Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Sun Java™ System Application Server Enterprise Edition Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Version 8 2005Q1

Part Number 819-1576-10

The Sun Java™ System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 product greatly simplifies the task of creating and administering web services applications. It provides superior performance, clustering, and high availability features for scalable services that continue to operate despite software and hardware faults. The Application Server provides a development path for web services that simplifies the development process while providing uniquely flexible growth opportunities.

These release notes contain important information available at the time of the Sun Java System Application Server 8 2005Q1 product release for Windows. Component requirements, platform summary, known problems, and other late-breaking issues are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using the Application Server product.

The most up-to-date version of these release notes can be found at the Sun Java System documentation web site: Check the web site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter to view the most up-to-date release notes and product documentation.

This document contains the following sections:

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Release Notes Revision History

This section lists the changes that have been made in these release notes after the initial release of the Application Server 2005Q1 component

Revision Date


February, 2005

Initial release of Sun Java™ System Application Server 8 2005Q1 Release Notes for Microsoft Windows.

July, 2005

Release of RR version of Sun Java™ System Application Server 8 2005Q1 Release Notes for Microsoft Windows.


About Application Server 8 2005Q1

The Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 is a J2EE 1.4 platform-compatible server for the development and deployment of J2EE applications and Java technology-based web services in large-scale production environments.

This section includes:

What’s New in Application Server 8 2005Q1

The Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 implements many new and enhanced features, described in the following sections:

Enhancements in This Release

The Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 includes the following enhancements:

J2EE Support

The Sun Java System Application Server 8 2005Q1 supports the J2EE 1.4 platform. The following table describes the enhanced APIs available on the J2EE 1.4 platform.

Table 1  Major API changes on the J2EE 1.4 Platform 




Application and Application Client

Implementation of standard deployment descriptors by means of XML schemas

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 2.1

Timer service and EJB Web-service endpoint

Java Servlet 2.4

Web-service endpoint filter

JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0 architecture

Expression language and tag library

J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5

Inbound resource adaptor and Java Message Service (JMS) pluggability

Web Services

Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5

Integrated toolkit for building, testing and deploying XML applications, Web services, and Web applications

Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC) 1.1

Mapping for WSDL and Java technology and support for development of Web-service clients and endpoints

WS-I Basic Profile 1.0

The enabling element for interoperability using WSDL and SOAP

SOAP with attachment API for Java (SAAJ) 1.2

An API for SOAP-based messaging; fosters the creation of SOAP messages with attachments

Java APIs for XML Registries (JAXR) 1.0

A uniform and standard API for accessing XML registries, such as those for Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI and ebXML)


J2EE Deployment 1.1

Standard APIs that enable deployments of J2EE components and applications

J2EE Management 1.0

Definitions for the information model for managing the J2EE platform

Java Management Extensions (JMX) 1.2

Standard management API

Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) 1.0

Definitions of security contracts between a J2EE Application Server and the authorization policy provider

Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.2

An API with which applications can parse and transform XML documents; also adds support for processing of XML schemas

JMS 1.1

A messaging standard that enables J2EE application components to create, send, receive, and read messages; also adds support for uniform APIs for queues and topics

JavaMail 1.3

A set of abstract classes that model a mail system; also includes minor updates to the APIs

High Performance

The Application Server includes a high performance EJB container, Web container and services, and supports concurrent message delivery with the Sun Java System Message Queue software.


The Application Server supports horizontal scalability through clustering of server instances and request load balancing. It also achieves class leading vertical scalability supporting large multi-processor machines. The integrated message broker can be clustered for better scalability and availability. Client access from HTTP clients, RMI/IIOP based Rich Client Applications, Web Services Clients, and JRM Clients can be load balanced to Application Server clusters.

High Availability

The Application Server includes load balancing for HTTP, IIOP, and JMS clients; HTTP session failover support; EJB clustering and failover support; highly available EJB timers; distributed transaction recovery; support for rolling application upgrades; and a high availability database for storing the transient state of J2EE applications.

Availability allows for failover protection of Application Server instances in a cluster. If one Application Server instance goes down, another Application Server instance takes over the sessions that were assigned to the unavailable server. Session information is stored in the HADB. HADB supports the persistence of HTTP sessions, Stateful Session Beans, and Single Sign On credentials.

