Sun Java System Portal Server Release Notes for HP-UX

Sun Java™ System Portal Server Release Notes for HP-UX

Version 6 2005Q1

Part Number 819-1571-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java™ System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 for HP-UX. Known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using Portal Server 6.

The most up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java System documentation web site: Check the web site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter to view the most up-to-date release notes and product documentation.

These release notes contain the following sections:

Third-party URLs may be referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.


Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 



February, 2005

Initial release of Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Release Notes for HP-UX

July, 2005

Release of RR version of Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Release Notes for HP-UX

About Portal Server 6 2005Q1

The Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 product gives end users a Portal Desktop, which provides access to resources and applications. The Portal Server software also provides a search engine infrastructure that enables intranet content to be organized and accessed from the Portal Desktop. Additionally, in this release, the communication channels are now installed with the Portal Server software. The communication channels consist of mail, calendar, address book, and instant messaging channels.

Portal Server also offers Secure Remote Access support, which enables remote users to securely access their organization’s network and the services offered over the Internet. Additionally, it gives your organization a secure Internet portal, providing access to content, applications, and data to any targeted audience: employees, business partners, or the general public.

This section includes:

What’s New in This Release

The following Secure Remote Access features are new and have not been documented in the Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

Using the Access Manager administration console, the Portal Server administrator can choose whether to launch Netlet with Java Web Start or the Netlet applet. If the administrator chooses Java Web Start, when the user clicks Netlet icon on the desktop, the browser is launched and Netlet runs. When using Java Web Start, once it is deployed, Netlet does not need to be downloaded again.

Hardware and Software Requirements

The following hardware and software are required for this release of Portal Server 6 2005Q1.

Table 2  HP-UX Hardware and Software Requirements


Platform Requirement

Supported Platforms


Operating System

HP-UX 11i v1


1 Gbytes

Disk space

500 Mbytes

For software requirements, see the Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes at

Bugs Fixed in This Release

The table below describes the bugs fixed in Portal Server 6 2005Q1 (3.6):

Table 3  Fixed Bugs in Portal Server 6 2005Q1 

Bug Number



Default database and Discussion database is missing in Beta Release.


Certification generation on HP-UX fails for PS-SRA configuration.

Important Information

Installation Notes

This section contains installation information for:

Default Paths and File Names

The following table describes the default paths and file names used.

Table 4  Default Paths and File Names




Represents the base installation directory for Portal Server. The Portal Server 2005Q1 default base installation and product directory depends on your specific platform:


For example, if the install root is /opt (the default) the Portal Server is installed in /opt/sun/portal_svr.


Represents the base installation directory for Access Manager. The Access Manager 2005 Q1 default base installation and product directory depends on your specific platform:



Represents the base installation directory for Sun Java System Directory Server. Refer to the product documentation for the specific path name.


Represents the base installation directory for Sun Java System Application Server. Refer to the product documentation for the specific path name.


Represents the base installation directory for Sun Java System Web Server. Refer to the product documentation for the specific path name.

Portal Server Configuration

For Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Portal Server can be installed and configured to run with either:

Web Containers

After Portal Server and Access Manager SDK have been installed using Sun Java Enterprise Server installation program, use the following procedures to install JSR168 sample portlets or WSRP samples. If you use Sun Java System Web Server or Sun Java System Application Server, install the WSRP samples.


In the Beta Release, Application Server is not supported as web container.

For detailed instructions on installing the Sun Java Enterprise System component products, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide at

To Install WSRP Samples on Web Server or Application Server

The following manual steps are needed after the Portal Server and Access Manager SDK have been installed on Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 and Sun Java Server Application Server 8:

  1. Restart the Web Server or Application Server instance.
  2. Make sure that the PATH setting includes /usr/bin. This is needed for awk part of script to run correctly.
  3. Execute the following commands to configure the WSRP samples.
    • /opt/sun/portal_svr/samples/wsrpconsumer/consumersampleconfig


Post Installation Configuration

This section is organized as follows:

The psconfig Script

If you have installed Portal Server with the Sun Java Enterprise System installer with the “Configure Later” option, use psconfig to configure the Portal Server component product. The following checklists in this section describe the parameters used to configure the Portal Server component product.

