation configuration instructions, see the Sun Java System Communications Services Delegated Administrator Guide.

ACI Consolidation

For large-scale installations with Access Manager, Messaging Server, and an LDAP Schema 2 directory, you might want to consolidate the Access Control Instructions (ACIs) in your directory.

When you install Access Manager with Messaging Server, a large number of ACIs initially are installed in the directory. Many default ACIs are not needed or used by Messaging Server. You can improve the performance of Directory Server and, consequently, of Messaging Server look-ups, by consolidating and reducing the number of default ACIs in the directory.

For information about how to consolidate and discard unused ACIs, see “Appendix D: ACI Consolidation” in the Sun Java System Communications Services Delegated Administrator Guide.

Important Information

This section contains the latest information that is not contained in the core product documentation. This section covers the following topics:

Compatibility Issues

Documentation Updates for Messaging Server 6 2005Q1

This section describes the documentation updates in the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 documentation set.

The S/MIME signature and encryption features were introduced for Communications Express Mail in the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Release.

See the Messaging Server Administration Guide for information to administer the signature and encryption features.

The method of saving an attachment is different for signed and encrypted messages.

How you save an attachment depends on the nature of the message that has the attachment. If the message has an S/MIME signature, was encrypted, or both, use Procedure 1 to save its attachments. Use Procedure 2 if the message does not use the S/MIME features.

Procedure 1 -- Saving Attachments for A Message That Uses S/MIME

To save an attachment for a message that uses the S/MIME features, follow these steps:

  1. Click the name of the attached file in the message header.
  2. The “Save” dialog box appears. In the File Name field, enter the name of the attachment to be saved.
  3. Click Save.

Procedure 2 -- Saving Attachments for A Message That Does Not Use S/MIME

To save an attachment for a message that does not use the S/MIME features, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Save As function of your browser to save the attachment.
  2. Or

    Right-click the name of the attached file in the message header. (In the case of GIF or JPEG files, which are displayed in the body of the message, right-click on the image.)

  3. Click Save in the dialog box.
  4. Or

    Choose Save Target As from the drop-down menu.

  5. The “Save As” dialog box appears. In the File Name field, enter the name of the attachment to be saved.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the “Download complete” dialog box, click Open to view the contents of the attachment or Close to exit the dialog box.

For additional information about Messaging Server, see the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 documentation, listed in the following sections.

Messaging Server Documents

Use the following URL to see all the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 documentation:

Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 provides the following new and updated documents:

Communications Services Documents

Use either one of the following URLs to see the documentation that applies to all Communications Services 6 2005Q1 products:


The following documents are available:

The following documents are no longer available but have been incorporated into the Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q1 Deployment Planning Guide:

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues with Messaging Server 6 2005Q1. The following product areas are covered:

For issues concerning Communications Express, see Communications Express Known Issues and Limitations.

Installation, Upgrade, and Uninstallation

This section describes known issues with installing, upgrading, and uninstalling Messaging Server.

You must use the Java Enterprise System installer to install a cluster agent for Messaging Server. (6175770)

To install Messaging Server in a Sun Cluster environment, you should take the following steps. For a fuller explanation of this procedure, see the Sun Cluster installation example in “Chapter 3: Installation Sequences” in the Sun Java Enterprise System 6 2005Q1 Installation Guide.

  1. Run the Java Enterprise System installer and select to install the Sun Cluster and Sun Cluster Agents, then choose “Configure later” in the installer.
  2. Configure the Sun Cluster environment. (For details, see the Sun Cluster documentation.)
  3. Run the Java Enterprise System installer again and install Messaging Server (and other component products).
  4. Configure Messaging Server. For details, see the Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

This version of Messaging Server does not support a staged rolling upgrade with minimum downtime in a symmetric HA environment. (4991650)

With Messaging Server 5.2, you could install the Messaging Server more than once on the same machine and patch the different installations separately. This capability enabled support for minimal-downtime staged rolling upgrades. Messaging Server 6 2004Q2 does not provide this capability.

User Calendar Service is not backed out when the User Management Utility (commadmin) upgrade patch is backed out. (4976453)

When the commadmin upgrade patch to version 6.1 (6 2004Q2) is backed out, the UserCalendarService definition does not revert to version 6.0 (6 2003Q4). The UserCalendarService definition can only be backed out manually.

To back out the UserCalendarService definition manually, do the following:

# cd /opt/SUNWcomm/lib/services/
# /opt/SUNWam/bin/amadmin -u
admin_login -w password -t deletecaluserAttributes.xml

admin_login - Access Manager (formerly called Identity Server) admin user

password - Access Manager admin password

Note that you have to provide the full path to the amadmin command from the Access Manager bin directory.

If you don’t revert the UserCalendarService definition manually and you run the patch twice an error will be logged the second time because the change was already made.

Messaging Server does not start under Sun™ Cluster 3.0 Update 3. (4947465)

Messaging Server cluster agents dump core due to a problem in Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 3. Use Sun Cluster 3.1 to solve this problem.

End users cannot manage their mailing lists in Messaging Server 6.0. (4904736)

Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.0 will ship without a web-based tool that allows end users to manage their own mailing lists (a regression relative to iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2).


Netscape Directory Server 4.16 PAB entries with multi-valued mail attributes cannot be migrated to Directory Server 5.1 because it only accepts single-valued mail attributes. (4869706)

Objectclass violations occur if you try to add these entries.

Turn off schema checking if you are porting PAB entries from Netscape Directory Server 4.16 to Directory Server 5.1.

Messaging Server

This section describes known issues in the Messaging Server product.

In option.dat, lines starting with #, !, or ; symbols are treated as comment lines. (no bugid)

In option.dat files, Messaging Server treats lines beginning with pound sign (#), exclamation point (!), or semicolon (;) characters as comment lines — even if the preceding line has a trailing backslash (\), which means the line is being continued. Consequently, you must be careful when working with long options (particularly delivery options) containing these characters.

There is a workaround for delivery options in which a natural layout could lead to continuation lines starting with a # or !.

In delivery options, Messaging Server ignores spaces following the commas that separate individual delivery option types.

For example, instead of:


You can workaround the problem by adding spaces as follows:


DOMAIN_UPLEVEL has been modified. (no bugid)

The DOMAIN_UPLEVEL default value has changed from 1 to 0.

