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Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Administrator's Guide

The Users and Groups Tab

The Users and Groups tab contains the following pages:

The New User Page

The New User page allows you to add users to a directory service.

For more information, see Creating Users.

The following elements are displayed:

Select Directory Service. Allows you to select the directory service to which you want to add the user.

Select. Displays user elements corresponding to the type of directory service selected:

The Edit Users Page

This page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to edit a user entry in the LDAP database. You can change user attribute values, change the user’s password, rename the user’s entry, and delete the user’s entry. If you want to change an attribute value that does not appear on this page, use the ldapmodify command line utility.

For more information, see Managing Users.

There are two tabs at the top of the page that give you different sets of fields to edit:


The following elements are displayed:

Given Name (First Name). Specifies the users’s given name or first name.

Surname (Last Name). Specifies the user’s surname or last name.

Full Names. Specifies the user’s given name and surname.

Title. Specifies the job title of the user.

User ID. Specifies a unique user name for the user. The user ID generated by the gateway is the first initial of the user’s first name followed by the user’s last name. You can replace this user ID with an ID of your own choosing.

The user ID must be unique. The Administration Server ensures that the user ID is unique by searching the entire directory from the search base (base DN) down to see if the user ID is in use.


If you use the ldapmodify command line utility to create a user, unique user IDs cannot be ensured. A user with a duplicate user ID will not be able to authenticate to the directory.

E-Mail Address. Specifies the email address of the user.

Phone Number. Specifies the phone number of the user.

Save Changes. Saves changes to the LDAP database.

Rename User. Renames the user entry (including the entry’s distinguished name) in the LDAP database.

Delete User. Deletes the user from the LDAP database.

Help. Displays online help.


The following elements are displayed:

New password. Specifies the new password. This password is used for user entries by the various Netscape/Sun ONE servers for user authentication

New password (again). Confirms the password entered in the New password field. If what you enter in this field is different from what you entered in the New password field, you will be prompted to try again.

Set Password. Changes the password immediately.

Disable Password. Disables the user’s password by setting it to an invalid value.

Help. Displays online help.

The Manage Users Page

The Manage Users page allows you to edit user information and attributes. For an LDAP database, the page provides search fields that allow you to find user entries.

The following elements are displayed:

Select Directory Service. Allows you to select the directory service with the user(s) you want to manage.

Select. Displays the user elements corresponding to the type of directory service selected.

The New Group Page

The New Group page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to create a group entry within the directory server.

For more information, see Creating Groups.

The following elements are displayed:

Type of Group. Specifies whether the group is static or dynamic. Dynamic groups are generated dynamically based upon LDAP attributes and filters. Dynamic groups can slow your group lookups.

Go. Click this button to load data.

Group Name. Specifies the group name.

Description. Specifies a description of the group.

Add New Group To. Specifies the directory to which you are adding the group. The default location is your directory’s root point.

Create Group. Adds the group to the LDAP database.

Create and Edit Group. Adds the group, and then proceeds to The Edit Groups Page for the group you have just added.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Edit Groups Page

The Edit Groups page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to edit a group entry. If you want to change an attribute value that does not appear on this page, use the ldapmodify command line utility.

For more information, see Managing Groups.

The following elements are displayed:

Group Name. Specifies the group you want to edit.

Description. Specifies a description of the group.

Member Url. Specifies the LDAP URL. For more information, see Guidelines for Creating Dynamic Groups.

Group Members. Lists the members of the group. Click Edit to add, modify, or delete members in the group.

Group Cert Members. Specifies the members of the group certificate. Click Add to add members to the group certificate.

Owner. Specifies the owner of the group. Click Edit to add, modify, or delete the group owner.

See Also. References other directory entries that may be relevant to the current group. See Also allows users to easily find entries for people and other groups that are related to the current group. Click Edit to add, modify, or delete See Also references.

Save Changes. Saves the changes to the LDAP directory.

Rename Group. Renames the group in the LDAP directory.

Delete Group. Deletes the group from the LDAP directory.

Help. Displays online help.

The Edit Members Page

The Edit Members page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to add, edit, or delete users or groups in a group or organization. You can add or delete members individually, or by using searches.

For more information on groups, see Managing Groups.