To run psconfig:

  1. As root in a terminal window, go to the directory that contains the psconfig script:
  2. cd /PortalServer-base/portal_svr/lib

  3. Configuration can be performed in either the interactive mode or using a silent file.
    • To configure in the interactive mode, execute the psconfig script by typing ./psconfig and then enter appropriate answers for the configuration questions.

      See “Configuring Portal Server in Interactive Mode.”

    • To configure using the sample silent file, execute the psconfig script by typing

      ./psconfig -s pssamplesilentfile

      See “Configuring Portal Server in Silent Mode.”


      Sample pssamplesilent file is available at the location PortalServer-base/portal_svr/lib. Modify this file for your setup details before using it.

If you have performed a minimal installation, you will need to use the psconfig script to configure your Portal Server installation. The following checklists describe the values that you will need for a post-install configuration. Depending on the type of installation you perform, the values that you use might vary.

The Checklists are organized in the following way:

Portal Server And Secure Remote Access Configuration Checklist

The table below is a three column table that lists all the values that you might need for a post-install configuration. Depending on the type of installation you perform, the values that you use might vary.


The Portal Server 2005Q1 default base installation and product directory depends on your specific platform:



If a parameter is not applicable to a container, it is not included in the table.

Table 5  Portal Server Configuration Checklist 


Default Value



Sun Java System Portal Server components to be configured


Set “1” to configure PortalServer.

Set “2” to configure Secure Remote Access Core.

Set “3” to configure Gateway.

Set “4” to configure NetletProxy.

Set “5” to configure RewriterProxy.

To Configure multiple components, use a comma (,) to separate entries.



The directory where Sun Java System Portal Server configurator components are installed


This is the base directory in which the Portal Server software is installed using Java Enterprise System Installer.

The base directory depends on the platform you are using.

For example, if the install root is /opt (the default) the Portal Server is installed in:



The Configuration mode in which you want the Sun Java System configurator needs to be executed


Possible values are:

configure–Configure the Portal Server Components.

Deployment Information


The web container on which Portal Server is being deployed. The Portal Server can be deployed on

Sun Java System Web Server

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1


Possible values are:

IWS = Sun Java System Web Server

SUNONE8 = Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

Web Container Information

Sun Java System Web Server



Directory in which the Sun Java System Web Server is installed.


The web server instance you want the Portal Server to use. Note: The instance name should not contain spaces.



The Web Server Directory where static pages are kept.



The administrator user ID.



The administration server Protocol.


The administration server hostname.



The port number of the administration server.



The JDK Directory that is being used by the web container.

Web Container Information

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1



Directory in which the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 is installed



The Sun Java System Application Server domain contains a set of instances. The domain specified will contain the instance used by the Portal Server.

This domain must already be configured.



The full path of the domain specified that will be configured for the Portal Server.



The name of the Sun Java System Application Server instance to which the Portal Server will be deployed.

This instance must already be configured. The instance name should not contain spaces.



The Application Server Directory where static pages are kept.



The administrator user ID.



The administration server Protocol.


The administration server hostname.



The port number of the administration server.



The JDK Directory that is being used by the web container.

Secure Remote Access Information (for configuring Secure Remote Access Support)


Gateway Protocol


The Protocol used by the gateway. The gateway will communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


Gateway Port


The port on which the gateway listens.


Gateway Profile Name


A gateway profile contains all the information related to gateway configuration, such as the port on which gateway listens, SSL options, and proxy options. You can create multiple profiles in the gateway administration console and associate different instances of gateway with different profiles.

See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide.



The domain name for the machine on which the Portal Server is installed.


Gateway Domain


The domain name of the gateway machine.


Administrator (amadmin) Password


The top level administrator (amadmin) password chosen during the Sun Java System Identity Server software installation.


Internal LDAP Authentication User Password


The Internal LDAP Authentication User Password chosen during the Sun Java System Identity Server installation.


Directory Manager DN

cn=Directory Manager

The directory manager DN chosen during the installation of the Sun Java System Directory Server.


Directory Manager Password


The directory manager Password chosen during the installation of the Sun Java System Directory Server.


Deploy Administrator Password


This is the web-container’s Administrator Password.


Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.

