Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Technical Note

Sun Java™ Enterprise System Technical Note: Upgrading Sun™ ONE Portal Server 6.1 to Sun Java™ System Portal Server 6 2004Q2


Part Number 819-2317-10

The Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Technical Note: Upgrading Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 to Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 describes how to upgrade Sun™ ONE Portal Server 6.1 to Sun Java™ System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 (Portal Server 6.3). This document also describes how to upgrade the Sun™ ONE Portal Server 6.1, Secure Remote Access gateway component to Sun Java™ System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2004Q2 (Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6.3).

This technical note contains the following sections:

Technical Note Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

June 20, 2005

Initial release of this technical note.

Scenario Overview

This section provides an overview of this upgrade scenario, the hardware and software used, and the procedures you follow to install and configure this deployment.

This section contains the following topics:

Upgrade Overview

This example upgrade makes use of two hosts:

Both machines are running Solaris™ 9 Operating System (SPARC�).

Host portal-1 has the following initial software configuration:

Host gateway-1 has the following software configuration:

Upgrade Steps

This upgrade example involves the following high-level steps:

  1. Preparing to upgrade
  2. Running the Identity Server pre-upgrade script
  3. Installing Web Server 6.1
  4. Installing Identity Server 6.1
  5. Running the Identity Server post-upgrade script
  6. Upgrading Portal Server 6.1 to 6.2
  7. Upgrading Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.1 to 6.2
  8. Upgrading Portal Server 6.2 to Portal Server 6 2004Q2 (6.3)
  9. Upgrading Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 to Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2004Q2 (6.3)

Installation Notes and Recommendations


This example uses the following patches to complete the upgrade process:

The instructions in this technical note tell you when to apply the appropriate patch, and to which host. As patches are updated over time, the patches you download will likely be of a different revision than those used in this example. Be sure to use the most current version of the patches.

Web Container

This example uses Sun Java™ System Web Server as the web container. Using Sun Java™ System Application Server as the web container is not part of this document.

Multi-master Replication (MMR)

No LDAP replication is used in this example. Directory Server is not set up for Multi-master Replication (MMR).

Search and Subscription Databases

This example uses a remote search server host, and so there is no need to rebuild those server databases.

Certificate Databases

Certificates used were self-signed and generated by the Java ES installer.

Rewriter and Netlets

Netlets are not part of this deployment. Basic testing was performed to ensure that the Rewriter functionality was working and that internal sites could be browsed by using the gateway.

Portal Server Configuration Information Used in the Example

The two hosts in this example are configured with Portal Server components as follows:

This example does not include Netlet Proxy and Rewriter Proxy support. These components could be installed as follows:

Upgrading Identity Server 6.0 to Identity Server 6.1

This section describes how to upgrade the Identity Server component on host portal-1. For this section, refer to the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide for more information:

Preparing to Upgrade

  To Prepare to Upgrade

  1. Save the file before performing any of these procedures.
  2. Stop Identity Server.
  3. In the IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin directory, execute the following command:

    amserver stop

    Stopping Identity Server also stops Web Server.

Running the Identity Server Pre-Upgrade Script

Before you run the pre-upgrade script, be sure that Directory Server is up and running, and that Identity Server 6.0 and Web Server 6.0 are stopped.

  To Run the Pre-Upgrade Script for Identity Server

  1. In the directory where the Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 installer exists, run the pre-upgrade script.
  2. cd JavaEnterpriseSystem_Base/Product/identity_srv/Tools


  3. When prompted, provide the necessary information.
  4. This example uses the following data:

    • Directory Server fully-qualified hostname:
    • Directory Server port (389): <Enter>
    • Top-Level Administrator DN: uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=siroe,dc=com
    • Top-Level Administrator password: password1
    • Enter directory to store back up files (/opt): <Enter>
  5. The pre-upgrade script displays output similar to the following:
  6. Backup up files to /opt

    This can take a few minutes.

    backing up /opt/SUNWam/Servers to opt/servers.09090954

    This can take a few minutes.

    Removing IS 6.0 ...

    service SUNWamsvc Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 Services

    service SUNWamcon Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 Admin Console

    Uninstalling SUNWamsvc package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamcon package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamfcd package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamdoc package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamsam package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamsdk package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamutl package.

    Uninstalling SUNWamws package.

  7. When the script completes, proceed to the next section.

Upgrading Web Server

When upgrading Identity Server, first install Web Server 6.1, confirm that installation was successful, then install Identity Server 6.1. If the Web Server installation is unsuccessful, then the Identity Server installation will fail.


In addition to using the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 Installation Guide for system requirements and detailed installation steps:

  To Install Sun ONE Web Server 6.1

  1. In the directory where the Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 installer exists, run the installer command:
  2. ./installer

  3. Choose to install Sun ONE Web Server 6.1.
  4. Enter the information as necessary in the Common Server Settings window, and the various Web Server windows.
  5. Note the following:

    • Accept the default Administration port offered by the installer: 8888
    • The Administrator User ID for this example is admin.
    • Because you previously stopped Web Server, the installer assigns port 80 (the default) as the Web Server port. If the installer uses a different value, this means that port 80 is in use and that you have not yet stopped Identity Server or Web Server.
    • Doc Errata: In Step 13, “To Install Sun ONE Web Server 6.1,” the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide states the following:
    • “Automatically start Web Server when system restarts. By default, this is enabled.”

      By default, this is not enabled.

    • Doc Errata: Step 19b “To Install Sun ONE Web Server 6.1,” of the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide states that the default port is 58080.
    • This is incorrect. The default port should be 80.

Installing Identity Server 6.1

To install Identity Server 6.1, you must run the Java Enterprise System installer. During installation you must provide some parameters that were used when Identity Server 6.0 was installed.

  To Install Identity Server 6.1

  1. In the directory where the Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 installer exists, run the installer command:
  2. ./installer

  3. Choose to install Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1.
  4. Expand the Identity Server 6.1 listing, then check the following option:

    • Identity Management and Policy Services Core
  5. Refer to the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide for details.
  6. Note the following:

    • You cannot have the same password for amadmin and amldapuser.
    • Step 11, “To Install Identity Server 6.1,” of the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide, uses the following Password Encryption Key instead of the one in the manual: KmhUnWR1MYWDYW4xuqdF5nbm+CXIyOVt
    • This is a static password used for all previous versions of Identity Server/DSAME.

Running the Identity Server Post-Upgrade Script

The post-upgrade script updates schema in your existing directory tree from Identity Server 6.0 to Identity Server 6.1.

  To Upgrade Identity Server 6.1

  1. Run the Upgrade60DitTo61 script, located in the following directory:
  2. IdentityServer_Base/SUNWam/migration/60to61/scripts

  3. When prompted by the script, provide the appropriate information.
  4. The script displays output similar to the following:

    IS_dit_version = 6.0SP1

    Deleting DSS Service.

    Upgrading 6.0SP1* schema.

    modifying entry cn=schema

    Create DIT succeeded.

    Before proceeding, you MUST restart the directory server.

    Hit return when ready.

  5. When prompted by the script, log in through a terminal window and restart the Directory Server process. For example:
  6. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-portal-1


  7. Press Return in the first terminal window.
  8. See Output of the Identity Server Upgrade60DitTo61 Script for more information.

  9. After the script has finished, restart Directory Server, then restart Web Server. For example:
  10. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-portal-1


    cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/


  11. Verify that the upgrade was successful by logging in to the Identity Server console at the following URL:
  12. http://hostname.domainname:80/amconsole

    In this example, you would use:

  13. Note the following:
    • The pre-upgrade script creates a backup file of the file as /opt/
    • If any files are missing, especially configuration files, you can copy them from the /opt/SUNWam/lib directory. Any manual changes made to configuration files should also be replicated in this directory. For example, you might need to change the am.encryption.pwd property in the /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ file, as well as in the /opt/SUNWam/lib/ file.

    • Note

      As of Java ES 2005Q1, there is a symbolic link between these properties and files, hence you only need to make the change in one location.

  To Fix an Incorrect am.encryption.pwd Value

If you provided an incorrect value for the am.encryption.pwd value during either the pre-upgrade or post-upgrade script, use the following steps to correct this problem.

  1. Copy the static password KmhUnWR1MYWDYW4xuqdF5nbm+CXIyOVt provided in the Identity Server upgrade documentation to the file.
  2. The am.encryption.pwd password is provided during the Identity Server install and is used subsequently to create the encrypted passwords for puser and dsameuser. These two users are used in serverconfig.xml file.

    The following is an example of the /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/ums/serverconfig.xml file:


      <ServerGroup name="default" minConnPool="1" maxConnPool="10">

        <Server name="Server1" host="" port="389" type="SIMPLE" />

          <User name="User1" type="proxy">


              cn=puser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=com






          <User name="User2" type="admin">


              cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=sun,dc=com











  3. In a terminal window, as root, type:
  4. ./ampassword -e password_for_amadmin

    This displays the encrypted password.

