Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Using Parameters in ePM

Many of the Business and Delivery Protocol parameters are the same, regardless of the PM and business communication protocol you are using. However, some of them are ASC X12 PM-specific and are only present for ASC X12.

This section describes these parameters under:

For more information on these parameters, see Configuring ASC X12 PM ePM Parameters.

Note –

For more information on parameters not described under this section, see the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide.

ProcedureTo Enter an Override value for a Parameter

  1. Click the check box next to the parameter you want to override, under the Override column (see Figure 6–4 for an example).

  2. Enter the appropriate override in the text box for the parameter.

  3. Click Save.

ePM Configuration General Operation

In the sample scenario, you import preconfigured B2B Hosts and TPs. When you are configuring your own (for example, if you are creating B2B Hosts and TPs from scratch), it is recommended that you use the following general order of configuration operations when setting values in ePM: