Sun Java System Messaging Server Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Sun Java™ System Messaging Server
Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

Version 6.2 2005Q1

Part Number 819-1585-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java™ System Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 for Windows. Known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1.

The Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 release includes the following products and tools:

These release notes contain the following sections:

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.


Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Release Notes Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

February, 2005

Initial release of Sun Java™ System Messaging Server release notes for Microsoft Windows.

July, 2005

Release of RR version of Sun Java™ System Messaging Server release notes for Microsoft Windows.

About Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1

Messaging Server is a high-performance, highly secure messaging platform that can scale from thousands to millions of users. It provides extensive security features that help ensure the integrity of communications through user authentication, session encryption, and the appropriate content filtering to prevent spam and viruses. With Messaging Server, enterprises and service providers can provide secure, reliable messaging services for entire communities of employees, partners, and customers.

Messaging Server provides a powerful and flexible solution to the email needs of enterprises and messaging hosts of all sizes by using open Internet standards.

This section includes:

What’s New in Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1

The following new features and enhancements were added to the Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 release:

Messaging Server has introduced additional features and updates described in the sections that follow.

MTA Enhancements

New MTA features include the following:

Deprecated Features

Support for the following features may be eliminated in a future release:

Messenger Express and Calendar Express

Going forward, no new features will be added to the Messenger Express and Calendar Express user interfaces. They have been deprecated in favor of the new Communications Express user interface. Sun Microsystems, Inc. will announce an end-of-life time line for Messenger Express and Calendar Express at a future date.

Administration Console

The Sun Java System Administration Console has been deprecated and will be removed from the Messaging Server product in a future release.

Netscape Browser Support

Firefox browser support will replace Netscape browser support at some point.


This section describes the platform, client product, and additional software requirements for this release of Messaging Server:

Supported Platforms

This release supports Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 4.

For detailed information about Windows platform requirements, see the
Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes for Microsoft Windows(


The performance of your messaging server depends on many factors, including CPU power, available memory, disk space, file system performance, usage patterns, network bandwidth, and so on. For example, throughput is directly related to file system performance. If you have questions about sizing and performance, contact your Sun Java System representative.

Client Software Requirements

For Messenger Express access, Messaging Server requires a JavaScript-enabled browser. For optimal performance, Sun recommends the browsers listed in the following table:

Table 2  Messaging Server 6 2004Q2 Client Software Recommendations 



Netscape™ Communicator


Internet Explorer

5.5 or 6.0


1.2 or 1.4

Product Version Compatibility Requirements

Messaging Server is compatible with the product versions listed in the table below:

Table 3  Product Version Compatibility Requirements 



Sun Java System Directory Server

5.1, 5.2

Sun Java System Access Manager

6.1 (Command-line Interface Only)

Sun Java System Web Server

6.1 (but 6.0 Service Pack 5 if you are using iPlanet Delegated Administrator)

NSS Version Requirements

Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 requires the use of the shared security component NSS version 3.9.4.

For more details about product version dependencies, see the
Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide ( and
Sun Java Enterprise System Release Notes (

Messaging Server Use of Administration Server

Messaging Server uses Administration Server for the following purposes:

Additional Software Requirements

A high quality caching DNS server on the local network is a requirement for a production deployment of Messaging Server. Messaging Server depends heavily on the responsiveness and scalability of the DNS server.

Additionally, ensure in your setup that DNS is properly configured and that it is clearly specified how to route to hosts that are not on the local subnet:

Make sure that the FQDN is the first host name in the \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.

If your Internet host table in your \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file has multiple line, like:


123.456.78.910 budgie loghost mailhost

change it to one line for the IP address of the host. The first host name should be a fully qualified domain name. For example:

123.456.78.910 budgie loghost mailhost

Bugs Fixed in This Release


Important Information

This section covers the following topics:

Installation Notes

These installation notes pertain to the Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 release:

Installation Overview for Messaging Server

Use the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installer to install Messaging Server.

For installation instructions, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installation Guide Microsoft Windows.

Next, you must configure Messaging Server by,

Checking the \etc\hosts file entry

If you are installing Messaging Server for the first time, ensure that you have the following entry in \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on your Windows system:

Installation Overview for Delegated Administrator

To install Delegated Administrator, use the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installer to install the following components:

The Delegated Administrator software is installed together with Access Manager.

For installation instructions, see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Installation Guide

Next, you must configure Delegated Administrator by

For post-installation configuration instructions, see the Sun Java System Communications Services Delegated Administrator Guide.

Compatibility Issues

Documentation Updates for Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1

These Release Notes are the only document published with the Communications Services 6.2 2005Q1 release.

Messaging Server Documents

Use the following URL to see all the Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 documentation:

Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 provides the following documents:

Communications Services Documents

Use either one of the following URLs to see the documentation that applies to all Communications Services 6.2 2005Q1 products:


The following documents are available:

Known Issues and Limitations

This section describes the known issues and limitations of Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 for Windows. For a list of the known issues and limitations in the component, refer to the following Release Notes:

This section comprises the following topics:



Active Perl 5.8.3 is required to be pre-installed on the system if Instant Messaging, Messaging Server and Calendar Server are selected for installation. (6293991)

Stress Testing

Connection Timeout errors during load conditions on Windows (6295747)

Connection Timeout errors occur during load conditions on Windows.


