Technical Case Study: Sun Java Enterprise System SunWeb 4.0

Designing the Deployment Architecture

The deployment architecture merges the two types of information found in the logical architecture and the quality of service requirements. To design your deployment architecture you must consider such questions as the following:

In addition to answering these questions, you analyze use cases and usage information and determine how the Java ES components and other software can be deployed on your network to provide access and security.

This section describes how the SunWeb team analyzed the SunWeb use cases and developed a deployment architecture.

Analyzing User Interactions with the SunWeb Components

The main user interactions with the set of components used for the SunWeb deployment are illustrated in Figure 3–2 and Figure 3–3. These figures show how users interact with the Java ES components in the proposed logical architecture to obtain the specified services. As you continue the design process, you analyze the component interactions represented in these figures, factor in the user base and usage patterns, and begin to make decisions about a deployment architecture that supports these interactions with the specified quality of service.

Notice that the security requirements are being considered at this stage of the analysis. The figures include proposed access zones for the SunWeb deployment.

The following figure illustrates the interactions between a user who is logged in to the corporate network and the Java ES components in the proposed logical architecture for the SunWeb deployment.

Figure 3–2 Local User Interactions

Graphic representation of the local user interactions
described in the text.

The interactions shown in the preceding figure are described in the following table.

Table 3–1 Interacting With SunWeb Components Over the Corporate Network



A user logs in to a computer connected to the corporate network. The computer can be physically connected to the corporate network or connected to the corporate network over the public Internet with a virtual private network (VPN) session.  

The user starts a web browser and opens the SunWeb URL. This request is directed to a custom wrapper for the Portal Server desktop servlet. 

The Portal Server desktop servlet wrapper checks for a SunWeb session cookie: 

  • If the cookie exists (meaning that the user is already authenticated for SunWeb), the Portal Server formats the user's personalized desktop as described in step 5.

  • If the cookie does not exist (meaning that the user has explicitly logged out of his or her previous session), the desktop servlet displays an anonymous view of the SunWeb desktop. The anonymous view includes fields for user ID and password. The user can work with the anonymous view or log in, as described in step 4.

If the user supplies a user ID and a password in the desktop login fields, SunWeb's Access Manager (4a) uses a custom authorization module to authenticate the user's ID and password against the corporate LDAP directory (4b). When the user is authenticated, Portal Server displays the user's personalized desktop view, as described in step 5. 

To display the user's SunWeb desktop, Portal Server aggregates content from a variety of sources. The specific content that appears on each user's personalized desktop is determined by a portal profile that is managed by the SunWeb Access Manager (5a) and stored in the SunWeb Directory Server (5b).

The Portal Server mechanisms for aggregating content are described in the following list: 

  • Static content: The Portal Server's URLScraper feature pulls static content that is stored in the local file system as HTML files. These local files are updated every ten minutes by the Portal Content Deliverer (PCD). The PCD scans source material on the corporate content management system (CMS) and updates the local content as necessary.

  • Dynamic content, including the portal mail, calendar, and blog channels: The Portal Server's URLScraper feature dynamically pulls content from URL addresses on the main corporate network (5c) and presents it on the user's desktop.

The user reviews his or her portal desktop and chooses to review details of one or more channels. 

The user can end his or her desktop session by closing the web browser window or by explicitly logging out of the SunWeb portal. If the user closes the web browser window, the SunWeb cookie persists. If the user explicitly logs out, the SunWeb cookie is deleted, and the user must log in to the SunWeb portal again at the beginning of his or her next session. 

The following figure illustrates the interactions between an employee who accesses SunWeb services over the public Internet and the Java ES components in the proposed logical architecture.

Figure 3–3 Remote User Interactions

Graphic representation of the remote user actions described
in the text.

The interactions shown in the preceding figure are described in the following table.

Table 3–2 Interacting With SunWeb Components Over the Internet



From a computer not connected to SWAN or a mobile device, the user starts a web browser and opens the URL for SunWeb remote access. This request is routed to the SunWeb gateway service, provided by Portal Server Secure Remote Access.  

The gateway service displays a login window to the user. 

The user enters both an ID and a dynamically generated token card code. 

SunWeb components authenticate the user as follows: 

The gateway passes this information to Access Manager (4a). Access Manager uses its SafeWord Module, a standard Access Manager feature, to authenticate the information with the corporate SafeWord service (4b). 