  5. Copy the encrypted password into the serverconfig.xml file for both puser and dsameuser.

Upgrading Portal Server 6.1 to Portal Server 6.2

This section describes how to upgrade Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 to Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2. For this section, refer to Chapter 16, “Upgrading Sun ONE Portal Server Software from Version 6.1 to Version 6.2” in the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Migration Guide:

The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 to 6.2 upgrade process involves the following high-level steps:

  1. Running the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 preupgrade script to remove the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 packages and back up any modified templates
  2. Installing the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 software using the Java Enterprise System installer
  3. Completing the upgrade

Before You Begin

  To Stop Identity Server

Running the Portal Server Pre-Upgrade Script

The preupgrade script processes each Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 installed package for user modifications, saves any modifications to the /tmp/ps_backup directory, then removes each Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 package.

  To Run the Portal Server Pre-Upgrade Script

  1. Run the preupgrade script from the directory where the Java ES 2003Q4 software was unzipped:
  2. cd JavaEnterpriseUnzipped/Solaris_sparc/Product/portal_svr/Tools/


  3. When the script completes, proceed to the next section.

Installing Portal Server 6.2

Install the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 software using the Java Enterprise System installer program.

  To Install Portal Server 6.2

  1. In the directory where the Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 installer exists, run the installer command:
  2. ./installer

  3. On the Select Components panel, uncheck any previously checked boxes and check only the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 checkbox.
  4. On the Shared Component Upgrades Required panel, review the list of shared components that must be upgraded and click Next.
  5. For instance, this example installation would require the following:

    NSPR       SUNWpr       Present: 4.1.2:PATCHES:114049-07,115926-03

                            Required: 4.1.2:PATCHES:114049-06,115926-03

    NSS        SUNWits      Present: 3.3.2:PATCHES:114049-07,115926-03

                            Required: 3.3.2:PATCHES:114049-06,115926-03

  6. When the installation completes, proceed to the next section.

Completing the Portal Server Upgrade

The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 software includes a script (postupgrade) that restores user modified templates from the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 installation. This script is located on the Java Enterprise System media.

  To Complete the Portal Server Upgrade

  1. View the /etc/opt/SUNWps/ file and verify that it contains correct values for the following variables:



  3. Start Web Server. For example:
  4. cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/


  5. Deploy the Portal Server WAR file:
  6. cd /opt/SUNWps/bin


  7. When prompted, deploy into the hostname.domain instance, for example,, and use /portal as the deployment URI.
  8. Run the Portal Server postupgrade script:
  9. cd JavaEnterpriseUnzipped/Solaris_sparc/Product/portal_svr/Tools/


  10. When prompted, type the password for the Identity Server administration user, amadmin.
  11. When prompted, type the password for the LDAP user, amldapuser.
  12. When prompted, answer y or n if you are using the Sun ONE My Yahoo! service.
  13. Answering n removes the service.

  14. Continue with the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Migration Guide but note the following:
    • The JDK path and security configuration files in the document are incorrect. The correct path is:
    • /usr/java1.3.1_06/jre/lib/security/

    • The following set of JAR files needs to be in the classpath of the web container for Portal Server to function:
    • /opt/SUNWps/lib/psimapprovider.jar:/opt/SUNWps/lib/jdom.jar:/opt/SUNWps/

  15. Restart Web Server. For example:
  16. cd /opt/SUNWwbsrvr/https-portal-1



  17. Log in to the Identity Server Administration console as amadmin.
  18. Select the Service Configuration tab, then Core, then Organization Authentication Modules.
  19. Click Add Membership then Save.
  20. From the Service Configuration tab, select Membership and specify amldapuser in the Password for Root User Bind.
  21. Click Save.
  22. From the Service Configuration tab, select Core under Authentication Configuration and specify the Login Success URL as /portal/dt.
  23. Click Save.
  24. Restart Web Server.

The Portal should now be running with all previous data and customizations. Verify that you can access the Desktop.


If you observe any missing customizations, such as in the banner or look and feel of the portal, make sure that you re-add any customized jar files to the server path.

Upgrading Portal Server 6.1 Gateway to Portal Server 6.2

Running the Portal Server Pre-Upgrade Script

The preupgrade script processes each Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 installed package for user modifications, saves any modifications to the /tmp/ps_backup directory, then removes each Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 package.

  To Run the Portal Server Pre-Upgrade Script

  1. On the gateway host, run the pre-upgrade script from the directory where the Java ES 2003Q4 software was unzipped:
  2. cd JavaEnterpriseUnzipped/Solaris_sparc/Product/portal_svr/Tools/


  3. See Output of Gateway preupgrade Script for more information.

Installing Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2

After running the pre-upgrade script, you install Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 to load the new gateway packages and other software.

