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Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Release Notes 

Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Frequently Asked Questions

Part Number 819-2631-10

Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Frequently Asked Questions provides answers to some of the commonly asked questions regarding Sun Java™ System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1.

While this document primarily deals with issues for Calendar Server, the following other component products are also affected:

This FAQ contains the following sections:

Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

June 2005

Initial release of this FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions are divided into the following topics:

General Product

  1. What is Sun Java System Calendar Server?
  2. Sun Java System Calendar Server is a high performance, Internet standards-based calendar server designed with the scalability to meet the needs of customers ranging from medium- and large-sized enterprises to even the largest Internet, telecommunication, and enterprise service provider. Through Communications Express, an integrated communications interface that includes Mail and Address Book, or through connectors to other calendar clients, such as the Connector for Microsoft Outlook, Calendar Server provides group scheduling and personal calendaring to consumers at home or at work. Calendar Server enables users to share calendar information with others over the Internet. The user interface can be customized to include Web links for e-commerce, banner ads, logo, or brand of the calendar server customer, and more.

    Calendar Server architecture is flexible, extensible, and scalable both vertically (by increasing the number of CPUs per system) and horizontally (by introducing additional servers into the network). As a result, Calendar Server can be configured to fit a variety of needs. It can remain in isolation as a standalone calendar server, or it can be configured with many instances, having the various services duplicated or split between them.

    To obtain external services, Calendar Server makes use of CSAPI plug-ins. It also supports both LDAP- and identity-based deployments, and integrates with the following Sun Java™ Enterprise System component products to provide additional functionality: Access Manager, Portal Server, and Instant Messaging. Calendar Server ships with plug-ins to perform a variety of services. (plug-ins allow you to replace a default mechanism with one of your own.)

  3. What are the new features of Calendar Server 6 2005Q1?
    • New system features include:
      • Connector for Microsoft Outlook enhancements to support offline or disconnected mode
      • Automatic hot and archival backups
      • Recovery enhancements
      • Calendar Configurator enhancements (to support archive and hotbackup capabilities)
      • Database reliability enhancements
      • Support for Redhat 2.1 and 3.0 releases
      • Support for the following Solaris Operating System releases: Solaris 10 and Solaris 10 x86, Solaris 9 and Solaris 9 x86, Solaris 8
      • Solaris 10 zones support
      • Linux patching support
      • Shared components upgrade using latest shared components
      • MEE library update–messaging server and calendar server shared library
    • WCAP 3.1 enhancements include:
      • Support for redirecting the freebusy search for co-location with Exchange during migration. This enables Outlook users to get freebusy information from both Calendar Server and Exchange using a new ics.conf parameter. This parameter can be set as follows:

        service.wcap.freebusy.redirecturl="redirect URL"

        If the data can’t be found in the Calendar Server database, and the redirect URL is present, the system uses it to search for the data in the Exchange database.

      • Ability to specify the sorting order by using the fetchorder parameter for results in all fetch_by_* WCAP commands. Prior to Calendar Server6 2005Q1, the order was not enforced. Now, you can specify ascending, descending, or legacy order.
      • Ability to exclude the start date from a recurrence set.
    • Read-only database support (in case of corruption) so that users can still read their calendars. It gives users minimal database access but does not lock them out completely. The administrator can put the databases into read-only mode while recovering from a database corruption.
    • Support for rebuilding the alarms database only. In the past, the csrebuild utility always rebuilt all databases. This takes a long time. Since the alarm database is the most prone to corruption, now the utility allows you to only rebuild the alarms database.
    • Database verification support in rebuild utility. The csdb rebuild command automatically runs db_verify on the rebuilt database.
    • New service (csstored daemon) for performing automated database backup and monitoring. (See the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide for more information.)
  4. What languages are supported in Sun Java System Calendar Server?
  5. Calendar Server has been localized in the standard Java Enterprise System languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

  6. Are there any APIs supplied with the product?
  7. There are several APIs:

    • The Calendar Server API (CSAPI) allows developers to replace one of the plug-in modules with one of their own, thereby enabling the developer to modify or enhance the feature set.
    • The Event Notification Service API (ENS) enables a developer to publish events and register applications which can have an interest in certain events or categories of events.
    • The Proxy Authentication SDK enables customers to write their own authentication mechanism. This is ideal for portal users since the portal will authenticate the user and allow access to the Calendar services. The Java Enterprise System standard for single sign-on authentication is Sun Java™ System Access Manager.
    • The Web Calendar Access Protocol (WCAP) allows customers to programmatically retrieve calendar content data and write calendar content to the server. This allows a customer to integrate a client of virtually any type to the Calendar Server in order to create or retrieve calendar event or task information.
  8. What type of access control is provided?
  9. Calendar Server implements access control based on access control lists. The types of privileges are:

    • Availability–For availability checking
    • Schedule–For group scheduling
    • Read
    • Delete
    • Modify
    • As a result of the more granular approach, a calendar owner can decide whether or not to give certain users access to read events within a calendar or access to simply observe when free time is available. Owners are those people to whom you (the Primary Owner) grant full access to your calendar. Owners can act on behalf of the primary owner to schedule, delete, or modify appointments or tasks. However, only the primary owner can delete the calendar or change calendar privileges. Finally, Calendar Server supports the notion of public, private, and confidential events. Individual event access control enables users to create private events within an otherwise public calendar. Events can be designated as public, private, or time-and-date only.

  10. Can Calendar Server be used to schedule resources such as conference rooms and audio-visual equipment?
  11. Yes. Resources can be managed and scheduled. Each resource is associated with its own calendar. The calendar can be configured to enable or disable the double-book option. By default, a calendar for a resource such as a conference room will have this option disabled. The LDAP entry for resources can be created using either the csresource utility or the commadmin resource create command. However, if you use the csresource utility, it also creates the resource calendar, but the commadmin command does not create the resource calendar. Therefore, after using commadmin to create the LDAP entry, you have to run csresource anyway to get the calendar. You can find it easier just to use csresource for creating resources and resource calendars since it does both tasks with the one command.