  • If the user is authenticated, the SunWeb portal service displays the user's personalized desktop, as described in step 5.

  • If the user is not authenticated, the user is prompted again for password and token card code.

To display the user's SunWeb portal desktop, Portal Server aggregates content from a variety of sources. The specific content that appears on each user's personalized desktop is determined by a portal profile that is managed by the SunWeb Access Manager (5a) and stored in the SunWeb Directory Server (5b).  

The Portal Server mechanisms for aggregating content are described in the following list: 

  • Static content: The Portal Server's URLScraper feature pulls static content that is stored in the local file system as HTML files. These local files are updated every ten minutes by the Portal Content Deliverer (PCD). The PCD scans source material on the corporate content management system (CMS) and updates the local content as necessary.

  • Dynamic content, including the mail, calendar, and blog channels: The Portal Server's URLScraper feature dynamically pulls content from URL addresses on the main corporate network (5c) and presents it on the user's desktop.

The user reviews his or her portal desktop and chooses to review details of one or more channels. 

The user closes the web browser and ends the SunWeb session. 

Representing the Deployment Architecture Graphically

As you analyze your requirements and user interactions, you develop a graphical representation of your proposed deployment architecture. The graphical representation uses a set of boxes that represent the computers in the deployment. Each box in the figure is labeled with the name of the computer and the components that are installed on the computer. The deployment architecture for the SunWeb deployment is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 3–4 SunWeb Deployment Architecture

Graphical representation of the architecture described
in the text.

Note –

The system names that appear in the preceding figure are not the names used in the actual SunWeb deployment. The system names in the figure are used only to illustrate the architecture.

Choosing Redundancy Strategies for the SunWeb Architecture

The architecture represented in the preceding figure uses two redundancy strategies to meet the quality of service specified for the SunWeb deployment. The two redundancy strategies, load balancing and Directory Server multimaster replication are chosen for the following reasons:

Choosing Security Strategies for the SunWeb Architecture

The requirements for the SunWeb portal service posed the following security challenges:

For more information on the security requirements, see Security Requirements.

The SunWeb architects met the first challenge by including Access Manager and Directory Server in the deployment to control employee access to portal content. These Access Manager and Directory Server instances are separate from the main corporate LDAP service. The SunWeb directory service is dedicated to maintaining each employee's portal desktop profile. The desktop profile includes any desktop customization performed by the employee, as well as LDAP attributes and object classes that determine what content an employee is authorized to view. For more information on this aspect of the deployment, see The LDAP Schema.

The SunWeb architects met the second challenge by including the Portal Server Secure Remote Access component and its gateway service in the deployment and by designing network access zones that take maximum advantage of the gateway service. The access zones are demarcated by firewalls. The access zones and the firewalls are represented in Figure 3–4.

The outermost zone in Figure 3–4 is the demilitarized zone (DMZ), which contains the portal gateway. The DMZ is reasonably secure. The portal gateway service behind the firewall can be accessed at one specific URL only. Employees who connect to the SunWeb portal with remote web browser clients or mobile clients access the gateway service at the specified URL. The firewall blocks all other ports and addresses.

In addition to deploying the gateway service behind Firewall 3 in the DMZ, the SunWeb architecture protects the gateway service in the following ways:

The next zone, behind Firewall 2, is the SunWeb subnet. This zone contains the actual SunWeb portal service, which is provided by eight instances of Portal Server, supported by eight instances of Access Manager and two instances of Directory Server. This zone is defined by an additional firewall (Firewall 2).

In addition to deploying the portal service on its own subnet behind Firewall 2, the SunWeb architecture protects the portal service in the following ways:

The main corporate network contains various corporate information services that are accessed by the SunWeb portal service. These services are protected by Firewall 1. In addition to Firewall 1, the main corporate network is protected by the following measures:

Not shown in Figure 3–4 is the fact that the individual computers running the Java ES services are hardened.

Planning for Scalability in the SunWeb Architecture

The Java ES services used in the SunWeb portal architecture are provided by multiple component instances running on multiple computers behind a load balancer. For example, the portal service is provided by eight Portal Server instances running on computers sunwebPS2 through sunwebPS9.

This architecture could be scaled either horizontally or vertically to handle more incoming connections in the following ways: