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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Administrator's Guide

The Logs Tab (Virtual Server Manager)

The Logs tab contains just one page, which allows you to generate reports for the selected virtual server.

You should first create a new access log to be used by the virtual server, and add the new access log to the virtual server settings. You will get an error message if you have not created a virtual server and turned the LogVsId value to On using the Magnus Editor in the Server Manager, or by manually editing the magnus.conf file. If you are using multiple virtual servers, you should add %vsid% to the custom format line of Logging Preferences in the Server Manager, or by manually editing the magnus.conf file. For more information about these actions, see Setting Access Log Preferences.

The default settings are already selected.

The following elements are displayed:

Server name. Specify the name of the server for which to generate the report.

Output type. Specify whether the report should be output to an HTML file or a plain text (ASCII) file.

Log File. Specify the log file or files from which to generate the report.

Output file. Specify the absolute path for the report output. If you leave this field blank, the log analyzer displays the results on the screen. For large log files, you should save the results to a file because displaying the output on the screen may take a long time.

Totals. Specify whether you want to generate totals for statistics. Choose “Do not generate totals” if you do not want to generate totals for statistics. If you choose to generate totals, select from the following options:

General Statistics. Specify whether to generate general statistics. Choose “Do not generate general statistics” if you do not want to generate general statistics. If you choose to generate statistics, select from the following options:

Generate Lists. Specifies whether to generate lists. Choose “Do not generate any list” if you do not want to generate lists. If you choose to generate lists, select from the following options:

Output order. Specifies the order of the output. Prioritize the items from 1 to 3 in the order that you would like each section to appear in the report. If you chose not to generate a particular section, that section will automatically be left out.

OK. Saves your entries.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

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