  12. Calendar Server 5 versions had an XML/XSLT based user interface (UI). What type of UI is provided in Calendar Server 6 2005Q1?
  13. This version of Calendar Server still supports Calendar Express, which renders XML/XSLT either at the client or at the server (for browsers that do not support client side XSLT transformation). Calendar Express has been deprecated and will no longer be supported at some future point in time. The Communications Express integrated web client is the preferred UI. The server sends it WCAP commands and Communications Express renders it using JavaServer Pages™ technology.

  14. Can Communications Express be customized?
  15. Yes. Communications Express, based on JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, can be customized by modifying the JSP pages. These can easily be updated, enhanced, or completely changed by customers. This powerful capability for customizing and tuning the interface enables the application name, company branding, and icons to be easily changed and HTML links and banner ads to be integrated into the user interface.

  16. What Personal Address Book integrates with Calendar Server?
  17. Address book is integrated as a component of Communications Express. You can use a personal address book, corporate address book, or Internet address book.

  18. What is horizontal scalability? How is it achieved with Calendar Server?
  19. Horizontal scalability refers to two things:

    • Server applet, such as the daemons, can now be distributed over several machines. These daemons include cshttpd, csadmind, csdwpd, csnotifyd, and enpd. These daemons can be run in different configurations to allow flexibility and scalability for your deployment.
    • Multiple calendar servers can communicate with each other and the administrator can distribute calendar users over several calendar servers. Calendar Server provides a networking capability to its embedded database. This enables the databases to communicate. The database wire protocol (DWP) is the mechanism that allows communication between calendar servers. Finally the LDAP CLD enables users’ calendars to be distributed by location rather than by regular expression.
  20. Does Calendar Server offer offline support? If users are disconnected from the network/internet, can they access their calendar?
  21. Not with the web client, Communications Express, but users having Outlook on their desktop can use it in disconnected mode. Also, users of the Sun Java™ System Synchronization tool can download their calendar events to any supported device, such as a Palm device. The data in the device can be manipulated offline and then resynchronized to Calendar Server the next time the user is connected to the Internet.

  22. What is the Event Notification Server?
  23. Calendar Server includes a notification service to dispatch event reminders and calendar database change alerts using email, or other means such as pager or wireless device. Enhancements to the developer APIs enable customers to extend this notification to end users through a variety of additional delivery mechanisms, such as SMS or instant messaging. In the case of Sun Java System Instant Messaging, a calendar agent subscribes to Calendar Server events and generates an alert to the Instant Messaging Server, which manifests itself as a pop-up reminder on the client desktop.

General Technical

  1. I used the Web Calendar Access Protocol (WCAP) to create a calendar, but it does not show up under the Manage Calendars window in Communications Express, or in the Calendars tab in Calendar Express. Why?
  2. The creation of a calendar using Calendar Server commands (WCAP) does not automatically force the new calendar to appear in the user interface (UI). To have the new calendar appear in the Manage Calendars window of Communications Express (or in the Calendars tab in the deprecated Calendar Express UI), the user must subscribe to the calendar. Alternately, an administrator could directly edit the user’s LDAP entry, adding an icsSubscibed attribute for the newly created calendar.

    For more information about WCAP, see What is WCAP?. For more information on LDAP object classes and attributes used in Calendar Server, see the Sun Java System Calendar Server Developer’s Guide.

  3. I used WCAP to delete a calendar, but it still shows up under in the Manage Calendars window in Communications Express (or the Calendars tab in Calendar Express), and it says that the calendar no longer exists. Why?
  4. Deleting a calendar using WCAP does not automatically delete it from the user interface (UI). To delete the calendar from the list of subscribed calendars, the user must edit the list using the Communications Express UI (or the deprecated Calendar Express UI). Alternately, an administrator could directly delete the calendar’s icsSubscribed attribute in the user’s LDAP entry.

  5. Is it possible to add an attachment to an event? For example, is it possible to add a text document describing the agenda of the meeting?
  6. There is no attachment support for the web clients, but Microsoft Outlook does support attachments. If Outlook is used as the client in conjunction with the Connector for Microsoft Outlook, you can attach a document to the meeting. However, this document is not stored on the Calendar Server. The attachment will be included in the email sent to the meeting invitees. Therefore, all meeting invitees will receive the attachment since this is a normal function of Outlook.

    If the user is using Communications Express (or the deprecated Calendar Express), there is an alternative to attachments. The web clients support HTML rendering in the event description. Including HTML links in the calendar event description is possibly a better alternative to attachments. Instead of attaching a document, a user can create a link to a website that has the document or other relevant information about the meeting.

  7. Is there a history of the meetings on my calendars? How long are they kept? Is it configurable? Can I discard meetings greater than one year old?
  8. Currently, Calendar Server has no automatic feature to remove old meetings. Similarly, there is no mechanism in the Communications Express user interface to automatically remove old meetings.

    However, there is a Calendar Server utility, cscomponents, that can be used to remove events and tasks from a calendar. Use cscomponenets to delete all events between a start date and an end date. A start date of zero (0) means “the beginning of time” and an end date of zero (0) means “the end of time.” So you could run a script that deletes events from all calendars that occurred between “the beginning of time” and “a year ago.”

    To archive meetings history, rather than delete them, export the calendar’s events and tasks to a file, or use one of the backup tools.

    For more information on cscomponents and other Calendar Server utilities, see the Sun Java System Calendar Server Administration Guide.

  9. What is the difference between Hot Backup and Archival Backup? Which one do I use?
  10. Starting with Calendar Server 6 2005Q1, the product provides two mechanisms to automatically back up your database. These mechanisms are Hot Backup and Archival Backup.