The sample silent file looks like the following:


# Install/Config components (Use comma (,) to separate entries ):


# 1. PortalServer

# 2. Secure Remote Access Core

# 3. Gateway

# 4. NetletProxy

# 5. RewriterProxy





# Portal Server keys


############ PS_CONFIGURATION_MODE possible values#####################

# configure - Configure the Portal Server Components.



##################### PS_DEPLOY_TYPE possible values###########################

# IWS = WebServer

# SUNONE8 = AppServer8.1



##################### PS_DEPLOY_DIR possible values#############################

# /opt/sun/webserver=WebServer

# /opt/sun/appserver = AppServer 8.1



##################### PS_DEPLOY_DOMAIN possible values#########################

# null = WebServer



#################### PS_DEPLOY_INSTANCE_DIR possible values########################

# /var/opt/sun/appserver/domains/domain1 = AppServer8.1

# null - for other containers.



##################### PS_DEPLOY_INSTANCE possible values#######################

# = WebServer

# server1 = AppServer 7.0

# server = AppServer 8.1



##################### PS_DEPLOY_DOCROOT possible values#########################

# /opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs = WebServer

# /var/opt/sun/appserver/domains/domain1/docroot = AppServer 8.1







# SRACore keys







SRA_DS_DIRMGR_DN=cn=Directory Manager





# Gateway keys












Gateway Configuration Checklist

The table below is a three column table for the Gateway Installation Checklist.

Table 6  Gateway Configuration Checklist


Default Value




The protocol used by the gateway. The gateway will usually communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


The host name of the machine on which the gateway is installed.



The port on which the gateway machine listens.



The IP Address should be that of the machine where Gateway is installed and not that of the Sun Java System Identity Server.


Gateway Profile Name


A gateway profile contains all the information related to gateway configuration, such as the port on which gateway listens, SSL options, and proxy options. You can create multiple profiles in the gateway administration console and associate different instances of gateway with different profiles. See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide.


Load balancer controlling Portal Server Instances.


If you are not using any Load Balancer URL then use the Portal Server URL. http://fully-qualified-domain:port/portal-deploy_uri for example:



The Certificate Information should be provided in the following format:

L=The name of your city or locality,
ST=The name of your state,
C=The two letter country code for your country,
O=The name of your organization,
OU=The name of your division

For example, “CN=$GW_HOST,L=SantaClara,ST=California,C=us,O=Portal,OU=Sun”


Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.


Certificate Database Password


This can be any password you choose.

Certificate Information

Organization (O)


The name of your organization.

Division (OU)


The name of your division.

City or Locality (L)


The name of your city or locality

State or Province (ST)


The name of your state

Two-Letter Country Code (C)


The two letter country code for your country.

Certificate Database Password


This can be any password you choose.

Retype Password


Retype the password to verify.

Netlet Proxy Configuration Checklist

The table below is a three column table for the Netlet Proxy Installation Checklist. The first column lists the parameters. The second column lists the default value. The third column lists a description for the parameter.

Table 7  Netlet Proxy Configuration Checklist 


Default Value




The protocol used by the Netlet Proxy. The Netlet Proxy will usually communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


The host name of the machine on which Netlet Proxy is installed.



The port on which the Netlet Proxy listens.



The IP address should be that of the machine where Netlet Proxy is installed and not that of Sun Java System Identity Server.


Gateway Profile Name


Specify the same profile name specified when you installed Portal Server or Secure Remote Access support.

See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide for more information.


Load balancer controlling Portal Server Instances.


If you are not using any Load Balancer URL then use the Portal Server URL. http://fully-qualified-domain:port/portal-deploy-uri

For example



The Certificate Information should be mentioned in the following format “CN=$GW_HOST, L=<The name of your city or locality>,ST=<The name of your state>,C=<The two letter country code for your country>,O=<The name of your organization>,OU=<The name of your division>”

For example, “CN=$GW_HOST,L=SantaClara,ST=California,C=us,O=Portal,OU=Sun”


Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.

Rewriter Proxy Configuration Checklist

The table below is a three column table for the Rewriter Proxy Installation Checklist. The first column lists the parameters. The second column lists the default value. The third column lists a description for the parameter.

Table 8  Rewriter Proxy Checklist 


Default Value




The protocol used by the Rewriter Proxy. The Rewriter Proxy will usually communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


The host name of the machine on which Rewriter Proxy is installed.



