Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Technical Note

Sun Java Enterprise System Technical Note: Configuring Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam with Sun Java System Messaging Server


Part Number 819-3714-10

The Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Technical Note: Configuring Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam with Sun Java System Messaging Server describes how to install, configure, and verify Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam with Sun Java™ System Messaging Server.

The component products affected by this technical note are:

This technical note contain the following sections:

Technical Note Revision History

Table 1  Revision History 


Description of Changes

August 26, 2005

Changed title.

August 19, 2005

Initial release of this technical note.

Overview of Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam

The Symantec Brightmail solution consists of the Brightmail AntiSpam software along with realtime anti-spam and anti-virus rule updates downloaded to email servers.

How Symantec Brightmail Works

An organization deploys the Symantec Brightmail software at its site. Symantec has email probes set around the Internet for detection of new spam. Symantec technicians create custom rules to block this spam in realtime. These rules are downloaded to Symantec Brightmail servers, also in realtime. The Symantec Brightmail database is updated and the Symantec Brightmail server runs this database filter against the email for the specified users or domains.

Brightmail Architecture

Figure 1 depicts the Symantec Brightmail architecture.

Figure 1  

Graphic shows Brightmail and Messaging Server Architecture.

Brightmail and Messaging Server Architecture

Symantec Brightmail and Messaging Server Architecture

When Symantec Security Response receives spam from email probes, operators immediately create appropriate spam filtering rules, which are downloaded to Symantec Brightmail customer machines. Similarly, Symantec Security Response sends realtime virus rules. These rules are used by customer’s Symantec Brightmail servers to catch spam and viruses.

The Sun Java System Messaging Server MTA uses the Symantec Brightmail SDK to communicate with the Symantec Brightmail server. The MTA dispatches messages based on the response from Brightmail. After the mail (1a) or (1b) is received by the MTA, the MTA sends a copy of the message contents to the Symantec Brightmail server (2). The Symantec Brightmail server uses its rules and data to determine if the message is a spam or virus (3), and returns a verdict to the MTA. Based on the verdict, the MTA either (4a) discards the message or, or (4b) delivers it to a particular folder in the Message Store, or (4c) delivers it to the default INBOX folder.

Because the Symantec Brightmail SDK is third-party software, it is not included in the Messaging Server installation kit. You must obtain the Symantec Brightmail SDK and server software from Symantec. The MTA has configuration settings to tell it whether and where to load the Symantec Brightmail SDK to enable Symantec Brightmail integration.

Once the SDK is loaded, Symantec Brightmail message processing is determined by several factors and levels of granularity. Symantec Brightmail scanning can be selected in the MTA in a variety of ways, including via use of a per-user LDAP attribute, or via use of a per-domain LDAP attribute, or according to source or destination channel.

The Messaging Server MTA passes an optin variable to the Symantec Brightmail server. If a destinationspamfilternoptin optin-value or sourcespamfilternoptin optin-value marking is placed on a relevant channel in the imta.cnf file, or if a domain or user has the appropriate LDAP attribute set to some string (optin-value), then that optin-value is passed as the value of the optin variable to Brightmail. If you enable the Brightmail client-side optin, and the optin value is not set, the Brightmail default is NULL, which means that emails are not going to be filtered with any Symantec Brightmail services (spam or virus).

Symantec Brightmail offers only two distinguishable services, spam and virus. However, Symantec Brightmail supports the concept of “group policies,” enabling different actions for different users based on the same verdict. See the Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam documentation for more information. Symantec Brightmail also provides “content-filtering” service, but this functionality is provided using Sieve, so there is no added value to have Symantec Brightmail do the Sieve filtering.

When a message is determined to contain a virus, the Symantec Brightmail software can be configured to clean the virus and resubmit the cleaned message back to the MTA. (Due to some undesirable side effects caused by loss of information about the original message in a resubmitted cleaned message, do not configure Symantec Brightmail to resubmit the cleaned message back to the MTA.) When the message is spam, the verdict back from Symantec Brightmail along with the MTA configuration for how to interpret that verdict determine what happens to the message.The message can be discarded, filed into a folder, tagged as spam or virus on the subject line, passed to a Sieve rule, delivered normally in the INBOX, and so on.