    As part of normal operations, the calendar system applies transaction logs to the live databases at ongoing prescribed intervals. With hot backups configured, the backup process, csstored, takes a snapshot of all calendar databases once every 24 hours. In addition to the snapshot, transaction log files that have already been applied to the live database are applied to the snapshot at prescribed intervals.

    For an archival backup, the csstored process stores the snapshot plus all the transaction logs of the day after they are applied to the live database. These transaction logs are no applied to the archival backup.

    Thus, if something happens to the live database such that you must restore a backup, the hot backup can be restored quickly, giving you a copy of the databases that is only a few transactions away from being current. If, however, you have only an archival copy of the databases, you must take the time to apply the transactions logs of the day to the snapshot, which will take more time.

    Configure the system to take both hot and archival backups. The archival backup is helpful if there is a corruption on the hot backup that makes it unusable.

  11. Can events and tasks have categories (for example, Personal or Business) assigned to them?
  12. Communications Express allows the user to choose a category for events and tasks. Users can assign categories to events by choosing one from the list of standard categories. End users cannot create additional categories. The deprecated user interface, Calendar Express, does not offer this feature.

  13. Is there a list of supported Calendar clients?
  14. Communications Express is the integrated, communications web client that combines messaging, calendar, and address book in a unified user interface. The Calendar Express UI has been deprecated in favor of Communications Express. If you have customized Calendar Express, you should make plans to migrate to Communications Express as soon as possible.

    Evolution is the client available with Sun Java™ Desktop System. The Evolution client looks very much like Outlook, but it runs on the Solaris™ Operating System and Sun™ Linux platforms, not on Windows platforms.

    Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002, and Outlook 2003 are supported through the Sun Java™ System Connector for Microsoft Outlook.

    In addition, Sun Java™ System Mobile Access can also read calendar information, display it on a cellular phone or PDA interface, and even allow users to create new events and tasks. Mobile Access also provides a Voice platform for developing voice enabled applications. One could develop a voicelet (voice enabled application) for Calendar Server. The product includes a simple sample Mail voicelet.

    Sun Java System Synchronization tool synchronizes the Calendar Server with many popular programs (such as Outlook) and devices (such as Palm and Windows CE devices).

  15. We want to replace the Berkeley DB Subsystem with Oracle. Can we do this?
  16. No. The design of Calendar Server has always accounted for this but the caldb API is not currently public.

  17. The default time zone for new calendars is “America/New_York.” How do I change the default time zone over to my local time zone?
  18. For calendars created when auto-provisioning is configured, edit the ics.conf file in the config directory. Change the value of calstore.default.timezoneID to any other valid time zone defined in the timezone.ics file.

    To change the time zone on existing calendars, use the Communications Express user interface (or the deprecated Calendar Express).

    In addition, the time zone can be specified for a new calendar created with a Delegated Administrator Utility command by passing in the time zone ID option, -T, followed by a valid time zone ID. If no time zone is specified, the ics.conf file parameter is used to determine the default.

  19. How can I configure the Evolution client to work with Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 and Calendar Server 6 2005Q1?
  20. In Evolution, select Settings from the Tools menu, and click Sun ONE Accounts to create a new calendar account.

  21. Can I use a Sun Linux or Solaris for x86 Platforms front-end with a Solaris SPARC Back-end?
  22. No, both front-end and back-end machines must be the same platform. This is due to big-endian and small-endian incompatibility.

  23. Virtual domains do not work with Calendar Server 6 2005Q1. I get errors. What is the problem?
  24. Virtual domains do not work in the initial release of Calendar Server 6 2005Q1. This was fixed in a patch. Get the latest patch from SunSolve. Refer to the Release Notes for the proper patch number.

  25. How do I get Calendar Pop-up notifications to work?
  26. You must have Sun Java System Instant Messaging installed and configured and you must be logged into Instant Messenger. Both Calendar Server and Instant Messaging must be configured for pop-up notifications to work. For instructions on how to configure for pop-up notifications, see “Using Instant Messaging Pop-up Reminders” the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

Standards and General Technology

  1. What Internet standards does Calendar Server support?
  2. Calendar Server supports Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) calendar standards. Calendar Server uses standards-based features, which makes it easier for users to share calendaring information across the network. As standards continue to evolve and emerge, Sun will continue to support these new IETF standards. The relevant IETF calendar standards are:

    • iCalendar (RFC2445)
    • iTIP (RFC2446 iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol)
    • iMIP (RFC2447 iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol)
    • HTTP (RFC 2616) Calendar Server primary transport mechanism
    • Commands and replies can be in two data formats: iCalendar, or XML.
  3. What is iCalendar?
  4. iCalendar is the Standard calendar schema definition. It defines the properties and parameters associated with events, tasks, journals, alarms, and time zones. iCalendar is defined by the IETF in RFC 2445.

  5. What are iMIP and iTIP?
  6. iMIP (RFC 2447) is the iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol. It is an email binding for iTIP. In other words, the iMIP standard describes how the iTIP scheduling operations can be performed over email.

    iTIP (RFC 2446) is the iCalendar Transport-independent Interoperability Protocol. This is a simple application-level protocol for performing common scheduling tasks such as publishing events or task, inviting people to meetings, replying to invitations, and so on.

  7. What is WCAP?
  8. WCAP is the Web Calendar Access Protocol. It is an open protocol developed in-house by the Calendar Server development team. WCAP is an application protocol that uses HTTP as its transport. It is a command based system consisting of client requests and server responses for transmitting calendar data. It was originally created to provide a stopgap protocol until a standard protocol, CAP, could be made available. However, the CAP discussions never resulted in a standard so WCAP will continue to be used.

