Sun Java System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 for HP-UX

Sun Java™ System Access Manager Release Notes for HP-UX

Version 6 2005Q1

Part Number 819-1559-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java™ System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 (formerly Sun JavaTM System Identity Server) for HP-UX. Known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this document before you install and use this release.

The most up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java System documentation web site:

Check the web site before installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter to view the most up-to-date release notes and product documentation.

These release notes contain the following sections:

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Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History


Description of Changes

February, 2005

Initial release of Sun Java System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 Release Notes for HP-UX.

July, 2005

Release of RR version of Sun Java System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 Notes for HP-UX.

About Access Manager 6 2005Q1

Sun Java System Access Manager is an identity management solution designed to meet the needs of rapidly expanding enterprises. Access Manager enables you to get identities for your employees, your partners and suppliers into one online directory. It provides a means for establishing policies and permissions regarding who has access to which information in your enterprise. Access Manager is the key to all your data, your services, and who has access to what - it’s the key to all your internal and external business relationships.

This section includes:

What’s New in This Release

The Access Manager 2005Q1 include the following features. For more a more detailed explanation of these features, see the Sun Java System Access Manager Technical Overview.

A performance tuning script is available to tune Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 (8.1) as a web container

Hardware and Software Requirements

The following hardware and software are required for this release of Access Manager.

Table 2  Hardware and Software Requirements 



Operating system

HP-UX11i V1


512 Mbytes

Disk space

250 Mbytes for Access Manager and associated applications

Bugs Fixed in This Release

The table below describes the bugs fixed in Access Manager 6 2005Q1:

Table 3  Fixed Bugs in Access Manager 6 2005Q1  

Bug Number



Relocability of Access Manager not tested, so install AM in its default path.

Known Issue

Default paths of Solaris is shown when Access manager is configured in the CLI mode.

Important Information

Web Server or Application Server can be used as web container for deploying Access Manager.

For information about running the configuration scripts, see the Access Manager 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

Package Requirement Information

The following table describes the packages required for HP-UX installation:

Table 4  Access Manager 5.2 Alignment Patches Required For HP-UX

Package Number

Package Description

Java Out of box 2.03.01


GNU Gettext 0.14.1

This packages installs gettext utility at /usr/local/bin

Libiconv 1.9.2

Needed for gettext utility to work

Patch Requirement Information

The following table describes the patches required for HP-UX installation:

Table 5  Access Manager 5.2 Alignment Patches Required For HP-UX

Patch Number

Patch Description


Gold Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, June 2004


Gold Base Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, June 2004

PHSS_30966 1.0

ld and linker cumulative patch

Known Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations of Sun Java System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 for HP-UX. For a list of the known issues and limitations in this component, refer to the following Release Notes:

Redistributable Files

The Sun Java System Access Manager 6 2005Q1 does not contain any files that you can redistribute.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java System Access Manager, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

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To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the guide or at the top of the document.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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