Technical Case Study: Sun Java Enterprise System SunWeb 4.0

Preparing the Computer Hardware and Operating System Specification

The computer hardware and operating system specification describes the hardware and operating system configuration for each computer in the deployment. Your choice of hardware primarily depends on the level of performance you require from the components running on the computer.

The following table lists the computer hardware chosen for the SunWeb deployment. All of these computers run the Solaris 10 (x86) operating system with zones.

Table 4–1 Computer Hardware and Operating System Specification


Installed Components  

Service Description  

Hardware Model  

swSRA1 through swSRA6

Portal Server SRA 

Gateway service for remote portal access 

Sun Fire V20z, 2 x Opteron 

swPS1 through swPS8

Portal Server, Portal Server Mobile Access Pack, Access Manager SDK, Application Server, CMS Interface API 

SunWeb portal service 

Sun Fire V20z, 2 x Opteron 

swAM1, swAM2

Access Manager, Directory Server 

SunWeb Access Manager service, SunWeb directory service 

Sun Fire V20z, 2 x Opteron 

swAM3 through swAM8

Access Manager 

SunWeb Access Manager service 

Sun Fire V20z, 2 x Opteron