The port on which the Rewriter Proxy listens.



The IP address should be that of the machine where Rewriter Proxy is installed and not that of Sun Java System Identity Server.


Gateway Profile Name


Specify the same profile name specified when you installed Portal Server or Secure Remote Access support. See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide for more information.


Load balancer controlling Portal Server Instances.


If you are not using any Load Balancer URL then use the Portal Server URL. http://fully-qualified-domain:port/portal-deploy-uri for example



The Certificate Information should be provided in the following format “CN=$GW_HOST,L=<The name of your city or locality>,ST=<The name of your state>,C=<The two letter country code for your country>,O=<The name of your organization>,OU=<The name of your division>”

For example “CN=$GW_HOST,L=SantaClara,ST=California,C=us,O=Portal,OU=Sun”


Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.

Configuring Portal Server in Interactive Mode

  1. As root in a terminal window, go to the directory that contains the psconfig script:
  2. cd PortalServer-base/portal_svr/lib

  3. To configure Portal Server in interactive mode, execute the psconfig script by typing ./psconfig and then enter appropriate answers for the configuration questions.

Portal Server

The table below is a three column table that lists all the values that you might need for a post-minimal install configuration. Depending on the type of installation you perform, the values that you use might vary.

Table 9  Portal Server Configuration Checklist


Default Value



Select the component(s) for Installation or Uninstallation:

1. Portal Server

2. Secure Remote Access Core

3. Gateway

4. Netlet Proxy

5. Rewriter Proxy


  • Set “1” to configure PortalServer.
  • Set “2” to configureSecure Remote Access Core.
  • Set “3” to configure Gateway.
  • Set “4” to configure NetletProxy.
  • Set “5” to configure RewriterProxy.

To Configure multiple components, Use comma (,) to separate entries.


Choose one of the following configuration options:

1. configure

2. scrubds

3. unconfigurewithoutscrubds

4. unconfigurewithscrubds


configure – Configure the Portal Server Components.

scrubds – Remove the Portal Server Components entries from the Directory Server.

unconfigurewithoutscrubds – Unconfigure the Portal Server Components without removing the entries from the Directory Server.

unconfigurewithscrubds – Unconfigure the Portal Server and also remove the entries from the Directory Server.

Portal Server Configuration Information

What is the Portal Server Web Containers host

Fully Qualified Name of the Portal Server

Is the Portal Server Web Containers port secure


The Protocol to be used while accessing the Portal Server. Possible values are No: If the Protocol is http. Or Yes: If the Protocol is https

What is the Portal Server Web Containers port


Port number to be used for accessing the Portal Server.

What is the Portal Server deployment URI


The URI is the space on the web server or application server that the Portal Server uses. The value for the deployment URI must have a leading slash and must contain only one slash. However, the deployment URI can not be a “/" by itself.

Choose the container to which the portalserver needs to be configured:

1. Sun Java System Web Server

2. Sun Java System Application Server 8.1


The web container on which Portal Server is being deployed. Possible values are

1 = Sun Java System Web Server

2 = Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

Web Container Information

Sun Java System Web Server

Where is the Web Container installed


Directory in which the Sun Java System Web Server is installed.

What is the Web Container instance

The web server instance you want the Portal Server to use. Note: The instance name should not contain spaces.

Web Container Information

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

Where is the Web Container installed


Directory in which the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 is installed

What is the Web Container domain


The Sun Java System Application Server domain contains a set of instances. The domain specified will contain the instance used by the Portal Server. This domain must already be configured.

What is the Web Container Deploy Instance Directory


The full path of the domain specified that will be configured for the Portal Server.

What is the Web Container Deploy Instance


The name of the Sun Java System Application Server instance to which the Portal Server will be deployed. This instance must already be configured. The instance name should not contain spaces.

What is the Web Container Document Directory


The Application Server Directory where static pages are kept.

Who is the Web Container administrator


The administrator user ID.

What is the HostName of the Machine where Web Container is Installed

The administration server hostname.

Is the Web Container administration port secure


The Protocol to be used while accessing the Portal Server. Possible values are No If the Protocol is http Or Yes If the Protocol is https.

What is the Web Container administration port


The port number of the administration server. Note: The default Administrator Port for Sun Java System Application Sever 8.1 is “4849.”