The following characters cannot be used in the User ID: $ ~ = # * + % ! @ , { } ( ) /  < > ; : " ‘ [ ] & ? (no bugid)

This constraint is enforced by MTA when operating in direct LDAP mode. Allowing these characters in the User ID can cause problems in the message store. If you want to change the list of characters forbidden by the MTA, set the following option by listing a comma-separated string of the characters’ ASCII values:


in the msg_svr_base/config/options.dat file. Note that you are strongly advised against relaxing this constraint.

msuserpurge Does Not Set mailDomainStatus to Removed if inetDomainstatus=deleted. (6245878)

If a domain is deleted using the commadmin utility, it cannot be purged using commadmin because its mailDomainStatus is still active.

Set mailDomainStatus to "removed" by using ldapmodify.

Administration Console can not be started on Red Hat Linux platforms. (6215646)

On Red Hat Linux 3.x, Administration console can not be started. If you click Messaging Server node or Open button on Administration Console, nothing happens. On Red Hat Linux 2.x, Console is started but is missing "Manage Certificate" button.

Can't start/stop services from Administration console (6215105).

Can't stop IMAP, POP, MTA and HTTP services from Administration console; eventually, the console freezes. This bug will be fixed in the forthcoming patch release.

The destinationspamfilterXoptin channel keyword doesn’t work (6214039).

This keyword will be fixed in the upcoming Messaging Server patch release.

Administration Server console does not recognize preconfigured Messaging Server in SSL mode. (5085667)

If you have preconfigured the Messaging Server for SSL use, and if you access the Messaging Server configuration from the Administration Server console, the console does not recognize the installed certificates. The Administration Server console attempts to create a new key database.

Before you use the Administration Console, create symbolic links (symlinks) for the SSL certificates from the <msg-svr-root>/config area to the <admin-server-root>/alias area, as follows:

From <msg-svr-root>/config/key3.db to <admin-server-root>/alias/msg-config-key3.db

Need tools to correct bad store.sub (6206104)

In the next Messaging Server patch release (6.2 patch 1), reconstruct will remove entries with invalid mailbox names in the subscription.db. Additionally, mboxutil command will identify and optionally unsubscribe to non-existing mailboxes from a list of entries.

To remove corrupted data in the subscription database, use reconstruct with the new -s option:

reconstruct -s


-s: repair subscriptions

To list and unsubscribe to non-existing folders, use the following options with mboxutil:

mboxutil -S [-n [-f file] | -u -f file]


-n: list personal non-existing mailbox subscription
-u: unsubscribe personal non-existing mailbox subscription
-f: input/output file

Vacation text is garbage when saved. Hard returns are not retained. (6199714)

In the next patch release (6.2 patch 1), the MTA will interpret $$ appearing in autoreply text as a line break pair. Customers wanting to use literal dollar signs in autoreply text should use a \ (backslash). For example, \$5.00 instead of $$5.00.

(Linux) Messaging Server console shows an error opening online help. (5054732)

Cannot log in to Messaging Server from Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 when using a proxy server. (5043607)

When using an http proxy in IE 6.0 SP1 on a PC as a client, you may experience difficulty in logging into Messaging Server. This problem is likely to be due to a non-standard compliant proxy server and cannot be fixed in Messaging Server.

Correct certmap.conf file content required for client certificate authentication. (4967344)

The certmap.conf configuration file specifies how to map a certificate to an entry in the LDAP directory. By default, the certificate subject (with two lines commented out) contains the exact DN of the LDAP directory entry.

However, a very common alternative behavior is to extract a particular attribute from the subject of the certificate and to search the directory for that attribute.

To achieve this alternative behavior, change:

certmap default default
#default:FilterComps e, uid


certmap default default
default:FilterComps e


For a complete description of certmap.conf, please refer to the Sun Java System Server Console 5.2 Server Management Guide.

Will not see channel is stopped if jobc was recently started. (4965338)

In Messaging Server 5.2, if you issued a #imsimta qm summarize command you could view the channels that had been stopped with the imsimta qm stop <chan> command.

This behavior changed in 6.0. If you have not used a channel yet, you will not get the 0 lines and you will not see the stopped channels.

Manage Certificate wizard not creating Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates under Messaging Server/Configuration. (4939810)

When you use the Manage Certificate option (Administration Server->Messaging Server->
Configuration->Manage Certificate) to create an SSL certificate request, the Manage Certificate wizard should create a certificate and key database in the Messaging_Server_Base/config area and not in the Admin_Server_Root/alias area. In addition, the file prefixes should change from the msg-config value (msg-config-cert7.db and msg-config-key3.db) to NULL (cert7.db and key3.db).


imsimta start doesn’t start disp and job controller. (4916996)

The imsimta start, imsimta restart, and imsimta refresh commands work only when the watcher process is running.


New start-msg and stop-msg commands have replaced imsimta start and imsimta stop, which are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

For more information about the start-msg and stop-msg commands, refer to the Messaging Server Administration Guide.

The XSTA, XADR commands are enabled by default. (4910371)

After installation, the SMTP extension commands XSTA and XADR are enabled by default, which may enable remote and local users to retrieve sensitive information.

Add the following lines to the imta/config/tcp_local_options file (create this file if necessary) to disable the XSTA and XADR commands:


Searching for a home phone number does not work in the Personal Address Book. (4877800)

A Personal Address Book search based on “Phone #” searches for the work phone number attribute only. You cannot use “Phone #” to search for home or mobile phone numbers.

Cannot Create a User Through the Administration Console (4852026 & 4852004)

Messaging Server no longer supports user or group creation using the Administration Console. User and group entries should be created using the User Management Utilities. The following error messages may appear when logging in as, or sending mail to, a user created using Administration Console:

Quota root does not exist

4.0.0 temporary error returned by alias expansion: . . ."

If indirect dependencies already exist between Sun Cluster resources, scds_hasp_check() may prevent HAStoragePlus from being supported with those existing configurations. (4827911)

This behavior is observed in Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 3.

Create a weak dependency for the existing resources on the HAStoragePlus resource.

Messenger Express Multiplexor (MEM) does not have a configuration option to make use of the OS resolver as well as NSCD. (4823042)

Configure system as a caching-only DNS server in order to gain the benefit of caching MX and A records.

MoveUser utility does not work on a mailbox that contains over 1024 subfolders. (4737262)

It has been reported that the MoveUser utility stops when attempting to move a user’s account that has a mailbox containing over 1024 subfolders.