For more information or organizations, see Creating Organizational Units.

The following elements are displayed:

Remove from List? Click the checkbox next to the name of the member user or group you want to remove from the list of members.

Find. Specifies whether you are searching for users or groups.

matching. Specifies the string or character to search for in the user or the group name.

Find and Add. Finds the user or group in the LDAP database and adds them to the group.

Find and Remove. Finds the user or group in the LDAP database and deletes the user or group from the group.

Save Changes. Saves the changes to the LDAP directory.

Cancel. Erases your changes and returns to previous page.

Help. Displays online help.

The Group Cert Members Page

The Group Cert Members Page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to specify the information necessary to request a certificate from a commercial or an internal certificate authority (CA).

The following elements are displayed:

Common name. Specifies the fully qualified hostname used in DNS lookups (for example, This is the hostname in the URL that a browser uses to connect to your site. It’s important that these two names are the same, otherwise a client is notified that the certificate name does not match the site name, which will make people doubt the authenticity of your certificate. However, some CAs might require different information, so it’s important to contact them.

Email Address. Specifies the business email address used for correspondence between the business and the CA.

Organization. Specifies the official, legal name of the company, educational institution, partnership, and so on. Most CAs require that you verify this information with legal documents (such as a copy of a business license).

Organization Unit(s). Describes an organization within your company. This can also be used to specify a less formal company name (without the Inc., Corp., and so on).

Locality. Specifies the city, principality, or country for the organization.

State or Province. Specifies the state or province in which the organization is located. Most CAs require the full name, not abbreviations.

Country. Specifies the country in which the organization is located. Most CAs require the two-letter country code (for example, US for United States of America).

Save Changes. Saves your entries.

Help. Displays online help.

The Manage Groups Page

The Manage Groups page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to manage group memberships. You can find groups, change group attributes, add and delete owners of the group, add and delete members of the group, rename the group, delete the group, and change the group’s description.

The following elements are displayed:

Find group. Specifies the name of the group that you want to find. You can enter any of the following in the search field:

Find all groups whose. Allows you to build a custom search filter. Use this field to narrow down the search results that are otherwise returned by Find Groups. You can specify the following search criteria:

Look within. Specifies the organizational unit under which you want to search for entries. The default is the directory’s root point, or top-most entry.

Format. Specifies whether the output is formatted for display on screen or for printing to a printer.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The New Organizational Unit Page

Organizational units are subdivisions within your company that use the organizationalUnit object class. The New Organizational Unit page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to create a new organizational unit in the directory server.

For more information, see Creating Organizational Units.

The following items are displayed:

Unit Name. Specifies the name of the organizational unit.

Description. Specifies a description of the organizational unit.

Add Organizational Unit To. Specifies the parent organizational unit under which this new organizational unit will reside.

Create Organizational Unit. Adds the organizational unit to the LDAP database.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Manage Organizational Units Page

The Manage Organizational Units page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to manage the company’s organizational units.

For more information, see Managing Organizational Units.

The following elements are displayed:

Find organizational unit. Specifies the name of the organizational unit that you want to find. You can enter any of the following in the search field:

Find all units whose. Allows you to build a custom search filter. Use this field to narrow down the search results that are otherwise returned by Find Organizational Unit. You can specify the following search criteria:

Look within. Specifies the organizational unit under which you want to search for entries. The default is the directory’s root point, or top-most entry.

Format. Specifies whether the search results are formatted for display on screen or for printing to a printer.

Reset. Erases your changes and resets the elements in the page to the values they contained before your changes.

Help. Displays online help.

The Edit Organizational Unit Page

The Edit Organizational Unit page pertains to LDAP services only and allows you to add, edit, or remove an organizational unit.

For more information, see Managing Organizational Units.

The following elements are displayed:

Unit Name. Specifies the name of the organizational unit.

Description. Specifies a description of the unit.

Phone. Specifies the phone number of the organizational unit.

Fax. Specifies a fax number of the organizational unit.

Mailing Address. Specifies the mailing address of the organizational unit.

Save Changes. Saves the changes made on this page.

Rename. Renames the organizational unit in the LDAP database.

Delete. Deletes the organizational unit from the LDAP database.

Help. Displays online help.

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