Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Sun Java™ Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Version 2005Q1

Part Number 819-1573-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java™ Enterprise System 2005Q1 for Windows. Known limitations and problems, technical notes, and other information are addressed in this release. Read this document before you begin using Java Enterprise System.

The up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java Enterprise System documentation web site: Check the web site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter to view the up-to-date release notes and product documentation.

These release notes contain the following sections:

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.


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Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 



February, 2005

Initial release of Sun Java™ Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows.

July, 2005

Release of RR version of Sun Java™ Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows.

About Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1

This section includes:

Sun Java Enterprise System Components for Windows

The following components are supported in the Windows version of Sun Java Enterprise System:

What’s New in Sun Java Enterprise System

Table 2  New Features in Sun Java Enterprise System Components 

Component Product


Access Manager

  • Product name has changed from Identity Server to Access Manager
  • New authentication modules: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Mobile Station ISDN, (MSISDN), Active Directory, and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
  • Policy Management includes a new Resource Name plug-in: HttpURLResourceName

Console enhancements:

  • Ability to customize the view of each object type in the navigation pane by displaying one or more of the attributes of the object
  • Ability to add new object types in the navigation pane drop-down menu (for example, adding an entry for printers or buildings

Federation Management:

  • Support for the Liberty Alliance Project (LAP) Name Identifier Mapping Protocol
  • Support for the LAP Identity Web Services Framework (ID-WSF) Discovery Service Specification, Version 1.1
  • Support for the LAP ID-WSF Authentication Service Specification
  • Support for the LAP Metadata Description and Discovery Specification
  • Support for the LAP Liberty Identity Federation Framework (ID-FF) Extended Profiles:
  • Dynamic Identity Provider Proxying
  • Affiliation Federation
  • One-time Federation
  • Name Identifier Mapping Profile
  • Name Identifier Encryption Profile

Client SDK:

  • Repackaged SDK (Authentication, Service Management, User Management, SAML, Policy Client, and Session components) so that Java application developers can better integrate with Access Manager
  • Removed the dependency on the serverconfig.xml file and minimized the footprint of the jar files

Performance tuning script is available to tune Application Server 8.1 as a web container

Administration Server

  • No new features

Application Server

  • JSEE 1.4 support
  • High performance and scalability
  • High availability
  • JavaServer Faces 1.1 support
  • JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library 1.1 support

Calendar Server

  • Automatic Backups - csstored is now a service that starts up when start-cal is issued. It must be configured to function properly
  • Read-only database - You can configure Calendar Server to only allow reads but no updates or deletions to your calendar databases. This is recommended when data corruption is suspected but you need to keep your databases available for production work. No updates or deletions are accepted during this time
  • User Management Utility Name Change - The User Management Utility (command-line utility) is now called the Delegated Administrator Utility
  • Delegated Administrator GUI - There is a new Delegated Administrator GUI, but it does not support Calendar Server for the 2005Q1 release
  • Installation Changes for Directory Preparation Script - This post-installation configuration program is now a separately installable component in the Java Enterprise System Installer. It is no longer bundled in the installation of Calendar Server
  • csstored service has been added in this release

Directory Proxy Server

  • No new features

Directory Server

  • In versions of Directory Server prior to Directory Server 5.2 2005Q1, you could not rename an entry. With Directory Server 5.2 2005Q1 you can rename and move an entry.
  • Extension of the retro change log to identify the order in which updates are made for each replica

Instant Messaging

  • Updated and Improved Instant Messaging Client
  • XMPP, the IETF instant messaging and presence standard protocol
  • Enhanced Monitoring features
  • Monitoring Via the watchdog Utility
  • Determining the Status of the watchdog Utility
  • Starting and Stopping the watchdog Utility
  • Monitoring the Instant Messaging Server

Message Queue

  • New Technical Overview
  • Reorganized Administration Guide
  • Reorganized Developer Guide for Java Clients
  • Reorganized Developer Guide for C Clients
  • Dead Message Queue
  • No Acknowledgement Mode
  • Connection Failure Detection (Client Ping)
  • Client Message Body Compression
  • JMS Resource Adapter Changes
  • 64-bit C-API support
  • Deprecation of -p/-password Command
  • C-API Certificate Management
  • C-API Basic Authentication Support
  • New Sample Application, MQPing

Messaging Server

  • Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q1
  • Secure/Multipurpose Internet mail Extension (S/MIME), supported by Sun Java System Communications Express Mail
  • Support for anti-spam/anti-virus programs that work with the Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP)
  • Enhanced logging

Portal Server

No new features

Web Server

No new features

System Requirements

Sun Java Enterprise System and associated applications require minimum 30 Mbytes of disk space. The Operating system for Sun Java Enterprise System is Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Service Pack 4.