Access control filters do not work if the short form domain in used in the /etc/hosts file. (4629001)

If there is a short form version of a domain name in the /etc/hosts file, there will be problems if you use a host name in an access control filter. When the IP address lookup returns a short form version of the domain name, the match will fail. Therefore, you should make sure you use a fully qualified domain name in the /etc/hosts file.

Connections aborted with TCP_IOC_ABORT_CONN in syslog. (4616287)

If a failover occurs for an HA configuration running Sun Cluster 3.1 on the Solaris 8 U7 or Solaris 9 Operating System and active TCP connections are aborted with the TCP_IOC_ABORT_CONN ioctl, messages such as the following are logged on the console and to system logs.

Jul 24 16:41:15 shemp ip: TCP_IOC_ABORT_CONN: local =,
remote =, start = -2, end = 6
Jul 24 16:41:15 shemp ip: TCP_IOC_ABORT_CONN: aborted 0 connection

These messages are informational only and should not show up in non-debug mode.

If you use Microsoft Outlook Express as your IMAP mail client, the read and unread flags might not work properly. This is a known problem with the Microsoft Outlook Express client. (4543930)

To enable the workaround, set the following configuration variable:

configutil -o local.imap.immediateflagupdate -v yes

If, while using the workaround, you experience performance issues, it is recommended that you discontinue using the workaround.

To take effect, changes made using configutil often require a restart of the affected server or servers. (4538366)

Administration Server access control host names are case-sensitive. (4541448)

When you configure “Host Names to allow” for the Administration Server, the access control list is case-sensitive. If the DNS server uses mixed-case host names in the IN-ADDR records (used when translating from an IP address to a domain name), the access control list must use the same case. For example, if your host is test.Sesta.Com, then the access control list must include *.Sesta.Com. Due to this problem, * will not suffice.

For example, if the user/group base suffix is o=isp, then the DN of the service administrator group is cn=Service Administrators,ou=groups,o=isp. To designate the account uid=ofanning,, o=isp as a service administrator, you should add the account’s DN to the group. In the following modify record, the designated user is added as a group member in the LDIF:

dn: cn=Service Administrators,ou=groups,o=isp
changetype: modify
add: uniquemember
uniquemember: uid=ofanning,, o=isp

Furthermore, for users to have service administrator privileges, the attribute memberof must be added to the user entry and set to the Service Administrator Group, for example:

dn: uid=ofanning,, o=isp
changetype: modify
add: memberof
memberof: cn=Service Administrators, ou=groups, o=isp

The MMP BadGuy configuration parameter, BGExcluded, does not work. (4538273)

Deploy separate MMP servers to handle the clients that are excluded from bad guy rules. These servers must have BadGuy turned off.

LDAP search performance is slightly impacted by ACIs in Directory Server version 5.x. (4534356)

This issue affects many searches performed by Messaging Server. For faster searches, use directory manager credentials with the following commands to access the directory:

msg_svr_base/sbin/configutil -o local.ugldapbinddn -v "rootdn" -l
msg_svr_base/sbin/configutil -o local.ugldapbindcred -v "rootdn_passwd" -l

where rootdn and rootdn_passwd are the credentials of Directory Server’s administrator.

If you enable Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 3, you may encounter a harmless error message. (4490877)

The following harmless error message appears in the Sun Cluster console and also in /var/adm/messages, when starting High Availability (HA) services or when switching HA services from one node to another:

Cluster.PMF.pmfd: Error opening procfs control file </proc/20700/ctl> for tag <falcon,habanero_msg,4.svc>: No such file or directory

Delegated Administrator

This section describes known issues in Communications Services Delegated Administrator Utility. (In earlier releases, this component was called User Management Utility.)

The Domain Disk Quota value is lost if you change the Domain status or Mail Service status of a full organization. (6239311)

This problem occurs if you edit a full organization with a Domain Disk Quota value set to any numeric value, and you change the Domain Status or Mail Service Status from Active to any other value (such as Inactive or Hold).

A message indicates that the properties of the organization have been successfully modified, but the value of the Domain Disk Quota field is set to unlimited, and the LDAP attribute (mailDomainDiskQuota) is lost for the organization.

Reset the value of the Domain Disk Quota field and save the properties of the organization again.

Server error; administrator is logged out when trying to create a new user or edit an existing user. (6234660)

This problem occurs when you open a User page in an organization that contains many users, and you try to create or edit a user while the page is still loading the existing users. While the page is loading, a message asks you to wait. Do not click any buttons or links until the page is ready.

A similar problem occurs when you open an Organization page that contains many organizations.

If the User page takes too long to load, you can set the jdapi-wildusersearchresults property to a sufficiently low value to allow the page to load quickly. For example:


If an Organization page takes too long to load, you can set the jdapi-wildorgsearchresults property to a low value. For example:


jdapi-wildusersearchresults and jdapi-wildorgsearchresults are properties in the file.

The file is located in the following default path:


On the User Properties page, you cannot uncheck the Forward box, select the Local Inbox, and save the modification. (6230702)

If a forwarding address has been specified for a user, you cannot uncheck the Forward box in the User Properties page and check the Local Inbox in one operation.

First check the Local Inbox and click Save.

Next, uncheck the Forward box and click Save.

Values in the files are overwritten when Delegated Administrator is reconfigured with the config-commda program. (6218713)

If you configure an existing, configured installation of Delegated Administrator by running the config-commda program again, the properties in the file are reset to their default values.

For example, if you previously set the following properties to these values:



and then run config-commda, these properties would be reset to their default values, as follows:



This issue is of concern only if you have changed the Delegated Administrator configuration (if you have enabled plug-ins or modified the values of any properties in the file).

If you need to upgrade Delegated Administrator, or if you need to rerun the config-commda program for any other reason, you can preserve your existing configuration by taking the following steps:

  1. Back up the file.
  2. The file is located in the following default path:


  3. Run the config-commda program.
  4. Edit the new file created by the config-commda program, as follows:

The commadmin user modify command fails if you assign both the sunpresenceuser and sunimuser object classes to a user entry. (6214638)

Performance of the Delegated Administrator configuration program (config-commda) is slow if a very large number of organizations are deployed in the directory. (6219610)

If the directory contains a very large number of organizations (50,000 or more), the Delegated Administrator configuration program (config-commda) can take a long time to complete. Performance of administrative tasks related to Access Manager is slow.

Create a pres,eq index on the ou attribute.

Log-in performance is slow for a TLA logging in to Delegated Administrator in a directory deploying a very large number of organizations. (6216904)

If a Top-Level Administrator (TLA) logs in to Delegated Administrator and the directory contains a very large number of organizations (50,000 or more), the log-in can take up to three minutes.

