Technical Case Study: Sun Java Enterprise System SunWeb 4.0

Security Requirements

Security is a vital consideration for any system accessed by a large number of users over the public Internet. The general security requirements for SunWeb include the following:

Token-based authentication is used for remote and mobile users accessing SunWeb through the public Internet and the remote access gateways. Corporate LDAP is used for internal users accessing the portal from a computer connected to SWAN. Remote users accessing SunWeb over the public Internet (SRA) first get a login screen in their browser. After authenticating, a customizable desktop is displayed through which they gain access to various back-end applications and services. The specific mechanisms are described in greater detail in Chapter 3, including Analyzing User Interactions with the SunWeb Components.

The following table provides more specific information about security requirements.

Table 2–3 SunWeb Security Requirements

Security Category 



  • Housed within a secure data center to which only authorized personnel have access


  • Redundant firewall protection

  • Secure transfer and storage of data

  • Administrative options provided to customize security settings (explicit policy control)


  • Compatible with SSL-enabled web browsers and Transport Layer Security (TLS)

  • 128-bit encryption for mail transfer between client and server

Backup and recovery 

  • All software and configurations backed up (weekly or nightly incremental backups)

  • Operating system backed up weekly

  • Backups stored for 2 weeks

  • Maximum 24 hours of data loss

Disaster recovery 

  • Distributed architecture in multiple data centers with failover capability

  • Disaster recovery to be completed within 24 hours


  • Data storage that follows applicable regulations, corporate security policies, and corporate privacy policies

For more information about security strategies, see Choosing Security Strategies for the SunWeb Architecture.