Technical Case Study: Sun Java Enterprise System SunWeb 4.0

Deployment Planning

The SunWeb portal deployment began with deployment planning, a critical piece of any successful deployment. The following table briefly describes the high-level tasks involved with planning the SunWeb deployment and points to specific information in this case study. Consider using a similar approach when planning your own deployment.

This case study is specific to the SunWeb portal deployment. For general information about deployment planning, see the Sun Java Enterprise System Deployment Planning Guide in the Java ES documentation set.

Table 1–1 SunWeb Deployment Planning Task Map


SunWeb Information 

1. Analyze business goals and develop business requirements.

Business requirements are used to determine the technical requirements for the deployment. 

See Chapter 2, SunWeb Requirements, which describes SunWeb requirements.

2. Convert the business requirements into technical requirements.

Technical requirements are used to design the deployment architecture and specify quality of service (QoS) features such as performance, availability, and scalability. 

See Chapter 2, SunWeb Requirements, which describes SunWeb requirements.

3. Develop the deployment scenario.

The deployment scenario is used to design the deployment architecture. The scenario consists of a logical architecture, which identifies the Java ES components and other software needed to provide the services, and the requirements defined in the previous step. 

See Chapter 3, Designing the SunWeb Architecture, which describes designing the SunWeb architecture.

4. Develop the deployment architecture.

The deployment architecture is based on the deployment scenario and is used to define the specifics of the deployment, mapping the components specified in the logical architecture to a physical environment. 

While the logical architecture deals with components in a general sense, the deployment architecture specifies details such as the number of computers, how they are connected, how many instances of each component are needed, and so on. 

See Chapter 3, Designing the SunWeb Architecture, which describes designing the SunWeb architecture.

5. Develop the deployment specifications.

Deployment specifications are used to implement the solution. The specifications are based on the deployment architecture, but add the detailed information needed to install and configure the set of components identified in the architecture.  

See Chapter 4, Preparing the SunWeb Deployment Specifications, which describes preparing the deployment specifications.

6. Implement the deployment architecture.

Implementation typically involves installing and configuring the hardware infrastructure, installing and configuring the software, modeling users and resources within an LDAP directory design, and so on. The detailed installation and configuration plans are developed from the deployment specifications.  

Specific installation and configuration procedures are not provided in this case study. For detailed information about installing and configuring Java ES software, see the Java ES documentation resources at Additional Java ES resources are also available at