Create a pres,eq index on the sunBusinessOrgBase attribute.

Service-package filter causes logout. (6211658)

This issue occurs when you take the following steps:

  1. Log in to Delegated Administrator as a Top-Level Administrator (TLA).
  2. Select "All Service Packages."
  3. In the Filter Option menu, select IMAP or POP.

Delegated Administrator logs out with the following error message: "Unknown error, so logging out. Please check the logs for details."

A newly created user does not inherit the domain’s timezone (TZ). (6206160)

If you create a domain with a non-default timezone, and then create a new user without explicitly using the -T <timezone> option, the user is given the default timezone (America/Denver).

For example, assume you create a domain named sesta with a timezone of Europe/Paris. Next, create a new user in sesta. The user is given the default timezone, America/Denver.

When you create or modify a user, pass -T <timezone> explicitly to the commadmin user create or commadmin user modify command.

The commadmin domain purge command does not purge calendar resources. (6206797)

You need to save the Organization Properties page to successfully add an administrator. (6201912)

If you open the Organization Properties page and assign an administrator role to a specified user, you must then save the Organization Properties page to add the administrator successfully. If you log out after assigning the new administrator, the administrator is not added.

A TLA or SPA cannot update the “Alias Names for Domain:” text field for a shared organization. (6200351)

This problem occurs if you perform the following procedure:

1. Log in to the Delegated Administrator console as a TLA or SPA.

2. Select a shared organization (such as DEF).

3. Select Properties for this organization from the Show: drop-down list.

4. Enter valid values in the Alias Names for Domain: text field.

5. Click Save.

The following message is displayed: “Properties of this Organization have been successfully modified.”

However, the new alias names for the domain do not appear when you navigate to the organization’s properties page. The new values are not saved in the LDAP directory.

Cannot access the "All Service Packages" and "Properties" tabs. (6206196)

When you access the "All Service Packages" tab, a Session error message is displayed. When you access the "Properties" tab, the log-in page is displayed instead of “Properties.”

Removing a Service package from a user in an organization and assigning a new Service package appears to fail, but actually succeeds. (6198361)

In the Delegated Administrator console, when you remove a Service package from a user in an organization and then assign a new Service package to the user, the new assignment appears to fail. Actually, the new Service package is assigned. The issue is that the console does not display the new Service package with that user.

If you remove all Service packages from a user in an organization and then assign a new Service package from the Service Packages page, the new Service package assignment fails. (6198361)

This problem occurs if all Service packages are removed from a user and then you add a Service package to that user from the Service Packages page.

You can add a new Service package to a user in either of the following cases:

Take the following steps:

  1. Open the “Show users in this organization” page.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Check the Allocate Service Package button and select the desired Service package.

New non-ascii organizations cause an error because the default administrator’s email address cannot be specified. (6195040)

The default administrator’s uid defaults to “admin_new_organization_name.” If the new organization name contains non-ascii characters, the email address that uses this uid is invalid.

Removing a Service package from an organization causes the following message to be displayed: “No changes in service packages allocation.” (6190486)

If you remove a Service package from an organization and click Save, the service package is removed, but the “No changes in service packages allocation” message is erroneously displayed.

The Shared Organization window does not display available domain names to the Service Provider Administrator. (6182985)

When a Service Provider Administrator (SPA) logs in to the Delegated Administrator console and views a shared organization, the Domain Name field in the console does not display the currently assigned domain names.

These domain names should be the values currently assigned to this organization in the sunAvailableDomainNames attribute.

Further, the console should allow the SPA to assign additional domain names to the organization (add domain name values to the sunAvailableDomainNames attribute) from the list of domain names available in the SPA’s provider organization node. The domain names available from the provider organization are contained in the sunAssignableDomainNames attributes.

You cannot edit a user’s login ID in this release of Delegated Administrator. (6178850)

The Organization Administrator (OA) of an organization with a name that uses non-ascii characters sees a null pointer exception (NPE). (6177996)

This issue occurs for an OA of an organization whose name includes non-ASCII characters. When the OA logs into Delegated Administrator, the OA is automatically logged out of Delegated Administrator and sees a null pointer exception (NPE) in the log files.

This problem will be fixed in Messaging Server 6.2p1 (the patch following this release of Messaging Server 6 2005Q1).

If the root suffix name is the same as an organization domain name, the Delegated Administrator utility does not work. (5107441)

If you create the root suffix name that is the same as your domain name (for example, if the root suffix is and the domain is, the commadmin utilities do not work.


Avoid using the same name for the root suffix and another domain in the directory. (The o=name values must be different.)

The advanced search feature does not return correct results for organizations. (5094680)

This issue occurs if you perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Advanced Search feature.
  2. Select “Organizations” from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the Match All or Match Any radio button.
  4. Select an organization name from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter valid values in the text field.
  6. Click Search.

Instead of returning only the organizations that match the search criteria, Delegated Administrator displays all organizations.

The Summary page in the New Organization wizard does not display all the organization details. (5087980)

When you create a new organization with the New Organization wizard, certain details, such as Disk Domain Quota and Mail Service Status, are not displayed in the wizard’s Summary page.

The "Advanced Filter" dialog does not change the display of different user types. (5087880)

When you use the “Advanced Filter dialog to filter users, the list of users is not changed, no matter which user type is selected. This issue occurs when you take the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Delegated Administrator console.
  2. Select an organization.
  3. Go to the list-of-users page.
  4. Filter users through the pull-down menu or "Advanced Filter" dialog.

In addition, in Asian languages, in the "Advanced Filter" dialog, the first line, "Advanced Filter - Users" becomes “???”.

The commadmin create resource command does not have a mandatory mail option that supports the Calendar Server csresource utility. (5069133)

The Calendar Server csresource utility requires an email address. There is no default value for the email address. The commadmin create resource command does not have a mandatory option for mail.

An email address is required for resources on a Calendar Server that users access via Outlook Connector.


When you run commadmin create resource to create resources for Calendar Server, use the following option:
-a mail:email_address

Cannot modify non-ASCII groups. (4934768)

If a group is created with a group name that contains non-ASCII characters, it cannot be modified with the commadmin group modify command.

For example, if a group with the non-ASCII characters XYZ is specified with the -G option in the commadmin group create command, an email address of XYZ is automatically added to the group’s LDAP entry. Since non-ASCII characters are not allowed in email addresses, modifying the group with commadmin group modfiy fails.