JavaServer Faces 1.1 Support

The Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 supports JavaServer Faces 1.1 technology. The JavaServer Faces technology consists of a set of server-side APIs that represent user-interface components that manage their state, event, handling, and input validation. The APIs also define page navigation and support internationalization and accessibility. You can add custom UI components with a JSP custom tag library.

While developing with JavaServer Faces technology, each member of a development team can focus on a single piece of the process. A simple programming model then links the pieces, resulting in a much more efficient and simpler development cycle.

Hardware and Software Requirements

This section lists the requirements that must be met before installing the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 product.

Platform Requirements

The following table lists the operating systems that are supported for Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 product. Additionally, the minimum and recommended memory requirements are identified for installing and running the Application Server


Table 2  Sun Java System Application Server 8 2005Q1 Platform Requirements 

Operating System

Minimum Memory

Recommended Memory

Minimum Disk Space

Recommended Disk Space


Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 4+

512 Mbytes

1 Gbytes

250 Mbytes free

500 Mbytes free

JDK 1.5

To check your operating system version, use the ver command. To check the disk space use the mem command.

JDBC Drivers and Databases

The Sun Java System Application Server is designed to support connectivity to any DBMS with a corresponding JDBC driver. For a list of components that Sun has tested and found to be acceptable for constructing J2EE compatible database configurations, please refer to the following table:

Table 3  J2EE Compatible JDBC Drivers

JDBC Vendor

JDBC Driver Type

Supported Database Server

i-net Software

Type 4

Oracle (R) 8.1.7, 9i,

i-net Software

Type 2

Oracle (R) 9i,

i-net Software

Type 4

Sybase ASE 12.5.2

i-net Software

Type 4

MS SQL Server 2000 4.0 Service Pack 1


Type 2

IBM DB2 8.1 Service Pack 3+


Type 4

PointBase Network Server 4.8

For more information about i-net Software, see:

The following table identifies additional supported JDBC drivers; however these drivers are not J2EE compatible.

Table 4  JDBC Drivers not J2EE compatible

JDBC Vendor

JDBC Driver Type

Supported Database Server


Type 4

Oracle (R), 10G



Sybase ASE 12.5.1

Additional drivers have been tested to meet the JDBC requirements of the J2EE 1.4 platform with the JDBC Driver Certification Program. These drivers can be used for JDBC connectivity with the Sun Java System Application Server. While Sun offers no product support for these drivers, we support the use of these drivers with the Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server.

Configuring Oracle

Oracle JDBC drivers must be configured properly to be compliant with J2EE 1.4. Use the following configuration for Type 2 and Type 4 drivers:

  1. Use the JDBC driver from or later.
  2. The Oracle database needs to have compatible= or higher in its parameter (init.ora) file.
  3. Use the ojdbc14.jar file.
  4. Configure the Application Server to define the following JVM property:

Configuring PointBase

Many sample applications use the PointBase database server included with the Application Server. When using Application Server Enterprise Edition, you must configure the PointBase database server before using it. Before using PointBase with the Application Server, however, note the supported configuration combination.

Table 5  Supported J2SE/PointBase Combinations

Application Server



J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 1.4


J2SE 5.0

J2SE 5.0

There are two ways to configure PointBase:

To use the first method:

  1. Make sure you have the J2SE installed that you want to use.
  2. Download J2SE 1.4.2 if you do not already have it.

  3. Using the command appropriate for your operating system and shell, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which J2SE is installed; for example:

To use the second method, the procedure depends on the operating system.

Solaris and Linux

Edit the install_dir/pointbase/tools/serveroption/pbenv.conf configuration file, changing the line:


where J2SE_location is the directory where the J2SE is installed. If you installed J2SE with Application Server, it is installed by default to install_dir/jdk. After making this change, you can start PointBase using the startserver script.


Edit the install_dir\pointbase\tools\serveroption\pbenv.bat configuration file, changing the line:

set PB_JAVA=%%%PB_JAVA%%%

where J2SE_location is the directory in which the J2SE is installed. If you installed J2SE with Application Server, it is installed by default to install_dir\j2se1.4. After making this change, you can start PointBase by running startserver.bat.