  To Install Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2

  1. Remove the existing gateway packages. On the gateway host, run the following command to determine the packages:
  2. pkginfo | grep SUNW | grep -i ”Identity”

    service   SUNWamsdk      Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 SDK

    utils     SNWamutl       Sun ONE Identity Server Utils

    service   SUNWamws       Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 Web Server

  3. Use the pkgrm command to remove only the SUNWamsdk and SUNWamutl packages.
  4. In the directory where the Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 installer exists, run the installer command:
  5. ./installer

  6. On the Select Components tab, uncheck any previously checked boxes and check only the Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 checkbox.
  7. When prompted, choose to install in Custom mode.
  8. Complete the installation.

Completing the Portal Server Gateway Upgrade

Though the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 software includes a script (postupgrade) to complete the upgrade, it does not work on the gateway. Instead, use the following manual steps to complete the gateway upgrade.

  To Complete the Secure Remote Access Upgrade (Gateway Host)

  1. Correct the Identity Server user passwords.
  2. In a terminal window, as root, type:
  3. ./ampassword -e password_for_amadmin

    This displays the encrypted password.

  4. Copy the encrypted password into the serverconfig.xml file for both puser and dsameuser.
  5. Replace the gateway.logging password in the platform.conf.default file with its encrypted form.
  6. Portal Server 6.2 accepts both clear and encrypted passwords, for backwards compatibility. There is no need to encrypt the password, but you must correct the value, as it is incorrect.

  7. Recreate the certificate database using the certadmin command.
  8. This will fix ServerSocketFactory exceptions that cause the gateway to not start. See the Portal Server documentation for more information on the certadmin command.

  9. Disable the Enable Rewriter Proxy option.
  10. Because the Enable Rewriter Proxy option is set, the Portal Login page will not display.

    1. Log in to the Identity Server console as amadmin.
    2. Click the Service Configuration tab.
    3. Select SRA Configuration > Gateway.
    4. Select default.
    5. Under the Core tab, uncheck Enable Rewriter Proxy.
  11. Do not use the gateway version command option.
  12. The gateway command option, version, does not print out product name nor version information. This is because the properties that the script is looking for do not exist.

Completing the Portal Server, Secure Remote Access Upgrade on the Portal Server Host

Because some Secure Remote Access software is also installed on the Portal Server host, use the following workarounds on the Portal Server host to fix Secure Remote Access installation and configuration errors.

  To Complete the Secure Remote Access Upgrade (Portal Server Host)

  1. Correct the encryption key values in the file.
  2. The encryption keys must match on the Portal Server host and the gateway host. This is the hardcoded value that is specified in the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Migration Guide:

  1. Install the Secure Remote Access packages and rerun the postupgrade script.
  2. You need to do this because the Secure Remote Access packages have not yet been installed by the Java ES installer.

    1. Run the Java ES installer and select the Secure Remote Access packages.
    2. Rerun the postupgrade script:
    3. cd JavaEnterpriseUnzipped/Solaris_sparc/Product/portal_svr/Tools/


  3. If the upgradeSRA script fails as part of the postupgrade script, you can rerun it manually.

  4. Note

    The upgradeSRA script, as delivered by the Java ES installer, has some problems. You can download it as part of a patch (from However, you must install the patch before you run the postupgrade script. Because the patch delivers a new srapmigration.jar file and a fixed upgradeSRA script, you can unload the patch, copy the jar and script files, then manually run upgradeSRA.

  5. The upgradeSRA script can cause an exception in the Secure Remote Access console.
  6. This is caused by one of the ldapmodify commands not completing, and thus the rest of the attribute modifications fail. Most like, the following key in the /tmp/upgradeGatewayInstances.ldif file causes the problem:

    sunkeyvalue: sunPortalGatewayDomainsAndRulesets=$PORTAL_SERVER_DOMAIN| default_gateway_ruleset


    Changing domain names during the upgrade can cause this error. The upgradeSRA script that gets installed during installation might have this value embedded for a different domain and will not work if domains are changed later.

  7. Fix the rewriter so that it correctly rewrites the css URL in the auth.js file.
  8. When users access the login screen through the gateway, user authentication fails. To correct this problem, add a rewriter rule to generic_ruleset:

    <Function name="writeCSS" type ="EXPRESSION" paramPatterns="y" />

  9. Enable Web Server to start up without exceptions.
  10. To fix a Web Server exception upon startup, delete the jato-1_2_1.jar file from the web application.

  11. Fix JSP exceptions.
  12. If you have any custom jar files, make sure to include them in the server.xml classpath.

Upgrading Portal Server 6.2 to Portal Server 6 2004Q2 (6.3)

The upgrade process from Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 to Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 (6.3) involves three steps:

  1. Running the pre61to62upgrade script, which removes Identity Server packages
  2. Executing the Java ES 2004Q2 installer to update and add the required packages for Access Manager
  3. Applying patches, which add and restore the packages for the components

  To Run the pre61to62upgrade Script

  1. On the Portal Server host, change to the /opt/SUNWam/migration/61to62/scripts directory.
  2. Run the script:
  3. ./pre61to62upgrade

    To back up files, the script prompts for the certificate directory of the web container. In this example, it is /opt/SUNWwbsvr/alias.

