Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

ProcedureTo Install the Repository and Product .sar Files

  1. Install the Repository by running either of the following scripts:

    • (for Windows)

       … \Repository\install.bat
    • (for UNIX)

       sh … /Repository/
  2. Upon completion of the installation, start the Repository by running the following script:

    C:\ ... repository\startserver.bat
  3. Start a new browser session and point your browser at this URL:

  4. In the Java CAPS Login window of the Java CAPS Installer, supply the following values:

    • username: Administrator

    • password: STC

    Java CAPS Installer
  5. Use the Java CAPS Installer’s Administration tab to install the following file: eGate.sar

    This installation may require approximately 15 minutes.

    Note –

    Ensure that, to duplicate the sample shown in this document, you have named your Repository repB2B.

  6. Click the link to install additional products, and then browse to the current product list and submit it: Product_List.sar

  7. Stage and install the files listed under this step (installing both together may require approximately 15 minutes).

    From the Core Product category: eInsight.sar

    From the Enterprise Manager category:

  8. Stage and install the following product file, from the Logical Host category:

  9. Stage and install the following product files, from the eWay category:

    • BatcheWay.sar

    • FileeWay.sar

    • HTTPeWay.sar

    • LDAPeWay.sar

    • OracleeWay.sar

  10. Stage and install the following product files from the Core Product category:

    • eXchange.sar

    • SEF_OTD_Wizard.sar

    Note –

    You must finish installing eXchange.sar before you start to install X12_Manager.sar.

  11. Stage and install the following product file, from the OTD category: X12_v4010_OTD.sar

    Note –

    You must finish installing this file before you start to install X12_Manager.sar.

  12. Stage and install the following product file, from the Core Product category: X12_Manager.sar

  13. Finally, stage and install the following product file, from the OTD category: X12_v4010_OTD_Validation_BP.sar