    The current version of WCAP is WCAP 3.1 (3.2 if you have the latest patch). WCAP content can be represented in two different formats: text/iCalendar, or text/XML (XML format follows the iCalendar DTD). Since WCAP 3.0, text/HTML with embedded JavaScript ™ objects is no longer supported.

    WCAP began as a way for all calendar clients to communicate to the server. iPlanet™ Calendar Server 2 versions used WCAP to communicate between the Calendar Server and the Calendar Client using HTML and Javascript. With the current version of Calendar Server, WCAP is used to communicate to Communications Express.

    Use WCAP to programmatically retrieve or send calendar event information to or from the Calendar Server.

    The WCAP reference is contained in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Developer’s Guide.


  1. Is there a graphical user interface for administering the Calendar Server?
  2. Not for this release. Administration of the Calendar Server is performed using command line utilities. In the next version of Java Enterprise System, the Delegated Administrator Console will support Calendar Server.

  3. What administrative tools are provided for Calendar Server?
  4. Use both the command-line utilities provided with the Calendar Server, such as cscal, and the Delegated Administrator Utility (also a command-line tool). While Delegated Administrator Utility only addresses administration of user, resource, and domain LDAP entries, the Calendar Server command-line utilities have much more functionality.

    The Calendar Server command-line utilities include those for administering users, resources, and domain LDAP entries and calendars, and in addition, they include those for backing up and restoring databases, and server management and control. These tools are described in detail in an appendix of the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.

  5. Can I use the new Delegated Administrator Console to create calendar users and domains?
  6. No. At this time, the Delegated Administrator Console does not contain all of the functionality of the Delegated Administrator Utility (calendar is not supported).

  7. Can I use Delegated Administrator Utility to create users in a non-hosted domain environment?
  8. Yes. When creating a user (commadmin user create), include the -k option with the value legacy. For example, to create a user, Duncan Hoff, in the America/Los_Angeles time zone, the command would be as follows:

    commadmin user create -D admin -F Duncan -l duncan -L Hoff -n -w adminpass -W cosmo -S cal -k legacy -T America/Los_Angeles


  1. Where can the Calendar Server be deployed?
  2. You can deploy Calendar Server in virtually any network. The only requirement for it to work out of the box is that you should deploy LDAP for user authentication and user preferences. If you choose not to use LDAP, you can replace the authentication model with one of your own by using the CSAPI. You can also deploy Calendar Server in an identity based environment where Access Manager provides the authentication and provisioning.

  3. On what platforms can I run the Calendar Server?
  4. Currently Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 is supported on the following platforms:

    • Solaris 8, 9, and 10 Operating Systems (SPARC) with recommended patches
    • Solaris 9 x86, Solaris 10 x86
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 u2, Advanced Server 3.0
  5. What are the supported Web browsers?
  6. Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2005Q1 requires a JavaScript-enabled browser. The following browsers are recommended: Netscape™ Communicator 7.2 for Solaris, Windows, Linux, or Mac; Internet Explorer minimum 6.0 SP1 for Windows 98 or Windows 2000; Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 for Windows XP; Mozilla™ 1.4 for Solaris; and Mozilla minimum 1.5 for Windows, Linux, or Mac.

  7. What are the supported clients?
  8. Communications Express is the integrated, communications web client that combines messaging, calendar, and address book in a unified user interface. The Calendar Express UI has been deprecated in favor of this UI. If you have customized Calendar Express, you should make plans to migrate to Communications Express as soon as possible.

    Evolution is the client available with Java Desktop System. The Evolution client looks very much like Outlook but it runs on Solaris and Linux—not on Windows.

    Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002, and Outlook 2003 are supported through Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook.

    In addition, Mobile Access can also read calendar information, display it on a cellular phone or PDA interface, and even allow users to create new events and tasks. Mobile Access also provides a Voice platform for developing voice enabled applications. One could develop a voicelet (voice enabled application) for Calendar Server. The product includes a simple sample Mail voicelet.

    Sun Java System Synchronization tool synchronizes the Calendar Server with many popular programs (such as Outlook) and devices (such as Palm and Windows CE devices).

  9. Are there any special requirements that are necessary prior to installing the Sun Java System Calendar Server?
  10. Prior to installation, you must have the proper operating system environment. You must install the proper patches prior to installing Calendar Server. For more information, see the Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Release Notes. Also, you should be running Sun Java™ System Directory Server 5.1 or greater somewhere in your network.

  11. What security features are in Calendar Server?
  12. Calendar Server provides a number of security features:

    • Encryption: SSL encryption for login, or both login and data. This ensures that the entire session including the login can be encrypted from the Web client to the server.
    • Encryption and Obfuscation: SSL encryption through a proxy gateway using the Sun Java™ System Secure Remote Access. URL rewriting obfuscates the true URL of the Sun Java System Calendar Server
    • Authentication: Secure authentication through LDAP or through Sun Java System Access Manager. Calendar Server also supports the use of an authentication plug-in for cases where an alternate means of authentication is desired. Access Manager also provides a single sign-on capability.
    • Authorization and Access Control: Calendar Server provides an access control layer, which grants or denies user access to calendars or calendar components. For instance, a user can grant permission for other users to view the availability of a calendar and can even grant permission for other users to schedule events in this calendar. In addition, the user can deny other users permission to view the actual events or appointments scheduled into this calendar. Access control also enables users to select who can act on their behalf to respond to invitations, schedule or modify events, and delete events. Finally, access control can be used to span domains of users, thus preventing (or enabling) users in one domain from scheduling events with users of another domain.
    • Database protocol level security: Database Wire Protocol (DWP) authentication utilizes a name/password pair to authenticate a DWP connection when the calendar front end is separate from the database back end.
  13. How is authentication performed?
  14. The default means of authentication is through LDAP. It is possible to change this authentication model through the CSAPI. This allows a developer or deployment engineer to replace LDAP authentication with some other form of authentication. The developer can write a plug-in that will allow the Calendar Server to use another form of authentication. Since the Calendar Server is also identity enabled, it can take advantage of the Access Manager single sign-on mechanism.