Use the -E email option when creating a group. This option will specify the group’s email address. For example: commadmin group create -D admin -w password -d -G XYZ -S mail \ -E

Creating a group with multiple -f options adds only one attribute. (4931958)

If you specify multiple -f options for creating dynamic groups in the commadmin group create command, only the value specified with the last -f option is added to the LDAP entry. The other values are not added.

Do not specify the -f option multiple times when using the commadmin group create command.

Messenger Express

This section describes known issues in the Messenger Express product.

The Up and Down buttons removed. (no bugid)

The Up and Down buttons used to specify the ordering of your filters have been removed.

Problems may be seen in Messenger Express on Internet Explorer 6 when proxy server setting is used. (4925995)

Enable or disable “auto-detection” option in Internet Explorer’s encoding menu. Use direct connection or switch to different proxy server.

Feature removed from the Advanced Mail Filter Conditions window. (4908625)

The ability to specify a time frame for your filters has been removed from the Advanced Mail Filter Conditions window (of the Mail Filters user interface) for the Messaging Server 6.0 Patch 1 release. The feature was removed because the underlying support is not available.

If you create groups within an existing group, you may encounter the following error: pab::PAB_ModifyAttribute: ldap error (No Such object). (4883651)

With Directory Server 5.1 or later, you will not be able to enter multiple email IDs for a single contact in the Personal Address Book. (4633171)

Note that Directory Server is exhibiting correct behavior. Due to a problem in Netscape Directory Server 4.x, you are able to enter multiple email IDs.


The following known issues are not necessarily localization-specific issues.

Delegated Administrator: The function of the Available Languages list is not clear. (6234120)

To add a language-tagged cn, sn, and givenname to the LDAP directory, you first must create the user, adding the English, untagged names in the New User wizard.

Next, on the User Properties page, select the required language for the language-tagged names from the Available Languages list, which is displayed alongside the First Name, Last Name, and Display Name fields. For example:

Select French from the list of available languages, enter First Name=Jacques, Last Name=Chirac. This will set the following values in LDAP:



cn;lang-fr=Jacques Chirac

Delegated Administrator: In traditional and simplified Chinese, missing online help in the sub-window for creating new organizations or new users. (6202370)

This issue occurs when you take the following steps:

  1. Log in to Delegated Administrator as a Top-Level Administrator (TLA) with traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese users.
  2. Choose Organization, then New Organization.
  3. A sub-window pops up.

  4. Click the Help tab in the window.
  5. The title of the help topic should be displayed as a link, but it is shown as HTML source code.

Delegated Administrator: An error message, “The organization already exists,” is not localized. (6201623)

If you attempt to create an organization with the same name as an existing organization, Delegated Administrator displays the following error message: “The organization already exists.” This message appears in English and is not translated.

Delegated Administrator: Cannot save a user name with a language option. (6201571)

Delegated Administrator does not support saving a user name in the cn, gn, or sn with a language option. For example, in Japanese, you cannot specify cn;lang-ja.

These entries can be added and modified on Directory Server Administration Console.

Delegated Administrator: There are only four preferred languages to select when you are creating a new organization. (6201234)

This issue occurs when you take the following steps:

  1. Login to Delegated Administrator as an administrator in the Traditional Chinese environment.
  2. Select Organizations, then select New Organization.
  3. In the "Organization Information" step, the "Preferred Languages" pull-down menu only lists English, French, German, and Japanese.

    Spanish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese are not listed in this menu.

Delegated Administrator: Broken help links in European and Japanese languages. (6198788)

Some help links are broken when you log in with European and Japanese languages. The following example illustrates this issue:

1. Log in as a Top-Level Administrator (TLA), using French.

2. Select the Organization tab.

3. Click an organization.

4. In the right-hand box, select "Propriete de cette organization" and click Help.

The console displays a “Page not found” message.

Messaging Server: Configurator input field is too narrow to view (6192725).

Some input fields in the Messaging Server configurator (invoked by msg_svr_root/sbin/configure) are too narrow to see on some pages in non-English locales on Linux platforms.


Widen the window size to make input field larger enough to view.

(German) Group in address book cannot be created. (5044669)

In var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/html/de/editPabGroup_fs.html, change:

...der folgenden Optionen, um fortzufahren, oder klicken Sie auf 'Abbrechen'


...der folgenden Optionen, um fortzufahren, oder klicken Sie auf \'Abbrechen\'

Delegated Administrator: configuration program is not localized. (5030030)

The Delegated Administrator configuration program, config-commda, is not localized. Panel text and error messages appear in English.

Messenger Express: Localized Messenger Express does not merge some of the folders created by Outlook Express. (4653960)

It is sometimes desired that default “Sent” folder in Messenger Express can be replaced with “Sent Items” folder created by Outlook Express, hence all the messages sent by both client is copied to “Sent Items” folder. This operation is difficult, particularly in Japanese.

Workaround (in two parts):

  1. Edit Japanese i18n.js to match Outlook Express’ “Sent Items” translation
  2. i18n[’sent folder IE’] = ’soushinzumiaitemu’
    fldr[’Sent Items’] = ’soushinzumiaitemu’

  3. End users must log onto Messaging Server using Outlook Express first.


This section describes known issues in the Communications Services and Messaging Server-specific documentation.

Incorrect Chapter Reference in Messaging Server Release Notes. (no bugid)

In the Sun Java System 6 2005Q1 Messaging Server Release Notes, bug 6175770 incorrectly references “Chapter 3: Installation Scenarios” in the Sun Java Enterprise System 6 2005Q1 Installation Guide. The chapter title should be “Chapter 3: Example Installation Sequences.”

imexpire's Exclusive Rule Documentation Information is Incorrect. (6232732)

In the "exclusive" entry of Table 18-8 of the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide, the attribute value choices should be 0 or 1, not yes or no.

Buildhash directories should not be referenced in the Messenger Express Customization Guide (6190726)

The documentation should have referenced the ispell source files available at: http/

No documentation available on new shared defragment database feature. (5091281)

No documentation available on a new feature whereby MTA systems can share the defragment "database" and thereby defragmentation can be done on MTA systems instead of the store system.

Communications Express

This section contains important information available at the time of release of Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2005Q1. New features and enhancements, known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here.

This release notes contains the following sections:

About Communications Express 6 2005Q1

Sun Java™ System Communications Express Version 6 2005Q1 provides an integrated web-based communication and collaboration client that consists of three client modules - Calendar, Address Book and Mail.

