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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Administrator's Guide

The Web Applications Tab

The Web Applications tab allows you to deploy web applications for a virtual server and edit web applications that have already been deployed. The Web Applications tab contains the following pages:

The Deploy Web Application Page

The Deploy Web Application page allows you to deploy a WAR file containing the web application on the selected virtual server. For more information, see Deploying Web Applications.

The following elements are displayed:

WAR File On. Use the drop-down list to specify where the WAR file resides (on the local or server machine), and then click Go. Select Local Machine when uploading a WAR file to your server, or Server Machine when the WAR file already resides there.

Go. Click this button after specifying where the WAR file resides (on the local or server machine).

WAR File Path. Specify the path to the WAR file containing the web application. On local machines you can browse for the file using the Browse button. On server machines, enter the absolute path to the WAR file.

Browse. On local machines, click the Browse button to browse the available paths and select the WAR file to upload to your server.

Application URI. Specify the URI on the virtual server for the web application.

Installation Directory. Specify the absolute path to the directory on the server machine from which the contents of the WAR file will be extracted. If the directory does not exist, a directory will be created.

OK. Saves your entries.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Edit Web Applications Page

The Edit Web Applications page allows you to edit, delete, enable, or disable web applications on a selected virtual server. For more information, see Editing Web Applications.

The following elements are displayed:

Action. Choose the desired action from the drop-down list. The choices are:

URI. Specify the URI from which the web application can be accessed.

State. Displays the current state of the web application (enabled or disabled).

PATH. Displays the path to the directory in which the web application is deployed.

OK. Saves your entries.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

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