The Symantec Brightmail software can be located on the same system as the MTA, or it can be on a separate host. In fact, you can have a farm of Symantec Brightmail servers serving one or more MTAs. The Symantec Brightmail SDK uses the bmiconfig_client.xml file to determine which Symantec Brightmail servers to use.

Symantec Brightmail Requirements and Performance Considerations

Installing and Configuring Symantec Brightmail

Use the steps in this section to install the Symantec Brightmail server then configure Messaging Server to use Symantec Brightmail. These steps assume that you are installing Symantec Brightmail server and Messaging Server on the same host. For a multi-node installation, see Configuring a Multi-node Symantec Brightmail and Messaging Server Deployment for more information.

Installing Symantec Brightmail

  To Install Symantec Brightmail on a Solaris 10 System

There is a problem with the Symantec Brightmail install script on Solaris 10. The problem prevents the script from continuing beyond the OS level check, and warns that the /tmp directory does not have enough space, even though there is enough space. To fix this problem, perform the following before running the Symantec Brightmail install script.

  To Prepare the System

  To Install Symantec Brightmail

  1. Download the latest Symantec Brightmail AnitSpam release from the following location:


    The version for download at the time of this publication was BAS 6.0.1.

    You will also receive a Symantec license file through email. Be sure to register the Symantec Brightmail software later.

  3. Obtain the Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam.
  4. You need the Symantec Brightmail SDK for a Messaging Server host that has Symantec Brightmail filtering enabled. You copy and untar the Symantec Brightmail SDK on the Messaging Server host. Deployments with Symantec Brightmail server only (that is, a multi-node deployment where the Symantec Brightmail server is running on a separate host from the Messaging Server host) don’t need the Symantec Brightmail SDK on them. Contact your Symantec sales representative to access the Symantec Brightmail SDK.

  5. Copy the Symantec Brightmail SDK tar file to a new directory on the Messaging Server host where the SDK should initially be unpacked.
  6. Untar the Symantec Brightmail SDK into its own directory.
  7. For example:

    tar -xvf tar -xvf BSDK_6*_*.tar

    This creates a BSDK subdirectory with the following directories files, as shown in the following example (the installation directory is SYMSDK):





















  8. Change the permissions on the preceding directories and files so that Message Server can read the bmiconfig_client.xml file.
  9. For example, if Messaging Server is running as mailsrv:mail, then the mailsrv user should have permissions to read and write to the bmiconfig_client.xml file. That is, perform a chmod -R 755 base_dir/BSDK, or at least make sure that the permissions are ReadWriteXExecute by any group, as shown below.

    # pwd


    # ls -arlt

    total 1734

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 mailsrv mail 432843 Jun 28 2004

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 mailsrv mail 432843 Jun 28 2004

    drwxr-xr-x 3 mailsrv mail 512 Jun 20 14:44 ..

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 mailsrv mail 745 Jun 30 11:45 bmiconfig_client.xml

    drwxr-xr-x 2 mailsrv mail 512 Jul 10 15:26 .

  10. Install the Symantec Brightmail server.
  11. ./install

  12. Select the following options:
    • Brightmail Scanner
    • Choose the default folder
    • Default Install Folder: /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner
    • Log Folder (default: /var/log/brightmail)
    • Install Set: Brightmail Server only

    • Tip

      Brightmail Server only is not the default.

  13. Register Symantec Brightmail server. This step happens automatically as part of the installation.
  14. /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/sbin/

    Specify the valid licence file you got from Step 1.

    For example:

    # /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/sbin/

    Please enter the path to a valid license file: /export/brightmail/1425886.7.slf

    Connecting to Brightmail. This may take a few minutes.

    Verifying Certificate...

    Registration Successful.

    You are now enabled to retrieve Symantec Brightmail rules from Symantec Security Response.

  15. Change the ownership of cert.pem under the /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/etc directory so that the mailwall user can access cert.pem.
  16. # ls -arlt cert.pem

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 1892 Jul 10 14:19 cert.pem

    # chown mailwall:bmi cert.pem

    # ls -arlt cert.pem

    -rw-r--r-- 1 mailwall bmi 1888 Jun 29 16:14 cert.pem

  17. Change the ownership of the directory so that the Messaging Server user (in the following example mailsrv:mail) can access this directory.
  18. chown -R mailsrv:mail /opt/symantec/


    The IMTA_USER option in the MTA tailor file (typically /opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/imta_tailor) is how the MTA knows who its user is.