  4. See Output of pre61to62upgrade Script for more information.
  5. When the script finishes removing packages, go to the next procedure.

  To Upgrade Identity Server (Access Manager) Schema

  1. In the directory where the Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 installer exists, run the installer command:
  2. ./installer

  3. On the Select Components panel, uncheck any previously checked boxes and check only the Sun Java System Access Manager 2004Q2 checkbox.
  4. Change to the /opt/SUNWam/migration/61to62/scripts directory.
  5. Run the Upgrade61DitTo62 script.
  6. Fill in the information as prompted.
  7. See Output of Upgrade61DitTo62 Script for more information.

  8. You must restart the Directory Server when prompted. Do so from another terminal window.
  9. When the script finishes, restart both Directory Server and Web Server.
  10. Web Server will give some exceptions when it is restarted, due to the desktop.jar file not in the server.xml file.

  To Patch the Portal Server Host

Four patches are required for the Portal Server host to complete the upgrade. They are: 117769-01, 118377-01, 116736-25, and 116749-25.

  1. Download the patches from
  2. Use the patchadd command to apply the patches.

  To Upgrade to Portal Server 6 2004Q2 (Portal Server 6.3)

  1. Change to the /opt/SUMWps/bin or /$JES_INSTALL/Product/portal_svr/Tools/ directory.
  2. Run the upgradePS script.

Upgrading Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 to Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2004Q2 (6.3)

You must upgrade the Portal Server and Secure Remote Access components before you can upgrade the gateway component.

  To Upgrade Portal Server, Secure Remote Access 6.2 to Portal Server Secure Remote Access 6 2004Q2 (6.3)

  1. In this example, the gateway is deployed on a separate host. Because of this configuration, apply patch 116738-23 to the Portal Server host.
  2. Apply patches 118377-01 and 116738-23 to the gateway host.
  3. If your deployment includes the Rewriter Proxy and Netlet Proxy, apply patches 116742-23 (Rewriter Proxy) and 116740-23 (Netlet Proxy).
  4. Restart Web Server, Directory Server, and Access Manager.

Note the following:

Script Sample Outputs

This section provides sample output from the scripts used in this upgrade process:

Output of the Identity Server Upgrade60DitTo61 Script


Directory Server fully-qualified hostname (

Directory Server port (389):

Directory Manager DN (cn=Directory Manager):

Directory Manager (cn=Directory Manager) password:

Top-Level Administrator DN (uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=siroe,dc=com):

Top-Level Administrator (uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=siroe,dc=com) password:

IS_dit_version = 6.0SP1

Deleting DSS Service.

Upgrading 6.0SP1* schema.

modifying entry cn=schema

Create DIT succeeded.

Before proceeding, you MUST restart the directory server. Hit return when ready.

Login through another terminal console and restart the Directory Server.

Upgrading 6.0SP1* default DIT.

Using source encoding 646 for /opt/SUNWam/migration/60to61/install_60sp1to61_upgrade.ldif Encoding /opt/SUNWam/migration/60to61/install_60sp1to61_upgrade.ldif to UTF-8.

Successfully encoded /opt/SUNWam/migration/60to61/install_60sp1to61_upgrade.ldif to UTF-8.

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry cn=schema

modifying entry cn=schema

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com


modifying entry cn=Deny Write Access,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry cn=Top-level Admin Role,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry cn=Top-level Help Desk Admin Role,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry cn=Top-level Policy Admin Role,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry cn=ou=People_dc=sun_dc=com,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry cn=Deny Write Access,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry

ou=default,ou=OrganizationConfig,ou=1.0,ou=iPlanetAMPolicyConfigService,ou =services,dc=sun,dc=com

adding new entry

ou=SessionCondition,ou=Condition,ou=PluginConfig,ou=1.0,ou=iPlanetAMPolicy Service,ou=services,dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

modifying entry dc=sun,dc=com

Create DIT succeeded.

Importing SecurID authentication service.

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 109: Calling SCHEMA MANAGER

Info 110: XML file to import:/etc/opt/SUNWam/config/xml/amAuthSecurID.xml

Info 103: Loading Service Schema XML / etc/opt/SUNWam/config/xml/amAuthSecurID.xml

Loading Service Schema XML /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/xml/amAuthSecurID.xml

Info 115: Reading schema file :/etc/opt/SUNWam/config/xml/amAuthSecurID.xml

Info 105: Done loading Service Schema XML: [iPlanetAMAuthSecurIDService]

Success 0: Successfully completed.

Importing new 6.1 services.

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 109: Calling SCHEMA MANAGER

Info 110: XML file to import:amPasswordReset.xml

Info 103: Loading Service Schema XML amPasswordReset.xml

Loading Service Schema XML amPasswordReset.xml

Info 115: Reading schema file :amPasswordReset.xml

Info 105: Done loading Service Schema XML:


Info 110: XML file to import:amAuthHTTPBasic.xml

Info 103: Loading Service Schema XML amAuthHTTPBasic.xml

Loading Service Schema XML amAuthHTTPBasic.xml

Info 115: Reading schema file :amAuthHTTPBasic.xml

Info 105: Done loading Service Schema XML:


Success 0: Successfully completed.

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 109: Calling SCHEMA MANAGER

Info 110: XML file to import:amClientData.xml

Info 103: Loading Service Schema XML amClientData.xml

Loading Service Schema XML amClientData.xml

Info 115: Reading schema file :amClientData.xml

Info 105: Done loading Service Schema XML: [SunAMClientData]

Info 110: XML file to import:amG11NSettings.xml

Info 103: Loading Service Schema XML amG11NSettings.xml

Loading Service Schema XML amG11NSettings.xml

Info 115: Reading schema file :amG11NSettings.xml

Info 105: Done loading Service Schema XML: [iPlanetG11NSettings]

Success 0: Successfully completed.

Applying common service modifications.

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 107: Calling XML PARSER

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAdminConsole_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAdminConsole_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAdminConsole_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthAnonymous_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuthAnonymous_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthAnonymous_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amPolicyConfig_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amPolicyConfig_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amPolicyConfig_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthCert_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuthCert_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthCert_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthLDAP_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuthLDAP_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthLDAP_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthSecurID_mod1.xml Info

101: Processing amAuthSecurID_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthSecurID_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuth_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuth_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuth_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amEntrySpecific_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amEntrySpecific_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amEntrySpecific_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amLogging_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amLogging_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amLogging_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amSession_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amSession_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amSession_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthNT_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuthNT_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthNT_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del11.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del11.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del11.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del12.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del12.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del12.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del13.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del13.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del13.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del14.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del14.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del14.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del15.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del15.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del15.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del16.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del16.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del16.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del17.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del17.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del17.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del18.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del18.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del18.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del19.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del19.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del19.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del20.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del20.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del20.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_del21.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_del21.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_del21.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod11.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod11.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod11.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod12.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod12.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod12.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod13.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod13.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod13.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod14.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod14.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod14.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod15.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod15.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod15.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod16.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod16.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod16.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod17.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod17.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod17.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod18.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod18.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod18.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:ums_mod19.xml

Info 101: Processing ums_mod19.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing ums_mod19.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthMembership_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuthMembership_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthMembership_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAdminConsole_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAdminConsole_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAdminConsole_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuthAnonymous_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuthAnonymous_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuthAnonymous_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amAuth_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amAuth_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amAuth_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amLogging_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amLogging_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amLogging_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amNaming_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amNaming_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amNaming_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amUser_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amUser_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amUser_add1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amSAML_mod2.xml

Info 101: Processing amSAML_mod2.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amSAML_mod2.xml

Success 0: Successfully completed. Applying 6.0SP1 service modifications.

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 107: Calling XML PARSER

Info 108: XML file to parse:amProviderConfig_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amProviderConfig_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amProviderConfig_mod1.xml

Success 0: Successfully completed.

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 107: Calling XML PARSER

Info 108: XML file to parse:amClientDetection_mod1.xml

Info 101: Processing amClientDetection_mod1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amClientDetection_mod1.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:amClientDetection_add1.xml

Info 101: Processing amClientDetection_add1.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing amClientDetection_add1.xml

Success 0: Successfully completed.

Upgrade completed.


Output of the Portal Server preupgrade Script (6.1 to 6.2)

> ./preupgrade

Processing SUNWps...

Processing SUNWpsdt...

Processing SUNWpsdta

Processing SUNWpsdtm...

Processing SUNWpsdtp...

Processing SUNWpsdtt...

Processing SUNWpsdtx...

Processing SUNWpsjdk...

Processing SUNWpsnm...

Processing SUNWpsoh...

Processing SUNWpsrw...

Processing SUNWpsrwa...

Processing SUNWpssdk...

Processing SUNWpsse...

Processing SUNWpssea...

Processing SUNWpssep...

Processing SUNWpssp...

Processing SUNWpstlj...

Processing SUNWyhoo...

Processing SUNWpsgwa...

Processing SUNWpsgws...

Processing SUNWpsnf...

Processing SUNWpsnl...

Processing SUNWpsnlp...

