Sun B2B Suite AS2 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Deploying the Deployment Profiles

This section provides a procedure that describes how to construct and deploy the sample scenario’s Project Deployment Profiles.

ProcedureTo Construct and Deploy the Deployment Profiles

This procedure explains generally how to construct and deploy the Deployment Profiles for the sample scenario.

  1. Open the Project you want to work with, using Project Explorer.

  2. Create and name one or more Deployment Profiles for each Project.

    See Table 6–1 for a list of the Projects and Deployment Profiles you must create for the sample scenario, including the their names and a general description of each.

  3. Automap and deploy each Deployment Profile, except that you do not deploy the Deployment Profiles for the Host Project.

    Note –

    Make sure the B2B Host's build operation creates two instances of the eXchange Service for each TP (Atlanta and Berlin), an instance for the Deployment Profile and one for the Environment.

  4. Note carefully the message you receive after each deployment operation to verify that the current Project has been successfully deployed.

  5. Make sure you click Save All after you are finished with each individual operation.