  15. How many simultaneous users can the Calendar server support?
  16. There are several different answers to this question since many factors are involved such as the type of hardware used, the peak usage rates, the required performance, capacity, load, user profile, and so on. Another variable that must be taken into account is client type. If Outlook is the primary client, UI rendering does not have to be done by the server. However, Outlook does perform a poll to the server every so often even if the client is inactive. The poll rate can be turned down to minimize the poll load.

  17. What directory servers are supported?
  18. Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 and iPlanet™ Directory Server 5.1 are supported. Calendar Server supports both directory server schemas (internally referred to as Schema 1 and Schema 2).

  19. What LDAP schemas are supported?
  20. Calendar Server supports two schema styles:

    • LDAP Schema 1 and LDAP Schema 2. In LDAP Schema 1, the LDAP directory organization for a hosted-domain installation includes two trees for domain management: a DC tree and an Organization (OSI) tree. LDAP Schema 1 can only be used in LDAP-based calendar deployments where Sun Java System Access Manager is not managing the LDAP directory server.
    • LDAP Schema 2 can be used in both identity-based deployments (using Access Manager) and LDAP-based deployments, but is required for Access Manager deployments. LDAP Schema 2 supports two modes for directory organization: native mode and compatibility mode. In native mode, the LDAP directory organization for a hosted domain installation includes only the OSI tree. In compatibility mode, the LDAP directory organization includes both the OSI and DC trees. Hence hosted domain support is available for both LDAP and identity-based calendar deployments.
  21. How are users provisioned?
  22. If you have an existing LDAP directory, such that a user can log in to Calendar Server with a unique user ID, you can use the auto-provisioning feature to allow the calendar system to add the appropriate object classes and attributes to the LDAP entry and to create the user’s default calendar.

    If you must create the LDAP directory entries, then you can write a script that creates entries using either the Calendar Server utilities csdomain, csuser and csresource, or the Delegated Administrator Utility create commands.

  23. What are the minimum system requirements to install and run the Calendar Server?
  24. The minimum system requirements for a Solaris system are:

    • Solaris 8, Solaris 9, and Solaris 10 (SPARC), Solaris 9 x86, Solaris 10 x86
    • 128 MB Memory (For production systems, 256 MB to 1 GB recommended)
    • 500 MB Disk space for standard installation (For production systems, at least 1 GB)
    • RAID storage for fast access (recommended for large databases)
    • The same memory and disk requirements apply for Linux, HPUX and Windows 2000 as shown for Solaris.

  25. After installing and configuring Calendar Server, how do you access Communications Express?
  26. To reach the Communications Express graphical user interface, go to the following URL:


    For example, for the system named figleaf, using Communications Express, it would be:


    To reach the Calendar Express (deprecated) graphical user interface, go to the following URL:


  27. Can you install Calendar Server on the same machine that contains Messaging Server, Directory Server and Portal Server?
  28. Yes, you can install Calendar Server on the same machine as Directory Server, Messaging Server, or Portal Server. However, for performance reasons, install the Directory Server on a separate machine.

  29. How are invitees notified of newly scheduled appointments? Can they be notified using email?
  30. When a user is invited to an event, it will show up on the user’s calendar.

    In addition, if the event owner wants to send an email notification of the event to every attendee, then when the owner is creating the event, each attendee must also appear as a “mailto” line in the attendees list.

    If the user is not a Calendar Server user, then the only way the event owner can send notification is through email. For this user there will only be a “mailto” entry in the attendee list.

  31. How can I implement an out-of-the-box horizontally scalable solution?
  32. An out of the box solution assumes that no load balancing front-end multiplexors (such as Resonate Global) will be used. There are essentially three prime examples of out-of-the-box solutions.

    1. A single Calendar Server Network front end (without a database) talking to multiple back-end Calendar Servers containing the databases
    2. A front-end Calendar Server (that contains a database) connected to multiple back-end Calendar Servers that also contain databases
    3. A disjoint configuration with a single front end but the back-end Calendar Server daemons are distributed over several machines
    4. In all these cases, by front end, we are referring to the calendar server that runs the HTTP daemon (cshttpd). The back-end server does not run this daemon, instead, it runs the DWP daemon (csdwpd). (In order to implement horizontal scalability, you must implement DWP.)

      To implement DWP, you will have to modify the appropriate lines in the ics.conf file. The example that follows illustrates how this could be done using an LDAP CLD.

      On the front-end machine, three lines must be modified for each host that will be connected using DWP:

    5. The first line identifies the IP address of the back-end server.
    6. The second line identifies the DWP port over which the hosts will communicate.
    7. The third line identifies the default back-end DWP server that will contain the calendar database.
    8. If there are multiple back-end machines storing databases, lines one and two will be repeated for each machine. The 3rd line (default DWP host) need only be specified once in a given front-end servers’s ics.conf file. The identical DWP setup information must be provided in each ics.conf file for every front-end server. It is best to copy these groups of 3-line entries into all the ics.conf files on each system.

      An example of the three line entry is as follows:

      caldb.dwp.server.[].ip = ""
      caldb.dwp.server.[].port = "59779"
      caldb.cld.server.default= ""

      In addition to the 3-line entry, there are a few other variables that must be modified. On the front-end machine, the following variables should be set as indicated:

      service.http.enable = "yes"
      csapi.plug-in.calendarlookup = "y" = "*"
      caldb.cld.type = "directory"
      caldb.cld.cache.enable= "yes"

      On the back-end machine, the following variables should be set:

      service.http.enable = "no"
      service.dwp.enable = "yes"

      All other variables can use their default settings. Once ics.conf is updated, restart all the Calendar Servers.

