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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Administrator's Guide

The Servers Tab

The Servers tab allows you to configure server preferences, control who accesses the files on your web site, and use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure privacy when communicating with other SSL-enabled products. The Server tab contains the following pages:

The Manage Servers Page

The Manage Servers page allows you to set up the basic server configuration.

The following elements are displayed:

Select a Server. Lists all the servers.


To display the Server Management tabs, choose a server from the drop-down list and click Manage.

The following information is displayed about the selected server:

Hostname. Specifies the hostname of the server.

DNS. Displays whether DNS lookup of the IP address of the resource making a CGI request is enabled. DNS lookups can be resource intensive; therefore, allowing DNS lookups can slow performance, especially on a server that uses extensive CGI.

User (UNIX/Linux). Specifies the user name under which the server runs. The server user should have restricted access to your system resources. You can often use a user named nobody in this situation. On some systems, however, nobody is not a valid user name. You may not want to give the user nobody group access to all files. If you do not use nobody, create a new UNIX/Linux user, such as adm, to be the server user.

Help. Displays online help.

The Add Server Page

The Add Server page allows you to install multiple server instances and creates configuration files for each server instance on your system without going through the installation program. Each server instance can run on any TCP/IP port on your system, but you cannot run two web servers on the same port at the same time unless they are configured to respond to different IP addresses.

For more information, see Running Multiple Servers.

The following elements are displayed:

Server Name. Specifies the fully qualified host name of this server (for example,

Server Port. Specifies the port number servicing HTTP requests. The default is port 80.

Server Identifier. Specifies the server identification that the Administration Server will use for this server instance (for example, marketing_server). The server identifier cannot start with a digit. Only ASCII characters are supported.

Server User (UNIX/Linux). Specifies the user name under which the server runs. The server user should have restricted access to your system resources. You can often use a user named nobody in this situation. On some systems, however, nobody is not a valid user name. You may not want to give the user nobody group access to all files. If you do not use nobody, create a new UNIX/Linux user, such as adm, to be the server user.

Document Root. Specifies the directory path to the location of the server’s web documents.

Always Attempt to Resolve IP Addresses into Host Names. Specifies whether to match IP addresses with corresponding host names. The server has the client IP address for a given client request. Some sites may wish to log all requests with their resolved DNS name instead of the IP address. Most of the time, a server does not need the DNS name.

Attempt to Resolve IP Addresses Only for Access Control and CGI. Specifies whether to match IP addresses with corresponding host names for access control lists (ACLs) and CGI. Sometimes, a site may want to use domain names instead of IP address in ACLs and CGI. Most of the time, a server does not need the DNS name.

Never Attempt to Resolve IP Addresses into Host Names. (Default) Specifies never to match IP addresses with corresponding host names.

OK. Saves your entries.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Remove Server Page

The Remove Server page allows you to remove a server instance from your system. This process deletes the server’s configuration files, and the directory server_root/servertype-id and its subdirectories.

For more information, see Removing a Server.

The following elements are displayed:

Select a Server. Specifies the server you want to remove. Removing the server will delete all the server’s configuration files.

Yes, I Really Do Want to Remove This Server. Verifies that you want to delete the server.

OK. Saves your entries.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Migrate Server Page

The Migrate Server page allows you to migrate a Web Server version 4.1 or 6.0 instance to Sun ONE Web Server version 6.1.


Direct migration from a version of iPlanet Web Server that is lower than 4.1 to Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 is not supported. You must first migrate your legacy server to iPlanet Web Server 4.1 and then to Sun ONE Web Server 6.1.


The migration preserves your old server instance, and creates a 6.1 server instance with the same configuration.

You should stop the old server before migrating settings.

For more information, see the migration information in the Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Installation and Migration Guide.

The following elements are displayed:

Migrate Server

Server Root. Specifies the directory path of the server instance from which to import the server’s scripts, icons, and configuration files.

Search. After entering a server root, click Search. The server instances available in the server root you entered appear under Installed Servers.

Installed Servers

Select a Server to Migrate. Lists all the server instances installed in the server root specified above. Click Migrate to migrate the selected server instance.

Help. Displays online help.

The Migration Parameters Page

The Migration Parameters page contains the parameters for migrating a Web Server version 4.1 or 6.0 instance to Sun ONE Web Server version 6.1.

The parameters you see depend on the configuration of the server instance you are migrating. The page is divided into the following possible sections:

Click Migrate when you entered information in the parameter fields.

For more information, see the migration information in the Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Installation and Migration Guide.

General Migration Parameters

These parameters always appear.

Server Name. The name of the new Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 instance. It defaults to the name of the server instance from which you are migrating. If the instance name already exists in 6.1, an index (number) is suffixed. For example, if the name sunone already exists, then the new 6.1 instance is named sunone-1.

Run Server As (UNIX/Linux). The UNIX/Linux user name that runs the new server instance. The default is the username of the server instance as specified in the magnus.conf file of the old server.

Document Root

This section always appears.

Use the same document root as the old server. Select this radio button if you want to use the old document root as your Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 document root. Choosing this option makes the documents from the old server visible on the migrated server.

Use the new server’s document root. Select this radio button to use the new server’s document directory. If you want to see the old server’s documents on your new server, you must manually copy them to the new location if you use this option.


Java is on by default in 4.1 and 6.0 and off in 6.1. If you do not plan to use servlets, JSPs or Java Realm authentication, enabling Java causes an unnecessary performance overhead.

For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Java.

Web Publishing

If you are migrating from Sun ONE Web Server version 4.1 to 6.0, you see a message that web publishing is not supported in Sun ONE Web Server 6.1, and that you can use the WebDAV functionality instead.

For more information about WebDAV, see Web Publishing with WebDAV.


Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 uses a different search engine than the one used in previous versions of the server. Search collections are therefore not migrated.

For more information about using Search, see Using Search.

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