  1. Set the number of threads for each of the services to 25 using
  1. Create a file named ims-ms_option and write DELIVER_THEADS=5. Place the file under <server-root>\config directory.
  2. Follow the steps below on OS tuning for Messaging Server under heavy load:
  3. Certain kernel parameters should be modified to optimize performance for the Sun Java System Messaging Server on Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

    1. Edit the registry entries as given below:
      1. Run Registry Editor (RegEdit.exe).
      2. Go to the following key in the registry:
      3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip\Parameters

      4. Choose Add Value from the Edit menu and create the following entries:
      5. Table 4  Add Value entries 

        Value Name

        Data type


        Default Value



        30 (decimal)

        0xF0 (240 decimal) not in registry by default




        0xF0 (240 decimal) not in registry by default

    2. Set the Performance option to Application in System Properties
      1. MyComputer > Properties
      2. Select the advanced tab, go to Performance options and set the parameter as specifed above.

Redistributable Files

The following redistributable files are provided with Messaging Server 6.2:

Communications Express

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java™ System Communications Express 6.2 2005Q1 for Windows. Known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here.

This release notes contains the following sections:

About Communications Express 6.2 2005Q1

Sun Java™ System Communications Express Version 6 2005Q1 provides an integrated web-based communication and collaboration client that consists of three client modules - Calendar, Address Book and Mail. The Calendar and Address Book client modules are deployed as a single application on any web container and are collectively referred as the Unified Web Client (UWC). Messenger Express is the standalone web interface mail application that uses the HTTP service of the Messaging Server.

Communications Express Supported Browsers

Communications Express can be viewed using:

Communications Express Installation Notes

The following are the dependent services for Communications Express:

  1. Directory Server. Install Sun Java System Directory Server version 5.2.
  2. Calendar Server. Install Sun Java System Calendar Server Version 6.1.
  3. Web Server. Install Sun Java System Web Server version 6.1 SP4 with JDK version1.5.
  4. Messaging Server. Install Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.2.
  5. Access Manager. Install Sun Java System Access Manager 6.2.
  6. Application Server. Install Sun Java System Application Server 8.1.

  7. Note

    Communications Express has been tested and is supported only with the server versions mentioned above. The Communications Express for Sun Java Enterprise System 3 Release can be deployed only on Sun Java System Application Server 8.1. The Communications Express Configurator supports only the Domain Administration Server (DAS) deployment for Application Server 8.1.

Refer to chapter 2, “Installing and Configuring Communications Express” of Sun Java Systems Communications Express Administration Guide for instructions on how to install and configure Sun Java System Communications Express.

Refer to chapter 4, “Implementing Single Sign-On” of Sun Java Systems Communications Express Administration Guide for instructions on how to configure Sun Java System Communications Express when Access Manager is deployed.

Communications Express Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues and limitations with un Java System Communications Express Version 6.2 2005Q1. The following topics are the known issues:

Deployment on Application Server is not supported

Deployment of Communications Express on Application Server is not supported.



Delegated Administrator Utility

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of release of Sun Java System Delegated Administrator 6.2 2005Q1 for Windows. Known issues and limitations, and other information are addressed here.

This release notes contains the following sections:

About Delegated Administrator 6.2 2005Q1

Sun Java System Delegated Administrator Version 6.2 2005Q1 is a set of command-line tool and GUI based support for provisioning users, groups, domains, and resources for Sun Java System Messaging Server and Sun Java System Calendar Server using Sun Java System Access Manager SDK.

Delegated Administrator Supported Browsers

Delegated Administrator can be viewed using:

Delegated Administrator Installation Notes

The following are the dependent services for Delegated Administrator:

  1. Directory Server. Install Sun Java System Directory Server version 5.2.
  2. Web Server. Install Sun Java System Web Server version 6.1 SP4 with JDK version1.5.
  3. Access Manager. Install Sun Java System Access Manager 6.2.

  4. Note

    Delegated Administrator has been tested and is supported only with the server versions mentioned above. The Delegated Administrator for Sun Java Enterprise System 3 Release can be deployed only on Sun Java System Application Server 8.1. Also, the Communication Express Configurator supports only the Domain Administration Server(DAS) deployment for Application Server 8.1.

Delegated Administrator Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues and limitations with Delegated Administrator 2005Q1. The following topics are the known issues:

Delegated Administrator cannot be configured in Quick Configure mode

Delegated Administrator cannot be configured in Quick Configure mode.



How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java System Messaging Server, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

You might also find it useful to subscribe to the Sun Java System Communications products customer newsletter for periodic updates from the product team about products and upcoming events. Subscribe at

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.

To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the title of this book is Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.2 2005Q1 Release Notes for Microsoft Windows, and the part number is 819-1585-10.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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