  33. What is the CLD and what does it do?
  34. The CLD is the calendar lookup database and is used when deploying a horizontally scalable solution. The function of the CLD is to identify the name of the server, using a calendar ID (calid). When the CLD receives a calid, it returns a server name. The Calendar Server implements the CLD as an LDAP plug-in but also supports the older algorithmic CLD for backward compatibility with older releases. The LDAP CLD plug-in uses the icsDWPHost attribute to determine on which back-end server a calendar resides.

  35. What is the recommended CLD for Calendar Server?
  36. Even though the algorithmic CLD is supported in Calendar Server, it is strongly recommended that customers use the LDAP CLD plug-in for a distributed database rather than the algorithmic CLD plug-in.

  37. Is it possible to use NIS for Calendar Server authentication (without syncing NIS to the Directory Server)?
  38. Yes you can replace the existing CSAPI LDAP authentication plug-in and make one using API calls that will do password checking and NIS lookups. In fact, iPlanet Calendar Server 5 versions came with sample code for doing this.

  39. Are there any caveats to be aware of when deploying Calendar Server in a distributed enterprise?
  40. In a distributed enterprise, the LDAP CLD must be used to distribute calendars based on location.

  41. What sizing guidelines are available for deploying Calendar Server?
  42. There are several factors that are involved such as the type of hardware used, the peak usage rates, the required performance, capacity, load, user profile, and so on. Another variable that must be taken into account is client type. If Outlook is the primary client, UI rendering does not have to be done by the server. However, Outlook does perform a poll to the server every so often even if the client is inactive. The poll rate can be turned down to minimize the poll load.

  43. What sizing guidelines can I use to size Calendar Server disk usage?
  44. If you do not have any expected user profiles, begin sizing disk storage by assuming that an event consumes 2 KB of storage. Some events will be less, others will be more. You will still need to know the expected number of events on average that users store in their calendars per week. For example, if the number of events per week is five, a single user needs 10 KB per week. 10 KB x 52 weeks is 512 KB per year per person. If you assume that the customer will want to keep two years worth of data, you will need 1 GB per person.

  45. In a multiple front-end, one back-end configuration, is it necessary to have additional storage on the front-end machines? Do the front-end machines have their own databases? What size should we expect to be there?
  46. Yes, the front-end machines maintain their own databases as well as the back-end machine having a database. Front-end machines’ storage requirements cannot be as large as the back-end machine, but you should provide some storage for them. For example, on the front-end machines, the session databases track the user login status and state. The session databases are relatively small. There is also a CLD cache, which is also small. There are other databases as well, but the referrals should be getting forwarded to the back-end machine. However, you should plan for any possible malfunction that might cause the front-end machines to start storing calendar database transactions locally. It is best to allocate 20 MB for each of these front-end machines.

  47. What migration tools are available for migrating to Calendar Server?
  48. A list of migration tools and their usage is summarized below:

    • cs5migrate - Migrates Calendar Server 5 version databases and LDAP schema to Calendar Server 6 and upgrades the calendar database from Berkeley DB version 2.6 to version 4.2. Only available from Sun Technical Support.

      If you are currently running an earlier version of Calendar Server 6, the migration to the current Berkeley DB version does not require you to run a separate utility; it occurs during installation.

      For compatibility with Outlook, cs5migrate provides a recurring option that creates master records with exceptions, in addition to the standard fan-out records. (Starting with Calendar Server 6 2005Q1, master records are automatically generated by Calendar Server.) Hence recurring events will be represented by both the fan-out model and the master record with exception model.

      If you do not plan to use the Connector for Microsoft Outlook to synchronize existing data, you do not need to specify the recurring option.

    • ncs4migrate - Migrates data from Netscape Calendar Server 4 versions. Only available through Sun Technical Support. This tool migrates data to Calendar Server 5.1.1. You must then migrate from Calendar Server 5.1.1 to Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 using other tools already mentioned
    • ics2migrate - Migrates data from iPlanet Calendar Server 2 versions to 5.1.1. Ask Sun Technical Support for the tool. This utility was bundled with Calendar Server 5. If you have Calendar Server installed, you can find the utility in the old Calendar Server 5 files.


      Data formats have changed radically since version 2. Some cases may require Professional Services in order to convert properly.

    • csmig - Assigns an owner to each calendar in the Calendar Server database and maps each calendar ID to an owner. This is needed for hosted domains and LDAP CLD. Run this utility after cs5migrate. This utility is packaged with Calendar Server.
    • csvdmig - Upgrades Calendar Server to use hosted domains by adding the calendar’s domain (@domainname) to each calid. Run this utility after cs5migrate and csmig. This utility is packaged with Calendar Server.
    • commdirmig - Migrates LDAP data from Schema 1 to Schema 2 in preparation for use with Access Manager 6.1 or higher. This utility is packaged with Access Manager.
    • Hence, if you wanted to migrate from Calendar Server 5 versions to Sun Java System Calendar 6 2005Q1, you would do the following:

    • Run cs5migrate or cs5migrate_recurring on the Calendar Server 5 database to upgrade it to the correct Berkeley Sleepycat database level 4.2.
    • At this point you could stop or you could perform additional migrations depending on whether or not you need support for LDAP CLD or hosted domains.
    • Finally, it should be noted that Sun provides an Enterprise Messaging Migration Service to ensure a successful migration from Exchange to the Sun Java System Calendar Server. A customer should not attempt to perform the migration without Sun Professional Services being involved.