Processing SUNWpsrwp...

Processing SUNWebnfs...

Script "/tmp/ps_backup" has been created to save user modifications.

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/bin: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/dtd: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/xml: is a directory

cp: /var/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /var/opt/SUNWps/tmp: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/tld: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/bin: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/classes: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/xml: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/desktop: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/desktop/css: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/desktop/images: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/desktop/tabs: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/desktop/tabs/images: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/images: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/classes: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/xml: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/ps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/ps/dtadmin: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/ps/images: is a directory

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/locale/

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/bin: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/export: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/classes: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/dtd: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/anonymous: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/anonymous/FrameTabContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/anonymous/JSPTabContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/anonymous/JSPTableContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: / etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/anonymous/MyFrontPageTemplatePanelContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/anonymous/TemplateTableContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/classes: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/App: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/AppProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/Bookmark: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/BookmarkProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/Error: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/FrameTabContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPContentContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPCustomThemeContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPEditContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPLayoutContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPPopupContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPPresetThemeContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPSingleContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPSingleContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTabContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTabContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTabCustomTableContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTableContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/Login: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/LoginProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/MailCheck: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/MailCheckProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/MyFrontPageTemplatePanelContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/NewsTemplatePanelContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleJSP: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleJSP.a: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TabJSPEditContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TemplateEditContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TemplateTabContainer: is a directory

cp: / etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TemplateTabCustomTableContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TemplateTableContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/TemplateTableContainerProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/ToolsTemplatePanelContainer: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/_CTest: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/_CTest/_CTest-x: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/_CTest/_CTest-x/_CTest-y: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/_PCTest: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/_PCTest-x: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/tld: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleRSS: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleSimpleWebService: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleSimpleWebServiceConfigurable: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleURLScraper: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleXML: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleWebServiceProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/URLScraperProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/UserInfo: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/UserInfoProvider: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/XMLProvider: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/classes: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/export: is a directory

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/locale/

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/export: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/classes: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/xml: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/netmail: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/netmail/images: is a directory

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/SunONE.jpg

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/dtattrib.htm

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/mlattrib.htm

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/pshelp.htm

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/rwattrib.htmcp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/rwattrib.htm

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWam/public_html/docs_en_US/ps/srattrib.htm

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/docs: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/docs/en: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/docs/en/desktop: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/web-src/docs/en/netmail: is a directory


cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/help-doc.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/index-all.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/index.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/overview-frame.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/overview-summary.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/overview-tree.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/package-list

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/packages.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/serialized-form.html

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/javadoc/stylesheet.css

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/sample

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/sample/

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/sample/

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/sample/

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/

cp: cannot access /opt/SUNWebnfs/xfilechooser.jar

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWebnfs

chmod: WARNING: can’t access /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWebnfs/install/*remove

Removing SUNWebnfs Removal of <SUNWebnfs> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWebnfs

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsrwp

Removing SUNWpsrwp Removal of <SUNWpsrwp> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWpsrwp

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsnlp

Removing SUNWpsnlp

Removal of <SUNWpsnlp> was successful.


Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsdtm

Removing SUNWpsdtm

Removal of <SUNWpsdtm> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWpsdtm

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsdta

Removing SUNWpsdta

Removal of <SUNWpsdta> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWpsdta

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsdt

Removing SUNWpsdt

Removal of <SUNWpsdt> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWpsdt

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWps

Removing SUNWps

Removal of <SUNWps> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWps

Output of Gateway preupgrade Script


Processing SUNWpsjdk...

Processing SUNWpsgw...

Script "/tmp/ps_backup" has been created to save user modifications.

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/export: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/bin: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/bin/chroot: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/bin/perf: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/lib: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/lib/solaris: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/lib/solaris/sparc: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/locale: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/locale/en_US: is a directory

cp: /opt/SUNWps/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES: is a directory

cp: /var/opt/SUNWps: is a directory

cp: /var/opt/SUNWps/debug: is a directory

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsgw

Removing SUNWpsgw

Removal of <SUNWpsgw> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWpsgw

Removing preremove and postremove for SUNWpsjdk

Removing SUNWpsjdk

Removal of <SUNWpsjdk> was successful.

Done Removing SUNWpsjdk

Output of pre61to62upgrade Script


A log of the pre61to62upgrade process can be found in /var/sadm/install/logs/Sun_Java_System_Identity_Server_upgrade_log.11181428

Directory Server fully-qualified hostname ( ):

Directory Server port ( 389 ):

Top-Level Administrator DN ( uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com ):

Top-Level Administrator ( uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com ) password:

Enter directory to store back up files ( /opt ):

Enter the certificate directory of the web container ( /opt/SUNWwbsvr/alias ):

Backing up files to /opt

This can take a few minutes.