Web Servers

This section lists the web servers that are supported for the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1.

Table 6  Supported Web Servers

Web Server


Operating System

Sun Java System Web Server

6.1 Service Pack 4

Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Apache Web Server

1.3, 2.0


Microsoft IIS


Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 4+


This section lists the browsers that are supported with the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1.

Table 7  Browsers Supported





Netscape Navigator

4.79, 6.2

Internet Explorer

5.5 Service Pack 2, 6.0

High Availability Requirements and Limitations

The following high availability requirements must be met before configuring the Sun Java System Application Server High Availability component:

Other Requirements

The following additional requirements should be met before installing the Sun Java System Application Server software.

For further compatibility information, see Upgrade and Migration Guide at:

Standalone Version

The standalone version of Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 differs in several ways from the Java ES Enterprise Edition version; specifically:

Related Documentation

In addition to these release notes, the Application Server component includes an entire set of documentation that can be found at this location:

The following table summarizes the books included in the Application Server core application documentation set.

Table 8  Books in This Documentation Set 

Book Title


Release Notes

Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, JDK, and JDBC/RDBMS.

Quick Start Guide

How to get started with the Sun Java System Application Server product.

Installation Guide

Installing the Sun Java System Application Server software and its components.

Deployment Planning Guide

Evaluating your system needs and enterprise to ensure that you deploy Sun Java™ System Application Server in a manner that best suits your site. General issues and concerns that you must be aware of when deploying an application server are also discussed.

Developer’s Guide

Creating and implementing Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™ platform) applications intended to run on the Sun Java System Application Server that follow the open Java standards model for J2EE components and APIs. Includes general information about developer tools, security, assembly, deployment, debugging, and creating lifecycle modules.

J2EE 1.4 Tutorial

Using J2EE 1.4 platform technologies and APIs to develop J2EE applications and deploying the applications on the Sun Java System Application Server.

Administration Guide

Configuring, managing, and deploying the Sun Java System Application Server subsystems and components from the Administration Console.

High Availability Administration Guide

Post-installation configuration and administration instructions for the high-availability database.

Administration Reference

Editing the Sun Java System Application Server configuration file, domain.xml.

Upgrade and Migration Guide

Migrating your applications to the new Sun Java System Application Server programming model, specifically from Application Server 6.x and 7. This guide also describes differences between adjacent product releases and configuration options that can result in incompatibility with the product specifications.

Performance Tuning Guide

Tuning the Sun Java System Application Server to improve performance.

Troubleshooting Guide

Solving Sun Java System Application Server problems.

Error Message Reference

Solving Sun Java System Application Server error messages.

Reference Manual

Utility commands available with the Sun Java System Application Server; written in manpage style. Includes the asadmin command line interface.

Bugs Fixed in This Release


Known Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations of Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 for Windows. For a list of the known issues and limitations in the component, refer to the following Release Notes:

This section describes known problems and associated workarounds for the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 2005Q1 component. If a summary statement does not specify a particular platform, the problem applies to all platforms. This information is organized into the following sections:

Load Balancer

Entries to be made to the file before configuring Load Balancer in Configure Later mode (6228092)

The Load-Balancer Plug-in is configured to use ports 1111 and 1112 in the server used for AS_WSINSTANCENAME in the file. Following entries must be made into the file before configuring Load Balancer in Configure Later mode:



The Load-Balancer Plug-in is configured to use ports 1111 and 1112

The Load-Balancer Plug-in is configured by default to use ports 1111 and 1112 in the file.




Initial configurator in Configure Later does not have GUI

The initial configurator used in Configure Later mode does not have a GUI support.


You can manually update the and run DASConfigurator.bat and LBConfigure.bat

Impossible to enter AS master password and the master pswd is unknown to the user (6295958)

The configurator will take the admin password as the master password. The AS_ADMINPASSWD that is entered in will be taken as the masterpassword also.



Redistributable Files

Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 does not contain any files that can be redistributed.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

Use the following resources to handle problems you may encounter with the Application Server product:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. Use the web-based form to provide feedback to Sun:

Please provide the full document title and part number in the appropriate fields. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the part number of these Release Notes document is 819-1576-10.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following locations:

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