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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Administrator's Guide

The Styles Tab

The Styles tab allows you to apply a set of options to specific files or directories maintained by your server. The Styles tab contains the following pages:

The New Style Page

The Create a New Style page allows you to create a style. For more information, see Creating a Configuration Style.

The following elements are displayed:

Style Name. Enter a name for the style you are creating.

OK. Clicking this button creates a new style with the specified name and displays the Edit a Style page used to configure the new style. For more information about the elements on this page, see The Edit Style Page.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Remove Style Page

The Remove a Style page allows you to remove a style. For more information, see Removing a Configuration Style.

The following elements are displayed:

Remove. Use the drop-down list to specify the style to remove.

OK. Clicking this button removes the selected style. You will not be prompted to confirm removal, so do not click OK unless you’re sure you want to remove the style from the list.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Edit Style Page

The Edit a Style page allows you to change the parameters of a style. For more information, see Editing a Configuration Style.

The following elements are displayed:

Style. Select a style from the drop-down list, and then click Edit this style. Style categories display.

Edit this style. Click this button after selecting a style (other than NONE).

Edit. Click the link for a configuration style category, and then change the style parameters as desired. Be sure to click OK to save your changes.

The choices are:

OK. Saves your entries.

Help. Displays online help.

The Assign Style Page

The Assign a Style page allows you to apply a configuration style to files or directories on your server. You can choose specific files and directories, or you can specify a wildcard pattern.

For more information, see Assigning a Configuration Style.

The following elements are displayed:

URL prefix wildcard. Enter the URL prefix to which the style will be applied. Specify files or directories, or the wildcard pattern (for example, * gif). If you enter /* after the directory, the configuration style will be applied to all contents of the directory.

Style. Use the drop-down list to specify the configuration style you want to apply. The NONE configuration style can be applied to remove any configuration style previously applied to a resource.

OK. Saves your entries.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The List Assignments Page

The List Assignments page displays all configuration styles applied to server resources. The assignments display only after you have assigned styles to files or directories.

For more information, see Listing Configuration Style Assignments.

The following elements are displayed:

Style Assignments. Lists all configuration style assignments.

Pattern. The files or directories, or the wildcard pattern, to which the style is applied.

Style. The name of the configuration style.

Edit Style Assignment. Click this link to edit or remove the configuration style assignment. Clicking this link displays the Assign a Style page. Make your edits and then click OK. To remove the style assignment, click the Remove link towards the top of the page.

Help. Displays online help.

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