Table 3  Supported Platforms for Java Enterprise System 3 Windows


Typical Hardware

Minimum RAM

RAM Recommended

Swap Space

Windows 2000 SP4

PIV or later 8GB




Windows XP SP2*

PIV or later 8GB




* For development purpose only

Table 4  Component Disk Installation Space and RAM Requirements 


Minimum Disk Space and RAM Requirements for Installation

Messaging Server

500 Mbytes of disk space, 512 Mbytes of RAM

Message Queue

30 Mbytes of disk Space, 256 Mbytes of RAM

Instant Messaging

300 Mbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

Directory Server

50 Mbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

Directory Proxy Server

200 Mbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

Web Server

300 Mbytes of disk space; 256 Mbytes of RAM

Application Server

500 Mbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

Portal Server, Portal Server SRA

1 Gbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

Calendar Server

500 Mbytes of disk space; 128 Mbytes of RAM

Administration Server

50 Mbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

Access Manager

100 Mbytes of disk space; 512 Mbytes of RAM

For more information on disk space and RAM requirements, refer to the respective component Release Notes.

Windows Patch Level Equivalents With Solaris

All JES 2005Q1 components for Windows correspond to the same source code level as the initial JES 2005Q1 release on Solaris except where stated below. In the below list, the patch level quoted, is the equivalent patch level for the Solaris version.

Delegated Admin    118210-24 (sparc)

Communications Express    118540-10 (sparc)

Instant Messaging    118788-05 (sparc - core), 118789-05 (sparc - im -sdk)

Calendar Server    116577-18 (core), 117011-16 (l10n)

Messaging Server    118207-28 (sparc)

Java 2 Standard Edition Requirements

Sun Java Enterprise System is certified with Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.5_01 from Sun Microsystems. Subsequent releases of Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.x also functioning with the Sun Java Enterprise System.

Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 includes the appropriate version of J2SE.

If your system has J2SE 1.5_01 runtime environment installed without development tools, installer installs the development tools package while re-installing the Sun Java Enterprise System. This package contains several facilities required by the Sun Java Enterprise System. See the Java Enterprise System Installation Guide at for details on how to determine the version of J2SE installed on your system and how to prepare your system prior to installing Java Enterprise System.

Unsupported Features

The following is the list of upsupported features:

Bugs Fixed in This Release


Important Information

This section contains the following:

Component Release Notes

All information on specific Sun Java Enterprise System components appears in the respective component release notes.

Support for Netscape Security Services 3.9.5

Version 3.9.5 of the Netscape security libraries is included in Java Enterprise System. Directory Server, Directory Proxy and Administration Server depend on the version of the libraries installed under \<jes-install-dir>\share\lib\ while all other components that depend on these libraries depend on the newer version installed under \<jes-install-dir>\share\lib\jes.

Known Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations of Sun Java Enterprise System for Windows. For a list of known issues and limitations across other platforms refer to

This section covers the following topics:

Free Space Requirement

Space in system folder Temp directory should be double the size of the installer (6237302)

The computer's system drive Temp folder should have a free space double than the size of the installer.

For example, if the installer zip size is 380 Mbytes the default system drive's [C:\] Temp folder should have 380 x 2 = 760 Mbytes free space and the same applies to the install directory too. This is a requirement for the install shield as well. This hold even while trying to install in any other drive [D:\ or E:\], it should have a free space of 780 Mbytes and above.



Configure Later

In the Configure later mode if a blank space is present after the User ID or Password the configuration fails (6232650)

In the configure later mode if a blank space is present after the User ID and Password in the properties file of any of the product, the product will not get configured successfully.



Folder Names

JES cannot be installed in the folders with folder names with space in between (6293986)

For example Program Files folder must be named as ProgramFiles without the space in between the two words.



Destination Folder Path

Destination folder path "/" displays incorrectly on zh_CN locale (6290945)

When you install JES3 on Windows 2000 AS, at the “Select destination folder path” panel, the default path is C:/Sun/". The "/" displays as RMB character in the Chinese language.




Panel for selection of web containers (WS/AS) is not available while installing JES (6282934)

JES web container dialog box shows up only when you do not select any of the web containers (Application server or Web server) in the Product selection panel during installation.



Installer gets stuck on MS configuration when starting dispatcher server (6278215)


Stop the MS configuration by Ctrl+C. Once installation is over from the command prompt navigate to <INSTALL_DIR>/Server-Root/sbin and execute stop-msg and start-msg. This will start all the MS services.

Disk Space

JES - MQ PE distro installation gives fatal error (6285856)

JES installation gives fatal errors when installing in a drive with insufficient space and then switching to another drive with sufficient space.

Before you begin installation check that there is enough space in the drive in which you are going to install the product. Once you get the error message that there is insufficient memory space in the current drive, it is not possible to shift to another drive. The installer gives fatal error message and crashes.

Login Error

Unable to login PS, error page displays: A serious error has occurred in the Desktop (6291499)

This may have been caused by a mis-configuration on the server. Please report this problem to your administrator.


After completing the installation start Directory Server and then the web container ( Web Server or Application Server) instance. Run psconfig.bat in <INSTALL_DIR>/PortalServer/config with -S option. i.e. psconfig -S and restart the container instance once reconfiguration is done.

General Issues

Redistributable Files

Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 does not contain any files which you can redistribute.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you experience problems with Java Enterprise System, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

To assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.

To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the title of this book is Sun Java™ Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows, and the part number is 819-1573-10.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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