  19. Make backup copies of the bmiconfig.xml (from the scanner= server) and bmiconfig_client.xml (from the SDK) files.
  20. Modify the bmiconfig_client.xml file, replacing the HOST and the PORT (where the server is listening). Also, configure the Symantec Brightmail client log file, CLIENT.LOG, which is the path to the Symantec Brightmail client log file. Make sure Messaging Server can write to this file.
  21. For example, if Symantec Brightmail server is running on a host named and it is listening on port 41000, then your modification would look like this:

    <servers> <server host="" port="41000"></server>

  22. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
  23. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/opt/sun/messaging/

    Also, add base_dir/BSDK/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the host running Messaging Server.

  24. Start the Symantec Brightmail server:
  25. /etc/init.d/mailwall start

  To Verify the Symantec Brightmail Installation

  1. Make sure that the Symantec Brightmail server starts without any errors by examining /var/log/syslog output.
  2. You should see output similar to the following for a functioning server:

    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting bmagent.

    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting harvester.

    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting conduit.

    Jul 10 14:21:39 host1 runner[24856]: [ID 702911] starting bmserver.

  3. Check logs in the /var/log/brightmail directory for errors. Also, check the Symantec Brightmail client log file (configured in the bmiconfig_client.xml).
  4. Make sure that the Symantec Brightmail server has started successfully by examining the bmserver process.
  5. For example:

    # ps -eaf | grep sbas

    mailwall 16808 16806 0 17:49:12 ? 0:01 /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/bin/bmserver -c /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/etc/bmico

    mailwall 16806 1 0 17:49:12 ? 0:00 /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/sbin/runner /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/etc/

    mailwall 16807 16806 0 17:49:12 ? 0:00 /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/sbin/bmagent -c /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/etc/agent

Configuring the Messaging Server MTA for Symantec Brightmail

The Sun Java System Messaging Server MTA supports the use of up to four separate spam/virus filtering packages. Typical usage would be to configure Symantec Brightmail as spam/virus filter package #1 as shown in this section, using a minimal set of option.dat options. However, if one or more other spam/virus filter packages are already in use and Symantec Brightmail is to be added as yet another spam/virus filter package, then configure Symantec Brightmail by setting an appropriate pair of (previously unused) SPAMFILTERn_CONFIG_FILE and SPAMFILTERn_LIBRARY options.

In the following example, Messaging Server has been installed in the /opt/SUNWmsgsr directory.

  To Modify the option.dat and imta.cnf Files

  1. Modify the option.dat file as follows.
  2. Here the Symantec Brightmail client is located under the /SYMSDK/BSDK directory.


    ! Brightmail Stuff




    Consider also setting SPAMFILTER1_OPTIONAL=-2 (or SPAMFILTERn_OPTIONAL=-2, as appropriate) in the option.dat file. If the MTA encounters an error contacting Symantec Brightmail, then in addition to temporarily rejecting incoming SMTP messages, the MTA will also generate a syslog notice. For syslog notices to be routed appropriately, you might also need to adjust the SNDOPR_PRIORITY option.dat option and your syslog.conf file.

  3. Modify the imta.cnf file as follows.
  4. Symantec Brightmail scanning can be selected in the MTA in a variety of ways, including via use of a per-user LDAP attribute, or via use of a per-domain LDAP attribute, or according to source or destination channel. A typical usage is to perform Symantec Brightmail scanning on all messages destined to locally hosted users: that is, on all messages being delivered to users via an ims-ms channel, or via tcp_lmtp* client channels. For instance, to trigger Symantec Brightmail “spam” filtering on all messages being delivered to the store via the ims-ms channel, if Symantec Brightmail is being used as spam/virus filter package # 1, add destinationspamfilter1optin spam to the ims-ms channel definition in the imta.cnf file. Such a channel definition might then look something like the following:

    ! ims-ms

    ims-ms defragment subdirs 20 notices 1 7 14 21 28 \

    backoff "pt5m" "pt10m" "pt30m" "pt1h" "pt2h" "pt4h" \

    maxjobs 2 pool IMS_POOL fileinto $U+$S@$D \

    destinationspamfilter1optin spam


  5. Compile the MTA configuration.
  6. ./imsimta cnbuild

  To Verify Messaging Server MTA

Use one of the following steps to verify that the Messaging Server MTA is functioning properly.

