Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Interchange Envelopes (ISA/IEA)

The Interchange Envelope, often referred to as the “outer envelope,” is the wrapper for all the data to be sent in one transmission. It can contain multiple Functional Groups. This characteristic means that transactions of different types can be included in the Interchange Envelope, with each type of transaction stored in a separate Functional Group.

The Interchange Envelope is defined by the header and trailer; the Interchange Control Header (designated ISA) appears at the beginning, and the Interchange Control Trailer (designated IEA) appears at the end.

As well as enveloping one or more Functional Groups, the ISA and IEA segments include:

The sequence of information transmitted is:

See Figure 2–5 and Figure 2–6.

Figure 2–5 Example of an Interchange Header (ISA)

Example of an Interchange Header (ISA)

The following list describes the ISA segments shown in Figure 2–5:

  1. Authorization Information Qualifier

  2. Security Information Qualifier

  3. Interchange ID Qualifier

  4. Interchange Sender ID

  5. Interchange ID Qualifier

  6. Interchange Receiver ID

  7. Date

  8. Time

  9. Repetition Separator

  10. Interchange Control Version Number

  11. Interchange Control Number

  12. Acknowledgment Requested

  13. Usage Indicator

Figure 2–6 Example of an Interchange Trailer (IEA)

Example of an Interchange Trailer (IEA