This can take a few minutes.

Removing IS 6.1 ...

Uninstalling SUNWamsvc package.

Uninstalling SUNWamcon package.

Uninstalling SUNWamcom package.

Uninstalling SUNWamfcd package.

Uninstalling SUNWamdoc package.

Uninstalling SUNWamsci package.

Uninstalling SUNWamsam package.

Uninstalling SUNWamsws package.

Uninstalling SUNWamsdk package.

Uninstalling SUNWampwd package.

Uninstalling SUNWamrsa package.

Uninstalling SUNWamutl package.

Output of Upgrade61DitTo62 Script


Directory Server fully-qualified hostname ( ):

Directory Server port ( 389 ):

Directory Manager DN ( cn=Directory Manager ):

Directory Manager ( cn=Directory Manager ) password:

Top-Level Administrator DN ( uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com ):

Top-Level Administrator ( uid=amAdmin,ou=People,dc=sun,dc=com ) password:

IS_dit_version = 6.1

Upgrading 6.1 schema.

modifying entry cn=schema

Create DIT succeeded.

modifying entry cn=schema

modifying entry cn=schema

Create DIT succeeded.

Before proceeding, you MUST restart the directory server.

Hit return when ready.

Info 101: Processing SunAMClientData.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing SunAMClientData.xml

Info 108: XML file to parse:mobileRequest.xml

Info 101: Processing mobileRequest.xml Info

111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing mobileRequest.xml Success 0: Successfully completed.

deleting entry ou=genericHTML,ou=internalData,ou=1.0,ou=SunAMClientData,ou=ClientData,

deleting entry

ou=HTML,ou=internalData,ou=1.0,ou=SunAMClientData,ou=ClientData,dc=sun, dc=com

adding new entry

ou=genericHTML,ou=internalData,ou=1.0,ou=SunAMClientData,ou=ClientData,d c=sun,dc=com

adding new entry

ou=HTML,ou=internalData,ou=1.0,ou=SunAMClientData,ou=ClientData,dc=sun, dc=com

Upgrade completed.


Output of upgradePS Script


Portal Server 6.2 to 6.3 Upgrade

As part of this upgrade, dynamic Subscriptions attributes will be loss.

Do you wish to proceed with the upgrade [y/n]? [n]

Info 108: XML file to parse:/tmp/removePartialDefaultValues.xml

Info 101: Processing /tmp/removePartialDefaultValues.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Error 10: Cannot process requests:

Service does not exist

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 107: Calling XML PARSER Info

108: XML file to parse:/tmp/addDefaultValues.xml

Info 101: Processing /tmp/addDefaultValues.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Error 10: Cannot process requests:

Service does not exist

Info 112: Entering ldapAuthenticate method!

Success 0: No Exceptions! LDAP Authentication success!

Info 113: Calling SSO method!

Info 107: Calling XML PARSER

Info 108: XML file to parse:/tmp/addDefaultValues.xml

Info 101: Processing /tmp/addDefaultValues.xml

Info 111: Requests generated by amadmin

Info 102: Done processing /tmp/addDefaultValues.xml

Success 0: Successfully completed.

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues with this upgrade process. Some of these issues might be fixed with the latest Portal Server release.

Gateway will not start if the JVM memory is not properly set.

No debug log files are generated in the /var/opt/SUNWps/debug/ directory. Change the JVM size in the gateway script itself.

Incorrect error messages reported.

Messages about the server-cert and issuer not valid are displayed in the gateway.log.default file (/var/opt/SUNWps/debug). These are normal messages, not errors, and should be ignored.

The gateway URL will error out if using Netscape 7.1. (4818006)

A fix is now available for this issue.

Auth Module Error.

In the Core Auth Allowed Authentication Modules, only SafeWord was selected and Console uses LDAP as default auth module. Because it is not selected, users observe the message, “Internal Auth error.”

To fix, use the Access Manager console to select the LDAP Auth module in the default organization and create the service template. Add the amldapuser password to the LDAP service.

Custom class is not in the classpath.

If you observe any missing customizations, make sure that you re-add any customized jar files to the server path.

After completing the procedure for Portal pre-upgrade, and the Java ES 2003Q4 Portal Server Minimal install, the document mentions to execute the /opt/SUNWps/bin/deploy command.


Exceptions while executing the postupgrade script for Portal Server.

The following jar files were missing from the web container classpath:


Add these jar files. Portal Server will then start normally.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java Enterprise System, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

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To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the title of this book is Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Technical Note: Upgrading Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 to Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2, and the part number is 819-2317-10.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

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