What is the Web Container administrator password


This is the web-container’s Administrator Password.

Secure Remote Access Core Configuration Information (for configuring Secure Remote Access Support)

What is the Gateway protocol

Gateway Protocol


The Protocol used by the gateway. The gateway will communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

What is the Portal Server domain

Portal Server Domain


The domain name for the machine on which the Portal Server is installed.

What is the Gateway domain

Gateway Domain


The domain name of the gateway machine.

What is the Gateway port

Gateway Port


The port on which the gateway listens.

What is the Gateway profile

Gateway Profile Name


A gateway profile contains all the information related to gateway configuration, such as the port on which gateway listens, SSL options, and proxy options.

You can create multiple profiles in the gateway administration console and associate different instances of gateway with different profiles.

See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide.

What is the Gateway logging user password

Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.



Re-enter the Gateway Logging User Password.


The table below is a three column table that contains the checklist for gateway configuration. Column one lists the parameter. Column two contains the default value for the parameter. Column three lists the description.

Table 10  Gateway Configuration Checklist


Default Value


What is the Gateway protocol


The protocol used by the gateway. The gateway will usually communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

What is the Gateway host

The host name of the machine on which the gateway is installed.

What is the Gateway port


The port on which the gateway machine listens.

What is the Gateway IP Address


The IP Address should be that of the machine where Gateway is installed and not that of the Sun Java System Identity Server.

What is the Gateway profile Gateway Profile Name


A gateway profile contains all the information related to gateway configuration, such as the port on which gateway listens, SSL options, and proxy options.

You can create multiple profiles in the gateway administration console and associate different instances of gateway with different profiles.

See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide.

What is the Gateway logging user password

Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.



Re-enter the Gateway Logging User Password.

What is the Portal Server Load Balancer URL

Load balancer controlling Portal Server Instances.


If you are not using any Load Balancer URL then use the Portal Server URL. http://fully-qualified-domain:port/portal-deploy-uri

For example,

Certificate Information

What is the name of your organization


The name of your organization.

What is the name of your division


The name of your division.

What is the name of your city or locality


The name of your city or locality

What is the name of your state or province


The name of your state

What is the two-letter country code


The two letter country code for your country.

What is the password for the Certificate Database


This can be any password you choose.



Retype the Certificate Database password to verify.

Netlet Proxy

The table below is a three column table for the Netlet Proxy configuration checklist. Column one lists the parameter. Column two lists the default value. Column three contains the description.

Table 11  Netlet Proxy Configuration Checklist


Default Value


What is the Netlet Proxy protocol


The protocol used by the Netlet Proxy. The Netlet Proxy will usually communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

What is the Netlet Proxy host

The host name of the machine on which Netlet Proxy is installed.

What is the Netlet Proxy port


The port on which the Netlet Proxy listens.

What is the Netlet Proxy IP Address


The IP address should be that of the machine where Netlet Proxy is installed and not that of Sun Java System Identity Server.

What is the Gateway profile

Gateway Profile Name


Specify the same profile name specified when you installed Portal Server or Secure Remote Access support.

See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide for more information.

What is the Gateway logging user password

Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.



Re-enter the Gateway Logging User Password.

What is the Portal Server Load Balancer URL

Load balancer controlling Portal Server Instances.


If you are not using any Load Balancer URL then use the Portal Server URL. http://fully_qualified_domain:port/portal_deploy_uri

For example

Certificate Information

What is the name of your organization


The name of your organization.

What is the name of your division


The name of your division.

What is the name of your city or locality


The name of your city or locality

What is the name of your state or province


The name of your state

What is the two-letter country code


The two letter country code for your country.

What is the password for the Certificate Database


This can be any password you choose.



Retype the Certificate Database password to verify.

Rewriter Proxy

The table below is a three column table that contains the Rewriter Proxy configuration checklist. Column one lists the parameter. Column two lists the default value. Column three contains the description.

Table 12  Rewriter Proxy Configuration Checklist


Default Value


What is the Rewriter Proxy protocol


The protocol used by the Rewriter Proxy. The Rewriter Proxy will usually communicate using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

What is the Rewriter Proxy host

The host name of the machine on which Rewriter Proxy is installed.

What is the Rewriter Proxy port


The port on which the Rewriter Proxy listens.