  49. When I run csbackup manually as root with the command: /usr/local/netscape/calendar/SUNWics5/cal/bin/csbackup -f database /export/home/BACKUPS/calendar, I get an error message that says “Backup failed.” What is the problem?
  50. Calendar Server uses shared libraries and requires these shared libraries to be in specific paths, relative to the calendar program being executed. As such, you should run all calendar programs in the directories where they are installed. Also, calendar programs should be run as the installed user (default is icsuser, not root) to avoid permission problems during this access and for subsequent access. For example, if you run a calendar program as root and it creates a new calendar database (now owned by root), the other calendar programs (run as icsuser) will not be able to access this calendar database.

  51. How do I run Calendar Server with the Portal Server through a secure gateway? Do I need additional URL rewriting rules?
  52. It is possible to use Sun Java System Portal Server and its associated gateway to provide a secure SSL connection to the Sun Java System Calendar Server. The gateway will rewrite all the calendar server URLs so that all access to the calendar server must be performed through the gateway.

    In order for this to work, you need to modify the ics.conf file. Two attributes affect URL rewriting: ui.base.url and ui.proxyaddress.url. By default both of these are set to an empty string: "". You need to change the ui.base.url to the value that the gateway will use to rewrite the URLs. This value is constructed based on the SSL Proxy address and the calendar server address. The ui.base.url is of the format https://gateway:port/http://calendar_server:port

    Hence if the Calendar Server runs on and the Portal proxy gateway runs on, you would set the parameter as shown:


    You do not need to specify the SSL port if using the default port 443. You should not change the ui.proxyaddress.url value. This should either be commented out or left to be an empty string. You will not need any additional URL rewriting rules.

    Additionally, if you want single sign-on to work with the channel, make sure the following parameter is set as shown:




  1. What devices and/or applications does Calendar Server synchronize with?
  1. Does Sun Java System Synchronization provide one-way or two-way synchronization?
  2. Sun Java System Synchronization 1.1 supports two-way bidirectional synchronization to or from Calendar Server (minimum version 5). This synchronization allows you to synchronize Calendar Server to popular desktop applications and PDAs. The software does not enable you to synchronize between two non-Java Enterprise System sources such as synchronizing between Microsoft Outlook and a Palm device.

  3. Is it correct to say that Sun Java System Synchronization will provide “free of charge” additional plug-ins for other clients as necessary?
  4. No, Sun Java System Synchronization doesn’t offer plug-ins. The synchronization product contains translators. A translator is software that converts the data from the server, application, or device specific format to a common format and vice-versa. So there are translators of Sun Java System Calendar Server products, translators for Palm devices, Outlook, Palm Desktop, and Win CE devices. The synchronization software is provided free of charge with Sun Java Enterprise System on the accessory CD. Additional translators or additional capability would have to be purchased from Extended Systems, if available.

  5. Does support exist for mobile devices such as RIM’s Blackberry and Palm’s Treo?
  6. Not currently. However, email access is provided by Sun partners such as Consilient and NotifyTechnology. They will provide calendar access in the future.

  7. My Palm and Calendar Server calendars have gotten into a disordered state with many duplicate entries. How can I clear my calendars and start with a fresh calendar?
  8. The following instructions will clear all duplicate data, leaving only one event and one task on your Palm desktop calendar, Palm device, Outlook calendar, or WinCE device and on the Calendar Server calendar.

    Once you have your Palm/Outlook/WinCE data to a state where there is only one event and one task, Step a and Step b below can be skipped.

    1. Create a new Calendar Server calendar with only one event and task.
    2. Force a full synchronization of Palm data to the newly created calendar, choosing to overwrite the Palm data with the Calendar Server data.
    3. Force a full synchronization of Palm data to the “original” calendar with the duplicate data and choose to overwrite the Calendar Server data with the Palm data.
    4. Remove the one event from each calendar.
  9. Can I run the Synchronization tool over SSL?
  10. Yes.

  11. Can Sun Java System Synchronization and Outlook Connector be used simultaneously? Are there any deployment or runtime possible conflicts?
  12. The Connector for Microsoft Outlook installation program will detect the fact that Synchronization is installed and let you know. However, the Synchronization installation software does not detect the Connector for Microsoft Outlook. Since both synchronize to the same calendar store, there will be some undesirable side-effects. Such a configuration is not advisable.

    Use the Synchronization tool to synchronize between Calendar Server and devices, Palm desktop and Outlook. Use the Outlook Connector to synchronize between Outlook and Calendar Server.

  13. Can Blackberry Devices work with Calendar Server? What solutions are available?
  14. There is no Calendar Server solution at this time. However, there have been efforts to address Blackberry support on multiple fronts:

    • Native RIM application support–The native RIM application shipped with Blackberry devices requires an Exchange server in the network. In addition, you would need Messaging Server. The native RIM application does not know how to communicate natively to Messaging Server, so an intermediary process must be installed to handle this environment.

      A specific example of an intermediary process is the software “bridge” developed by Sun’s partner, Consilient. The ”bridge” uses a Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) to communicate to the Blackberry over the RIM network. It allows the user to utilize the “native” email client on the Blackberry. This solution is fine for those who like the native Blackberry mail client and don’t mind having an Exchange server/BES running in their environment. Also, this solution uses the native RIM security (FIBs 140) and avoids the issue of having to retrain users on a new client.

    • New RIM application–You can install a new application onto your Blackberry device that communicates directly to Calendar Server and Messaging Server. Notify, a partner, provides NotifyLink, which accesses Messaging Server over IMAP and uses a Java client on the device. The client communicates with HTTP(S) to the Calendar Server over the public Internet and supports Blackberry, Palm and Pocket PC devices. While the client actually polls for new mail on the Messaging Server, the user experience is as if it were “pushed” from the Messaging Server.

      NotifyLink preserves the asynchronous mail notification on the handheld device. This solution is good for customers who don’t like the idea of Exchange in their environment and are willing to have a Java client running on their Blackberry rather than the native client. Customers with a heterogeneous handheld environment will also find the multiple OS device support useful. This solution also includes Triple DES or AES encryption.