  1. Run the imsimta test -rewrite command on a sample local user address. There should be no errors. For example:
  2. # /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin/imsimta test -rewrite -debug=level=4 -filter

    12:32:29.33: - passed.

    12:32:29.33: - send_access mapping check:


    12:32:29.33: Mapping 4 applied to


    12:32:29.33: Final result


    12:32:29.33: - passed.

    12:32:29.33: - adding address user99@ims-ms-daemon to channel ims-ms

    12:32:29.33: Closing URL context 1, new type = 7

    12:32:29.33: - adding address to headers.

    12:32:29.33: Copy estimate after address addition is 2


    Expanded address:

    Submitted address list:


      user99@ims-ms-daemon (orig, inter, host ims-ms-daemon)


    Submitted notifications list:

  3. Compose and send an email. Look at the Symantec Brightmail server logs under the /var/log/brightmail directory and verify that the bmserver_logs file contains information about this message.

  4. Note

    You can also log in to the Control Center and check for statistics.

  5. If you set SPAMFILTER1_OPTIONAL=-2 in the option.dat file, as previously explained, then you can check for warning syslog messages to verify the MTA/Symantec Brightmail operation.
  6. If you set LOG_FILTER=1 in the option.dat file, you can check that “expected” results are showing up in the filter field in mail.log* records. See Adding More Information to Message Transaction Records for more information.

Adding More Information to Message Transaction Records

If you are currently logging message transactions (have the logging keyword enabled in your imta.cnf file), consider also setting LOG_FILTER=1 in the option.dat file.


If you enable “logging,” make sure that you have a method in place to manage the resulting log files. See the “Managing Logging” chapter of the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide for more information.

LOG_FILTER=1 will cause inclusion of an additional field in the message transaction records in the mail.log* files that will record both other sorts of Sieve filter results, as well as Symantec Brightmail results applied to each message recipient. Exactly what will appear in the Symantec Brightmail result portion of this field depends upon what verdict or destination Symantec Brightmail returns, and how the MTA in turn is configured to react to that verdict or destination. But the general form will be:

spamfiltern:encoded-string Sieve-action(s)-comma-separated

where in general (when other forms of Sieve filtering are also in use) this is one part (also comma-separated) within the overall filter field. For instance, a message recipient with no general MTA Sieve, no applicable channel Sieve, no applicable domain Sieve, and no personal Sieve, but where Symantec Brightmail returned a “null destination-data” result (normally configured to be interpreted as a request to discard the message, it having been determined to be spam), where here Symantec Brightmail is assumed to be configured as spam/virus filter package # 1, might show in the filter field as:

’spamfilter1:encoded-string discard;’

Or, if Symantec Brightmail has been configured to return a “spam” destination-data (normally configured to be interpreted as a request to file the message to a “spam” folder), in the case of messages determined to be spam, then this might show in the filter field as:

’spamfilter1:encoded-string fileinto "spam";’

Configuring a Multi-node Symantec Brightmail and Messaging Server Deployment

On a multi-node Symantec Brightmail and Messaging Server installation—where the Symantec Brightmail server is running on one host and the Messaging Server MTA is running on a separate host—in addition to the previous steps, perform the following:

  1. Copy the to the Scanner directory, for example:
  2. cp /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner/lib

  3. Make sure that the Symantec Brightmail Client is installed where your MTA exists.
  4. Make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /opt/symantec/sbas/Scanner.

Using Control Center and Messaging Server MTA

You can use Control Center to manage your Symantec Brightmail scanners, but not the client component running with Messaging Server. Messaging Server is able to understand and act upon the potential responses that you can configure based on setting group policies. For example, you can delete spam for some users, but return it marked up for others. The two configurations, Brightmail and the Sun MTA, aren’t “synchronized” in the sense that a change in one would automatically cause a (correct) change in the other. But the two configurations are configured to work in accord in a more manual sense.

Troubleshooting the Configuration

Use the following to troubleshoot problems with your configuration.

Further Reading

Refer to the Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam documentation at the following location:

Known Issues and Limitations

See the Java Enterprise System Release Notes Collection at the following URL to find out about known problems:

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