What is the Rewriter Proxy IP Address


The IP address should be that of the machine where Rewriter Proxy is installed and not that of Sun Java System Identity Server.

What is the Gateway profile

Gateway Profile Name


Specify the same profile name specified when you installed Portal Server or Secure Remote Access support.

See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in the Sun java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administrator’s Guide for more information.

What is the Gateway logging user password

Gateway Logging User Password


This allows administrators with non-root access to look at gateway log files.



Re-enter the Gateway Logging User Password.

What is the Portal Server Load Balancer URL

Load balancer controlling Portal Server Instances.


If you are not using any Load Balancer URL then use the Portal Server URL. http://fully-qualified-domain:port/portal-deploy-uri

For Example,

Certificate Information

What is the name of your organization


The name of your organization.

What is the name of your division


The name of your division.

What is the name of your city or locality


The name of your city or locality

What is the name of your state or province


The name of your state

What is the two-letter country code


The two letter country code for your country.

What is the password for the Certificate Database


This can be any password you choose.



Retype the Certificate Database password to verify.

For information on post-installation tasks see Portal Server Post-Installation Tasks.

Configuring Portal Server in Silent Mode

To configure the Portal Server using the samplesilent file, modify the pssamplesilent file located at PortalServer-base/lib and execute the psconfig script.

  1. As root in a terminal window, go to the directory that contains the psconfig script:
  2. cd PortalServer-base/portal_svr/lib

  3. Type:
  4. ./psconfig -s pssamplesilentfile

For information on post-installation tasks see Portal Server Post-Installation Tasks.

Portal Server Post-Installation Tasks

Post-installation tasks need to be performed for each of the following components:

Portal Server

To access the Portal Server or the Identity Server administration console the directory server and the web container must first be started.

Use the following command to start a local installation of the directory server:


The following post-installation tasks depend on the type of web container on which you deployed the Portal Server.

Sun Java System Web Server

To start the Sun Java System Web Server:

  1. Start the admin instance. In a terminal window type:


  1. Access the Sun Java System Web Server administration console.
  2. Click Apply Changes to restart the web container.

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

To configure the Application Server Instance, do the following:

  1. Stop the domain instance. In a terminal window, type:
  2. /opt/sun/appserver/bin/asadmin stop-domain domainname

    For example

    /opt/sun/appserver/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain1

  3. Start the domain instance. In a terminal window, type:
  4. /opt/sun/appserver/bin/asadmin start-domain --user administrator-user-name --passwordfile /opt/sun/appserver/bin/admin.password domainname

    Content of /opt/sun/appserver/bin/admin.password should be AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin password>

    For example,

    /opt/sun/appserver/bin/asadmin start-domain --user admin --passwordfile /opt/sun/appserver/bin/admin.password domainname

Installing JSR168 Sample Portlets and WSRP Samples on Third-Party Web Containers

After Portal Server and Access Manager SDK have been installed using Java Enterprise Server installer, use one of the following procedures to install JSR168 sample portlets or WSRP samples. If you use Sun Java System Web Server or Sun Java System Application Server, install the WSRP samples.

To Install WSRP Samples On Web Server or Application Server

The following manual steps are needed after the Portal Server and Access Manager SDK have been installed on Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 and Sun Java Server Application Server 7:

  1. Restart the Web Server or Application Server instance
  2. Make sure that the PATH setting includes /usr/bin. This is needed for awk part of script to run correctly.
  3. Execute the following commands to configure the WSRP samples.
    • PortalServer-base/samples/wsrpproducer/producersampleconfig

      Provide the Access Manager admin password when prompted.

    • PortalServer-base/samples/wsrpconsumer/consumersampleconfig

      Provide the Access Manager admin password when prompted.

Secure Remote Access

When using the Portal Server with the gateway, the gateway Certificate Authority (CA) certificate must be added to the Portal Server trusted CA list, regardless of whether the Portal Server is running in HTTP or HTTPs mode.

When a user session time out or user session logout action happens, the Sun Java System Identity Server sends a session notification to the gateway. Even when the Sun Java System Identity Server is running in HTTP mode, it will act as an SSL client using HttpsURLConnection to send the notification. Since it is connecting to an SSL server (the gateway), it should have the gateway CA certificate as part of the Trusted CA list or it should have an option to allow self signed certificate.


