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Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q1 High Availability Administration Guide 

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active-healthcheck-enabled 1


and default JMS host 1

Administration Console

using to configure the JMS Service 1

using to create JMS hosts 1


HTTP load balancing 1

RMI-IIOP failover 1

alternate endpoints, RMI-IIOP failover 1


modifications made by load balancer plug-in 1


enabling for load balancing 1

quiescing 1

asadmin create-jms-host command 1

asadmin get command 1

asadmin set command 1

assigned requests 1


EJB container level 1

enabling and disabling 1

for stateful session beans 1

for web modules 1

levels of 1

server instance level 1


cacheDatabaseMetaData property 1

checkpoint-at-end-of-method element 1

checkpointing 1

selecting methods for 1, 2

checkpointing of stateful session bean state 1


quiescing 1

configure-ha-cluster command 1

configure-ha-persistence command 1

connection pool

properties for HADB 1

settings for HADB 1

Connection Validation Required setting 1

ConnectionTrace attribute 1

cookie-based session stickiness 1

CoreFile attribute 1

create-http-lb-config command 1

create-http-lb-ref command 1


data redundancy unit (DRU) 1

Data Source Enabled setting 1

Database Vendor setting 1

DatabaseName attribute 1

databuf option 1

DataBufferPoolSize attribute 1

datadevices option 1

DataDeviceSize attribute 1, 2

DataSource Classname setting 1

dbpassword option 1

dbpasswordfile option 1

delete-http-lb-ref command 1


setting availability during 1

details option 1

DevicePath attribute 1, 2

devicepath option 1

devicesize option 1

disable-http-lb-application command 1

disable-http-lb-server command 1

distributable web application 1

distributable web applications 1

distributed HTTP sessions 1


overview 1

dynamic reconfiguration, of load balancer 1


EagerSessionThreshold attribute 1

EagerSessionTimeout attribute 1

EJB container

availability in 1

eliminateRedundantEndTransaction property 1

enable-http-lb-application command 1

enable-http-lb-server command 1

endpoints, RMI-IIOP failover 1

EventBufferSize attribute 1

export-http-lb-config command 1


Fail All Connections setting 1


for web module sessions 1

JMS connection 1

of stateful session bean state 1

RMI-IIOP requirements 1

fast option 1

file system support 1


Global Transaction Support setting 1

Guarantee Isolation Level setting 1



adding machines 1

adding nodes 1

architecture 1

clearing the database 1

configuration 1

connection pool properties 1

connection pool settings 1

customer support 1

data corruption 1

database name 1

double networks 1

environment variables 1

expanding nodes 1

getting device information 1

getting resource information 1

getting status of 1, 2

getting the JDBC URL 1

heterogeneous device paths 1

history files 1

listing databases 1

machine maintenance 1

monitoring 1

nodes 1, 2

port assignments 1

refragmenting 1

removing a database 1

restarting a node 1

restarting the database 1

setting attributes 1, 2

starting a node 1

starting the database 1

stopping a node 1

stopping the database 1

HADB configuration

file system support 1

network configuration 1

node supervisor process 1

shared memory on Linux 1

shared memory on Solaris 1

time synchronization 1

HADB management agent, starting 1, 2

HADB setup 1

hadbm addnodes command 1

hadbm clear command 1

hadbm clearhistory command 1

hadbm command 1

hadbm create command 1

hadbm delete command 1

hadbm deviceinfo command 1

hadbm get command 1

hadbm list command 1

hadbm refragment command 1

hadbm resourceinfo command 1

hadbm restart command 1

hadbm restartnode command 1

hadbm set command 1

hadbm start command 1

hadbm startnode command 1

hadbm status command 1, 2

hadbm stop command 1

hadbm stopnode command 1

health-checker 1

HistoryPath attribute 1

historypath option 1

hosts option 1, 2


HTTPS routing 1

session failover 1

HTTP sessions

distributed 1


routing 1, 2

session failover 1


idempotent URLs 1

InternalLogbufferSize attribute 1


JdbcUrl attribute 1


configuring 1

connection failover 1

connection pooling 1

creating hosts 1

default host 1

JMS host list

and connections 1

JNDI Name setting 1


load balancing

assigned requests 1

changing configuration 1

creating a load balancer configuration 1

creating a reference 1

dynamic reconfiguration 1

enabling applications 1

enabling server instances 1

exporting configuration file 1

health-checker 1

HTTP algorithm 1

idempotent URLs 1

multiple web server instances 1

quiescing applications 1

quiescing server instances or clusters 1

RMI-IIOP requirements 1

session failover 1

setup 1

sticky round robin 1

loadbalancer.xml file 1

locks option 1

logbuf option 1

LogbufferSize attribute 1


magnus.conf file, web server 1

maxStatement property 1

MaxTables attribute 1


Name setting 1

network configuration requirements 1

nilogbuf option 1

node supervisor process and high availability 1

nodes option 1

no-refragment option 1

no-repair option 1

number-healthcheck-retries 1

NumberOfDatadevices attribute 1

NumberOfLocks attribute 1, 2

NumberOfSessions attribute 1


obj.conf file, web server 1


password property 1

persistence store

for stateful session bean state 1

Pool Name setting 1

Portbase attribute 1

portbase option 1

primary endpoints, RMI-IIOP failover 1



applications 1

server instances or clusters 1


RelalgdeviceSize attribute 1

round robin load balancing, sticky 1

route cookie 1


saveto option 1

server instances

enabling for load balancing 1

quiescing 1

serverList property 1

session failover


session persistence

and single sign-on 1

configuration steps 1

for stateful session beans 1, 2

for web modules 1

session store

for HTTP sessions 1

for stateful session beans 1, 2

SessionTimeout attribute 1

set option 1, 2

shared memory

Linux 1

Solaris 1

single sign-on

and session persistence 1


patches 1

support 1

spares option 1, 2, 3

SQLTraceMode attribute 1

startlevel option 1, 2

StartRepairDelay attribute 1

stateful session beans 1

session persistence 1

session persistence of 1

StatInterval attribute 1

Steady Pool Size setting 1

sticky round robin load balancing 1

Sun Java System Message Queue

connector for 1

Sun web server

modifications by load balancer 1

sun-ejb-jar.xml file 1


Solaris 1

SyslogFacility attribute 1

SysLogging attribute 1

SysLogLevel attribute 1

SyslogPrefix attribute 1


Table Name setting 1

TakeoverTime attribute 1


load balancer configuration 1

time synchronization 1

Transaction Isolation setting 1


and session persistence 1, 2


unassigned requests 1

unhealthy server instances 1

username property 1


Validation Method setting 1


web applications

distributable 1, 2

web container

availability in 1, 2

web servers

modification for load balancing 1

multiple instances and load balancing 1

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