Communications Express Platform Requirements

Communications Express is supported on the following platforms:

Communications Express Browser Recommendations

For optimal performance, use the following browser recommendations listed in Table 3.


The SMIME feature in Communications Express is supported only on:

  • Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 on Windows XP with JRE 1.4.2_03 and subsequent versions of 1.4.x.
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 on other Windows platforms with JRE 1.4.2_03 and subsequent versions of 1.4.x.

Communications Express Installation Notes

Communications Express is dependent on the following products:

  1. Directory Server. Install Sun Java™ System Directory Server version 5.2.
  2. Calendar Server. Install Sun Java™ System Calendar Server version 6.2.
  3. Web Server. Install Sun Java™ System Web Server version 6.1 SP4.
  4. Messaging Server. Install Sun Java™ System Messaging Server 6.2.
  5. Access Manager. Install Sun Java™ System Access Manager 6.2.
  6. Application Server. Install Sun Java™ System Application Server 8.1.

  7. Note

    Communications Express has been tested and is supported only with the server versions mentioned above. Communications Express Configurator only supports the Domain Administration Server (DAS) deployment for Application Server 8.1.

Refer to Chapter 2, “Installing and Configuring Communications Express” of Sun Java™ Systems Communications Express Administration Guide for instructions on how to install and configure Sun Java System Communications Express.

Communications Express Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues with Communications Express 6. The following product areas are covered:

Generic Issues

Save attachment no longer works. (6196347)

End users may need to clear their browser cache and restart their browsers after installation.

Regression: Automatic Spell Check was Removed (6192219)

Automatic spell check prior to sending a message has been added back to the product through a new configuration option:

Uncomment the following line in html/main.js file to show the 'Check spelling before message is sent' checkbox in the Compose window and Settings Tab in the Options menu.

// spellCheckBeforeSendFlag = true;

Internet Explorer browser users may see that duplicate messages are sent if they decide not to use spell check features.

Login page displays an incorrect version. (6213879)

When you click on the version link in Login page, the version is displayed as Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2004Q4 instead of Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2005Q1.

The user does not have an option to choose a view after logging into Communications Express (6195844)

The option to select a default view has been removed from Global Options. The Online Help does not reflect this change.

Communications Express displays a wrong error message while traversing from Options to Address Book. (6179023)

While traversing from Options to Address Book, Communications Express displays a wrong error message. The error message points out that the preferred language has been changed. This error message is wrong, since no changes have been made to language settings. This message can be safely ignored.

Communications Express does not generate logs if the white space is missing in uwc.logging.enable. (5060300)

Communications Express does not generate logs if you type uwc.logging.enable=yes(without a space after =). It generates logs only when you enter uwc.logging.enable= yes(with a space after =)

FQHN required in URL even when the user is authenticated. (5008104)

Communications Express cannot be fully configured if a fully qualified host name is not provided. The domain name is not set in the cookie if the URL is not with FQHN even when the user is authenticated.


Always access the application using a fully qualified host name.

Configurator Tool Issues

This section contains a list of known issues in the configurator tool for Communications Express.

Wrong warning messages are displayed during configuration. (6206941)

Communications Express displays wrong warning messages during configuration. These warning messages point out that some shared components for Communications Express have not been installed. These are wrong warning messages and can be safely ignored.

DISPLAY variable must be set even if the configuration is done using CLI mode for the Communications Express Configurator. (6199114)

While configuring with the CLI mode, the Communications Express Configurator throws an exception if the DISPLAY variable is not set in non-GUI mode.

The Communications Express configurator throws exception if no DISPLAY variable is set with jdk1.5 (6197740)

The Communications Express configurator throws exception if the DISPLAY variable is not set with jdk 1.5 even with -nodisplay option enabled. This is due to a bug in jdk1.5.

The Configurator Tool for Communications Express does not Support Unconfiguring. (5104756)

The Communications Express Configurator does not allow you to undeploy, remove files at the time of configuration, and remove files created during run-time.


To unconfigure Communications Express:

  1. Remove the Communications Express package. For example on Solaris type
  2. pkgrm SUNWuwc.

  3. Remove the deploy directories
  4. Remove the WEBAPP entry from Web Server or Application Server server.xml file.

Silent configuration does not work. (5008791)

Communications Express allows configuration to be executed only interactively, and does not allow silent configuration. When you try to configure in a silent mode, the following error is displayed, “The Directory name cannot be left blank. This is a mandatory field. Please enter again.”

Communications Express Configurator: devinstall is dumping core if host aliases are not resolved. (5028906)

Communications Express configurator fails to complete the configuration process if your system is not configured for host name aliases.


Ensure that you have configured one or more host name aliases for your system.

To configure one or more host name aliases on UNIX systems:

  1. Provide the configuration for the hosts in /etc/nsswitch.conf file:
  2. hosts: files dns nis

    This configuration indicates to the name service the lookup order it should use to resolve host names and host aliases. The name service lookup order is: files, dns, and nis.

  3. Ensure that the /etc/hosts file contains two or more host names defined against your machine’s IP address.
  4. For example, if your system IP address is, then in /etc/hosts file, you can configure the IP address as: budgie

    or budgie loghost

    Example of an incorrect IP address: budgie

GUI configuration input fields should not be right aligned. (4996723)

The field names and browser buttons are truncated or not visible when the configuration wizard is invoked in a language other than English.


Resize the configuration panels to view its contents properly.

The components for Communications Express are shown to be zero bytes. (4982590)

The configurator tool for Communications Express shows the component size as 0 bytes while displaying the Mail and Calendar components for Communications Express.

Calendar Issues

Imported events and tasks in to calendar cannot be edited. (6199583)

Imported tasks and events cannot be edited even when the user has created them in his or her own calendar.

View Calendar Details online help is not consistent with application behavior. (6149493)

Selecting a calendar and clicking View will not show View Calendar Details window. Instead, it will open the selected calendar.

Calendar does not allow users to select any year beyond 2006 in all the views. (5086083)

Communications Express allows users to select any year only till the year 2006. It does not allow selection of any other year after 2006 in all the views.

Modifying the number of instances of a recurring event changes the start date of the event series. (5078220)

When you create two recurring events in Communications Express, and modify the number of instances in the second/later event, the start date for the event series gets shifted to the new start date.

The Day and Year formats in the calendar view are not translated to Simplified Chinese. (5025449)

The Day and Year View formats in the calendar view are not translated to the Simplified Chinese language. However the ‘Month’ view is correctly translated to Simplified Chinese.