The method for adding the CA to the trusted CA list depends on the protocol handler defined.

To create HttpsURLConnection, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM™) property -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs needs to be set.

If Portal Server is running on the Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Application Server, or BEA WebLogic Server, this property is correctly set to by default. The Sun Java System Identity Server package has the implementation of HttpsURLConnection and it provides an option to accept self-signed certificates from any SSL server by adding the flag in the file.

The -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs is not set by default for the IBM WebSphere Application Server. The HttpsURLConnection implementation for supported application servers must use their own default handler (this could be JSSE or custom SSL implementation).

Configuring Multiple Gateways on Multiple Portals

When installing a second gateway on a second portal, you must manually update the Forward Cookie URLs value to point to the second Portal.

  1. Log in to the Access Manager Administration Console.
  2. Select the Service Configuration tab.
  3. Click Gateway.
  4. Add the second Portal to the Forward Cookie URLs list.

Starting and Stopping the Gateway

  1. Start the gateway using the following command:
  2. /opt/sun/portal_svr/bin/gateway -n new-profile-name start

    default is the default name of the gateway profile that is created during installation. You can create your own profiles later, and restart the gateway with the new profile. See “Creating a Gateway Profile” in Chapter 2 of the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

If you have multiple gateway instances, use:

gateway-base/portal_svr/bin/gateway start


This step is not required if you selected the Start Gateway after installation option during the gateway installation.


Ensure that only the configuration files for the instances that you want to start are in the /etc/opt/sun/portal_svr.

If you want to stop all the gateway instances that are running on that particular node, use the following command:

gateway-base/portal_svr/bin/gateway stop

Netlet and Rewriter Proxy

Before starting the Netlet Proxy and the Rewriter Proxy, ensure that the gateway profile is updated with the Netlet Proxy and the Rewriter Proxy options.

Verifying the Portal Server Installation

Access the Portal Server Administration Console and Desktop

To Access the Sun Java System Identity Server Administration Console

  1. Open a browser.
  2. Type protocol://hostname.domain:port/amconsole
  3. For example,

  4. Enter the administrator’s name and password to view the administration console.
  5. This is the name and password you specified at the time of installing the Sun Java System Identity Server software.

To Access the Portal Server Desktop

Verify the Portal Server installation by accessing the Desktop. Use the following URL to access the Desktop: protocol://fully-qualified-hostname:port/portal-URI

For example,

When you access the Desktop, the Authless Desktop is displayed. This allows users accessing the Desktop URL to be authenticated automatically and granted access to the Desktop.

If the sample Portal Desktop displays without any exception, then your Portal Server installation is good.

Verifying the Gateway Installation

  1. Run the following command to check if the gateway is running on the specified port (the default port is 443):
  2. netstat -an | grep port-number

    If the gateway is not running, start the gateway in the debug mode, and view messages that are printed on the console. Use the following command to start the gateway in debug mode:

    PortalServer-base/portal_svr/bin/gateway -n profilename start debug

Also view the log files after setting the gateway.debug attribute in the platform.conf.profilename file to message. See the section Understanding the platform.conf File in Chapter 2, “Administering Gateway” in the Sun Java System Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide, for details.

  1. Run the Portal Server in secure mode by typing the gateway URL in your browser:
  2. https://gateway-machine-name:portnumber

    If you have chosen the default port (443) during installation, you need not specify the port number.

  3. Login to the Identity Server administration console as administrator using the user name amadmin, and using the password specified during installation.

You can now create new organizations, roles, and users and assign required services and attributes in the administration console.

Known Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations of Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 for HP-UX. For a list of the known issues and limitations in this component, refer to the following Release Notes:

The following topics are the known issues:


Reverse proxy has been not tested (6298197).

Reverse proxy has been not tested in Java Enterprise System 3 installer release for RR.



Proxylet does not get downloaded, throws exception (6297851).

Proxylet does not get downloaded, throws exception.



Gateway not tested with two different subnets (6299952).

Gateway not tested with two different subnets in Java Enterprise System 3 installer release for RR.



Redistributable Files

Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 does not contain any files which you can redistribute.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java System Portal Server, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

If your problems seem to be associated with a client, please have the following information available:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.

To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the guide or at the top of the document.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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