    • Browser support–Using Sun Java System Mobile Access, your can access mail and calendar through a browser application running on Blackberry. Mobile Access offers full read and write access to calendar and mail data. But in order for you to receive mail and calendar notifications (SMS notifications) when new mail or calendar appointments are created, you must set up the notifications separately through rules running on the Messaging Server or Calendar Server.

      Mobile Access works with any device browser, including those browsers running on Blackberry devices. There is no data synchronization necessary since the device accesses data directly from Messaging Server or Calendar Server. Mobile Access also provides encryption using SSL.

      Mobile Access is a good solution for customers who don’t need the performance of a local mail or calendar client running on their device, don’t need the additional security offered by native RIM applications, and where browser-based access is acceptable.

Coexistence and Interoperability

  1. Can Sun Java System Calendar Server and Netscape Calendar Server (NCS) coexist on the same machine? Can NCS data be migrated to Sun Java System Calendar Server?
  2. Yes, both calendar servers can coexist on the same machine. Sun Java System Calendar Server provides migration tools to migrate NCS 4 data to Sun Java System Calendar Server. Earlier versions of NCS are not supported, so it is suggested that you upgrade to NCS 4.0 prior to migrating to Calendar Server. Also, you cannot migrate directly from NCS 4.0 to Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 using a single tool. Multiple tools are needed to perform this migration.

    The steps needed to perform this migration are as follows:

    1. Move your NCS 4 version database over to the Calendar Server machine and run ncs4migrate (available from technical support) against it. This essentially creates a Berkeley Database version 2.6 representation of the NCS 4.0 data.
    2. Run cs5migrate (available from Sun Technical Support) against the newly created Berkeley version 2.6 database. This updates the Berkeley Sleepycat database to version 4.2, the version used by Calendar Server 6 2005Q1.
    3. If you want to use hosted domains or distribute your LDAP database across multiple back-end machines (CLD), you should set the appropriate parameters in the Calendar Server configuration file (ics.conf). In addition, you will need to run additional migration utilities (bundled with Calendar Server). For instructions on how to configure Calendar System for CLD, see the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide.
  3. Do we have a solution to synchronize between Lotus Notes and Calendar like the Outlook Connector?
  4. Not at this time.

  5. What versions of Outlook are supported?
  6. Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2003 are supported with Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook version 7.0.

Connector for Microsoft Outlook

  1. Does Outlook Connector 7 interoperate with Java Enterprise System 2004Q2? Why do I need to upgrade to Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 to use Outlook Connector 7?
  2. Outlook Connector 7 requires minimum Java ES 2005Q1 because of its dependence on Address Book Service, a component of Communications Express, which has been enhanced to support Outlook. The new connector cannot be installed without access to Address Book (it is a core service).

    Besides this dependence on Communications Express infrastructure components, there are bug fixes that can depend on a newer version of Calendar server.

  3. Does Outlook Connector support disconnected mode?
  4. Yes, Outlook Connector 7 provides full fidelity disconnected support.

Communications Express

  1. How do I delete Calendars or Calendar Groups that I have previously created?
  2. From the Manage Calendars window, click the Edit link under the Properties heading. The Edit Calendar or Edit Calendar Group window appears. Click the Delete button in this window.

  3. My session times out in Communications Express after 30 minutes even though I am an active user. What do I do?
  4. Communications Express can run in deployments with or without Access Manager. More than likely Communications Express is running with Access Manager and the session timeout you are observing is from Access Manager.

    To avoid timeouts, extend the session timeout period by performing the following:

    1. Log into Access Manager as amadmin user.
    2. In the Access Manager console, choose Service Configuration and then Session.
    3. Check the value of Maximum Idle Time. It will probably be set to 30 (the default). Set it to a larger number, such as 720.

Event Feeds

  1. What are calendar event feeds?
  2. Calendar event feeds are collections of time based events presented in a calendar format. They can be searched, browsed, and incorporated into user calendars by a user if they subscribe to the event calendar. Service providers and enterprises can create their own customized calendar event feeds that meet the needs and requirements of their calendar users. As well, web site and e-commerce links can be easily integrated with the content calendar.

  3. How are event feeds implemented?
  4. The content must be in either iCalendar or XML/iCalendar format. Customers can either create their own event feeds or translate the existing content feeds to the appropriate iCalendar format.

  5. Does Calendar Server support HTML links within a calendar event?
  6. Yes, Calendar Server does support HTML links within the event. This allows event information to contain GIF images and links that point to other web pages. The current version of Communications Express now supports rendering HTML in the event.

  7. How do I enable HTML to be rendered in Communications Express?
  8. If you want to enable HTML rendering for Communications Express you must perform the following steps:

    1. Edit the /var/opt/SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/config/ as follows:
    2. uwc.renderhtml = y

    3. Restart Calendar Server and the web container for Communications Express
    4. Put any images (GIF format) you want rendered in the following directory: /var/opt/SUNWuwc/imf
    5. When referencing an image, use the src option on the img tag as in the example that follows:
    6. SUMMARY:<html><img src=../imf/Flag9849.gif align=left border=0 width=27 height=28>Columbus Day</html>


      There is an issue with events that don’t have the DTEND marker in them. Communications Express will not properly display the month view if any event in this view does not have a DTEND tag. To fix this, just go to the week view and edit the offending event. Add a space to the event description then save the event. The problem should go away.

Further Reading

All documentation for Calendar Server, Communications Express and Connector for Microsoft Outlook can be found at:

Known Issues and Limitations

See the Java Enterprise System Release Notes Collection at the following URL to find out about known problems:

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Calendar Server, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

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To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document. For example, the title of this book is Calendar Server 2005Q1 Frequently Asked Questions, and the part number is 819-2631-10.

Additional Sun Resources

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