Mail Issues

S/MIME Issues in Communications Express Mail

Removing the smart card from the reading device causes problems with the smart card software. (no bugid)

Removing a smart card from the reading device while a PIN prompt is displayed causes a problem with the software that reads the card. Even after the card is reinserted into the device and you enter the correct PIN, the PIN prompt is presented again. This happens only the first time you are prompted for the smart card’s PIN.

Click Cancel in the PIN prompt window and enter the PIN again after a new prompt window displays. If the problem persists, restart your machine.

You can receive a signed S/MIME message if you do not have permission to use S/MIME or S/MIME is not enabled, but the signature is not verified. (6183145)

You can receive and read the contents of a signed S/MIME message if you do not have permission to use S/MIME or S/MIME is not enabled for your mail system. However, the S/MIME signature cannot be verified so treat the message as unsigned for security purposes. The words "Unverified Signature" display in the message's Attachment field to indicate this situation.

If a hyperlink is in the body of an email, Spell Checker does not work as expected (6181503).

If hyperlinks and abbreviations are in the body of an email, they are not recognized and are garbled by the spell checker.

Reading signed messages that use non-Latin character sets requires Java Language support (6176572).

When you use Communications Express Mail, if you receive signed email that contains a non-Latin character set such as Chinese, the S/MIME applet fails to read the message if the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the client system does not have the charsets.jar file in the /lib directory.

The charsets.jar file is not installed with the JRE if you download the English version and choose the default JRE installation.

Note that if you install JRE with any foreign language, the charsets.jar file is installed, and this problem does not occur.

When you install the JRE after downloading the English version, choose the custom installation and select “Support for Additional Languages”; the charsets.jar file will be installed.

If a user installs a certificate while logged in to Communications Express Mail, the certificate is not recognized in Communications Express Mail. (5101273)

If you log in to Communications Express and import a certificate during the session, the new certificate does not appear in the Communications Express options page.

After you import the new certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Log out of Communications Express.
  2. Log in to Communications Express again. (You do not need to close your browser.)

The certificate should now appear in the Communications Express options page.

The browser can hang when you receive messages containing corrupt HTML (5100461).

Messages containing corrupt HTML might not display properly in the browser or might cause the browser to hang. For example, if the SMTP server is set by default to truncate lines longer than 1000 characters, a message with lines longer than that would become corrupted and cause this problem. Note that the problem lies with the sender's email client sending corrupt HTML or failing to wrap in order to respect the maximum SMTP line length imposed by email standards since 1982.

The correct version of the Java 2 Runtime Environment (Version 1.4.2 or higher) is not associated with the user’s browser. (5073383)

When a Communications Express Mail user has a version below 1.4.2 of the Java 2 Runtime Environment installed on their machine, they are instructed to download a higher version when they log in to Communications Express Mail. After the user properly downloads and installs the higher version, it is not recognized the next time the user logs into Communications Express Mail because the user’s browser is still associated with the lower version of the Java 2 Runtime Environment.

Perform the following steps to associate the correct version of the Java 2 Runtime Environment with the browser:

  1. Navigate to the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Double click the Java Plug-in. Click the About tab to confirm that this is the icon for the correct version of the Java 2 Runtime Environment; for example, Version 1.4.2_3. If this is not the correct icon, repeat this step until you find the right Java Plug-in icon.
  3. After double clicking on the correct Java Plug-in icon, click the Browser tab.
  4. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  5. Click Apply.

Using the Refresh or Reload button of Internet Explorer causes JavaScript errors. (5070672)

The localhost port is not used when CRL checking is done for an S/MIME message. (5066429)

Cannot read an S/MIME receipt from Microsoft Outlook. (5060537)

Saving a large S/MIME message to the Drafts folder does not work correctly. (5056642)

Using the Previous and Next buttons causes a pop-up error message. (5054919)

Temporary files are not cleaned up under certain situations when creating an S/MIME message. (5042175)

The S/MIME applet does not inform you when it detects that the smart card software is not installed. (5029236)

A memory leak occurs when switching back and forth while reading two S/MIME messages. (5027720)

The search feature of Communications Express Mail does not allow you to read an encrypted message. (5027649)

If the list of message subjects found during a Communications Express Mail search contains encrypted messages, an attempt to read any of the encrypted messages from the search window fails because the encrypted text is not decrypted. The encrypted message can still be read from the mail folder where it is stored.

You are continuously prompted to enter a PIN number when using a smart card. (5027604)

This behavior is caused by the ActivCard software. When it happens, Outlook Express exhibits the same behavior. The ActivCard diagnostic utility also states that the PIN was not entered even though it was. Restarting your Windows machine solves the problem.

If two Microsoft Internet Explorer windows are opened on a client machine and you log into Communications Express Mail in both windows, unpredictable results occur when processing S/MIME messages. (5021969)

Communications Express Mail displays a paperclip icon for an S/MIME signed message that has no attachment. (5021917)

Smart card software can fail to work properly when a client machine is left running for a day or more. (5020724)

The software that retrieves a key from a smart card can fail under the following conditions:

  1. You leave your machine running for a day or more.
  2. During the time the machine is running, you disconnect and reconnect a smart card reading device to the machine.
  3. You insert your smart card into the reading device and receive a prompt for a PIN. After correctly entering the PIN, the software fails to retrieve the certificate and prompts a second time for a PIN.
  4. You correctly enter your PIN a second time. The software again fails to retrieve the certificate and prompts a third time for a PIN.
  5. If you respond to the third PIN prompt, the smart card is locked and becomes unstable.

With Directory Server 5.1 or 5.2, you cannot enter multiple email IDs for a single contact in the Personal Address Book. (4633171)

Other Mail Issues

The local.webmail.sso.uwcsslport parameter needs to be enabled for SSL usage with Communications Express. (6261357)

In previous releases, SSL was enabled through a different parameter. Starting with this release, you must use the local.webmail.sso.uwcsslport parameter. Furthermore, the local.webmail.sso.uwcsslport parameter must be enabled for successful upgrades with SSL.

Addresses selected from the Address Book are not shown in the Compose Window of Mail (6208731)

Select some addresses from the address book and choose an option to send an email from the address book. The ‘To’ Field in the Compose Window that pops up does not contain any of the addresses that were selected in address book.

If the User or Domain status is set to ‘overquota’, mails cannot be accessed (6207018)

If you set the mailDomainStatus attribute for a domain or the mailUserStatus attribute to ‘overquota’ then the ‘Mail’ tab in Communications Express is not displayed.

Adding too large of an attachment will result in a "Page Not Found" error. (6193396)

You will see this error if you attempt to attach a file larger than the default maximum (5 MB).

User cannot edit in RTF Mode with Mozilla and Netscape. (6183540)

When you open the Compose Window, the text area is in the RTF Mode by default. If Communications Express is run on any other port apart from port 80, the user cannot edit anything in the text area. If Communications Express is running in port 80 then you will lose the composed text if you switch between the plain text mode and rich text mode.

Using Spell Check in plain text mode appends junk characters. (6179771)

Compose a mail with some spelling mistakes in plain text format, and click ‘Spell Check’. Correct the spelling mistakes, and further click ‘Edit’ to get back to the ‘Compose Mail’ window. You can notice that ‘&nbsp’ has been appended to every corrected word.

Clicking on ‘Compose Mail’ window displays a blank window. (6178354)

Click a group from Address Book and further select a user from a group. When you click ‘Show Details’ and and further select ‘Compose Mail’, a blank window is displayed.

HTML content is displayed when you click spell check. (5100222)

Type some text in the ‘Compose Mail’ window and indent it to the right. If you click on Spell check now, the entire HTML content is displayed.

Download external mail pop-up window is too small to accommodate all User Interface elements for a localized User Interface. (5058226)

You are unable to see "Download", "Cancel" and "Help" buttons.

Users are not added when you add recipients from the New Message Window of Mail with Netscape 7.1 on Windows 2000 (5041977)

Click the ‘To’ icon in the New Message Window and enter a valid address book user to search for. When you enable the ‘To’ checkbox and click ‘Add Recipients’, a Javascript error "inputObj is null" is displayed and the user is not added to the email message. This bug is noticed only with Netscape 7.1 on Windows 2000.

Mail filters: Settings not saved properly. (5032888)

The “File message to folder:” and “Forward to email address:” settings are not saved properly when the Mail Filter details are viewed in the Edit mode.

Mail filters: An application error is displayed a mail filter is created with certain conditions. (5032833)

Communications Express displays and error page with the following error when you create Mail Filter with certain conditions:

Application Error

com.iplanet.jato.NavigationException: Exception encountered during forward

Root cause = [java.lang.StackOverflowError]

Address Book Issues

Authentication from Address Book from Outlook fails when Communications Express is deployed on Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Enterprise Edition. (6189264)

Deploy Communications Express on Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Enterprise Edition, and create a new profile in Outlook Connector. When you try to login to the profile, the login to Address Book fails and the user is asked for the password. The Address Book login fails yet again. However, the user is able to login to Address Book through Web UI.

Group import in CSV format is not supported in Address Book. (6182437)

Groups import is only supported in LDIF format. No other format has a standard format (or a format that other applications may export) to export groups. The message for the successful import of contacts is displayed in red.

Address Book does not use LDAP VLV control even when vlv_paging=true (5052474)

Even when vlv_paging=true is set in, Address Book does not use the Virtual List View Control while doing an LDAP search. This may affect the performance of Directory Deployments which have VLV indexes setup.

The address book Name cannot be localized by defaultps/dictionary-<lang>.xml for every session. (4995472)

The address book name cannot be localized because the localized value which is based on the resolved session language and the domain specific defaultps/dictionary-<lang>.xml is assigned when the address book is accessed for the first time.

The “Name” and “Description” entered in the Address Book Options page are also not displayed in the current Address Book drop-down list that appears on the Address Book tab page.

Options Issues

The online help for Option/General contains the following information under ‘Default View after login’ - “Select the default page to be displayed after you login from the drop-down list. The options available are: Email, Calendar, and Address Book”. The Options Page does not provide the user with the option to select the default application. However the online help does not reflect this change.

Localization Issues

The following known issues are not necessarily localization-specific.

A Javascript error is displayed when trying to add a user into address book from a mail in the French locale. (6216191)

Login to Communications Express with the preferred language set to French. Open any mail, and click the sender’s e-mail address. A Javascript error is shown and the user cannot be added to address book.

Apostrophes and accented characters are sometimes corrupted in the French locale. (6207966)

Apostrophes and accented characters are corrupted for the strings in French locale.

Some strings are displayed in English in the ‘Compose Mail’ window. (6204672)

In the ‘Compose Mail’ window, some strings like ‘Compose title’, ‘to’,’’cc’, ‘bcc’,’Attachments’,’Subject’,’Plain text’, ‘Rich Text’ are displayed in English. This happens when using Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x, Mozilla FireFox for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese locales.

Mail sent using large Japanese/French data appears garbled. (6201676)

When a large email message is received, users must click an attachment link (text/html or text/plain) within the message. If the content of this attachment includes non-ASCII characters, users may see corrupted data in the newly opened browser pane. This issue will be fixed in the next available patch.


Manually select the appropriate encoding from the browser menu.

Some strings are displayed in English in the Compose window on Mozilla1.x, Netscape7.x, Firefox when the preferred language is set to Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese. (6200222)

The Compose title, To, CC, BCC, Attachments, Subject, Plain Text, and Rich Text are displayed in English instead of the preferred language.

The localized version of the Communications Express online help is not the latest version (6199833)

The English version of the Communications Express online help is the latest version of the help tool.

Importing contacts in the CSV format from localized Outlook does not work (6186520)

When you try to import contacts in the CSV format from localized Outlook, the address book displays an error as follows. “Encountered an error while trying to import csvus entry types in _Personal Address Book. The file you have submitted may be of an incorrect type, corrupted or contains data that exists already.”

Incorrect translation for "Sent" folder name in Korean. (6182987)

The folder name "Sent" is translated to "Sent Date" instead of "Sent folder" in Korean.

Messenger Express: Messenger Express sometimes shows blank page due to Javascript error on Internet Explorer (6181721)

With non-English languages, Communication Express sometimes displays blank page and Javascript error when you use Internet Explorer.

Put the following meta tag in the Communications Express HTML files which are usually installed in:

/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/html/lang (before doing configuration) and /var/opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/html/lang (after configuration).

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

Day and Year formats in calendar view are not translated to Simplified Chinese. (5025449)

Day and Year View formats in Calendar view are not translated to Simplified Chinese. However, the ‘Month’ view is correctly translated to Simplified Chinese.

Redistributable Files

The following redistributable files are provided with Messaging Server 6.0:

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